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机器人技术与系统全国重点实验室副主任,哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院教授、博士生导师,哈工大人工智能研究院首席科学家。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选国家高层次人才计划。主要研究方向包括模块化自重构机器人、可穿戴机器人、极端环境机器人等,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、国家科技重大专项、核聚变能研究发展专项、载人航天重大工程项目等国家级项目20余项,研究成果成功应用于载人航天、核电运维、抢险救援、医疗康复等领域。发表重要学术论文120余篇,授权国际/中国发明专利110余项,获国家级设计金奖1项,省部级科技奖励一等奖4项。 工作经历 2016.01 ~ 至今 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室副主任 2014.12 ~ 至今 哈工大机电学院机器人研究所 教授 2012.04 ~ 2014.12 哈工大机电学院机器人研究所 博士生导师 2008.01 ~ 2012.03 哈工大机电学院机器人研究所 副教授 2004.12 ~ 2007.12 哈工大机电学院机器人研究所 讲师 教育经历 2000~2004 哈工大机电学院 博士 1998~2000 哈工大机电学院 硕士 1994~1998 哈工大实验学院/机电学院 本科 1991~1994 哈尔滨市第三中学 高中 奖项荣誉 2014年,黑龙江省科学技术发明奖,一等奖,排名第一 2014年,黑龙江省机械工业科学技术奖,一等奖,排名第一 2017年,龙江科技英才计划科技创新领军人才 2018年,科学中国人2017年度人物 2019年,中国优秀工业设计金奖


研究方向一:可穿戴机器人 可穿戴机器人是一种供人穿戴的人机一体化机械装置,包括外骨骼、外肢体等等,将人的智力和机器人的“体力”完美地结合在一起,依靠人的智力来控制机器人,使其与人高效协同工作,通过机器人完成人类自身能力无法完成的任务,实现真正的“人机一体”。随着社会快速的发展变化,人口老龄化问题、医疗康复问题以及地质灾害的频繁发生,都向辅助类机器人领域提出了新的需求,从而使各种助力机器人的研究成为热点。 研究方向二:模块化自重构机器人 模块化自重构机器人是由具有一定运动和感知能力的基本模块组成的新型机器人,可以通过模块间的连接和断开操作实现构型的改变,能够完成普通的固定构形机器人所无法完成的复杂操作,特别适用于工作环境变化大、操作任务复杂的场合,在空间操作、抢险搜救、核电站维护等领域有着广阔的应用前景。它可以构成能够穿越狭小空间的蛇形机器人、能够在不平路面上运动的多足行走机器人、可翻越障碍物的滚动机器人、适于空间应用的柔性操作手等。由于电子学、微型机电系统及微型传感器技术的发展使得计算单元及微驱动、微传感器单元的体积越来越小,功能越来越强大,也有力的推动了自重构机器人由理论研究向工程实践发展。


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Zhang QH, Li CL, Jing HW, Li HW, Li XL, Ju HT, Tang Y, Zhao J, Zhu YH. RTSRAs: A Series-Parallel-Reconfigurable Tendon-Driven Supernumerary Robotic Arms. Ieee Robot Autom Let. 2022;7:7407-14. Zhang JM, Liu YB, Gao L, Liu BS, Zhu YH, Zang XZ, Zhao J, Cai HG. Bioinspired Drone Actuated Using Wing and Aileron Motion for Extended Flight Capabilities. Ieee Robot Autom Let. 2022;7:11197-204. Xu T, Fan JZ, Fang QQ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. Robot dynamic calibration on current level: modeling, identification and applications. Nonlinear Dynam. 2022;109:2595-613. Xu T, Fan JZ, Fang QQ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. An accurate identification method based on double weighting for inertial parameters of robot payloads. Robotica. 2022;40:4358-74. Wang TS, Zheng TJ, Zhao SK, Sui DB, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Design and Control of a Series-Parallel Elastic Actuator for a Weight-Bearing Exoskeleton Robot. Sensors-Basel. 2022;22. Wang TS, Zhao J, Sui DB, Zhao SK, Zhu YH. A Rhythmic Motion Control Method Inspired by Board Shoe Racing for a Weight-Bearing Exoskeleton. J Bionic Eng. 2022;19:403-15. Sui X, Zheng TJ, Qi J, Yang ZY, Zhao N, Zhao J, Cai HG, Zhu YH. Task-oriented Hierarchical Control of Modular Soft Robots with External Vision Guidance. J Bionic Eng. 2022;19:657-67. Sui DB, Zhu YH, Zhao SK, Wang TS, Agrawal SK, Zhang H, Zhao J. A Bioinspired Soft Swallowing Gripper for Universal Adaptable Grasping. Soft Robot. 2022;9:36-56. Sui DB, Zhao SK, Wang TS, Liu YB, Zhu YH, Zhao J. Design of a Bio-inspired Extensible Continuum Manipulator with Variable Stiffness. J Bionic Eng. 2022. Sui DB, Wang TS, Zhao SK, Zhang XH, Zhao J, Zhu YH. An Enveloping Soft Gripper With High-Load Carrying Capacity: Design, Characterization and Application. Ieee Robot Autom Let. 2022;7:373-80. Liu BS, Gao YS, Gao L, Zhang JM, Zhu YH, Zang XZ, Zhao J. Design and Experimental Study of a Turbojet VTOL Aircraft with One-Dimensional Thrust Vectoring Nozzles. Aerospace-Basel. 