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同济大学交通运输工程学院教授、博导。先后获同济大学土木工程专业学士学位、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学交通工程专业硕士和博士学位。代尔夫特理工大学博士后出站后,2011年回同济大学任职。 长期从事交通出行行为、路网建模与自动驾驶等领域研究工作,兼任上海机动车检测认证技术研究中心有限公司技术专家等。 主持科技部国家重点研发计划国际合作1项、国家自然科学基金项目3项(面上2项、青年1项)、教育部科研课题2项(博士点基金新教师类和留学回国人员科研启动基金),参与国家自然科学基金中荷国际合作项目2项,教育部创新团队“大城市交通管理理论及系统”等重大课题6项。研究成果在交通运输工程领域高水平期刊Transportation Research Part A、IEEE Transactions on ITS、Transportmetrica B和国际会议上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI/EI收录检索论文60余篇。主参编3本外文专著,获第十四届ITS World Congress最佳学术论文一等奖。获2021年度中国公路学会科学技术奖二等奖,2022年度上海市交通工程学会科技进步特等奖。 作为主要完成人编制上海市地方标准《自动驾驶开放测试道路环境分级规范》(DB31/T1264-2020)(排名第3)。参与编制交通运输部行业标准《自动驾驶道路交通安全风险评估标准研究》和上海市《自动驾驶汽车开放测试风险评估技术规范》等。获专利5项,软著7项。3次入选同济大学青年英才计划(培育2011,优青2012,骨干2015)。2013年获同济大学阖家齐飞模范家庭称号。 教育经历 博士后: 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 交通规划与管理 (2009-2010) 博士: 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 交通规划与管理 (2005-2009) 硕士: 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 交通规划与管理 (2003-2005) 本科: 同济大学 土木工程 (1999-2003) 工作经历 同济大学交通运输工程学院 教授 (2017.12 – 至今) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 博士生导师 (2013.06 – 至今) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授 (2011.03 – 2017.12) 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 博士后(2009.05 - 2010.12) 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 研究员(2005.09 - 2010.12)




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SCI Indexed Li, H., Yu, L., Chen, Y., Tu, H*. (2023) Uncertainty in Available Range in Explaining the Charging Choice Behavior of BEV Users. Transportation research part A. Vol. 170, 103624. Hao Li, Zhicheng Jin, Hang Cui, Huizhao Tu*. (2023) An exploration on the preferences and mode choice behavior between autonomous demand responsive transit and traditional buses. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2023.07.004 Huizhao Tu, Min Wang,Hao Li*, Lijun Sun. (2023) Safety risk assessment for autonomous vehicle road testing. Traffic injury prevention. Vol. 24, pp.652-661. Jie Zhu, Kun Gao*,Hao Li, Cristina Olaverri Monreal. (2023) Bi-level Ramp Merging Coordination in Congested Mixed Traffic Conditions with Human-driven and Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Fundamental Research.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.03.015 Miaojia Lu, Chengyuan Huang*, Ran Wang,Hao Li. (2023) Customer’s adoption intentions toward autonomous delivery vehicle services—Extending DOI theory with social awkwardness and use experience. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2023, 3440691. Zhicheng Jin,Hao Li, Di Chen, Lu Yu, Huizhao Tu*. Accounting for BEV Users’ Risk Attitude and Charging Inertia In En-route Charging Choice Behavior. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Chang Lu, Yuehui Wu,Hao Li, Huizhao Tu. (2022) Trajectory Optimization for Connected and Automated Vehicles in A Drop-off Area of the Departure Curbside. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations.https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2022.2077650 Wang, Y., Tu, H.*, Sze, N.N.,Li, H., Ruan, X. (2022) A novel traffic conflict risk measure considering the effect of vehicle weight. Journal of Safety Research. Vol.80, pp.1-13. Li, H., Gao, K., Tu, H*. (2017) Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 103, pp. 250-263. Li, H., H. Tu, N. Zhang. (2017) Travel time variations over time and routes: Endogenous congestion with degradable capacities. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.60-81. Li, H., H. Tu, D. Hensher. (2016) Integrating the Mean-Variance and Scheduling Approaches to allow for Schedule delay and Trip Time Variability under Uncertainty. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 89, pp. 151-163. Li, H., Gao, K., Tu, H., Ding, Y., Sun, L. (2016) Perceptions of Mode-specific Travel Time Reliability and Crowding in Multimodal Trips. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol.2566. pp.22-30. Gao, K., Sun, L., Tu, H.,Li, H.(2018) Heterogeneity in Valuation of Travel Time Reliability and In-Vehicle Crowding for Mode Choices in Multimodal Networks. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PART A-SYSTEMS.144(10):04018061. Tu, H., Zhenfei,Li, H.Li, Ke, Zhang and L. Sun. (2015). Driving Simulator Fidelity and Emergency Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2518, pp. 113–121. Tu, H.,H. Li, Y. Wang, and L. Sun, When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-Mfd-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014. Vol.15(6): p. 2572-2582. Tu, H.,H. Li, H. van Lint, V. Knoop, and L. Sun (2013) Macroscopic Travel Time Reliability Diagrams for Freeway Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2396, pp.19-27. Tu, H.,H. Li, H. van Lint, H. van Zuylen (2012). Modeling travel time reliability of freeways using risk assessment techniques. Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46, pp. 1528-1540. Tu, H., A. J. Pel,H. Li, and L. Sun(2012), Travel Time Reliability during Evacuation: the Impact of Heterogeneous Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol 2312. p.128-133. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2009) Modeling departure time choice with stochastic networks involved in network design. Transportation Research Record (TRR). Vol. 2091, pp. 61-69. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2008) Network reliability-based optimal toll design. Journal of Advanced Transportation 42(3): 311-332. 14 Others 李浩,陈钰,俞璐,涂辉招.实际数据驱动的纯电动汽车途中充电潜在偏好行为分析[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版)2022, 50(01):104-113. 李浩,曹元密,涂辉招.共享单车骑行需求预测研究. [J].综合运输. 2022, 44(05):92-101. 李浩,俞璐,丁晓华,张文杰,涂辉招.基于实际运行数据的混合动力汽车能耗分析[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2021, 49(04):544-553. 李浩,陈浩.考虑充电排队时间的电动汽车混合交通路网均衡[J].吉林大学学报.2021,51(05):1684-1691. 李浩,陈浩,陆续,涂辉招.考虑排放约束的电动汽车混行交通路网均衡模型,[J].交通运输工程与信息. 2021,19(04): 24-35. 汪敏,涂辉招,李浩.基于跟驰行为谱的跟驰风险状态预测方法[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版)2021, 49(06):843-852. Yulu,Hao Li(2021) Transit Security Events - Addressing Crime and Passenger Safety,In Proceedings: 100th Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC. 涂辉招,遇泽洋,朱晓晖,崔航,李浩.自动驾驶路测与人工驾驶事故致因影响对比分析.[J].现代交通与冶金材料. 2021.11.1(3):40-48. 涂辉招,崔航,鹿畅,李浩,刘建泉,侯德藻.面向自动驾驶路测驾驶能力评估的避险脱离率模型[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2020,48(11):1562-1569. Yu, L.,Li, H.(2020) Energy Consumption Analysis for Parallel PHEVs with Identifying Working Modes Based on Real-World Longitudinal Travel Data. ICTD 2020, P 345-355. Seattle; United States; 26 May 2020. 李浩,宁煦棋,俞璐,等.弹性工作制和动态停车收费组合策略研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息, 2020, 20 (02): 1-7. 李浩,宁煦棋,鹿畅,涂辉招.分时通勤缓解高峰拥堵的作用机理及效用[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2019,47(3):353-359. Chen,Y.,H. Li, X. Ning (2018) A Preliminary Analysis on the Commute and Non-commute Travel Patterns and Fuel Economy for Electric Vehicles Based On Longitudinal Travel Data. In Proceedings: 98th Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC. 李浩,宁煦棋,刘兴.弹性工作制下出行在时间维度上的分布机理(Impacts of Flexible Working Arrangement on Departure Patterns) [J].同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2017,45(12):1791-1801. Gao, K., H. Tu,H. Li, and L. Sun,出行者对不同交通方式行程时间可靠度和车内拥挤度的感知差异性Traverlers’ Perception Differences in Travel Time Reliability and Crowding of Mode-choice in Multimodal Networks.中国公路学报Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2017. 30(7): p. 126-133. Chen,Y.,Li,H.* (2017) Dynamic Environmental Assessments on a Network Level Based on DTA. 17thCOTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Shi, H., Z. Ye, H. Tu, andH. Li. (2017)Causal Analysis on Travelers’ Perceptions in Traffic Statesin17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Shanghai, P.R.China: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 2570-2577. Books Li, H. (2009) Reliability-based Dynamic Network Design with Stochastic Networks. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Transportation and Planning Section, Delft University of Technology. TRAIL Thesis Series No. T2009/3. ISBN: 978-90-5584-115-8. Li, H., P.H.L. Bovy, G. Hooghiemstra (2007) Probabilistic properties of stochastic choice set generation. Delft University of Technology. TRAIL Studies in Transportation Science. No. S2007/1. ISBN: 978-90-5584-089-2. Book Chapters Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer, P.H.L. Bovy (2009) An integrated dynamic road network design approach with stochastic networks. In: Rudy R. Negenborn, Zofia Lukszo, Hans Hellendoorn (Eds.) Intelligent Infrastructures. Publisher: Springer. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2009) Reliability-based Dynamic Discrete Network Design with Stochastic Networks. In Lam, W.H.K., S. C. Wong and H. K. Lo (Eds.) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee. pp. 651-673. Publisher: Springer US. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer, P.H.L. Bovy and H.J. van Zuylen (2008) A reliability-based dynamic network design approach. 10thInternational TRAIL Congress selected papers: Trail in Perspective. pp. 159-174. Series No. P2008/1. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2006) Network reliability-based optimal toll design. 9thInternational TRAIL Congress selected papers: Trail in Motion. pp.161-180. Series No. P2006/1. Li, H. and H. Tu. A Generalized Approach on Departure Time Choice Behavior under Uncertainty: A Comparison to the Scheduling Approach. In Tu, H. and Pel, A.J. (Eds.) Emergency Transport Management: Joint Chinese-Dutch Seminar on Transportation Management and Travel Behaviour for Urban Emergencies: Past, Present, and Future Research. 2014. Shanghai, P. R. China: Trail Research School. pp. 63-70. (ISBN: 978-90-78271-08-6).
