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长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师 2012 苏黎世瑞士联邦理工大学 博士学位(Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) 2005 上海交通大学 结构工程硕士学位 2002 上海交通大学 土木工程学士学位,应用数学第二学士学位 教学工作 上海交通大学: 国外设计规范简介(本科课程,英文授课,主讲教师) 工程规范及应用(研究生课程,中文授课,主讲教师) 丹麦奥尔堡大学: Applied Statistics and Probability Theory(硕士课程,英文授课,主讲教师) System Engineering(硕士课程,英文授课,主讲教师) 瑞士苏黎世瑞士联邦理工大学: Seismic Design of Structures I & II(研究生课程,英文授课,助教) Method of Finite Elements I & II(研究生课程,英文授课,助教) The Probabilistic Analysis of Systems in Engineering(博士课程,英文授课,助教) 荣誉和奖励 2021年入选上海市海外高层次人才计划 2020年获期刊Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems首届年度最佳论文奖(年度唯一)。 2014年入选上海市浦江人才计划。 2013年获Wiley颁Hojjat Adeli Award(年度唯一,第一个美国之外的获奖学者)。 2012年获国家留学基金委颁国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。 2005年获上海市教育委员会颁上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生。


关键词 研究对象 贝叶斯模型 海下油气管道考虑沉积和锈蚀的发生和发展的概率模型及风险决策 大数据和机器学习 海上石油平台可靠性和风险评估 风险与韧性评估 风电场系统全生命周期可靠性以及韧性分析 信息价值 海上大型桥梁风险管理 结构可靠性 电力网络受灾性态分析 巨灾模型 交通网络拓扑结构特征 基础设施网络分析 大型基础设施巡检 碳排放 基础设施碳排放分析


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Pan Y, Qin J. A novel probabilistic modeling framework for wind speed with highlight of extremes under data discrepancy and uncertainty. Applied Energy. 2022; 326: 119938. Zhang W-H, Qin J, Lu D-G, Liu M, Faber MH. Quantifying the value of structural health monitoring information with measurement bias impacts in the framework of dynamic Bayesian Network. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2023;187:109916. Liu M, Qin J, Lu D-G, Zhang W-H, Zhu J-S, Faber MH. Towards resilience of offshore wind farms: A framework and application to asset integrity management. Applied Energy. 2022;322:119429. Zhang W-H, Qin J, Lu D-G, Liu M, Faber MH. VoI analysis of temporally continuous SHM information in the context of adaptive risk-based inspection planning. Structural Safety. 2022;99:102258. Qin J. Evolving probabilistic modeling for long-term significant wave heights with a focus on extremes. Renewable Energy. 2022;187:362-370. Qin J. Preposterior Analysis Considering Uncertainties and Dependencies of Information Relevant to Structural Performance. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. 2022;8(1):04021085. Ali K, Qin J, Faber MH. On information modeling in structural integrity management. Structural Health Monitoring. 2022;21(1):59-71. Qin J. Probabilistic modeling of random variables with inconsistent data. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019;73:401-11. (Featured Article) Nielsen L, Glavind ST, Qin J, Faber MH. Faith and fakes – dealing with critical information in decision analysis. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. 2019;36(1):32-54. (Inaugural Best Paper Award,年度唯一) Qin J. Information-dependent seismic reliability assessment of bridge networks based on a correlation model. Engineering Structures. 2018;176:314-23. Qin J, Zheng M. New York City taxi trips: dynamic networks following inconsistent power law. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2017;28(7):1-19. Qin J, Faber MH. Risk Management of Large RC Structures within Spatial Information System. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2012;27(6):385-405. (Hojjat Adeli Award,年度唯一,也是第一个美国之外的获奖者)


中国工程建设标准化协会结构设计基础专业委员会委员 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文评审专家 国家自然基金委通讯评审专家 中国可再生能源学会会员 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会会员 意大利米兰理工大学博士学位论文评审专家 Junior Editorial Board Member of Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience International Observer of TU1402, COST Action. "Quantifying the Value of Structural Health Monitoring." EU Framework Program Horizon 2014 Member of the IFIP Working Group 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems
