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教育背景 2002.04-2005.02上海交通大学 动力机械与工程专业博士 1999.09-2002.01天津大学 动力机械与工程专业硕士 1988.09-1992.07哈尔滨工业大学 内燃机专业学士 工作经历 2015.01—至 今:上海交通大学 特聘教授 2012.12-至 今:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 教授 2007.12-2012.12:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 副教授 2005.03-2007.12:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 讲师 1992.07-1999.08:东风汽车公司南充内燃机厂 研发工程师 出访及挂职经历 2020.01-2020.02:瑞典隆德大学 访问教授 2014.01-2014.02:澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 访问教授 2011.07-2012.07:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 访问学者 研究方向 1. 真实燃料高压燃烧反应动力学(真实燃料/大分子单体高压下的验研究、模型构建、量化计算、碳烟生成等) 2. 燃料设计理论与方法(可再生燃料,储能燃料,燃料设计理论与方法,燃料与发动机的相互作用) 3. 高压临界喷雾与射流燃烧(液滴碰撞动力学、亚/跨/超临界喷雾射流、激光测量等) 4. 燃烧与流动的高精度数值模拟(高精度计算方法、模型开发、应用研究等) 5. 先进内燃机燃烧理论(均质压燃,低温燃烧,双燃料顺序燃烧,智能充量压缩着火燃烧,光学可视化) 6. 航空发动机燃烧不稳定性(发生机制、光学诊断、主动控制等) 科研项目 2023—2026:国家重点研发计划项目课题:氨-氢燃料高效燃烧与循环调控技术及样机研发;负责人 2023—2027:国家自然科学基金重点项目:双燃料智能充量压缩着火燃烧工作机理与关键科学问题的研究;负责人 2022—2024:工信部项目:燃料适应性研究;负责人 2019—2021:国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:丁醇-生物柴油二元燃料着火与燃烧机理及其实现高效超低排放的研究;负责人 2019—2022:上海市优秀学术带头人计划资项目:航空煤油组分变化对热声震荡的影响;负责人 2017—2020:国家自然科学基金 重大计划重点项目:航空煤油模型燃料着火与燃烧机理及其组分变化对燃烧稳定性的影响;负责人 2017—2020:中组部万人计划领军人才资助项目 2017—2020:工信部项目:超临界喷射机理;负责人 2017—2020:工信部项目:重油射流火焰的研究;负责人 2016—2018:上海市领军人才资助计划 2015—2019:国家杰出青年科学基金项目“内燃机燃烧与排放”;负责人 2015—2018:国家自然科学基金面上项目“火烧驱油过程中原油氧化与裂解反应机理的基础研究”;技术负责人 2014—2017:上海市重点基础研究项目“生物质气体燃料高效清洁燃烧的基础研究”;负责人 2014—2016:上海市浦江人才计划(D)支持项目“生物柴油着火与燃烧过程及碳烟生成机理的动力学研究”;负责人 2013—2017:国家973重大基础研究项目课题“基于实时燃料设计的新型低温燃烧理论与燃烧控制技术的基础研究”;负责人 2012-2015:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于柴油类燃料-汽油类燃料两阶段顺序高温放热燃烧模式的基础研究”;负责人 2011-2013:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划“发动机相似条件下碳氢燃料着火特性与氧化反应机理的研究”,负责人 2010-2012:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于缸内快速采样的发动机排放物生成与演化机理的研究”,负责人 2008-2010:教育部博士点基金项目“复合HCCI燃烧放热模式的调制及其闭环控制的研究”,负责人 2008-2010:上海交通大学晨新学者奖励计划资助项目“柴油机低温燃烧的基础研究”,负责人 2006-2008:上海市自然科学基金项目“HCCI发动机燃烧过程的化学反应机理及其控制的基础研究”,负责人 2010-2014:国家自然科学基金重点项目“压燃式发动机高效低温燃烧的基础研究”,参加 2009-2012:上海市重大基础研究项目“均质压燃发动机燃烧的应用基础研究”,主要完成人 2007-2011:国家973重大基础研究项目“缸内燃料组分、浓度和温度控制与均质压缩燃烧的基础研究”,主要完成人 2006-2008:上海市重大基础研究项目“均质压燃燃烧过程化学动力学控制的研究”,主要完成人 2002-2007:国家973重大基础研究项目“燃料设计理论与均质充量压缩着火燃烧的基础研究”,主要完成人 教学工作 课程名称:车用发动机构造 授课对象:本科生;学时数:45学时 课程名称:热能与动力工程基础 授课对象:本科生;学时数:54学时 课程名称:专业英语 授课对象:硕士生;学时数:36学时 课程名称:内燃机原理 授课对象:本科生;学时数:48学时 课程名称:燃烧化学动力学理 授课对象:研究生;学时数:48学时 课程名称:工程学导论 授课对象:本科生;学时数:48学时 课程名称:发动机原理与构造 授课对象:本科生;学时数:32学时 软件版权登记及专利 授权发明专利 (5)吕兴才, 钱勇, 赵汶彬, 吴浩卿, 弭仕杰, 周伟. 一种可实现发动机多燃烧模式瞬态切换的控制方法. (申请日期20220107,授权日期20221122). 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0049278.2 (4)吕兴才, 钱勇, 李秭泷, 赵汶彬, 张耀元. 一种都燃料充量压缩发动机燃烧系统及控制方法。(申请日期20200312,授权日期20220126). 专利号:ZL 2020 1 0169392.X (3)吕兴才, 赵汶彬, 李秭泷, 钱勇, 何卓遥. 一种多燃料智能充量压缩燃烧发动机. (申请日期20200312,授权日期20220107). 专利号:ZL 2020 1 0169391.5 (2)吕兴才, 李秭泷, 赵汶彬, 钱勇, 刘贵宾, 黄冠. 一种多燃料充量压缩燃烧发动机的燃料喷射方法及装置. (申请日期20200312,授权日期20211112). 专利号:ZL 2020 1 0169477.8 (1)吕兴才, 黄震. 柴油-汽油双燃料顺序燃烧发动机. (申请日期20110428,授权日期20121128). 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0107981.6 申请发明专利 (4)钱勇, 吕兴才, 赵汶彬. 一种降低氨发动机未燃氨排放的系统和方法. 申请号: 20221009399934, 申请日期 :20220126, 公开号:CN114483299A (3)赵汶彬, 周伟, 钱勇, 吕兴才. 一种双燃料发动机系统及点火方法. 申请号: 2022100930274, 申请日期 :20220126, 公开号:CN114427494A (2)吕兴才, 赵汶彬, 钱勇, 张耀元. 一种基于可切换式的内燃机分级燃烧系统. 申请号: 2021106190527, 申请日期 :20210603, 公开号:2021106190527 (1)赵汶彬, 钱勇, 吕兴才. 一种适用于高喷射压力的旋流喷油器. 申请号: 2021106198088, 申请日期 :20210603, 公开号:CN113374607A 荣誉奖励 2022年:上海交通大学首届佳和优秀导师奖 2022年:上海交通大学优秀博士论文提名(阮灿) 指导教师奖 2021年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最佳导师奖 2021年:上海交通大学优秀博士论文(毛业兵) 指导教师奖 2020年:上海交通大学优秀博士论文提名(于亮) 指导教师奖 2019年:上海市优秀学术带头人 2018年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最佳导师奖 2018年:上海交通大学优秀博士论文(钱勇) 指导教师奖 2017年:万人计划领军人才 2016年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最受毕业生欢迎导师奖 2015年:中青年科技创新领军人才 2015年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最受欢迎教师奖 2015年:上海市领军人才 2014年:国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 2014年:上海交通大学凯源十佳教师 2014年:浦江人才计划 2013年:国家自然科学二等奖(第二) 2012年:2011-2012学年上海交通大学最受学生欢迎的教师奖 2012年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最喜爱的导师 2011年:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院最受欢迎教师奖 