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学位教育 2012.09-2017.06,伦敦大学学院巴特雷特建筑系,获城市空间与社会分析学哲学博士 2009.09-2012.06,天津大学城市规划与设计专业研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位 2004.09-2009.06,天津大学城市规划专业本科毕业,获工学学士学位 职业经历 2021.12至今 , 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系 副教授 2018.09- 2021.12,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系 助理教授 2017.03- 2018.08,伦敦大学学院巴特雷特高级空间分析中心 副研究员 2012.10- 2017.12,伦敦大学学院巴特雷特建筑系 助教,硕士项目课程导师 奖励奖项 科研奖项 《数据增强设计—新数据环境下的规划设计回应与改变》,获2016年金经昌中国城市规划优秀论文奖佳作奖(排名第2) 2019年获得SSCI期刊Applied Geography卓越审稿人奖(2%) 2019年获得SCI期刊Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice卓越审稿人奖(2%) 2012-2016获得CSC全额奖学金(含学费与生活费) 教学奖项 2019年获得同济大学建筑与城市规划学院青年讲课比赛最佳风范奖 2020年获得UPAI智能规划教研团队学术之星 2021年获得同济大学建筑与城市规划学院青年讲课比赛三等奖 2021年获得同济大学优秀班主任称号 2021年获得韩国龙奖励金(二等) 设计奖项 “山东省无棣县老城区控制性详细规划”,获2017年度天津市优秀城乡规划设计奖一等奖(排名14/15),2017 科研和实践项目 国家自然基金委员会,青年基金“面向高频城市的空间网络绩效评价方法研究”,负责人,2020.1-2022.12 科技部,国家重点研发计划子课题, “城市韧性测度及动态演化机理”,负责人,2020.6-2022.12 教育部,产学合作协同育人项目,“智慧城市系列课程项目案例库建设——数字孪生城市案例”,负责人,2022.1-2023.12 浦江人才计划资助,“多元数据支持下的城市空间网络测度、评价与 优化”,负责人,2019.1-2021.12 英国国家工程与物理科学研究委员会,“RESOLUTION: REsilient Systems fOr Land Use TransportatION”.主要参与者,2016.1-2018.12


Urban Modelling (城市模型)、 Spatial Analysis (空间分析)、Urban Geometry (城市几何)、Resilient City(韧性城市)、Transport and Land Use (交通和土地利用)、Urban Science (城市科学)、Complex Network(复杂网络)等


