Ming-Chang Lu, Chien-Chang Lin, Ching-Wen Lo, Cheng-Wei Huang, and Chi-Chuan Wang, Superhydrophobic Si Nanowires for Enhanced Condensation Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 111, pp. 614-623, 2017 (2016 SCI IF: 3.458)
Ching-Wen Lo, Venkataraman Sahoo and Ming-Chang Lu, Control of Ice Formation, ACS Nano, 11, pp. 2665-2674, 2017. (2016 SCI IF : 13.942) (Featured by Nanowerk and Phys.org)
Yinxiao Li, Ke Zhang, Ming-Chang Lu, and Chuanhua Duan, Single Bubble Dynamics on Superheated Superhydrophobic Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99, pp. 521-531, 2016. (2016 SCI IF: 3.458)
Chih-Chung Lai, Shih-Ming Lin, Yuan-Da Chu, Chun-Che Chang, Yu-Lun Chueh, and Ming-Chang Lu,
Tunable Endothermic Plateau for Enhancing Thermal Energy Storage Obtained Using Binary Metal Alloy Particles, Nano Energy, 25, pp. 218-224, 2016. (2016 SCI IF : 12.343)
Abdoul Karim Sekone, Yu-Bin Chen, Ming-Chang Lu, Wen-Kai Chen, Chia-An Liu and Ming-Tsang Lee,
Silicon Nanowires for Solar Thermal Energy Harvesting: an Experimental Evaluation on the Trade-off Effects of the Spectral Optical Properties, Nanoscale Research Letters, 11, pp. 1-8, 2016. (2016 SCIE IF: 2.833)
Ming-Chang Lu, Chih-Hung Huang, Chung-Te Huang, Yu-Chi Chen, A Modified Hydrodynamic Model for Pool Boiling CHF Considering the Effects of Heater Size and Nucleation Site Density, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 91, pp. 133-141, 2015. (2016 SCI IF:3.615)
Ching-Wen Lo, Chi-Chuan Wang and Ming-Chang Lu, Scale Effect on Dropwise Condensation on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 16, pp. 14353–14359, 2014. (2016 SCI IF: 7.504)
Chih-Chung Lai, Wen-Chih Chang, Wen-Liang Hu, Zhiming M. Wang, Ming-Chang Lu, and Yu-Lun Chueh, Solar-Thermal Energy harvesting Scheme: Enhanced Heat Capacity of Molten HITEC Salt Mixed with Sn/SiOx Core-shell Nanoparticles, Nanoscale , 6, 9, pp. 4555-4559, 2014. (2016 SCI IF: 7.367)
Ching-Wen Lo, Chi-Chuan Wang and Ming-Chang Lu, Spatial Control of Heterogeneous Nucleation on the Superhydrophobic Nanowire Array, Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 9, pp. 1211-1217, 2014. (SCI IF: 12.124)
Ming-Chang Lu, Jing-Rei Tong and Chi-Chuan Wang, Investigation of The Two-phase Convective Boiling of HFO-1234yf in a 3.9 mm Diameter Tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 65, pp. 545-551, 2013. (2016 SCI IF: 3.458)
Ming-Chang Lu, and Chien-Hsun Huang, Specific Heat Capacity of Molten-salt based Alumina Nanofluid, Nanoscale Research Letters, 8, pp. 292-299, 2013.(2016 SCIE IF: 2.833)
Hung, Shih-Wei, Hsiao, Pai-Yi, Lu, Ming-Chang, Chieng, Ching-Chang, Thermodynamic Investigations Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Potential of Mean Force Calculations for Cardiotoxin Protein Adsorption on Mixed Sellf-Assembled Monolayers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 42, pp. 12661-12668, 2012. (2016 SCI IF: 3.177)
Chuanhua Duan, Rohit Karnik,Ming-Chang Lu and Arun Majumdar, Evaporation Induced Cavitation in Nanofluidic Channels, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, 109, 10, pp. 3688-3693, 2012. (2016 SCI IF: 9.661)
Dušan Ćoso, Vinod Srinivasan, Ming-Chang Lu (co-first author), Je-Young Chang and Arun Majumdar, Enhanced Heat Trnasfer in Biporous Wicks in the Thin Liquid Film Evaporation and Boiling Regimes, Journal of Heat Transfer, 134, 10, pp. 10501-1~10501-11, 2012. (2016 SCI IF: 1.866)
Ming-Chang Lu, Renkun Chen, Vinod Srinivasan, Van P. Carey and Arun Majumdar, Critical Heat Flux of Pool Boiling on Si Nanowire Array-Coated Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 25, pp. 5359-5367, 2011. (2016 SCI IF: 3.458)
Renkun Chen, Ming-Chang Lu (co-first author), Vinod Srinivasan, Zhijie Wang, Hyung Hee Cho and Arun Majumdar, Nanowires for Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer, Nano Letters, 9, 2, pp. 548-553, 2009. (2016 SCI IF: 12.712)
K.-L. Teng, P.-Y. Hsiao, S.-W. Hung, C.-C. Chieng, M.-S. Liu and M.-C. Lu, Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids Diagnosis by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, 7, pp. 3710-3718, 2008. (2016 SCI IF: 1.338)
M.-C. Lu, R. Karnik, S. Satyanarayana and A. Majumdar, C. C. Wang, Mechanical-Electrokinetic Battery by using Nano-porous Membrane, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 16, 4, pp. 710-719, 2006. (2016 SCI IF: 1.768)
M.-C. Lu, and C. C. Wang, Effect of the Inlet Location on the Performance of Parallel-channel Cold-plate, IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 29, 1, pp. 30-38, 2006. (2016 SCI IF: 1.581)
Y. C. Chung, Y. L. Hsu, C. P. Jen, M.-C. Lu, Y. C. Lin, Design of Passive Mixers Utilizing Micro fluidic Self-Circulation in the Mixing Chamber, Lab on a Chip, 4, 1, pp. 70-77, 2004. (2016 SCI IF: 5.586)