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教育背景 2006.03-2009.03 上海交通大学、柏林工业大学 博士 2004.09-2006.03 上海交通大学(硕博连读) 硕士 2000.09-2004.06 上海交通大学 学士 工作经历 2009.03-2011.03 上海交通大学 核科学与工程流动站 师资博士后 2011.05-2012.12 上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所 助理研究员 2012.12-2019.12 上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所 副研究员 2016.12-2017.11 新加坡国立大学 访问副教授 2020.12-至今 上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所 教授 科研项目 作为项目负责人主持项目: 2020-2022 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目 - 热驱动除湿空调 2020-2023 上海市“科技创新行动计划”国际科技合作项目 - 基于碳循环链的太阳能辅助生物质气化发电研究 2020-2023 科技部政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项 - 低碳社区,建筑清洁能源冷热电联供关键技术及示范 (任务二 高温绿色及自然工质电动热泵及负荷特性) 2020-2023 科技部重点研发计划 醇类重整制氢及冷热电联供的燃料电池系统集成技术(子课题 - 吸附制冷和除湿空调复合系统的参数匹配与运行优化) 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金 中俄国际合作项目 - 高效开式除湿换热器空调循环中新型吸附剂的研究 2018-2020 国防项目 - ****系统研究 2016-2019 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目 - 一种半解耦式高蒸发温度下降温除湿与分级冷却的除湿热泵循环机理研究 2014-2016 上海市青年科技启明星项目 - 高温蒸发冷却除湿和冷凝热再生的除湿热泵循环机理研究 2013-2015 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 - 一种自冷式固体干燥剂降温除湿空调循环机理研究 2013-2015 教育部博士点基金新教师基金 - 基于除湿换热器的内冷式固体除湿空调循环机理研究 2012-2013 华为公司合作科研项目 - 无源室外机柜防凝露技术 2011-2015 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目任务 - IEF半导体制冷、散热与温度控制、以及PAGE电泳散热与控制 2011-2013 日本大金公司合作科研项目 - Research of Energy Saving of Independent Temperature and Humidity Control: Modeling and Real Tests 2009-2011 中国博士后科学基金项目 - 除湿换热器干燥剂涂层及其强化吸湿机理研究 2009-2011 上海市博士后科学基金项目 - 一种基于环境湿度控制的太阳能热泵空调系统 2007-2008 德国ZWP设计公司合作科研项目 - Performance comparision of desiccant cooling system between China and Germany 2013-2015 上海交通大学SMC优秀青年晨星学者项目 -降温除湿空调循环理论研究 作为项目第二负责人主持项目: 2014-2019 国家自然科学基金重点项目 "基于干燥剂除湿和蒸发制冷耦合的高效热泵循环研究, 51336004" 2013-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目 "点、线耦合聚焦复合菲涅尔反射式太阳能集热转换机理研究,51276112" 2012-2015 国家科技支撑计划项目课题 "基于中温的高效太阳能制冷装置及应用示范,2012BAA05B04" 2012-2014 教育部博士点基金优先发展领域项目 "热湿独立控制热泵能源系统循环的理论和试验研究" 2011-2015 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题 "基于固体除湿的建筑热湿解耦环境控制原理及方法研究,51036001" 2010-2011 上海市科委白玉兰基金合作交流项目 "高效太阳能收集与应用技术研究" 2010-2012 上海市科学技术委员会启明星跟踪项目 "采用金属基干燥剂涂层方法的除湿换热器强化吸湿机理研究,10QH1401200" 2009-2011 上海市科学技术委员会非政府间国际合作项目 "太阳能热驱动制冷空调技术,09160702300" 2007-2010 国家863高技术研究发展计划项目 "单步两级式太阳能复合除湿空调系统,2008AA05Z420" 参与编写的论著: (1) T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Advances in Adsorption Technology. Chapter 11: Desiccant Materials and their Applications. Edited by Bidyut Baran Saha, Kim Choon Ng. Published by Nova Science Publishers Inc. 01/08/2010. (2)《太阳能制冷》王如竹 代彦军 等编著,化学工业出版社(北京),2007年1月第一版. 主要负责第一章、第二章和第五章的编写。 教学工作 工程热力学II (英文) 本科生 51学时 3学分 工程学导论 本科生 68学时 4学分 软件版权登记及专利 获得授权的专利: 自冷式干燥剂降温除湿空调系统,ZL 201210232592.0 再生式蒸发冷却空调,ZL 201010579618.X 可利用低品位热源的两级转轮除湿空调装置,ZL 200710045901.2 太阳能驱动的单个转轮两级除湿空调器,ZL 200710045902.7 生物电泳仪用制冷散热装置,ZL 201210232782.2 学术兼职 2016- 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会青年委员会 委员 2019- 上海市制冷学会 常务理事、国际化办公室主任 2018- Energy期刊 助理编辑 2009-2010 第九届国际可持续能源技术大会 组委会成员,大会秘书 2010-2010 可再生能源学会热利用委员会年会 组委会成员 2015 国际能源署IEA Task48、53 2015年会 组委会成员 荣誉奖励 上海市巾帼创新奖 三八红旗手,2020 全球能源协会“全球能源奖国际青年计划“, 2019 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者 2019 教育部青年长江学者奖励计划 2018 上海市浦江学者计划, 2018 国际制冷学会“Carrier H. William”青年研究学者,2015 上海市“青年科技启明星”,2014 上海市教学成果二等奖(排名2),2014 教育部“国家百篇博士论文提名奖”,2013 上海市“研究生优秀成果奖(博士论文)”,2012 大金公司合作“项目优秀奖”,2014 华为公司合作科研计划金奖,2013 第一届国际环境保护与能源高效利用青年学者论坛“最佳报告奖”,2010 夏安世教育基金会“夏安世教授奖学金-Heatcraft奖”,2009 上海交通大学“十佳班主任”,2014 上海交通大学聘期考核优秀,2014 上海交通大学优秀博士后一等奖,2013 上海交通大学“招生工作先进个人”,2013 上海交通大学“青年岗位能手”称号,2012 上海交通大学“SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划”,2012 上海交通大学教学成果奖一等奖,排名2,2012