2010年:上海市自然科学一等奖(第二) 2010年:教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 2010年:上海交通大学优秀教师 2009年:中国内燃机学会史绍熙人才奖; 2008年:上海交通大学晨新学者奖励计划SMC奖 2007年:国家优秀博士论文提名奖 2006年:上海市优秀博士论文 研究生校级、行业协会/学会获奖: (1)上海交通大学优秀博士论文:钱勇(2017年);于亮(提名,2019年);毛业兵(2020年);阮灿(提名,2021年); (2)上海交通大学优秀博士毕业生发展奖学金:毛业兵(2020年);阮灿(2021年); (3)上海交通大学学术之星:李秭泷(提名,2020年);朱继贞(提名,2022年) (4)上海交通大学十大三好学生标兵:钱勇(2017年); (5)中国科协青年托举人才:钱勇(2019年); (6)中国工程热物理学会吴仲华优秀研究生奖:于亮(2019年);毛业兵(2020年); (7)中国汽车工程学会优秀博士论:钱勇(2018年);赵汶彬(提名,2022年) (8)中国内燃机学会优秀博士论文:钱勇(银奖,2018年);于亮(铜奖,2020年);李秭泷(提名,2022年) (9)联电-上海交通大学优秀博士联合资助:姜晨旭(2017-2018,2018-2019);李秭泷(2019-2020);赵汶彬(2020-2021);张耀元(2021-2022); (10)海(境)外博士后:徐磊磊(隆德大学,2020年);周奇艳(米兰理工 ,2021年);于亮(KAUST,2021年);Mohsin(爱尔兰国立高威大学,2022年)


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In-pressed Papers (4)Qiankun Zhang, Haoqin Wu, Shijie Mi, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation on collision characteristics of dual-spray with different physical-chemical fuel properties: A case study of butanol-biodiesel fuel combination. Internatinal Journal of Engine Research 2023; 10.1177/14680874231162147 (3)Jianping Wang, Qiankun Zhang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Liang Yu, Dezhi Zhou, Xingcai Lu, Yong Qian. Comparative study of ignition characteristics and engine performance of RP-3 kerosene and diesel under compression ignition condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2022; 10.1177/09544070221146349 (2)Rui Liu, Li Huang, Yue Ma, Dehao Ju, Mingzhi Feng, Xingcai Lu. Schlieren and mie-scattering visualization of an evaporating spray under marine diesel engine conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2023; https://doi.org/10.1177/09576509231152 (1)Haoqing Wu, Yaoyuan Zhang, Shijie Mi, Wenbin Zhao, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. A methodology for regulating fuel stratification and improving fuel economy of GCI mode via double main-injection strategy. Frontier in Energy 2023; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11708-022-0859-z 2023年度 (216)Wenbin Zhao, Haoqing Wu, Shijie Mi, Yaoyuan Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. An investigation into the ICCI mode to low engine load extension and its achievable operational range at different intake pressure. Fuel 2023; 349: 128769 (215)Yongxiang Zhang, Wei Zhou, Yueying Liang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of the auto-ignition of NH3/diesel mixtures: Part 1- NH3 substitution ratio from 20% to 90%. Combsution and Flame 2023; 251: 112391 (214)Jianping Wang, Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Liang Yu, Dezhi Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigations of aviation kerosene spray in different ambient conditions with various nozzle diameters and injection pressures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2023; 237: 440-454 (213)Shijie Mi , Haoqing Wu , Xinzhe Pei , Chunyu Liu , Liang Zheng , Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian , Xingcai Lu. Potential of ammonia energy fraction and diesel pilot-injection strategy on improving combustion and emission performance in an ammonia-diesel dual fuel engine. Fuel 2023; 343: 127889 (212)Jin Xia, Qiankun Zhang, Jianping Wang, Zhuoyao He,Qiyan Zhou, Dezhi Zhou, Yong Qian, Dehao Ju,Xingcai Lu. Experimental study of the effect of various collision angles and critical conditions on marine engine's twin-spray collision process. International Journal of Engine Research 2023; 24: 999-1015 (211)Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Jianping Wang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation on spray and combustion characteristics of dual-fuel collision of biodiesel and n-butanol. Fuel 2023; 340: 127613 (210)Wei Zhou, Yueying Liang, Xinzhe Pei, Yongxiang Zhang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Autoignition of methyl palmitate in low to intermediate temperature: Experiments in rapid compression machine and kinetic modeling. Combustion and Flame 2023; 249: 112619 (209)Yong Qian, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu,Yaoyuan Zhang, Zilong Li, Xingcai Lu. Towards high efficiency of intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) engine by optimizing the high-reactivity fuel injection strategies under medium–high loads. Fuel 2023; 335: 127037 (208)Wenbn Zhao, Haoqin Wu, Shijie Mi, Yaoyuan Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation of the control strategy of high load extension under iso-butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mod. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2023; 172: 113048 (207)Jizhen Zhu, Dezhi Zhou, Wenming Yang, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Investigation on the potential of using carbon-free ammonia in large two-stroke marine engines by dual-fuel combustion strategy. Energy 2023; 263: 125748 (206)Yaoyuan Zhang, Haoqing Wu, Shijie Mi, Wenbin Zhao, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Comprehensive optimization of a diesel-E85 engine over the full operating range using the Taguchi method in intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Fuel 2023; 332: 126042 (205)Yong Qian, Yaoyuan Zhang, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu, Zilong Li, Xingcai Lu. Efficient and clean combustion of intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) engine at low load conditions. Fuel 2023; 332: 126002 2022年度 (204)Shijie Mi, Yaoyuan Zhang, Haoqing Wu, Wenbin Zhao, Xingcai Lu, Yong Qian. Effects of research octane number of gasoline and dual direct injection strategies on combustion and emission performance of intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Fuel Processing Technology 2022; 238: 107508 (203)Wei Zhou, Yongxiang Zhang; Yueying Liang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Combustion reaction kinetics of biodiesel/n-butanol blends: Experiments in an ultrahigh-pressure rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame 2022; 245: 112313 (203)Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Jianping Wang, Zhuoyao He, Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian, Liang Zheng, Rui Liu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental Study on Spray Diffusion Characteristics at Various Biodiesel-Butanol Blended Ratios and Ambient Conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2022; 236: 840-852 (202)Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Technological and environmental advantages of a new engine combustion mode: Dual Biofuel Intelligent Charge Compression Ignition. Fuel 2022; 326: 125067 (201)Jie Jiang, Linqi Zhang, Zhiyong Wu, Dezhi Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Construction of surrogate fuels for lower freezing point diesels based on component and functional groups analysis. Fuel Processing Technology 2022; 235: 107359 (200)Yaoyuan Zhang, Haoqing Wu, Shijie Mi, Wenbin Zhao, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Application of methanol and optimization of mixture design over the full operating map in an intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) engine. Fuel Processing Technology 2022; 234: 107345 (199)Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Jianping Wang, Zhuoyao He, Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian, Liang Zheng, Rui Liu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental Investigation on Spray Evaporation and Dispersion Characteristics of Impinged Biodiesel-Butanol Blends. ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 2022, 144(7): 071001 (198)Can Ruan, Zhuoyao He, Xiaoxing Feng Pei He, Xianzhi Gao, Linqi Zhang, Jie Jiang, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study of axial spark location effects on transient flame/flow dynamics during ignition in a kerosene-fueled gas turbine model combustor. Fuel 2022; 323: 124336 (197)Shen Li, Jianqing Huang, Wubin Weng, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu, Marcus Aldén, Zhongshan Li. Ignition and combustion behavior of single micron-sized iron particle in hot gas flow. Combustion and Flame 2022; 241: 112099 (196)Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Jianping Wang, Zhuoyao He, Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian, Liang Zheng, Rui Liu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on ignition and combustion characteristics of biodiesel-butanol blends at different injection pressures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022; 