2022;9. Li XL, Zheng TJ, Sui DB, Lin NX, Zhang QH, Zhao J, Zhu YH. A 3D printed variable cross-section pneumatic soft manipulator with high-precision positioning capability: Design and control implementation. Sensor Actuat a-Phys. 2022;342. Li HW, Sui DB, Ju HT, An YY, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Mechanical Compliance and Dynamic Load Isolation Design of Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Locomotion Assistance. Ieee-Asme T Mech. 2022. Hua YX, Zhu YM, Li CL, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Assistance Control of Human-Exoskeleton Integrated System for Balance Recovery Augmentation in Sagittal Plane. Ieee T Ind Electron. 2022;69:528-38. Hua YX, Zhang H, Li YH, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Vision Assisted Control of Lower Extremity Exoskeleton for Obstacle Avoidance With Dynamic Constraint Based Piecewise Nonlinear MPC. Ieee Robot Autom Let. 2022;7:12267-74. Gao L, Zhu YH, Liu YB, Zhang JM, Liu BS, Zhao J. Analysis and Control for the Mode Transition of Tandem-Wing Aircraft with Variable Sweep. Aerospace-Basel. 2022;9. Fang QQ, Xu T, Zheng TJ, Cai HG, Zhao J, Zhu YH. A Rehabilitation Training Interactive Method for Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot. Math Probl Eng. 2022;2022. Chen BY, Zang XZ, Zhang Y, Gao L, Zhu YH, Zhao J. A Non-Flat Terrain Biped Gait Planner Based on DIRCON. Biomimetics-Basel. 2022;7. Zhao SK, Zhao J, Sui DB, Wang TS, Zheng TJ, Zhao CW, Zhu YH. Modular Robotic Limbs for Astronaut Activities Assistance. Sensors-Basel. 2021;21. Zhang ZW, Fan JZ, Jin HZ, Zheng TJ, Zhao SK, Ma S, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Active knee joint exoskeleton for stair ascent augmentation. Sci China Inform Sci. 2021;64. Xiao FY, Gu L, Ma WZ, Zhu YH, Zhang Z, Wang Y. Real time motion intention recognition method with limited number of surface electromyography sensors for A 7-DOF hand/wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton. Mechatronics. 2021;79. Wang SL, Zhu YH, Jin HZ, Yang C, Zhang ZW, Zhao J. Self-Correction of Feedback Current for Low-Inductance PMSM Driving in Motor and Generator States. Ieee T Ind Electron. 2021;68:9866-75. Sui DB, Chang BC, Hidayah R, Zhu YH, Agrawal SK. SpringExo, a spring-based exoskeleton for providing knee assistance: Design, Characterization and Feasibility Study. Ieee Int Conf Robot. 2021:10513-9. Kong FX, Zhu YH, Yang C, Jin HZ, Zhao J, Cai HG. Integrated Locomotion and Deformation of a Magnetic Soft Robot: Modeling, Control, and Experiments. Ieee T Ind Electron. 2021;68:5078-87. Zhang ZW, Li CL, Zheng TJ, Li HW, Zhao SK, Zhao J, Zhu YH. Tripping Avoidance Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Based on Virtual Potential Field for Elderly People. Sensors-Basel. 2020;20. Zhang H, Jin HZ, Ge MD, Zhu YH, Zhao J. Real-Time Joint Angular-Acceleration Planning for Vision-Based Kinematically Redundant Manipulator in Dynamic Environment. Ieee Access. 2020;8:110796-809. Xu T, Fan JZ, Fang QQ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. A new robot collision detection method: A modified nonlinear disturbance observer based-on neural networks. J Intell Fuzzy Syst. 2020;38:175-86. Xu T, Fan JZ, Chen YW, Ng XY, Ang MH, Fang QQ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. Dynamic Identification of the KUKA LBR iiwa Robot With Retrieval of Physical Parameters Using Global Optimization. Ieee Access. 2020;8:108018-31. Xiao FY, Chen YY, Zhu YH. GADF/GASF-HOG:feature extraction methods for hand movement classification from surface electromyography. J Neural Eng. 2020;17. Wang TS, Zhu YH, Zheng TJ, Sui DB, Zhao SK, Zhao J. PALExo: A Parallel Actuated Lower Limb Exoskeleton for High-Load Carrying. Ieee Access. 2020;8:67250-62. Liu YB, Wei RP, Dong HJ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. A Designation of Modular Mobile Reconfigurable Platform System. J Mech Med Biol. 2020;20. Fan JZ, Xu T, Fang QQ, Zhao J, Zhu YH. A Novel Style Design of a Permanent-Magnetic Adsorption Mechanism for a Wall-Climbing Robot. J Mech Robot. 2020;12. Fan JZ, Wang SQ, Yu QG, Zhu YH. Experimental Study on Frog-inspired Swimming Robot Based on Articulated Pneumatic Soft Actuator. J Bionic Eng. 2020;17:270-80. Fan JZ, Wang SQ, Yu QG, Zhu YH. Swimming Performance of the Frog-Inspired Soft Robot. Soft Robot. 2020;7:615-26. Fan JZ, Du QL, Yu QG, Wang Y, Qi JM, Zhu YH. Biologically inspired swimming robotic frog based on pneumatic soft actuators. Bioinspir Biomim. 2020;15. Zhu Yanhe; Bie Dongyang; Iqbal Sajid; Wang Xiaolu; Gao Yongsheng; Zhao, Jie," A Simplified Approach to Realize Cellular Automata for UBot Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 1-18, 2014. Zhu Yanhe; Jin Hongzhe; Zhang Xueyuan; Yin Jingchun; Liu Pijun; Zhao Jie," A Multi-sensory Autonomous Docking Approach for a Self-reconfigurable Robot without Mechanical Guidance," Int Journal Advances in Robot Systems, 146, 2014. Zhu Yanhe; Wang Xiaolu; Fan Jizhuang; Iqbal Sajid; Bie Dongyang; Zhao, Jie," Analysis and Implementation of Multiple Bionic Motion Patterns for Caterpillar Robot Driven by Sinusoidal Oscillator," Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014. Zhu Yanhe; Fan Jizhuang; Wang Xiaolu; Zhang Yu; Zhao Jie," Design and evaluation of dynamic equivalent test platform for thermal vacuum qualification test of docking units," Advances in Space Research, 2014. Cui Xindan; Zhu Yan-he; Wang Xiaolu; Tang Shufeng; Zhao Jie,"o-output CPG phased network locomotion control for modular robot," Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 47-52, July.2013. Hou Qing-Ming;Zhao Jie; Jin Hong-Zhe; Ge Li; Zhu Yan-He; Yu Shu-Fei,"Structure optimization of Ducted-Fan UAV based on CFD," Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 155-160, June.2013. Fan Jizhuang; Li Liyi; Zhu Yanhe; Zhao Jie,"Research on the crossover gait planning of a three-limb robot,"Gaojishu Tongxin/Chinese High Technology Letters, 1189-1194, November.2012. Zhao Jie; Cui Xindan; Zhu Yanhe; Tang Shufeng,"UBot: A new reconfigurable modular robotic system with multimode locomotion ability,"Industrial Robot, 178-190, 2012. Zhu Yanhe; Wang Xiaolu; Cui Xindan; Yin Jingchun; Zhao Jie,"Research on locomotive evolution based on worm-shaped configuration of self-reconfigurable robot HitMSR II,"Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 245-252, 2011. Yu Zhen-Zhong;Yan Ji-Hong; Zhao Jie; Chen Zhi-Feng; Zhu Yan-He,"Mobile robot path planning based