固体除湿空调 吸附剂中的耦合热质传递过程 空气CO2直接捕捉 (DAC) 低品位能源(太阳能)的高效转换和利用


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[1] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang, Y. Li. Performance of two-stage rotary desiccant cooling system with different regeneration temperatures. Energy 2015, 80(1): 556-566. [2] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Review on solar powered rotary desiccant wheel cooling system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014, 39: 476-497. [3] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang, Y. Li. Feasible study of a self-cooled solid desiccant cooling system based on desiccant coated heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering2013, 58: 281-290. [4] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, R.Z. Wang. Simulation investigation on solar powered desiccant coated heat exchanger cooling system. Applied Energy 2012, 93:532-540. [5] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Performance study of silica gel coated fin-tube heat exchanger cooling system based on a developed mathematical model. Energy Conversion and Management 2011, 52(6): 2329-2338. [6] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang, Z.Z. Peng. Experimental comparison and analysis on silica gel and polymer coated fin-tube heat exchangers. Energy 2010, 35(7): 2893-2900. [7] T.S. Ge, F. Ziegler, R.Z. Wang. A mathematical model for predicting the performance of a compound desiccant wheel. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010, 30: 1005-1015. [8] T.S. Ge, F. Ziegler, R.Z. Wang, H. Wang. Performance comparison between desiccant cooling system and vapor compression system. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010, 30(6-7):724-731. [9] T.S. Ge, Y. Li, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Investigation on a novel two-stage solar driven rotary desiccant cooling system using composite desiccant materials. Solar Energy 2010, 84(2):157-159. [10] T.S. Ge, Y. Li, R.Z. Wang, Y.J. Dai. Experimental study on a two-stage rotary desiccant cooling system. International Journal of Refrigeration 2009, 32:498-508. [11] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang, Y. Li. Experimental investigation on an one-rotor two-stage rotary desiccant cooling system. Energy 2008, 33(12):1807-1815. [12] T.S. Ge, Y. Li, R.Z. Wang, Y.J. Dai. A review of the mathematical models for predicting rotary desiccant wheel. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2008, 12(6):1485-1528. [13] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Novel self-cooled solid desiccant cooling system with integrated desiccant coated heat exchanger and regenerative evaporative cooler. In the 2014 International Sorption Heat Pump Conference. March 31- April 2, 2014, Washington, USA. Paper ID: 59. [14] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Study of self-cooled solid desiccant cooling system based on desiccant coated heat exchanger. In the Cryogenics and Refrigeration-Proceedings of ICCR2013. April 6-9, 2013, Hangzhou, China. Paper ID: B-2-14. [15] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Simulation investigation on solar driven desiccant coated heat exchanger cooling system. In the 6th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. August 26-28, 2012, Xi’an, China. [16] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Simulation investigation on low grade energy powered two-stage desiccant wheel cooling system. In the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 2012. September4-7, 2012, Ottawa, Canada. Paper ID: 646. [17] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Experimental