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胡杨,华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院(准聘)副教授,博士生导师。本硕就读于华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,2017年博士毕业于德国波恩大学。随后在法国国家科学中心(CNRS)以及北京大学完成博士后训练。主要研究方向为社会神经科学(神经经济学)与社会心理学。采用行为决策任务范式、计算建模以及认知神经科学(包括fMRI、tDCS、眼动)技术手段,探究不同类型社会道德决策(如腐败、第三方正义)的认知神经基础以及影响因素。截止目前,已在SCI/SSCI期刊发表论文27篇,其中以第一作者(含并列)或通讯作者身份完成的研究发表在eLife, Psychological Science, Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Psychoneuroendoctrinology, Social Psychological and Personality Science, British Journal of Social Psychology, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience等神经科学和社会心理学领域高影响力期刊,合作研究发表PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, Proceedings of Royal Society-B: Biological Sciences, Human Brain Mapping等重要期刊上。现承担国家自然科学基金青年项目、上海市自然科学基金项目,参与科技部重大项目子课题、国家自然科学基金委重点项目、教育部中央高校优秀青年团队项目等。 教育经历 2006年9月- 2010年6月 华东师范大学 理学学士 应用心理学 2010年9月- 2013年6月 华东师范大学 理学硕士 基础心理学 2013年10月-2017年4月 德国波恩大学(University of Bonn) 哲学博士 基础心理学 工作经历 2017年4月-2019年3月 法国国家科学中心(CNRS) 博士后 2019年4月-2021年8月 北京大学 博士后(博雅计划) 2021年9月至今 华东师范大学 (准聘)副教授 社会兼职 中国心理学会心理学与社会治理专业委员会委员 华东师范大学“新文科创新平台”研究骨干 华东师范大学纪检监察研究院下属廉政心理研究中心副主任 华东师范大学“心理学与计算机”双学位2021级本科首任“青年班主任”


采用行为实验、计算建模以及认知神经科学技术手段(如功能性磁共振成像、脑电、脑磁图、无创脑刺激、眼动、激素),着重考察: 1. 道德与社会决策(如腐败、第三方正义)的计算机制及神经基础 2. 社会情绪(如内疚)与道德认知的交互影响及其认知神经基础 3. 道德与社会行为的个体差异(如人格特质)、异常机制(如自闭症)及其认知神经基础 在上述基础研究成果的指导下,未来将依托纪检监察研究院下属廉政研究中心,结合多学科研究方法与思路,进一步开展应用及转化研究,主要包括: 1. 基于多模态数据的腐败行为(及其他社会道德相关行为)预测研究 2. 基于认知机制的反腐败行为(及其他不道德行为)干预研究


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$Hu, Y., $Qiu, S., Wang, G., Liu, K., Li, W., *Yu, H., *Zhou, X. Are Guilt-Prone Power-Holders Less Corrupt Evidence from Two Online Experiments. Social Psychology and Personality Science, online published. $Tang, Y., $*Hu, Y., Zhuang, J., Feng, C., *Zhou, X. Uncovering Individual Variations in Bystander Intervention of Injustice through Intrinsic Brain Connectivity Patterns. Neuroimage, in press. Liao, J., Ou, J., *Hu, Y., Tobler, P. N., & *Wu, Y. (2023). Testosterone administration modulates inequality aversion in healthy males: evidence from computational modeling. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106321. Tang, Z., *Qu, C., Hu, Y., Benistant, J., Moisan, F., Derrington, E., & *Dreher, J.-C. (2023). How strength of social ties modulates brain computations for Third-Party Punishment. Scientific Reports, 10510. Hu, Y., Philippe, R., Guigon, V., Zhao, S., Derrington, E., Corgnet, B., . . . *Dreher, J.-C. (2022). Perturbation of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex makes power holders less resistant to tempting bribes. Psychological Science, 33(3), 412-423. Hu, Y., Hu, C., Derrington, E., Corgnet, B., *Qu, C., & Dreher, J.-C. (2021). Neural basis of corruption in power-holders. eLife, 10, e63922.. Hu, Y., Pereira, A., Gao, X., Campos, B., Derrington, E., Zhou, X., Cendes, F., *Dreher, J-C. (2021). Right temporoparietal junction underlies avoidance of moral transgression in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(8), 1699-1715. Hu, J., Hu, Y., Li, Y., *Zhou, X. (2021). Computational and neurobiological substrates of cost-benefit integration in altruistic helping decision. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(15), 3545-3561. Ou, J., *Wu, Y., Hu, Y., Gao, X., *Li, H., & Tobler, P. N. (2021). Testosterone reduces generosity through cortical and subcortical mechanisms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(12), e2021745118. *Qu, C., *Hu, Y., Tang, Z., *Dreher, J-C. (2020). Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying flexible immoral decisions benefiting self and others: an fMRI investigation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsaa029. Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Ou, J., Hu, Y., & Zilioli, S. (2020). Exogenous testosterone increases the audience effect in healthy males: evidence for the social status hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1931). *Hu, Y., Ma, J., Luan, Z., Dubas, J., *Xi, J. (2019). Indirect reciprocity in adolescents: Evidence from incentivized inequality-related economic paradigms. Journal of Adolescence, 74, 221-228. Hu, Y., *Fiedler, S., Weber, B. (2019). What drives the (un)empahtic bystander to intervene Insights from eye-tracking. British Journal of Social Psychology, 9(3), 733-751. Weng, X., Li, Q., Ma, Y., Peng. Y., Hu, Y., Zhou, K., Shen, F., *Wang H., & *Wang, Z. (2019). Effects of hunger on visual perception in binocular rivalry. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. *Hu, Y., He, L., Zhang, L., W lke, T., Dreher, J-C., Weber, B. (2018) Spreading Inequality: Neural computations underlying pay-it-forward reciprocity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsy040. Hu, Y., Cui, Z., Fan, M., Pei, Y., & *Wang, Z. (2018). Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on empathic neural responses for pain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11. Shen, F., Hu, Y., Fan, M., *Wang, H., & *Wang, Z. (2018). Racial bias in neural response for pain is modulated by minimal group. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11. $David, B., *$Hu, Y., Krüger, F., Weber, B. (2017). Other-regarding attention can modulate third-party altruistic choice: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 7, 43024. *Yin, L., Hu, Y., Dynowsky, D., Li, J., Weber, B. (2017). The good lies: Altruistic goals modulate processing of deception in the anterior insula. Human Brain Mapping, 38(7), 3675-3690. doi:10.1002/hbm.23623 *Strang, S., Gerhardt, H., Marsh, N., Artigas, S. O., Hu, Y., Hurlemann, R., Park, S. Q. (2017). A matter of distance: the effect of oxytocin on social discounting is empathy-dependent. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 229-232. *Hu, Y., Scheele, D., Becker, B., Voos, G., David, B., Hurlemann, R., & Weber, B. (2016). The effect of oxytocin on third-party altruistic decisions in unfair situations: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 6. Yan, C., Su, L., Wang, Y., Xu, T., Yin, D., Fan, M., Deng, C., Hu, Y., .. . Chan, R.C.K. (2016). Multivariate Neural Representations of Value during Reward Anticipation and Consummation in the Human Orbitofrontal Cortex. Scientific Reports, 6, 29079. *Hu, Y., Strang, S., Weber, B. (2015) Helping or punishing strangers: Neural correlates of altruistic decisions as third-party and of its relation to empathic concern. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9:24. Enax, L., Hu, Y., Trautner, P., *Weber, B. (2015) Nutrition labels influence value computation of food products in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Obesity, 2015, 23(4), 786-792. Sun D., Chan, C. C. H., Hu, Y., *Wang, Z., *Lee, T. M. C. (2015) Neural correlates of the outcome processing of dishonest choices: An fMRI and ERP study. Neuropsychologia, 68, 148-157. Zhang, Y., Hu, Y., Guan, S., Hong, X., Wang, Z., *Li, X. (2014) Neural substrate of initiation of crossmodal working memory retrieval. PLoS ONE, 9 (8): e103991. *Pan, X., Hu, Y., Li, L., Li, J. (2009) Evaluative-feedback stimuli selectively activate self-related regions: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 465, 90-94.
