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武岳博士,2004年于电子科技大学通信与信息工程学院获学士学位,2007年于电子科技大学通信与抗干扰国家级重点实验室获硕士学位,2010年于香港理工大学电子资讯工程学系获博士学位,2011年于新加坡南洋理工大学信号处理中心任高级研究员,2012年于美国佛罗里达大学任博士后,2013年于四川大学计算机学院任副教授,2020年破格晋升为教授至今。担任《概率统计》、《最优化理论》、《物联网通信》等课程教学工作。长期从事阵列信号处理,统计信号处理,智能信号处理,声信号处理,无线传感器网络,无线通信,太赫兹信道等领域的相关研究。应用领域包括:智能感知系统,无线感知,目标测向与定位,声学成像,语音信号处理,车辆监测,智能天线等。在相关方向发表论文40余篇,近5年他引次数超过200次。授权国家发明专利3项。现担任包括中科院1区Top期刊:IEEE T INTELL TRANSP在内的5份SCI期刊副主编。主持国家自然科学基金及省部级科研项目多项。获四川省海外高层次人才称号,入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。 学生培养:乐于与学生互动及交流,强调严谨扎实的理论功底训练,以及工程实践能力培养。乐于为学生创造条件,鼓励学生与工业界及学术界专家交流合作,在跨学科交叉领域引导,培养复合型专业人才。曾多次指导本科生、研究生参与科研项目并发表SCI期刊论文和国际会议论文。毕业生去向包括:华为、中兴、IBM、阿里等高技术企业,国有企事业单位,科研院所,国内外名校。 培养理念:通过培养阅读习惯,训练科学思维方式,建立独立寻找答案和解决问题的能力。树立正确科学观,注重人文关怀,帮助学生实现人生价值。欢迎喜欢思考,热爱科学的同学加入! 科研项目: Ÿ 国家自然科学基金:声矢量传感器阵列在非理想传输条件下的声源定位研究 Ÿ 四川省科技计划项目-重点研发项目:新型矢量传声器设计及空间感知算法研究 Ÿ 成都市科技项目-重点研发支撑计划:环境噪声源实时定位及可视化方法研究 Ÿ 香港地铁公司(港铁)资助项目:铁路噪声的估计与抑制 Ÿ 新加坡淡马锡实验室资助项目:超高阶QAM调制信号盲均衡技术 教学工作及学生培养: Ÿ 承担本科课程《最优化理论》、《物联网通信及控制原理》、《物联网前沿技术探讨》 Ÿ 承担本科留学生课程《概率统计》(全英文) Ÿ 承担研究生课程《数字VLSI设计与EDA工具》、《计算机科学进展》 Ÿ 四川大学吴玉章学院指导教师 Ÿ 四川大学计算机学院拔尖人才培养计划教师 Ÿ 大学生创新创业大赛指导教师 Ÿ 2017、2018年四川大学拔尖创新人才培养优秀指导教师 Ÿ 2014、2016年四川大学本科教学先进个人 Ÿ 2013-2014年度四川大学学术性社团优秀指导教师




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[1] Y. I. Wu, K. T. Wong, "Maximum-Output-Power Beamforming Despite No Prior Information About the Signals-of-Interest Nor Possibly About the Interference", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, September 2020. [2] Z. Guo, J. Peng, W. Xu, W. Liang, W. Wu, Z. Xu, B. Guo & Y. I. Wu, “Minimizing Redundant Sensing Data Transmissions in Energy-Harvesting Sensor Networks via Exploring Spatial Data Correlations”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 512-526, January 2021. [3] Z. N. Morris, K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu*, “Three-dimensional Dislocations in a Uniform Linear Array’s Isotropic Sensors — Direction Finding’s Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 147, no. 5, pp. 3209-3220, May 2020. [4] Y. Zhang & Y. I. Wu*, “Multiple Sources Localization by the WSN Using the Direction-of-Arrivals Classified by the Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 173626-173635, November 2019. [5] D. M. Kitavi, K. T. Wong, T.-C. Lin, Y. I. Wu*, “Hybrid Cramer-Rao bound of direction finding, using a triad of cardioid sensors that are perpendicularly oriented and spatially collocated”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 146, no. 2, pp. 1099-1109, August 2019. [6] D. Su, K. T. Wong, Y. I. Wu*, “Bivariate Direction Finding Using Two Perpendicular Bi-directional (“Figure-8”) Sensors of (Possibly) Unequal Orders”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 145, no. 3, pp. 1241-1258, March 2019. [7] C. J. Nnonyelu, K. T. Wong, Y. I. Wu*, “Cardioid Microphones/hydrophones in a Collocated and Orthogonal Triad—A Steerable Beamformer with No Beam-pointing Error”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 575-588, January 2019. [8] Y. I. Wu, “Multiple Sources Localization with WSN, Eliminating the Direction-of-Arrival Ambiguity Symmetric with respect to the Planar