160: 112289 (195)Wenbin Zhao, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu, Yaoyuan Zhang, Qiankun Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Towards a comprehensive understanding of mode transition between biodiesel-biobutanol dual-fuel ICCI low temperature combustion and conventional CI combustion – Part Ⅰ: Characteristics from medium to high load. Energy 2022; 246: 123414 (194)Qing Liu, Tamilselvan Pachiannana, Wenjun Zhong, N.Nallusamy, Yanzhi Zhang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Effects of injection strategies coupled with gasoline-hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends on combustion and emission characteristics in GCI engine under low loads. Fuel 2022; 317: 123490 (193)Zilong Li, Shijie Mi, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Characterizing the role of fuel injection strategies on performance, combustion, and emissions in intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 207: 118169 (192)Antonio García, Javier Monsalve-Serrano, Santiago Martinez-Boggio, Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian. Intelligent charge compression ignition combustion for range extender medium duty applications. Renewable Energy 2022; 187: 671-687 (191)Yaoyuan Zhang, Wenbin Zhao, Haoqing Wu, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Potential of EGR and intake heating for load extension using gasoline-ethanol blends as low reactivity fuel in an intelligent charge compression ignition engine. Fuel 2022; 314: 122785 (190)Jizhen Zhu, Dezhi Zhou, Liang Yu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Construction of a skeletal multi-component diesel surrogate model by integrating chemical lumping and genetic algorithm. Fuel 2022; 313: 122711 (189)Zilong Li, Shijie Mi, Yaoyuan Zhang, Jizhen Zhu, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. A comparative study on alcohol-diesel blended fuels in a common rail diesel engine: Combined effects of carbon numbers, oxygen content, and molecular structure. Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 2022; 236: 124-136 (188)Jizhen Zhu, Yueying Liang, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Dezhi Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Parametric study on dual-fuel ignition characteristics under marine engine-relevant conditions. Fuel 2022; 311: 122611 (187)Wenjun Zhong, Qifei Yuan, Jingjing Liao, Nasreldin.M.Mahmoud, Wenhua Yuan, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends over low-to-intermediate temperature. Fuel 2022; 313: 122919 (186)Wenbin Zhao, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu, Yaoyuan Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Towards a comprehensive understanding of mode transition between biodiesel-biobutanol dual-fuel ICCI low temperature combustion and conventional CI combustion - Part ІІ: A system optimization at low load. Energy 2022; 241: 122886 (185)Zhuoyao He, Yaoyuan Zhang, Liang Yu, Guibin Liu, Dezhi Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Impacts of gasoline fuel components on GDI engine performances: Part 1, influence on gaseous toxic pollutants. Fuel 2022; 310: 122423 (184)Yaoyuan Zhang, Wenbin Zhao, Haoqing Wu, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Performance, combustion, and emission evaluation of ethanol-gasoline blends ignited by diesel in dual-fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) engine. ASME J. Energy Resour. Technol. 2022; 144: 082104-1-12 2021年度 (183)Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guan Huang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu. An experimental study of the injection strategies on engine performance of the butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel Intelligent Charge Compression Ignition mode. International Journal of Engine Research 2021; 22:3219-3232 (182)Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guan Huang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of butanol/biodiesel under blend fuel mode, dual fuel RCCI and ICCI modes. Fuel 2021; 305: 121590 (181)Yuhan Huang, Elvin C.Y.Ng, John L. Zhou, Nic C. Surawski, Xingcai Lu, Bo Du, Hugh Forehead, Pascal Perez, Edward