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1984年,贾金原教授毕业于内蒙古大兴安岭师范学校数学班,然后在林区中学任教(职业高中数学)四年。工作业余时间顽强自学,于1988年考入吉林大学数学研究所(计算几何专业)硕士研究生。1991年,来辽宁石油化工大学计算机工程系任教(讲师)。 1999年去香港城市大学计算机科学系访学,从事分布式虚拟现实,开始接触Web3D。2000年在香港科技大学计算机科学系攻读博士学位,2002年获得德国DFG Fellowship支持,赴Max-Planck- Institute Fur Informatik作访问学者,从事特殊曲面求交几何计算的研究。 2004年博士毕业之后,来到吉林大学珠海学院工作,筹建软件研究所,任常务副所长,开始从事WebVR应用与研究,提出了一整套轻量级WebVR应用开发模式,并成功地研发了多个网上虚拟互动展示系统。2007年作为学科带头人被同济大学软件学院引进,筹建图形图像研究中心,采用应用驱动的研究模式,坚持学术研究与工程应用两条腿走路的方针,作为顾问参与了网上虚拟上海世博会的建设工作,开始全面突破Web3D关键技术,针对一直困扰Web3D的数据瓶颈、网络传输瓶颈与网页渲染瓶颈这三大关键问题,提出了一整套轻量级Web3D虚拟世界的研究框架与理论。在学术上,带领团队分别在图形学、多媒体、虚拟现实、仿真、计算机网络、Web Services等与Web3D相关领域的权威期刊上发表了多篇高质量论文;在工程应用上,成功研发了若干典型示范轻量级Web3D系统,并在业界引起很大关注。并被多家高校与企业聘为特聘教授、首席科学家、学术顾问等职,基于所研究的轻量级Web3D关键技术,研发了轻量级3D场景的轻量化、流式化、细粒度化预处理管线,进而打造了轻量级Web3D素材库及基于草图的在线Web3D模型搜索系统。同时由将大规模虚拟场景的渐进式传输机制与对等传输机制有机耦合起来,有效提升移动互联网加载3D模型大数据的性能。最后基于云烘焙的轻量级Web3D渲染引擎将Web3D在线渲染效果大大提升。值此互联网+与VR+时代,项目团队先后研制各种“互联网+VR=WebVR”、“互联网+Game=WebGame” 与“互联网+BIM=WebBIM”示范型应用均在行业中引领最新技术潮流。 获奖经历 2017年,以《轻量级WebVR大规模可视化服务支撑平台》获得中国虚拟现实产业科技创新奖 2017年,同济大学优秀教师 2013年,上海科技进步一等奖(与上海博坤信息技术有限公司联合获得) 2007-2012年,连续六年获得同济大学优秀毕业设计指导教师


虚拟现实 Web Graphics 轻量级3D建模 Internet+互动娱乐 轻量级3D引擎 三维网页设计与服务 BIM大数据可视化 分布式虚拟世界 DVE渐进式网络传输 轻量级3D模型库及其搜索算法


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Guan Wang, Laga Hamid, Ning Xie, Jinyuan Jia, Hedi Tabia. "The Shape Space of 3D Botanical Tree Models". ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 37(1), Article 7, 2018. Chang Liu, Jinyuan Jia, Wei Tsang OOI, Lei Zhao. “Cloud Baking:Collaborative Scene Illumination for Dynamic Web3D Scenes”. Accepted and appear in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communication and Application (TOMM). 2018 (CCF-B类) Guan Wang, Hamid Laga, Jinyuan Jia, Ning Xie, Hedi Tabia. “Statistical Modeling of the 3D Geometry and Structure of Botanical Trees”. Appear in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF). 2018. (CCF-B类) Wen Zhou, Jinyuan Jia, Kai Tang. “S-LPM: Segmentation Augmented Light-weighting and Progressive Meshing for the Interactive Visualization of Large Man-made Web3D Models”. Accepted and will appear in World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ), 2018. (CCF-A类) Peihua Song, Youyi Zheng, Jinyuan Jia, Yan Gao. “Web3D-based Automatic Furniture Layout System Using Recursive Case-based Reasoning and Floor Field”. Accepted by Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP). 2018. (CCF-C类) Chao Wang, Shuang Liang, Jinyuan Jia. “Immersing Web3D Furniture into Real Interior Images”. IEEE VR. March , 2018 (CCF-A类会议). Chang Liu, Jinyuan Jia, Qian Zhang and Lei Zhao. “Lightweight WebSIM Rendering Framework Based on Cloud-Baking”. The 2017 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (ACM SIGSIM-PADS, 仿真领域旗舰级学术会议). NTU, Singapore. 2017. Xiaojun Liu, Nine Xie, Kai Tang, Jinyuan Jia. “Lightweight for Web3D Visualization of Large-scale BIM Scenes in Real-time”, Graphical Models, appear in 2016. (SCI收录, CCF-B类, 通讯作者) Laixiang Wen, Ning Xie, Jinyuan Jia. LPM: Fast Accessing Web3D Contents Using Lightweight Progressive Meshes, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (SCI, CCF-C类期刊), in Press, 2015. Long Zhao, Shuang Liang, Jinyuan Jia, “Learning best views of 3D shapes from sketch contour”, The Visual Computer, to publish in Special Issue of CGI (Computer Graphics International), 2015. (SCI收录, CCF-C类, 通讯作者) Mingfei Wang, Yunxiaochu Zhong, Ning Xie, Jinyuan Jia and Chenxi Zhang. Interest-driven Avatar Neighbor-organizing for P2P Transmission in Distributed Virtual Worlds. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (SCI, CCF-C类期刊). In Press, 2015. Dejia Zhang, Ning Xie, Shuang Liang, Jinyuan Jia, “3D Tree Skeletonization from Multiple Images Based on PyrLK Opitical Flow”, Pattern Recognition Letters. In Press, 2015 (SCI, CCF-C类期刊) Long Zhao, Shuang Liang, Jinyuan Jia, “Learning best views of 3D shapes from sketch contour”, The Visual Computer, 31(6), pp.765-774, 2015. (SCI, CCF-C类期刊) Long Zhao, Shuang Liang, Yichen Wei, Jinyuan Jia, “Object Proposal by Multi-branch Hierarchical Segmentation”, IEEE CVPR, 2015. (国际模式识别顶级会议,CCF-A类会议) Xiaojun Liu, Ning Xie, Jinyuan Jia, “Web3D-based Online Walkthrough of Large-scale Underground Scenes”, ACM/IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, (DS-RT), 2015. Michael Englert, Yvvone Jung, Paul Grimm and Jinyuan Jia, “A Streaming Framework for Instant 3D Rendering and Interaction”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2015 (VR领域顶级会议,CCF-C类会议). Laixiang Wen, Ning Xie, Jinyuan Jia, “Client-driven Strategy of Large-scale Scene Streaming”, Special Session on Good Practices in Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2016, CCF-B类会议). Jinyuan Jia, Wei Wang, Xiaojun Hei, “An Efficient Caching Algorithm for Peer-to-Peer 3D Streaming in Distributed Virtual Environments”, Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 42(2014).(SCI, CCF-C类期刊) Long Zhao, Shuang Liang, Yichen Wei and Jinyuan Jia, "Size and Location Matter: a New Baseline for Salient Object Detection", The 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Singapore, November 2014. (ACCV, CCF-C类会议) Shuang Liang, Long Zhao, Yichen Wei and Jinyuan Jia, "Sketch-Based Retrieval Using Content-Aware Hashing", The 15th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Malaysia, December, 2014. (PCM, CCF-C类会议) Qian Zhang and Jinyuan Jia, "A GPU based high-efficient and accurate optimal pose alignment approach of 3D objects", 4th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (EG3DOR2011), April 10, 2011, Llandudno (UK), 2011. Qian Zhang, Jinyuan Jia, Hongyu Li, "A GPU based 3D Object Retrieval Approach using Spatial Shape Information", 13th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2010) (published by IEEE CS), Taichung, Taiwan, December 2010. Chao Zhang, Hongyu Li, Jinyuan Jia, "Fast Active Tabu Search and its Application to Image Retrieval", 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI09), Pasadena, California, USA, July 11-17, 2009. (CCF-A类,国际人工智能顶级会议) Jinyuan Jia, George Baciu and Ki-wan Kwok, “Quadric Decomposition for Computing Intersections of Two Surfaces of Revolution”, Graphical Model, Vol. 66, No. 5,pp.263-330, September, 2004, 《SCI,CCF-B类期刊) Jinyuan Jia, Kai Tang and Ajay Joneja, “Bi-Conic subdivision for surfaces of revolution and its applications to intersection problems”, The Visual Computer, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp.457-478,2004, (SCI,CCF-C类期刊). 周文、贾金原.“一种SVM学习框架下的Web3D轻量级模型检索算法”.电子学报. 2018。 刘小军, 贾金原. “面向手机网页的大规模WebBIM场景轻量级实时漫游算法”.《中国科学》(信息版),In Press,2018年。 贾金原、王伟、范辰、王明飞、俞阳、张晨曦,“基于增量式多层可扩展扇形兴趣区域的大规模DVE场景对等渐进式传输机制”,计算机学报,37卷,第6期,pp. 1324-1334, 2014年6月。 张德嘉、张晨、梁爽、贾金原,基于增强PyrLK光流法的3D树木骨架重建方法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,(EI期刊),27卷7期,pp. 1247-1254,2015年。 王明飞、范辰、贾金原,基于社交推荐与推送的渐进式DVE对等预下载机制,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,(EI期刊),27卷7期,pp. 1223-1229,2015年7月。 翁浩、贾金原,“单张图片树木L-system的智能提取算法”,计算机科学与探索,Vol. 7(2):145-151,2013年1月。 杨寒冰、赵龙、贾金原,“HBase数据库迁移工具的设计与实现”,计算机科学与探索,2013年3月。
