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教育背景 1983.09-1988.07,清华大学攻读学士学位 1988.09-1991.03,清华大学攻读硕士学位 1991.03-1996.05,清华大学攻读博士学位 工作履历 1995.11-至今 清华大学环境学院讲师、副教授、教授、研究员 1997.04-1999.03 校企合作委员会办公室 副主任 1998.03-2002.04 清华大学科学技术开发部 副主任 1999.03-2001.03 北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院 副院长 1999.10-2006.07 清华大学环境科学与工程系 系主任助理 2003.12-2008.08 浙江清华长三角研究院副院长 2006.12-至今 浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所所长 2011.11-至今 浙江省水质科学与技术重点实验室主任 2012.07-至今 清华大学环境学院清洁生产与生态工业研究中心主任 2016-至今 清华大学生态文明研究中心副主任 2017-至今 清华大学循环经济研究院副院长 学术兼职 中国高校生态文明教育联盟秘书长 全国部级联席会议循环经济专家咨询委员会委员 中国循环经济协会工业园区绿色发展分会主任委员 中国环境科学学会生态产业分会常务副主任委员 中国环保联合会绿色技术发展专业委员会副主任委员 国家经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟专家委员会主任 浙江工业大学、上海师范大学兼职教授 清华大学绿色大学建设专家委员会委员 《生态毒理学报》第二届编辑委员会副主编 《中国环境管理》编委 《安全与环境学报》编委 奖励与荣誉 YHG系列水平轴转刷曝气机 国家发明三等奖 膜-生物反应器废水处理特性及机理研究 教育部科技进步一等奖 北京市北潞春绿色生态小区示范工程研究 建设部科技进步金奖 YHG系列水平轴转刷曝气机 国家教委科技进步(发明类)二等奖 脱氮除磷一体化污水处理高效好氧生物流化反应器,教育部技术发明奖二等奖 氧化沟水平轴转刷曝气机 机械部科技进步二等奖 内循环三相生物流化床处理城市污水研究 北京市科技进步二等奖 企业生态工程研究 四川省科技进步二等奖 一体式膜生物反应器处理生活污水的试验研究 北京市科技进步三等奖 内循环三相生物流化床及其设备化技术,北京市科学技术三等奖 峨嵋半导体材料厂企业生态工程研究 中国有色金属总公司科技进步三等奖 中国环境科学学会第一、三届青年科技奖 高效好氧生物流化反应器研制与应用,环保部科技进步二等奖 排污权有偿使用与交易制度的设计与实践—以嘉兴和上虞为例,教育部科技进步二等奖 污水处理新型高效生物流化床反应器技术与应用”,中国产学研合作创新成果奖 浙江杭州湾精细化工园区循环经济规划,浙江省科技进步二等奖 精细化工园区清洁生产与循环经济关键集成技术开发与应用,环境保护科学技术二等奖


1、水处理新工艺新技术:基于毒性与新兴污染物减排的工业废水新工艺新技术;污水回用新工艺新技术研究与推广;基于膜技术的饮用水安全保障技术。 2、产业生态学与工业园区绿色低碳循环发展:应用物质流、能量流、LCA、情景分析、模型等方法研究工业园区以及重污染行业绿色发展;资源回收利用技术、清洁技术研发;工业园区碳达峰和碳中和的技术与政策。 3、生态文明相关理论与应用研究;自然资源资产负债表编制。


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郭扬,吕一铮,严坤,田金平,陈吕军,中国工业园区低碳发展路径研究,中国环境管理,2021.1 陈吕军,钱易.生态文明与绿色大学建设的若干思考——北京教育论坛主旨报告. 陈吕军.生态文明智库建设的实践探索——北京教育论坛开幕式致辞. 包樱钰,谢辉,陈吕军,温东辉*. 城镇污水处理系统中4 种抗生素抗性基因的沿程变化. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 56(04): 772-776. 姚鹏城,陈嘉瑜,张永明*,温东辉,陈吕军*. 抗生素抗性基因在生活及工业混合废水处理系统中的分布和去除.生态毒理学报, 2020, 15(01): 201-208. 孙佳峰,宋小燕,郁强强*,刘锐,陈吕军.间歇曝气序批式活性污泥法处理农村废水及其效果的模拟预测.环境污染与防治,2020, 42(02): 152-158. 徐灿灿,孙达,王根荣,李瑾,刘锐*,陈吕军.富里酸促进棉花对低汞污染农田土壤修复的研究.上海农业学报, 2020, 36(03): 70-74. 刘丹童,宋洋,李菲菲,陈吕军*. 基于显微拉曼面扫的小尺寸微塑料检测方法.中国环境科学, 2020, 40(10): 4429-4438. 吕一铮,田金平, 陈吕军*.推进中国工业园区绿色发展实现产业生态化的实践与启示.中国环境管理, 2020, 12(03): 85-89. 叶菡韵,田金平*,陈吕军.精细化工园区工艺过程VOCs 产生量核算方法.环境科学,2020, 41(03): 1116-1122. 王敏, 许枫, 宋小燕, 刘锐, 张永明, 陈吕军. 农村生活污水处理设施优先控制区域识别与监管策略. 中国环境科学. 2019,39(12): 5368-5376 盛晓琳, 张念慈, 刘锐, 陈吕军. 低温硝化污泥的富集及其强化效果. 净水技术. 2019, 38(12): 99-104 徐灿灿, 孙达, 王根荣, 李瑾, 刘锐, 陈吕军. 硫代硫酸钠促进棉花修复低汞污染农田土壤. 环境工程. 2019,37(增): 346-350 徐灿灿, 孙达, 王根荣, 刘锐, 陈吕军. 富里酸结合叶面硒肥用于油菜修复低汞污染农田土壤. 环境工程. 2019,37(7): 199-203 宋天伟, 盛晓琳, 王家德, 刘锐, 陈吕军. 夏季高温下污水处理厂生物处理系统的硝化性能及强化方法. 环境科学. 2019,40(2):768-773 谢辉, 包樱钰, 李菲菲, 温东辉, 陈吕军. A2/O 生活污水处理系统中抗生素抗性基因的分布及去除. 环境工程. 2019, 37(12): 80-89 史晨, 顾斌, 李荧, 胡常虹, 肖旷, 曹建国, 张华堂, 朱小彪, 陈吕军. 一体式膜生物反应器在分散式生活污水处理中的应用. 安全与环境学报. 2019,19(06): 2137-2143 姚鹏城, 陈嘉瑜, 张永明, 温东辉, 陈吕军. 废水处理系统中抗生素抗性基因分布特征探究. 环境科学. 2019, 40(11): 5024-5031 叶菡韵, 田金平, 陈吕军. 精细化工园区工艺过程VOCs 产生量核算方法. 环境科学. 2019, 41(3): 1116-1122 杜真, 陈吕军, 田金平. 我国工业园区生态化轨迹及政策变迁. 中国环境管理. 2019, 11(6): 107-112 马晔, 田金平, 陈吕军. 工业园区水管理创新研究. 中国环境管理, 2019,11(4):59-66 田金平, 李星, 陈虹, 程永伟, 陈吕军. 精细化工园区绿色发展研究: 以杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区为例. 中国环境管理. 