F.C. Chana. Impact of drivers on real-driving fuel consumption and emissions performance. Science of The Total Environment 2021; 798:149297 (180)Yuan Feng, Jizhen Zhu, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Theoretical and Experimental Study of 3‑Pentanol Autoignition: Ab Initio Calculation, Shock Tube Experiments, and Kinetic Modeling. J. Phys. Chem. A 2021; 125 (27): 5976–5989 (179)Liang Yu, Haoqin Wu, Wenbin Zhao, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. xperimental study on the application of n-butanol and n-butanol/kerosene blends as fuel for spark ignition aviation piston engine. Fuel 2021; 304: 121362 (178)RUAN Can, CHEN Feier, YU Tao, CAI Weiwei, HE Zhuoyao, MAO Yebing, LI Xinling,LU Xingcai. Experimental study on impacts of fuel type on thermo-acoustic instability in a gas turbine model combustor. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2021; 64: 1345–1358 (177)Yaoyuan Zhang, Shijie Mi, Wenbin Zhao, Zilong Li, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on the application of bioethanol in dual-fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) engine. Fuel 2021; 303: 121181 (176)Jin Xia, Qiankun Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Jianping Wang, Rui Liu, Yong Qian, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on diesel’s twin injection and spray impingement characteristics under marine engine’s conditions. Fuel 2021; 302: 121133 (175)Qiyan Zhou, Tommaso Lucchini, Gianluca D’Errico, Ricardo Novella, Jose María García-Oliver, Xingcai Lu. CFD analysis of combustion and emission characteristics of primary reference fuels: from transient Diesel spray to heavy-duty engine. Fuel 2021; 301: 120994 (174)LI Zilong, QIAN Yong, HUANG Guan, ZHAO Wenbin, ZHANG Yaoyuan, LU Xingcai. Gasoline-diesel dual fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) combustion: Conceptual model and comparison with other advanced combustion modes. Science Chinal Technological Science 2021; 64(4): 719–728 (173)Yebing Mao, Jin Xia, Can Ruan, Zhyong Wu, Yuan Feng, Jizhen Zhu, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of a four-component surrogate fuel for RP-3 kerosene. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2021; 38: 555-563 (172)Zhuoyao He, Wenbin Zhao, Guibin Liu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Effects of short chain aromatics in gasoline on GDI engine combustion and emissions. Fuel 2021; 120725:297 (171)Jing Li, Jizhen Zhu, Sixu Wang, Yuan Feng, Wei Zhou, Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and modeling study of autoignition characteristics of two real low-octane gasoline fuels in a heated rapid compression machine at elevated pressures. Fuel 2021; 295: 120645 (170)Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Yong Qian, Sixu Wang, Zhiyong Wu, Mohsin Raza, Lei Zhu, Xiaobing Hu, Xingcai Lu. Development and validation of a detailed kinetic model for RP-3 aviation fuel based on a surrogate formulated by emulating macroscopic properties and microscopic structure. Combustion and Flame 2021; 229: 111401 (169)Qiyan Zhou, Tommaso Luchini, Gianluca D’Errico, Gilles Hardy, Xingcai Lu. Modeling heavy-duty diesel engines using tabulated kinetics in a wide range of operating conditions. International J of Engine Research 2021; 21:1116-1132 (168)Jizhen Zhu, Jing Li, Sixu Wang, Mohsin Raza, Yong Qian, Yuan Feng, Liang Yu, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling of methane/diesel mixtures at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame 2021; 229: 111390 (167)Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Auto-ignition characteristics of a near-term light surrogate fuel for marine diesel: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 2021; 228: 302-314 (166)Jizhen Zhu, Sixu Wang, Mohsin Raza, Yuan Feng, Jing Li, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Yong Qian, XingcaiLu. Autoignition behavior of methanol/diesel mixtures: Experiments and kinetic modeling. Combustion and Flame 2021; 228:1-12 (165)Zhuoyao He, Linqi Zhang, Guibin Liu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Evaluating the effects of olefin components in gasoline on GDI engine combustion and emissions. Fuel 2021; 291: 120131 (164)Can Ruan, Linqi Zhang, Feier Chen, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, and Xingcai Lu. Thermoacoustic Instability Characteristics and Flame/Flow Dynamics in a Multinozzle Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Model Combustor Operated with High Carbon Number Hydrocarbon Fuels. Energy and Fuels 2021; 35: 1701-1714 (163)Sixu Wang, Yueying Liang, Jizhen Zhu, Mohsin Raza, Jing Li, Liang Yu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition for diesel and n-alcohol blends from ethanol to n-pentanol in shock tube and rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame 2021; 227: 296-308 (162)Zilong Li, Jing Li, Guan Huang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. A methodology for stratified-charge preparation via low-reactivity fuel multi-injection strategy in intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Fuel 2021; 289: 119751 (161)Yong Qian, Feng Yuan, Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Qiyan Zhou, Xingcai Lu. Co-effects of fuel research octane number and ethanol injection ratio on dual-fuel spark-ignition engine. International J of Engine Research 2021; 22: 456-467 (160)Jizhen Zhu , Mohsin Raza, Jing Li , Sixu Wang, Yebing Mao, Yuan Feng, Yong Qian*, Liang Yu , Xingcai Lu. Impact of small-amount diesel addition on methane ignition behind reflected shock waves: Experiments and modeling. 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Experimental study on spray characteristics of six-component diesel surrogate fuel under sub/trans/supercritical conditions with different injection pressures. Energy 2021; 218:119474 2020年 (155)Lei Zhu,Bolun Li, Ang Li, Wenxia Ji, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of fuel reforming on large-bore low-speed two-stroke dual fuel marine engine combined with EGR and injection strategy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 29505-29517 (154)Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Yaopeng Li, Mark Treacy, Changle Li, Per Tunestål, Martin Tunér, Xingcai Lu. Effect of piston bowl geometry and compression ratio on in-cylinder combustion and engine performance in a gasoline direct-injection compression ignition engine under different injection conditions. Applied Energy 2020; 280: 115920 (153)Mohsin Raza,Jizhen Zhu,Yebing Mao,Sixu Wang,Xingcai Lu. The autoignition of Heptamethylnonane at moderate-to-high temperatures and elevated pressures: Shock tube study and improved chemical kinetic model. Fuel 2020; 281: 118787 (152)Yuan Feng,Jizhen Zhu,Yebing Mao,Mohsin Raza,Yong Qian,Liang Yu,Xingcai Lu. Low-temperature auto-ignition characteristics of NH3/diesel binary fuel: Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic analysis. Fuel 2020; 281: 18761 (151)Zilong Li,Guan Huang,Yaoyuan Zhang,Wenbin Zhao,Jing Li,Zhuoyao He,Yong Qian,Xingcai Lu. Dual fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) combustion: Efficient and clean combustion technology for compression ignition engines. Fuel 2020; 279: 118565 (150)Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Qing Liu, Zilong Li,Yianzhi Zhang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study the effect of injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics in gasoline compression ignition engines using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. 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Experimental study of injection characteristics under diesel’s sub/trans/supercritical conditions with various nozzle diameters and injection pressures. Energy Conversion and Management 215 (2020) 112949 (145)YU Liang, WANG WenYu, WANG SiXu, FENG Yuan, QIAN Yong, LU XingCai. An experimental and modeling study of n-hexadecane autoignition under low-to-intermediate temperatures. Science Chinal Technological Science 2020; 63(5):719-730 (144)Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Guibin Liu, Yong Qia, Xingcai Lu. Coordination of fuel reactivity and injection timing to achieve highly efficient and stable gasoline compression ignition combustion in a wide load range. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 2020; 234:1840-1853 (143)Yue Qiu, Wei Zhou, Yuan Feng, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and modeling study of autoignition characteristics of butanol/diesel blends over wide temperature ranges. 