on improved artificial potential field method,"Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 50-55, January.2011. Zhao Jie; Tang Shu-Feng; Zhu Yan-He; Cui Xin-Dan,"Topological description method of UBot self-reconfigurable robot,"Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 46-49+55, January.2011. Zhao Jie; Tang Shufeng; Zhu Yanhe; Cui Xindan,"A modular self-reconfigurable robot based on universal joint,"Jiqiren/Robot, 608-613, September.2010. Hu Yun-Fu;Zhao Jie; Zhu Yan-He; Zang Xi-Zhe,"Analysis of local stability of biped passive dynamic walking model,"Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1485-1490, September.2010. Ren Zongwei; Pang Ming; Zhu Yanhe,"Research on reconfigurable motion planning strategy of self-reconfigurable robot," Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 10-14, April.2011. Hu Yun-Fu;Zhu Yan-He; Wu Xiao-Guang; Zhao Jie,"Simulation and analysis of simple biped passive dynamic walking model," Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 490-494+499, March.2010. Zhao Jie; Li Jun-Qiang; Zang Xi-Zhe; Zhu Yan-He,"Magnetic circuit design and mechanical performance study for a MR damper," Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock, 139-142+170, November.2010. Hu Yun-Fu; Zhu Yan-He; Wu Xiao-Guang; Zhao Jie,"Adams simulation analysis of motion characteristic of passive rimless-wheel," Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1076-1079, July.2010. Tang Shu-Feng; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Zhang Yu-Hua,"Novel hook-type connecting mechanism for self-reconfigurable robot,"Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 1086-1090, July.2010. Yu Zhen-Zhong; Yan Ji-Hong; Zhao Jie; Gao Yong-Sheng; Chen Zhi-Feng; Zhu Yan-He,"A rapid inverse kinematics solution for super-redundant mobile manipulator,"Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 51-55, October.2009. Zhao Jie; Tang, Shufeng; Zhu Yanhe,"Design and implementation of a modular self-reconfigurable robot,"High Technology Letters, 227-232, September.2009. Ren Zongwei; Zhu Yanhe; Zhao Jie; Zhang Yuhua,"Assisted self-reconfiguring planning strategy of self-reconfigurable robots," Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 9-12, April.2009. Zhu Yan-He;Zang Xi-Zhe;Yan Ji-Hong; Meng Qin-Xin; Zhao Jie,"Transparent haptic interaction for admittance type haptic interfaces,"Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 22-25, March.2009. Ren Zong-Wei; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Zhang Yu-Hua,"Motion and self-reconfiguration planning of self-reconfigurable robot based on windmill-like meta-module,"Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 436-440, April.2009. Ren Zongwei; Zang Xizhe; Zhu Yanhe; Zhang Yuhua; Zhao Jie,"Configuration information acquisition and matching in self-reconfiguring process of modular self-reconfigurable robots,"High Technology Letters, 411-417, December.2008. Zhao Jie; Liu Gang; Liu Yubin; Zhu Yanhe,"Research on the application of a marsupial robot for coal mine rescue,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 1127-1136, 2008. Zhu Yanhe; Fan Jizhuang; Meng Qinxin; Zhao Jie; Cai Hegao,"Transparency oriented virtual coupling design: New approach and application to a novel admittance haptic