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雷呈喜,博士,硕士生导师(副教授);国家级机械工程实验教学示范中心副主任,国家级高端装备制造虚拟仿真实验教学中心副主任,哈尔滨工业大学工程创新实践中心主任助理。 先后主持承担国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金特别资助、中国博士后基金面上资助以及多项省部级项目,并作为主要完成人参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省重点研发计划/重点专项及十余项宝钢合作项目等。获得校教学成果一等奖1项、二等奖3项,国家创新实践计划一等奖一项,校创新实践奖多项。发表教学科研论文40余篇,其中SCI检索11篇,EI检索20篇(含双检11篇)。申请专利14项,授权发明专利7项,实用新型专利3项。 工作经历 2006.07至今 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 2013.04至今 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院博士后流动站 2015.09-2016.09 德国多特蒙德工业大学成形技术与轻量化结构研究所(Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau,IUL), 合作教授:A.Erman Tekkaya (德国国家工程院院士,CIRP副主席,ICTP副主席,欧洲冷锻协会主席,Journal of Materials Processing Technology主编) 教育经历 2004年-2013年, 哈尔滨工业大学, 机电工程学院,机械制造及其自动化


飞行器复杂结构件成形工艺及装备 三维自由热弯曲成形技术及装备 汽车结构件智能化成形工艺及装备 先进高强钢成形成性一体化工艺 汽车超高强钢结构件服役性能研究 主要研究领域: 飞行器及汽车轻量化、成形工艺智能化及工业机器人技术和汽车结构件成形工艺及模具设计等


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Role of the mandrel in the variable curvature local-induction-heating bending process of B1500HS thin-walled rectangular tubes Local-Induction-Heating Bending Process of B1500HS Thin-Walled Rectangular Steel Tubes: A Simulation and Experimental Investigation Simulated analysis and experimental investigation on edge qualities of high strength steels hot blanking parts Hot stamping of patchwork blanks: modelling and experimental investigation Experiment study on the stiffness of hyperboloid shallow shell of autobody Flow behavior of high strength steel TRB at elevated temperature Effects of mechanical properties and geometric conditions on stiffness of Hyperboloid Shallow Shell Local heating-aided hot blanking of quenched ultra-high-strength steel BR1500HS Research on Factors of High Strength Steel TRB Hot Stamping Numerical Research on High-Strength Rectangular Section Steel Tube in Rotary-Draw Bending Experimental Research on the Stiffness of Hyperboloid Shallow Shell Cooling system of hot stamping of quenchable steel BR1500HS: Optimization and manufacturing methods Research on Flow Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steel at Elevated Temperature Phase transformation simulation of high strength steel under hot stamping process Investigation of Cooling Effect of Hot-stamping Dies by Numerical Simulation Hot formation quality of high strength steel BR1500HS for hot stamping without cooling system Microstructure prediction of high strength steel square-cup part in hot stamping Predictions of the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of High Strength Steel in Hot Stamping Research on Hot Stamping of Square Cup for Advanced High Strength Steel by Numerical Simulation Analysis of Phase Transformation Simulation and Prediction of Phase Distribution in High Strength Steel in Hot Stamping Study on the Phase Transformation Simulation of Hot-Stamping Microstructure distribution and mechanical properties prediction of boron alloy during hot forming using FE simulation Design and Research of Stiffness Instrument for Automotive Panel Structural Finite Element Analysis of the Fixed Stiffness Testing Instrument Modeling and FE Simulation of Quenchable High Strength Steels Sheet Metal Hot Forming Process Numerical and Experimental Investigation into Hot Forming of Ultra High Strength Steel Sheet Effect of Dies Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Hot Stamping Square-Cup Part for Ultra High Strength Steel


Material & Design, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, JMEP 等期刊审稿人 国际期刊Cobot副首席顾问 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家 教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家 中国锻压协会“头脑风暴”专家库专家 《精密成形工程》期刊编委 全国行业职业技能竞赛信息通信信息化系统管理员(工业互联网技术)赛项专家组长 2017年5月起任工程训练中心副主任 2015年8月起任东北地区工程训练/金工研究会副秘书长 2015年8月起任黑龙江省金工研究会秘书长
