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教育背景 1996-2000 博士 法国索邦大学(原巴黎第六大学) 1995-1996 硕士 巴黎第七大学 1988-1991 硕士 吉林大学 1984-1988 学士 吉林大学 研究项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目,数据驱动的共享单车重置问题研究,2020/01-2023/12,50万,在研,主持 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题,社会化问答社区网络结构演化机理:基于大数据的用户行为,2018/09-2021/09,8万,在研,主持 国家留学基金委中法“蔡元培”交流合作项目,Research on Assignment and Scheduling of Service Resources at Container Ports,2016/09-2018/12,在研,中方主持人 同济大学人文社科交叉学科项目,在线服务型产品营销策略的实证研究,2015/07-2017/07,主持 上海汽车工业教育基金会,汽车产业供应链风险的管理体系研究,2014ZCYJ07,2014/09-2015/03 上海汽车工业教育基金会,上汽集团资金集中管理模式探究,2014ZCYJ03,2014/09-2015/01 上海市科协决策咨询课题,上海城市创新体系中的人才培养人才评价与持续发展研究, 2013/05-2014/05 上海市民政局,上海市中低收入家庭经济状况影响因素分析,2012/09-2013/05 深圳市供电局,10KV开关柜现场数据建模分析及软件开发,2011/01-2011/12 上海市科学技术协会决策咨询重点课题,科技工作者人文素养调查,2010/10-2011/06 国家自然科学基金重点项目,70832005,服务运作管理理论、方法和关键技术研究,2009/1-2012/12 宁波市北仑区发改局委托项目,基于北仑城市经济发展的人口规模和人口结构研究,2009/02-2010/03 SGS通标公司消费品部委托项目,消费品质量检验标准和质量评价标准研究,2006/01-2007/12 同济大学工科基金,运用统计方法对城市大气污染进行预测,2003/05-2005/08 上海汽车工业科技发展基金会,中国汽车召回制度研究与对策,2003/04-2004/07 国家自然科学基金:70273027,市场操纵内在机理分析和反操纵策略研究,2003/01-2005/12 留学回国人员启动基金(教育部资助),中国金融数据动态特征研究,2002/01-2003/12 法国环境部课题,应用统计方法对法国城市大气污染度进行预测,1999/01-2002/01 教学经历 2007/09-至今 同济大学经济与管理学院 教授 2001/01 - 2007/09 同济大学经济与管理学院 副教授




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第一作者论文 张建同;何钰林;考虑维护的共享单车再平衡问题研究,工业工程与管理;2022,05 07 网络首发 张建同;陈秀英;考虑回收风险和消费者偏好的动力电池回收定价策略研究,上海管理科学2022,44(03);83-90. 张建同;邵祖培;基于社交网络外部性的产品定价策略,上海管理科学,2022,44(01);48-54 张建同;孙嘉青;基于组合预测法的共享单车租赁需求量预测,运筹与管理,2021,30(10);146-152 张建同;贾会峰;赵晓伟;考虑多提前期的厨房电器供应链网络库存系统鲁棒控制研究,运筹与管理, 2021,30(05);46-51. 张建同;何钰林; 基于深度强化学习的动态共享单车重置问题研究,上海管理科学, 2021,43(02);81-86 张建同; 刘晓哲; 宋玉坚; 甩箱模式下集装箱卡车路径规划问题研究, 工业工程与管理, 2020, 1(1):1-10 Zhang Jiantong; Chen Xiaodong; Fang Chencheng; Transmission of a supplier’s disruption risk along the supply chain: a further investigation of the Chinese automotive industry. Production Planning & Control, 2018.6.25, 29(9): 773-789. 张建同; 褚威超; 知识共享角度下的社会化问答社区用户分类——以知乎为例,上海管理科学,2020,42(05):30-37 Zhang Jiantong; Song Yujian; Mathematical Model and Algorithm for the Reefer Mechanic Scheduling Problem at Seaports. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017.3.6, 2017(3) :1-13. Zhang Jiantong; Lv Biyu; Tian Guichao; Liu Wenchi; Fare design in urban transit network considering elastic demand and adverse weather’s impact. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014,4,15(2):1-11. 张建同; 丁烨; 变邻域模拟退火算法求解速度时变的VRPTW问题.运筹与管理,运筹与管理. 2019,28(11):77-84. 张建同; 杨文娟; 基于优先级的进离港航班排序优化问题研究.运筹与管理, 2018.6.25, 147(06): 119-125. 张建同; 张敏; 郭卓琦; 基于修正KMV模型的汽车供应链金融风险分析.工业工程与管理,2018,录用. 张建同; 宋玉坚; 叶春明; 多堆场集装箱卡车路径规划的混合蚁群算法.工业工程与管理,2017.2.13, 22(2) : 89-96. 张建同; 方陈承; 顾客历史行为和优惠券对其购买决定的影响——基于一项实验研究.软科学 2017.2.15, 31(2):109-112. 张建同; 方陈承; 何芳; 上海市房地产限购限贷政策评估: 基于断点回归设计的研究. 科学决策, 2015. 7.1, 20(7): 1-23. 