device,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 81-90, 2008. Zhang Yuhua; Zhu Yanhe; Zhao Jie; Ren Zongwei,"Metamorphic strategy based on dynamic meta-modules for a self-reconfigurable robot,"High Technology Letters, 294-299, September.2008. Ren Zong-Wei; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Zhang Yu-Hua,"Study of configuration matching strategy in self-reconfigurable robots based on the graded optimization mechanism,"Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University, 743-748, August.2008. Li Mu; Yan Ji-Hong; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie,"Improvement on Canny operator by algorithm of self-adaptive determining double-threshold,"Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 913-918, July.2008. Jiang Lin; Yan Jihong; Zhu Yanhe; Zhao Jie,"Absolute positioning using redundant ultrasonic information fusion,"Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 63-66, May.2008. Zhao Jie; Liu Yu-Bin; Zhu Yan-He,"Neural network controller for 6-PRRS parallel robots,"Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 514-517, May.2008. Yang Yong-Gang;Zhao Jie; Liu Yu-Bin; Zhu Yan-He,"Solution to forward kinematics of 6-PRRS parallel robot,"Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 731-734, May.2008. Wei Yan-Hui; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Cai He-Gao,"Reconfigurable robot system design based on flexible work,"Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition),449-453,March.2008. Zhao Jie; Jiang Lin; Yan Jihong; Zhu Yanhe,"Navigation of omni-directional mobile manipulator based on ultrasonic-absolute-positioning,"Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 337-341, March.2008. Fan Ji-Zhuang;Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Cai He-Gao,"Kinematics analysis and gait planning of a three-limb robot,"Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 57-61, February.2008. Yu Shu-Chun; Zhu Yan-He; Yan Ji-Hong; Zhao Jie,"Calibration of stereo vision system based on a new binocular device,"Jiqiren/Robot, 353-356+362, July.2007. Zhang Yu-Hua; Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Ren Zong-Wei,"Self-reconfigurable modular robot and its motion design,"Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 925-929, July.2007. Fan Ji-Zhuang); Zhu Yan-He; Zhao Jie; Cai, He-Gao,"Research on adsorption mechanism of wall climbing robots based on internally balanced theory,"Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 423-427, June.2007. Zhao Jie; Zhang Yuhua; Zhu Yanhe; Ren Zongwei; Cai Hegao,"Locomotion control of modular self-reconfigurable robot worm-like structure,"Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 409-413, May.2007. Zhu Yanhe; Yan Jihong; Zhao Jie; Cai Hegao,"Autonomous kinematic self-calibration of a novel haptic device,"IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 4654-4659, 2006. Zhang, Yuhua; Zhu, Yanhe; Yan, Jihong; Zhao, Jie; Cai, Hegao,"Simulation research on reconfiguration locomotion planning for a 3-D self-reconfigurable robot,"Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 9178-9182, 2006.


国家重点研发计划“高性能制造技术与重大装备”重点专项专家组专家 中国机器人学术年会(2018、2019、2022)组织委员会主席 国际计量测试联合会(IMEKO)TC17 委员 中国机械工程学会机器人分会委员 中国自动化学会共融机器人专业委员会委员 中国指挥与控制学会虚拟现实与人机交互专业委员会委员 国际机构学和机器科学联合会(IFToMM)中国委员会委员 黑龙江省人工智能学会理事