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The effect of ammonia addition on the low-temperature autoignition of n-heptane: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 217 (2020) 4–11 (138)Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Zhiyong Wu, Jizhen Zhu, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental study of n-dodecane and the development of an improved kinetic model. Combustion and Flame 212 (2020) 388–402 (137)Sixu Wang, Yuan Feng, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and kinetic study of diesel/gasoline surrogate blends over wide temperature and pressure. Combustion and Flame 213 (2020) 369–381 (136)Wenbin Zhao, Zilong Li, Guan Huang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation of direct injection dual fuel of n-butanol and biodiesel on Intelligent Charge Compression Ignition (ICCI) Combustion mode. Applied Energy 266 (2020) 114884 (135)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Xinling Li, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on flame/flow dynamics in a multi-nozzle gas turbine model combustor under thermo-acoustically unstable condition with different swirler configurations. Aerospace Science and Technology 98 (2020) 105692 (134)Jin Xia, Zhong Huang, Lijun Zhang, Qiankun Zhang, Liang Zheng, Rui Liub, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Experimental comparisons on injection and atomization characteristics of diesel and its six-component surrogate under different critical conditions of marine engine. Energy Conversion and Management 205 (2020) 112397 (133)Qian Sun, Bolun Li, Ang Li, Yu Shao, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu, Lei Zhu, Zhen Huang. Insight into fuel reactivity effects on thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 9010-9024 (132)Bolun Li, Qian Sun, Ang Li, Yu Shao, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang, Lei Zhu. Effects of propanol isomers enrichment on in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in spark ignition natural gas engine. 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Towards low emissions and high thermal efficiency of gasoline compression ignition engine under high loads by modulating the fuel reactivity and injection strategy. Science China Technological Science, 2020, 63: 96–104 2019年 (122)Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Hua Li, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Gas-phase autoignition of diesel/gasoline blends over wide temperature and pressure in heated shock tube and rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame 201 (2019) 264–275 (121)Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Wencao Tao, Sixu Wang, Can Ruan, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of ignition characteristics of RP-3 kerosene over low-to-high temperature ranges in a heated rapid compression machine and a heated shock tube. Combustion and Flame 203 (2019) 157–169 (120)Liang Yu, Yebing Mao, Ang Li, Sixu Wang, Yue Qiu, Yong Qian, Dong Han, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling validation of a large diesel surrogate: Autoignition in heated rapid compression machine and oxidation in flow reactor. Combustion and Flame 202 (2019) 195–207 (119)Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Wenyu Wang, Yue Qiu, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Exploration of chemical composition effects on the autoignition of two commercial diesels: Rapid compression machine experiments and model simulation. Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 204–219 (118)Yebing Mao, Sixu Wang, Zhiyong Wu, Yue Qiu, Liang Yu, Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-butylcyclohexane over low-to-high temperature ranges. Combustion and Flame 206 (2019) 83–97 (117)Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Jizhen Zhu, Yuan Feng, Sixu Wang, Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Surrogate fuels for RP-3 kerosene formulated by emulating molecular structures, functional groups, physical and chemical properties. Combustion and Flame 208 (2019) 388–401 (116)Yebing Mao, Ang Li, Lei Zhu ∗, Zhiyong Wu, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Mohsin Raza, Xingcai Lu. A detailed chemical mechanism for low to high temperature oxidation of n-butylcyclohexane and its validation. Combustion and Flame 210 (2019) 360–373 (115)Yebing Mao, Yuan Feng, Zhiyong Wu, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Mohsin Raza, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. The autoignition of iso-dodecane in low to high temperature range: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 210 (2019) 222–235 (114)Yong Qian, Zilong Li, Liang Yu, Xiaole Wang, Xingcai Lu. Review of the state-of-the-art of particulate matter emissions from modern gasoline fueled engines. Applied Energy 238 (2019) 1269–1298 (113)Yong Qian, Zhiyong Wu, Jinjing Guo, Zilong Li, Chenxu Jiang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on the key parameters controlling the combustion and emission in premixed charge compression ignition concept based on diesel surrogates. Applied Energy 235 (2019) 233–246 (112)Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Yanzhi Zhang, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends in gasoline compression ignition engines under different loads of double injection strategies. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113296 (111)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Weiwei Cai, Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Principles of non-intrusive diagnostic techniques and their applications for fundamental studies of combustion instabilities in gas turbine combustors: A brief review. Aerospace Science and Technology 84 (2019) 585–603 (110)Feier Chen, Can Ruan, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Effects of fuel variation and inlet air temperature on combustion stability in a gas turbine model combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 126–138 (109)Chenxu Jiang, Guan Huang, Guibin Liu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Optimizing gasoline compression ignition engine performance and emissions: Combined effects of exhaust gas recirculation and fuel octane number. Applied Thermal Engineering 153 (2019) 669–677 (108)Yanzhi Zhang, Liangliang Zhan, Zhixia He, Ming Jia, Xianyin Leng, Wenjun Zhong, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. An investigation on gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Applied Thermal Engineering 160 (2019) 113952 (107)Yong Qian, Guibin Liu, Jinjing Guo, Yahui Zhang, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Engine performance and octane on demand studies of a dual fuel spark ignition engine with ethanol/gasoline surrogates as fuel. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 296–306 (106)Jin Xia, Zhong Huang, Leilei Xu, Dehao Ju⁎, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on spray and atomization characteristics under subcritical, transcritical and supercritical conditions of marine diesel engine. 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Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline compression ignition (GCI) engines fueled by gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Energy 187 (2019) 115931 (101)Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Jin Xia, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Surrogate Formulation for Marine Diesel Considering Some Important Fuel Physical−Chemical Properties. Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 3539−3550 (100)Mohsin Raza, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Insights into the Effects of Mechanism Reduction on the Performance of n‑Decane and Its Ability to Act as a Single-Component Surrogate for Jet Fuels. Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 7778−7790 (99)Tao Yu, Ziming Li, Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Xingcai Lu and Weiwei Cai. Development of an absorption-corrected method for 3D computed tomography of chemiluminescence. Meas. Sci. Technol. 30 (2019) 045403 (98)TaoYu, CanRuan, FeierChen, QianWang, WeiweiCai∗, XingcaiLu. Measurement of the 3D Rayleigh index field viatime-resolved CH* computed tomography. 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