study on a silica gel coated heat exchanger cooling system. In the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference. Padua, Italy, April 6-8, 2011. Paper ID: I49. [18] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Simulation Investigation on Solar Driven Desiccant Coated Heat Exchanger Cooling System. In The Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy. January 21-23, 2011, Busan, Korea. [19] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Performance study of silica gel coated fin-tube heat exchanger cooling system based on a developed mathematical model. In the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 2010. August24-27, 2010, Shanghai, China. Paper ID: AR-089 [20] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai. Investigation on solar powered solid desiccant cooling system. In The Global Climate Chang-approaches to international cooperation. May 20, 2010, Bonn, Germany. [21] T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Performance comparison of solar driven desiccant cooling system between China and Germany. 2nd International Symposium Solar and Renewable Cooling (Clean Energy Power Conference), 2010 March 01-04; Stuttgart, Germany. [22] T.S. Ge, Y. Li, R.Z. Wang, Y.J. Dai. Experimental study on a novel two-stage desiccant cooling system. In the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration. August 21-26, 2007, Beijing, China. Paper ID: ICR07-E1-826. [23] T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li. Investigation of a novel one-rotor two-stage desiccant cooling system. In the 5th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2007), September 7-8, 2007, Beijing, China. Paper ID: C158. [24] 葛天舒,李勇,王如竹,代彦军. 三种固体转轮除湿系统的模拟比较. 工程热物理学报 2008, 29(1): 22-24. [25] 葛天舒,李勇,代彦军,王如竹. 新型两级固体转轮除湿空调系统的参数分析. 化工学报 2006, 57(s): 85-90. 发表的主要学术论文(非第一作者): [1] X. Zheng, T.S. Ge, Y. Jiang, R.Z. Wang. Experimental study on silica gel-LiCl composite desiccants for desiccant coated heat exchanger. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2015, 51, 24-32. [2] X. Zheng, T.S. Ge, L.M. Hu, R.Z. Wang. Development and characterization of mesoporous silicate-LiCl composite desiccants for solid desiccant cooling systems [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (11), 2966-2973. [3] X. Zheng, R.Z. Wang, T.S. Ge, L.M. Hu. Performance study of SAPO-34 and FAPO-34 desiccants for desiccant coated heat exchanger systems. Energy, 2015, 93, Part 1: 88-94. [4] L.M. Hu, T.S. Ge, Y. Jiang, R.Z. Wang. Performance study on composite desiccant material coated fin-tube heat exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015. 90: p. 109-120. [5] Jiang, Y., et al. (2014). "Comparison study of a novel solid desiccant heat pump system with EnergyPlus." Building Simulation 7(5): 467-476. [6] Jiang, Y., et al. (2014). "Experimental investigation on a novel temperature and humidity independent control air conditioning system – Part II: Heating condition." Applied Thermal Engineering 73(1): 773-781. [7] Jiang, Y., et al. (2014). "Experimental investigation on a novel temperature and humidity independent control air conditioning system – Part I: Cooling condition." Applied Thermal Engineering 73(1): 782-791. [8] Jiang, Y., et al. "Experimental investigation and analysis of composite silica-gel coated fin-tube heat exchangers." International Journal of Refrigeration. [9] R.Z. Wang, T.S. Ge, C.J. Chen, Q. Ma, Z.Q. Xiong. Solar sorption cooling systems for residential applications: Options and guidelines. International Journal of Refrigeration 2009, 32(4): 