Submission Guidelines
When submitting your manuscript, please read the following guidelines, which will help you through the submission and publication process.
1 – What you need to know before initial submission
Make sure Nature Microbiology is the most suitable journal for your work – Aims and scope
Check that Nature Microbiology accepts the content type you are working on – Content types
Read and understand our policies – Editorial policies
Understand our publishing models and costs – Publishing options
Does Nature Microbiology accept Presubmission enquiries? – Presubmission enquiries
Our preprint policy – Preprint policy and In Review
2 – Preparing your material for initial submission
Make sure your submission is complete – Preparing your material
Understand the initial formatting requirements – Formatting for initial submission
Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable – Writing and language
Do you want to participate in Double-blind Peer Review? – Double-blind Peer review requirements
Click ‘Submit manuscript’ and you will be taken to our online submission system, where you can upload the required files and check on the status of your manuscript after submission. You will need to log in; if you do not have an account, you will be able to register for one when you submit.
3 – Editorial Process, Peer Review, Appeals & Transfers
Once you have submitted your manuscript, it goes through our editorial process.
If your manuscript is sent out for peer review, you will receive an email asking you to read and sign our Editorial Policies.
To appeal against a decision, or transfer your submission to another journal – Appeals and Transfers.
4 – Acceptance in Principle & Formatting
If your article is accepted for publication (known as Acceptance in Principle), you will need to follow the formatting guidelines.
Before final acceptance, we request that corresponding authors of accepted papers link their Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their manuscript tracking system account – ORCID instructions.
5 – Production & Publication
Once your manuscript is formally accepted, it is sent to Production to prepare for publication – production process.