2019, 11(6): 121-127 Zhiguo Su, Aolin Li, Jiayu Chen, Bei Huang, Qinglin Mu, Lyujun Chen, Donghui Wen*.?Wastewater discharge drives ARGs spread in the coastal area: A case study in Hangzhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 151, 2020, 110856. Yushi Tang,Tianjiao Dai, Zhiguo Su,Kohei Hasegawa,Jinping Tian,Lujun Chen,?Donghui Wen*. A Tripartite Microbial-Environment Network Indicates How Crucial Microbes Influence the Microbial Community Ecology. Microbial Ecology,2020, 79(2):?342–356. Feng Xu, Yating Wang, Nan Xiang*, Jinping Tian*, Lujun Chen. Uncovering the?willingness-to-pay for urban green space conservation: A survey of the capital area in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 162, 2020, 105053. Songkai Qiu*, Zebing Li, Xiaolin Sheng, Shun Wang, Yuansheng Hu, Alexandre B. de?Menezes, Lujun Chen, Rui Liu*, Xinmin Zhan*. A novel technology with precise oxygeninput control: Application of the partial nitritation-anammox process. Water Research, Volume 185, 2020, 116213. Xiaoyan Song, Rui Liu*, Qiangqiang Yu, Xiaolin Sheng, Lujun Chen. Management mode?construction for operation and supervision of rural sewage treatment facilities: Towards the information-to-intelligence strategy. Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 11, 2020, 100481. Xiaolin Sheng, Songkai Qiu, Feng Xu, Junyuan Shi, Xiaoyan Song, Qiangqiang Yu, Rui?Liu*, Lujun Chen*. Management of rural domestic wastewater in a city of Yangtze delta region: Performance and remaining challenges. Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 11, 2020, 100507. Feifei Li, Lyujun Chen, Weidong Chen, Yingyu Bao, Yuhan Zheng, Bei Huang, Qinglin?Mu, Donghui Wen, Chuanping Feng*. Antibiotics in coastal water and sediments of the East China Sea: distribution, ecological risk assessment and indicators screening. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 151, 2020, 110810. Yawei Xie, Ranyun Xu, Rui Liu, Hongyuan Liu, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen*. Adsorbable?organic halogens formed during treatment of Cl?-containing wastewater by sulfate and?hydroxyl radical-based advanced oxidation processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 389, 2020, 124457. Yizheng Lyu, Hanyun Ye, Zinan Zhao, Jinping Tian*, Lujun Chen. Exploring the cost of?wastewater treatment in a chemical industrial Park: Model development and application. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 155, 2020, 104663. Wanqiu Hu, Jinping Tian*, Xing Li, Lujun Chen. Wastewater treatment system?optimization with an industrial symbiosis model: A case study of a Chinese eco-industrial park. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2020, 24(6): 1338-1351. Wanqiu Hu, Yang Guo, Jinping Tian*, Lujun Chen. Energy and water saving potentials in?industrial parks by an infrastructure-integrated symbiotic model. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 161, 2020,104992. Feifei Li, Lyujun Chen, Yingyu Bao, Yuhan Zheng, Bei Huang, Qinglin Mu, Chuanping?Feng, Donghui Wen*. Identification of the priority antibiotics based on their detection frequency, concentration, and ecological risk in urbanized coastal water. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 747, 2020, 141275. Yang Guo, Jinping Tian*, Lyujun Chen. Water-energy Nexus in China’s Industrial Parks.?Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2020, 153,104551. Yang Guo, Jinping Tian*, Lyujun Chen*. Managing energy infrastructure to decarbonize?industrial parks in China. Nature communications, 11, 981(2020). Qiangqiang Yu, Rui Liu, Jiangjie Chen, Lujun Chen. Electrical conductivity in?rural domestic sewage: An indication for comprehensive concentrations of influent pollutants and the effectiveness of treatment facilities. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2019, 143:104719 Songkai Qiu, Yuansheng Hu, Rui Liu, Xiaolin Sheng, Lujun Chen, Guangxue Wu,?Hongying Hu, Xinmin Zhan. Start up of partial nitritation-anammox process using intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor: Performance and microbial community dynamics. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,647: 1188-1198 Wanqiu Hu, Jinping Tian, Na Zang, Yang Gao, Lujun Chen. Study of the?development and performance of centralized wastewater treatment plants in Chinese industrial parks. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 214: 939-951 Wanqiu Hu, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen. Greenhouse gas emission by centralized?wastewater treatment plants in Chinese industrial parks: Inventory and mitigation measures. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 225: 883-897 Wanqiu Hu, Yang Guo, Jinping Tiana, Lujun Chen. Eco-efficiency of centralized?wastewater treatment plants in industrial parks: a slack-based data envelopment analysis, Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2019, 141: 176-186 Qiangqiang Yu, Rui Liu*, Lujun Chen*, Dong Xia, Xiaobo Cai. Simultaneous ammonium and colour removal from digested piggery wastewater for Arthrospira cultivation by coupling micro-electrolysis and cation exchange membrane. Desalination and Water Treatment 125 (2018) 40–46 Xiaobiao Zhu, Mengqi Li, Dehua Ma, Lujun Chen. Changes of biotoxicity in food waste fermentation wastewater treated by a membrane bioreactor system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(19):18728-18736 Wei Liu , Zhaojie Cui, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen. Dynamic analysis of lead stocks and flows in China from 1990 to 2015. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018, 205,86-94 Aolin Li, Lujun Chen,Yan Zhang,Yile Tao, Hui Xie, Si L,Weiling Sun, Jianguo Pan, Zhidong He, Chaoan Ma, Yingying Fan, Huanchao Xian, Zebin Zhang, Donghui Wen, Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genesin the sediments of drinking water sources, urban rivers, and coastal areas in Zhuhai, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25:26209–26217 Jiadi Zhu, Lujun Chen, Yan Zhang, Xiaobiao Zhu Revealing the anaerobic acclimation of microbial community in a membrane bioreactor for coking wastewater treatment by Illumina Miseq sequencing , Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018,64,139-148 Yang Guo, Jinping Tian, Marian Chertow, Lujun Chen. Exploring Greenhouse Gas-Mitigation Strategies in Chinese Eco-Industrial Parks by Targeting Energy Infrastructure Stocks Journal of ?Industrial Ecology, 2018, 22(1), 106-120 Yawei Xie, Lujun Chen, Rui Liu, Jinping Tian. AOX contamination in Hangzhou Bay, China: levels, distribution and point sources,Environmental Pollution,2018, 235, 462-469 Yang Guo, Thibaut Glad, Zhaozhe Zhong, Ruonan He, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen. Environmental Life-cycle assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Stocks in Chinese Industrial Parks Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2018, 139, 387-395. Yawei Xie, Lujun Chen, Rui Liu, Jinping Tian. Reduction of AOX in pharmaceutical wastewater in the cathode chamber of bio-electrochemical reactor, Bioresource Technology,2018,265,437-442 Yan Zhang, Aolin Li, Tianjiao Dai, Feifei Li, Hui Xie, Lujun Chen, Donghui Wen,Cell-free DNA: a neglected source for antibiotic resistance genes spreading from WWTPs. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52 (1): 248–257. Yang Guo, Jinping Tian, Na Zang, Yang Gao, and Lujun Chen. The Role of Industrial Parks in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from China Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52(14), 7754-7762. Xiaolin Sheng, Rui Liu, Lujun Chen, Zihua Yin, Jianfeng Zhu, Enrichment and?application of nitrifying activated sludge in membrane bioreactors, Water Science?& Technology, 2017, 76 (11):2888-2894 Xiaoyan Song, Rui Liu, Lujun Chen, Tomoki Kawagishi, Comparative experiment on treating digested piggery wastewater with a biofilm MBR and conventionalMBR: simultaneous removal of nitrogen and antibiotics, Frontiers of?Environmental Science & Engineering. 2017, 11(2): 11 Xiaoyan Song, Rui Liu, Lujun Chen, Baogang Dong, Tomoki Kawagishi,?Advantages of intermittently aerated SBR over conventional SBR on nitrogen?removal for the treatment of digested piggery wastewater, Frontiers of?Environmental Science & Engineering. 2017, 11(3): 13 Xiaolin Sheng, Rui Liu, Xiaoyan Song, Lujun Chen, Kawagishi Tomoki,?Comparative study on microbial community in intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and a traditional SBR treating digested piggery wastewater, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2017, 11(3): 8 Liu Rui, Yu Qiangqiang, Guo Qingqing, Zheng Wei, Wang Genrong, Chen Lujun,?Raceway pond cultivation of a new Arthrospira sp. ZJWST-S1 in digested piggery wastewater treated by MBR and ozonation, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2017, 10(1): 115-124. Xiaobiao Zhu, Mengqi Li, Wei Zheng, Rui Liu, Lujun Chen, Performance and?microbial community of a membrane bioreactor system - Treating wastewater from ethanol fermentation of food waste, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, 53: 284 -292 Ma Dehua, Chen Lujun, Liu Rui, Removal of novel antiandrogens identified in?biological effluents of domestic wastewater by activated carbon, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595, 702-710 Feng Xu, Nan Xiang, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen, 3Es-based optimization?simulation approach to support the development of an eco-industrial park with planning towards sustainability: A case study in Wuhu, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 164, 476-484 Weihua Sun, Chengji Zhang, Jun Chen, Bingbing Zhang, Hongzhuan?Zhang,Yongming Zhang, Lujun Chen, Accelerating biodegradation of a monoazo dye Acid Orange 7 by usingits endogenous electron donors, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 324, 739-743 Yawei Xie; Lujun Chen, Rui Liu, AOX contamination status and genotoxicity of?AOX-bearing pharmaceutical wastewater, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, 52:170-117 Qiao Hao, Jinping Tian, Xing Li, Lujun Chen, Using a hybrid of green chemistry?and industrial ecology to make chemical production greener, Resources Conservation and Recycling. 2017, 122, 106-113. Yang Guo, Zizhang Zeng, Jinping Tian, Feng Xu, Lujun Chen, Anguo Zhou,?Uncovering the strategies of green development in a Chinese province driven by reallocating the emission caps of multiple pollutants among industries, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 607–608, 1487-1496 Wei Liu, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen, Yang Guo, Temporal and spatial?characteristics of lead emissions from the lead-acid battery manufacturing industry in China, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 220, Part A, 696–703 Yang Guo, Wei Liu, Jinping Tian, Ruonan He, Lujun Chen, Eco-efficiency?assessment of coal-fired combined heat and power plants in Chinese eco-industrial parks, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 168, 963-972 Rui Liu, Lujun Chen, Xiaoyan Song, Dan Wei, Wei Zheng, Songkai Qiu, Yuan?Zhao, Treatment of digested piggery wastewater with a membrane bioreactor Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016, 2016, 15(10): 2181-2188 Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen, Jiafa Luo, What China can learn from the practice of?pollution prevention and water environmental management in New Zealand dairy?industry? Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016, 15(10): 2195-2204 Shijun He, Weihua Sun, Jianlong Wang, Lujun Chen, Youxue Zhang; Jiang Yu,?Enhancement of biodegradability of real textile and dyeing wastewater by electron beam irradiation, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2016, 124: 203-207 Cancan Xu, Rui Liu, Lvjun Chen, Jialu Tang, Enhanced dechlorination of?2,4-dichlorophenol by recoverable Ni/Fe–Fe3O4 nanocomposites, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 48: 92-101 Qiburi Bao, Lujun Chen, Jinping Tian, Jianlong Wang, Gamma irradiation of?2-mercaptobenzothiazole aqueous solution in the presence of persulfate, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 46: 252-258 Yan Zhang, Lujun Chen; Renhua Sun, Tianjiao Dai, Jinping Tian, Wei Zheng,?Donghui Wen, Temporal and spatial changes of microbial community in an industrial effluent receiving area in Hangzhou Bay, Journal of Environmental Sciences, June 2016, 44: 57-68 Dehua, Ma, Cong, Liu, Xiaobiao, Zhu, Rui, Liu, Lujun, Chen, Acute toxicity and?chemical evaluation of coking wastewater under biological and advanced physicochemical treatment processes, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(18): 18343-18352 Jeremy H. Yune, Jinping Tian, Wei Liu, Lujun Chen, Cathy Descamps-Large.?Greening Chinese chemical industrial park by implementing industrial ecology strategies: a case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2016,112: 54–64 Yan Zhang, Lujun Chen; Renhua Sun, Tianjiao Dai, Jinping Tian, Wei Zheng,?Donghui Wen, Population and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in a pollutants’ receiving area in Hangzhou Bay, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(13): 6035-6045 Weihua Sun, Jun Chen, Lujun Chen, Jianlong Wang; Yongming Zhang, Coupled?electron beam radiation and MBR treatment of textile wastewater containing polyvinyl alcohol, Chemosphere, 2016, 155: 57-61 Yawei Xie; Lujun Chen, Rui Liu, Oxidation of AOX and organic compounds in?pharmaceutical wastewater in RSM-optimized-Fenton system, Chemosphere, 2016, 155, 217-224 Dehua Ma, Lujun Chen, Yuchao Wu, Ru Liu, Evaluation of the removal of?antiestrogens and antiandrogens via ozone and granular activated carbon using bioassay and fluorescent spectroscopy, Chemosphere, 2016, 153: 346-355 Yang Guo, Jinping Tian, Marian Chertow, Lujun Chen, Greenhouse gas?mitigation in Chinese eco-industrial parks by targeting energy infrastructure: a vintage stock model, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(20), 11403-11413 Wei Liu, Lujun Chen, Jinping Tian, Uncovering the evolution of lead in-use?stocks in lead-acid batteries and the impact on future lead metabolism in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016. 50, 5412?5419