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教研论文 程遥,朱佩露,沈尧.特大城市远郊地区地铁车站的出行特征和规划应对——以上海市书院镇总体规划教学为例.2019中国高等学校城乡规划教育年会论文集. 沈尧,程遥,耿慧志. TOD开发导向下的空间与土地利用协同规划评价——以浦东书院镇总体规划教学为例.2019中国高等学校城乡规划教育年会论文集. 科研论文 Shen, Y., Xu, Y. and Liu, L., 2021. Crowd-Sourced City Images: Decoding Multidimensional Interaction between Imagery Elements with Volunteered Photos. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(11), p.740. Shen, Y., and Wu, Z. 2021. Functional visibility graph analysis: Quantifying visuofunctional space with social media check-in data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 23998083211001840 Shen, Y., Xu, Y., and Huang Z. 2021. Multi-occupation segregation through London's tube network. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 0308518X211027172. Zhou, Y., Shen, Y., Yang, X., Wang, Z. and Xu, L., 2021. Where to Revitalize, and How? A Rural Typology Zoning for China. Land, 10(12), p.1336. 沈尧, 徐怡怡,刘乐峰. 2021,网络渗流视角下的城市肌理识别与测度研究 [J]. 城市规划学刊,(5): 1-21. 沈尧, 卓健, 吴志强. 2021. 精准城市设计面向社会效应精准提升的城市形态[J]. 时代建筑. (01):26-33. 沈尧,徐怡怡,罗伟斌,杨滔. 2021. 英国邻里发展规划探析:以大伦敦地区为例 [J]. 国际城市规划. (1):1-17. 颜文涛,卢江林,李子豪,沈尧*. 2021. 城市街道网络的韧性测度与空间解析——五大全球城市比较研究 [J]. 国际城市规划,(3):3-12. 龙瀛, 沈尧, 金晓兵. 2021. 中国城市地区的识别:街区尺度的探索 [J]. 城市与区域规划研究. 11(30): 14-36. Giannotti, M., Barros, J., Tomasiello, D.B., Smith, D., Pizzol, B., Santos, B.M., Zhong, C., Shen, Y., Marques, E. and Batty, M., 2021. Inequalities in transit accessibility: Contributions from a comparative study between Global South and North metropolitan regions. Cities, 109, p.103016. Smith, D.A., Shen, Y., Barros, J., Zhong, C., Batty, M. and Giannotti, M., 2020. A compact city for the wealthy? Employment accessibility inequalities between occupational classes in the London metropolitan region 2011. Journal of Transport Geography, 86, p.102767. Zhong, C., Luan, Z., Shen, Y., Li, X. and Tu, W., 2020. Profiling rapid urban transformation through urban mobility data in Shenzhen. In The Geography of Mobility, Wellbeing and Development in China (pp. 86-100). Routledge. Law, S., Shen, Y., Penn, A. and Karimi, K., 2019. Identifying street-character-weighted local area using locally weighted community detection methods the case study of London and Amsterdam. In 12th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2019 (Vol. 12). Space Syntax Symposium (SSS). Shen, Y., Law, S., and Karimi K. 2019. Measuring visibility to urban functions with social media data. In 12th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2019 (Vol. 12). Space Syntax Symposium (SSS). 沈尧,2019. 动态的空间句法——面向高频城市的组构分析框架[J]. 国际城市规划. 34: 54-63. Shen, Y., 2019. Segregation through space: A scope of the flow-based spatial interaction model. Journal of Transport Geography, 76, pp.10-23. Shen, Y., Karimi, K., Law, S. and Zhong, C., 2019. Physical co-presence intensity: Measuring dynamic face-to-face interaction potential in public space using social media check-in records. PloS one, 14(2), p.e0212004. S Shen, Y. and Batty, M. 2019. Delineating the perceived functional regions of London for commuting flows. Environment and Planning A: Economic and Space. 51(3): 547-550. Shen, Y. and Batty, M. 2018. Ripples and undulations in the perceived supply-demand mismatch surface of London’s job market. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 5(1), pp. 263-266. Law, S., Seresinhe, C.I., Shen, Y. and Gutierrez-Roig, M., 2018. Street-Frontage-Net: urban image classification using deep convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, pp.1-27. Long, Y., Zhai, W., Shen, Y. and Ye, X., 2018. Understanding uneven urban expansion with natural cities using open data. Landscape and Urban Planning, 177, pp.281-293. Shen, Y. and Karimi, K., 2018. Urban evolution as a spatio-functional interaction process: the case of central Shanghai. Journal of Urban Design, 23(1), pp.42-70. Batty, M., and Shen, Y., 2018. Artificial Intelligence in City Planning and Design. Time + Architecture, 2018(1): 24 – 31. Shen, Y. and Karimi, K., 2017. The economic value of streets: mix-scale spatio-functional interaction and housing price patterns. Applied Geography, 79, pp.187-202. Shen, Y., and Karimi, K., 2016, Urban Function Connectivity: Characterisation of Functional Urban Streets with Social Media Check-in Data. Cities. 55: 9-21. Long, Y., Shen, Y.*, and Jin, X., 2016, Mapping Block-Level Urban Areas for All Chinese Cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106(1): 96-113. Yu, Z., Chen, Y., Zheng, S., Shen, Y., Yu, Z., & Pascual, J. 2016, Urban Impedance Computing Based on Check-In Records. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016. 沈尧, 孙唯, 姚妍华,2016.新数据环境下的城市设计——Alan Penn教授访谈[J].北京规划建设,(4),pp.178-195. 龙瀛, 沈尧, 2016. 大尺度城市设计的时间, 空间与人 (TSP) 模型——突破尺度与粒度的折中[J]. 城市建筑, 16, pp.33-37. 龙瀛, 沈尧, 2015. 数据增强设计—新数据环境下的规划设计回应与改变[J]. 上海城市规划, 2, pp.81-87. 沈尧, 龙瀛, 2015. 数据作为设计的工具性: 在新数据环境下探索城市秩序的可持续内涵[J]. 景观设计学, (3), pp.10-19. 沈尧, 刘瓅珣,2014.欧洲的启示:转型期中国城市化的挑战与机遇——Peter Hall教授访谈[J].北京规划建设,(6),pp.186-192.


伦敦大学学院巴特雷特高级空间分析中心荣誉研究员 中国建筑学会计算性设计学术委员会委员 中国城市科学研究会大数据专业委员会委员 国际期刊Transaction in Urban Data, Science, and Technology副主编 同济大学生态化城市设计国际合作联合实验室城市科学与分析中心主任 Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Physica A, Computer, Environment and Urban System, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Applied Geography, Transactions on Big data, Plos One, Journal of Transport Geography, Sustainable city and society, Cities, Frontier in Public Health, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Housing studies, The Professional Geographer, Journal of Urban Design, Urban Design International, Sustainability, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Resources, Environments, Applied Science, Information, Computational Urban Science等31本国际权威期刊审稿人 Frontier in Public Health 与Frontier in Built Environment 客座编辑