通讯作者论文(勿与第一作者论文重复) Xingyue (Luna) Zhang; Yuliang Yao; Jiantong Zhang(*); Chencheng Fang; Post-promotion redemption, exposure, and spillover effects of electronic coupons: An empirical analysis, Production and Operations Management, 2022, 32(2), 603-617. Meifeng Luo; Fuying Chen; Jiantong Zhang(*); Relationships among port competition, cooperation and competitiveness: A literature review, Transport Policy, 2022, 118:1-9. Yuting Zhang; Chutong Qiu; Jiantong Zhang(*); A Research Based on Online Medical Platform: The Influence of Strong and Weak Ties Information on Patients’ Consultation Behavior, Healthcare, 2022; 10(6):977. Yusheng lu; Jiantong Zhang(*); Bibliometric analysis and critical review of the research on big data in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 9 August 2021,1-19. Yuanyuan, Cao; Jiantong, Zhang(*) ; Liang, Ma; Xinghong, Qin; Junjun, Li; Examining User’s Initial Trust Building in Mobile Online Health Community Adopting, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(11). Wenjuan Yang; Jiantong Zhang(*); Hong Yan; Impacts of online consumer reviews on a dual-channel supply chain. Omega, 2020, 102266. (SCI; IF: 5.341; JCR分区: 1区). Fang Chencheng; Zhang Jiantong(*); Users' continued participation behavior in social Q&A communities: A motivation perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019.3, 92(3), 87-109 Liu Ming; Yang Xuenan; Zhang Jiantong(*); Chu Chengbin; Scheduling a tempered glass manufacturing system: a three-stage hybrid flow shop model. International Journal of Production Research, 2017.5.20, 55(3): 1~24. Zhao Xiaowei; Yan Hong; Zhang Jiantong (*); Acritical review of container security operations. Maritime Policy & Management, 2016.11.29, 44(2):170~186. Xu Wei; Zheng Bangyi; Zhang Jiantong (*); Efficient restarted radius bisection algorithm for sphere decoding with applications to multiple-in multiple-out systems. IET Communications, 2012.12.18, 6(18):3140~3149. Xu Wei; Qiao Sanzheng; Zhang Jiantong (*); A twisted factorization method for complex symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue decomposition Information. An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012.01.01, (15):1393 -1407. 方陈承; 张建同(*); 实验法在管理学研究中的演进与创新.上海管理科学,2018,40(03):98-103. 宋玉坚; 张建同(*); 求解双层规划的多目标布谷鸟算法,运筹与管理, 2017.8,26(8):1-10. 邱伟; 张建同(*); 基于供应链金融的中小企业信用风险评价研究,上海管理科学, 2016.01.01,38(4):46-50. 韦金香; 张建同(*); 银行ATM设备业务总量的时序特征分析及预测,上海管理科学, 2017.12.01, 39(6):25-28. 曹园园; 张建同(*); 电子商务顾客体验评价指标体系研究,统计与决策, 2014.2.13, 13(3):73-75. 田贵超; 张建同(*); 胡一竑; 基于乘客行为的城市轨道交通分时定价策略研究, 上海管理科学,2013.10.20, 35(5):77-83. 曹园园; 张建同(*); 基于因子分析和综合模糊方法的电子商务客户体验评价研究,上海管理科学,2013.4.20 , 35(2):34-38. 刘文驰; 张建同(*); 王世进; 弹性需求下城市公交网络服务的优化,运筹与管理, 2012.4.25,21(2):44-49. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文 Wenjuan, Yang; Jiantong Zhang; Hong Yan(*); Promotions of online reviews from a channel perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Volume 161, May 2022,1-14 Sun, Shuhua;Burke, Michael;Chen, Huaizhong;Tan, Yinliang (Ricky); Zhang Jiantong; Hou, Lili; Mitigating the psychologically detrimental effects of supervisor undermining: Joint effects of voice and political skill[J].Human Relations 2022,75(1)87-113 Hongzhen, Song; Jiantong Zhang; Junchang Li(*); The impacts of subsidy strategies and recycling modes on the closed‐loop supply chain, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.3658. 