638-660. [10] Y. Zhao, T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang. Experimental investigation on a desiccant dehumidification unit using fin-tube heat exchanger with silica gel coating.Applied Thermal Engineering 2013, 63(1), 2014: 52-58. [11] X. Zheng, L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, T.S. Ge, T.F. Ishugah, Thermal conductivity, pore structure and adsorption performance of compact composite silica gel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 68 (2014) 435-443. [12] X. Zheng, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang. Recent progress on desiccant materials for solid desiccant cooling systems. Energy, 2014. 74: p. 280-294. [13] X. Zheng, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang, L.M. Hu. Performance study of composite silica gels with different pore sizes and different impregnating Hygroscopic salts. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014. 120(16): p. 1-9. [14] Y. Jiang, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang.Performance simulation of a joint solid desiccant heat pump and variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings2013, 65: 220-230. [15] R.Z. Wang, X. Yu, T.S. Ge, T.X. Li. The present and future of residential refrigeration, power generation and energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering 2013, 53: 256-270. [16] D. La, Y. Li,Y.J. Dai, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang.Effect of irreversible processes on the thermodynamic performance of open-cycle desiccant cooling cycles. Energy Conversion and Management 2013, 67: 44-56. [17] U.Eicker, U.Schürger, M.Köhler, T.S.Ge, Y.J. Dai, H. Li, R.Z. Wang. Experimental investigations on desiccant wheels. Applied Thermal Engineering 2012, 42:71-80. [18] D. La, Y. Li,Y.J. Dai, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang.Development of a novel rotary desiccant cooling cycle with isothermal dehumidification and regenerative evaporative cooling using thermodynamic analysis method. Energy 2012, 44: 778-791. [19] D. La, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang. Use of regenerative evaporative cooling to improve the performance of a novel one-rotor two-stage solar desiccant dehumidification unit. Applied Thermal Engineering 2012, 42: 11-17. [20] D. La, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang.Case study and theoretical analysis of a solar driven two-stage rotary desiccant cooling system assisted by vapor compression air-conditioning. Solar Energy2011, 85: 2997-3009. [21] D. La, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang. Study on a novel thermally driven air conditioning system with desiccant dehumidification and regenerative evaporative cooling. Building and Environment 2010, 45 (11): 2473-2484. [22] U. Eicker, D. Schneider, J. Schumacher, T.S. Ge, Y.J. Dai. Operational experiences with solar air collector driven desiccant cooling systems. Applied Energy 2010, 87: 3735-3747. [23] X. Zheng, L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, T.S. Ge, T.F. Ishugah, Thermal conductivity, pore structure and adsorption performance of compact composite silica gel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014, 68: 435-443. [24] D. La, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, Z.Y. Tang, T.S. Ge, R.Z. Wang.An experimental investigation on the integration of two-stage dehumidification and regenerative evaporative cooling. Applied Energy 2013, 102: 1218-1228. [25] D. La, Y.J. Dai, Y. Li, R.Z. Wang, T.S. Ge.Technical development of rotary desiccant dehumidification and air conditioning: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2010, 14: 130-147.
