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医学博士,教授,博士生导师,同济大学医学院再生医学系教授,同济大学附属上海东方医院整形外科主任;首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院客座教授,整形外科学术带头人。任中国整形美容协会抗衰老分会常务理事、中国生物医学工程学会理事,“中华医学科技奖”评审专家。1998年毕业于上海第二医科大学,先后从事整形外科临床、干细胞与组织工程研究、临床应用转化等工作。历任“上海组织工程研究与开发中心”副主任、组织工程国家工程中心常务副主任等职务。目前主要研究方向集中于应用脂肪干细胞进行组织再造、组织修复、美容与抗衰老等方面。是国际组织工程领域的知名专家。主持的骨、角膜组织工程分别是我国第一个批准临床应用的组织工程技术。作为专家组组长,主持制定的《组织工程化组织移植治疗技术管理规范》已由卫生部正式颁布施行。作为专家组组长,负责制定了我国“十二.五”组织工程“863”战略规划。是我国最早结合脂肪干细胞进行自体脂肪移植整形美容的专家之一,主持制定了我国首部《干细胞抗衰老技术规范化指南》并已正式发布。承担国家“973”组织工程研究子项目、国家“863”重大专项、国家自然科学基金等多项课题。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文37篇(其中5分以上26篇)。截至2013年底,文章总他引645次,单篇最高篇他引95次。获授权发明专利15项。负责编写《黄家驷外科学》中组织工程章节。应邀为《Nature protocol》 (IF:9.7)、《Biomaterials》(IF:8.3)、《Tissue Engineering》(IF:4.5)等国际权威学术杂志审稿。获国家技术发明二等奖(第二完成人)、教育部科技进步二等奖第一完成人)、上海医学科技二等奖等多种奖励。先后获上海市“曙光学者”、上海市“优秀学科带头人”、上海市科委“启明星”、“启明星后”、全国优秀青年骨干教师等人才奖励计划及荣誉。




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Strategy for constructing vascularized adipose units in poly(l-glutamic acid) hydrogel porous scaffold through inducing in-situ formation of ASCs spheroids;Acta Biomater ; 2017,15;51:246-257;Zhang K,Song L,Wang J,Yan S,Li G,Cui L*,Yin J* Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells into Smooth Muscle Cells Is Modulated by CaMKIIγ;Stem Cells Int; Volume 2016 , Article ID 1267480;Aji K, Maimaijiang M, Aimaiti A, Rexiati M, Azhati B, Tusong H, Cui L* Transforming growth factor-beta1 inhibits tissue engineering cartilage absorption via inducing the generation of regulatory T cells; J Tissue Eng Regen Med;2016,10(2):E113-20;Li C,Bi W,Gong Y,Ding X,Guo X,Sun J,Cui L*,Yu Y* In-situ birth of MSCs multicellular spheroids in poly(L-glutamic acid)/chitosan scaffold for hyaline-like cartilage regeneration;Biomaterials. 2015,71:24-34. Zhang K, Yan S, Li G, Cui L*, Yin J*. Role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in the osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Cell Res. 2015,339(1):112-21;Gu H, Huang Z, Yin X, Zhang J, Gong L, Chen J, Rong K, Xu J, Lu L, Cui L*. Poly(L-glutamic acid)/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex porous microspheres as cell microcarriers for cartilage regeneration. Acta Biomater. 2014 Jan;10(1):276-88. Fang J, Zhang Y, Yan S, Liu Z, He S, Cui L*, Yin J*. Injectable in situ self-cross-linking hydrogels based on poly(L-glutamic acid) and alginate for cartilage tissue engineering. Biomacromolecules. 2014;15(12):4495-508. Yan S, Wang T, Feng L, Zhu J, Zhang K, Chen X, Cui L*, Yin J*. Proteomic analysis profile of engineered articular cartilage with chondrogenic differentiated adipose tissue-derived stem cells loaded polyglycolic acid mesh for weight-bearing area defect repair.Tissue Eng Part A. 2014 Feb;20(3-4):575-87; Gong L, Zhou X, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Wang C, Zhou H, Guo F, Cui L*. Local injection of deferoxamine improves neovascularization in ischemic diabetic random flap by increasing HIF-1α and VEGF expression.PLoS One. 2014 25;9(6):e100818. Wang C, Cai Y, Zhang Y, Xiong Z, Li G, Cui L*. Repair of an articular cartilage defect using adipose-derived stem cells loaded on a polyelectrolyte complex scaffold based on poly(l-glutamic acid) and chitosan. Acta Biomater. 2013 Jul;9(7):7276-88. Zhang K, Zhang Y, Yan S, Gong L, Wang J, Chen X, Cui L*, Yin J*. The graft of autologous adipose-derived stem cells in the corneal stromal after mechanic damage. PLoS One.2013 1;8(10):e76103. Ma XY, Bao HJ, Cui L*, Zou J*. Bone regeneration in a canine cranial model using allogeneic adipose derived stem cells and coral scaffold. Biomaterials. 2013 ;34(11):2655-64.. Liu G, Zhang Y, Liu B, Sun J, Li W, Cui L*. Proteomic profiling of tissue-engineered blood vessel walls constructed by adipose-derived stem cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 ;19:415-25. Wang C, Guo F, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Xiao Z, Cui L*. Reconstruction of epidural fat with engineered adipose tissue from adipose derived stem cells and PLGA in the rabbit dorsal laminectomy model. Biomaterials. 2012 ;33(29):6965-73. Xu J, Chen Y, Yue Y, Sun J, Cui L*. Cryopreservation of tissue-engineered epithelial sheets in trehalose. Biomaterials. 2011 ;32(33):8426-35. Chen F, Zhang W, Wu W, Jin Y, Cen L, Kretlow JD, Gao W, Dai Z, Wang J, Zhou G, Liu W, Cui L*, Cao Y*. Adipose-derived stem cells accelerate neovascularization in ischemic diabetic skin flap via expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1. J Cell Mol Med. 2011;15:2575-85. Gao WC, Ma SL, Cui L*.