胡迅; 张建同; 黄一炜; 基于Kraljic模型的零件分类研究,上海管理科学, 2020,42(02):9-13 陈芙英; 张建同; 罗梅峰; 21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线港口地位综合评价,运筹与管理. 2020, 29(01):157-164 陈芙英; 张建同; “一带一路”倡议下我国沿海港口竞争力评价与比较研究, 工业工程与管理, 2020, 1:1-10. Junchang, Li; Jiantong, Zhang; Ye, Ding; Uncertain Multiplicative Language Decision Method Based on * Group Compromise Framework for Evaluation of Mobile Medical APPs in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(8). Wenting, Yang; Jiantong, Zhang; Ruolin, Ma; The Prediction of Infectious Diseases: A Bibliometric * Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(17). Ming Liu; Lijie An(*); Zhang Jiantong; Feng Chu; Chengbin Chu; Energy-oriented bi-objective optimization for a multi-module reconfigurable manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research,2018. Liu Ming; Yang Xuenan(*); Chu Feng; Zhang Jiantong; Chu Chengbin. Energy-oriented bi-objective optimization for the tempered glass scheduling. Omega, 2018. Song Yujian; Zhang Jiantong; Liu Ming(*); Chu Chengbin; The berth allocation optimization with the consideration of time-varying water depths. International Journal of Production Research,2018, 57:1-29. Song Yujian (*); Zhang Jiantong; Liang Zhe; Ye Chunming; An exact algorithm for the container drayage problem under a separation mode[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017,106:231~254. Fang Chencheng(*); Zhang Jiantong; Performance of green supply chain management : A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,183:1064~1081. Fang Chencheng; Zhang Jiantong; Qiu wei(*); Online classified advertising: a review and bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics , 2017 ,113 (11) :1~31. Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei (*); Zhang Jiantong; Stability and stabilization of discrete T-S fuzzy time-delay system based on maximal overlapped-rules group. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2016.01.01, 27(1): 201~211. Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei (*); Zhang Jiantong; New robust H∞control approach for discrete T-S fuzzy time-delay system. International Journal of Automation and Control, 2015.01.01, 9(4) :333~354. Lv Biyu; Zhang Jiantong; Optimal production, ordering and pricing in a two-echelon supply chain with uncertain demand. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications,2014.6.01 5 (3): 663~670. Lv Biyu; Zhang Jiantong; Customer heterogeneity and intertemporal pricing. ICIC Express Letters, 2014.6.01, 8(6):1719~1724. Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei; Zhang Jiantong; Dynamic model and fuzzy robust control of uncertain closed-loop supply chain with time-varying delay in remanufacturing. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014.5.12 ,53(23):9805~9811. Hu Yihong; Zhang Jiantong; Competition and efficiency of express service in online shopping industry. Information Japan, 2013.01.01 16(7):4595~4610. 方陈承; 张建同; 社会化问答社区中用户研究的述评与展望.情报杂志, 2018, 37(09):185-193. 夏忆冰;马红;门闯; 张建同; 集聚与腹地——地理中心视角的空间关系刻画, 经济地理, 2014.01.01, 34(10):78~84. 胡一竑;李学迁;张江华; 张建同; 网购供应链网络均衡模型研究, 运筹与管理, 2012.8.1 21(4):34~40. 胡一竑;朱道立; 张建同; 考虑消费者偏好的寡头服务商竞争研究, 系统工程, 2012.6.1,27(3):311~319. 会议论文 第一作者论文 Zhang, Jiantong; Guo, Zhuoqi; Chen, Xiaodong; Evaluation of automotive chain risk: An empirical research. 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM) Kunming, China, 2016.6.24- 2016.6.26. Zhang, Jiantong; Guang, Yang; Analysis on Shanghai’s logistics demand based on BP neural network. 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking. Sensing and Control (ICNSC) Evry, France, 2013.4.10 -2013.4.12. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文 郭雨姗; 张建同 ; Intelligent triage of Online Healthcare Community: a double-depth text classification model based on feature fusion, 第十四届“行为运筹学与行为运营管理”研讨会会议, 线上线下结合,线下地址:桂林市七星区金鸡路1号桂林电子科技大学商学院, 2022-12-17至2022-12-18 (会议报告) 郭雨姗; 张建同 ; 基于文本分析的在线医疗平台服务质量评估, 2022年第一届“数字化转型与智慧管理”全国高校经管类博士生学术论坛, 线上腾讯会议室, 2022-10-22至2022-10-23 (会议报告) 孙嘉青; 丁烨; 褚威超; 张建同 ; 基于时空需求预测的共享单车调度问题研究, The 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Optimization of Complex System, 四川省成都市滨江东路9号, 2022-10-28至2022-10-30 (会议报告) 陈婷婷; 张建同 ; Sustainable Collaboration Strategy in Pharmaceutical Refrigerated Logistics Routing Problem, 第十四届“行为运筹学与行为运营管理”研讨会会议, 线上线下结合,线下地址:桂林市七星区金鸡路1号桂林电子科技大学商学院, 2022-12-17至2022-12-18 (会议报告) Fang, Chencheng; Zhang, Jiantong; What does delay in coupon redemptions imply? An investigation into customers' future purchase probability 14th International Conference on sevices systems and sevices management (ICSSSM), 2017 Fang, Chencheng; Yao, Yuliang; Zhang, Jiantong; How do firms benefit from couponing promotions? A comparison between new and existing customers. China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Nanjing, China, 2017. Liu, Ming; Song, Yujian; Zhang, Jiantong; Chu, Feng; Algorithm for the tactical berth allocation optimization with the consideration of time-varying water depths. 46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2016 Zhao, Xiaowei; Zhang, Jiantong; Lv, Biyu; A fuzzy robust control approach to closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty . The 2014 POMS International Conference Singapore, 2014.7.21- 2014.7.23. Zhao, Xiaowei; Zhang, Jiantong; Quantifying the bullwhip effect in service supply chain networks of the Emerging Markets. The 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014. 著作、译著 实用多元统计分析,张建同 编著,同济大学出版社,2016年8月 应用统计学(第2版),张建同,孙昌言和王世进编著,清华大学出版社,2015年9月 应用统计学,张建同,孙昌言和王世进编著,清华大学出版社,2010年4月 以Excel为决策工具的商务统计,张建同,刘文驰译,机械工业出版社,2009年5月 六西格玛绿带与倡导者手册,张建同,张艳霞等译,机械工业出版社,2007年5月 以Excel和SPSS为工具的管理统计,张建同,孙昌言编著,清华大学出版社,2005年9月 质量管理学,尤建新,张建同,杜学美编著,科学出版社,2003年8月