Array,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 46290 - 46296, August 2018. [9] M. Muaz, K. T. Wong, Y. I. Wu & D. Su, “A Higher-order 'Figure-8' Sensor and an Isotropic Sensor -- for Azimuth-elevation Bivariate Direction Finding,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 143, no. 4, pp. 2041-2054, April 2018. [10] K. T. Wong, C. J. Nnonyelu & Y. I. Wu, “A Triad of Cardioid Sensors in Orthogonal Orientation and Spatial Collocation - Its Spatial-matched-filter-type Beam-pattern,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 895-906, February 2018. [11] D. M. Kitavi, T.-C. Lin, K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “Direction Finding with the Sensors' Gains Suffering Bayesian Uncertainty – Hybrid CRB and MAP Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 2038-2044, August 2016. [12] Y. I. Wu, S.-K. Lau & K. T. Wong, “Near-field/far-field array manifold of an acoustic vector-sensor near a reflecting boundary,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 139, no. 6, pp. 3159-3176, June 2016. [13] Y. I. Wu, H. Wang & X. Zheng, “WSN Localization Using RSS in Three-dimensional Space – a Geometric Method with Closed-form Solution,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 4397-4404, June 2016. [14] Y. I. Wu, K. T. Wong, X. Yuan, S. K. Lau & S. K. Tang, “A Directionally Tunable but Frequency-invariant Beamformer on an Acoustic Velocity-sensor Triad to Enhance Speech Perception,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 131, no. 5, pp. 3891-3902. May 2012. [15] K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “A Lower Bound of Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for a Sensor-Array Randomly Subject to Sensor-Breakdown,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 911-913, May 2012. [16] Y. I. Wu & K. T. Wong, “Acoustic Near-Field Non-Cooperative Source-Localization by Two Passive Anchor Nodes -- a Pressure-Sensor & a Triad of Collocated Velocity-Sensors,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 159-169, January 2012. (Among all papers published in this journal in 2012-2013, this paper is top 10 in generating citations toward this journal's 2014 Impact Factor.) [17] Y. I. Wu & K. T. Wong, “Polarization-Sensitive Geometric Modeling of the Uplink Multipaths' DOA-Distribution,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 95-101, January 2011. [18] Y. I. Wu, S. K. Lau, K. T. Wong & S. K. Tang, “Beacon-Aided Adaptive Localization of Noise-Sources Aboard a Pass-By Rail-Car Using a Track-Side Microphone-Array,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 3720-3727, October 2010. [19] V. I. Piterbarg, K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “Spatial Correlation-Coefficient Across the Base-Station’s Receiving Sensor-Array --- Analytically Derived, Closed-Form, and Accounting for Propagation Loss,” IET Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 19, pp. 1351-1353, September 2010. [20] Y. I. Wu, K. T. Wong & Siu-Kit Lau, “The Acoustic Vector-Sensor’s Near-Field Array-Manifold,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3946-3951, July 2010. [21] C.-L. J. Lam, K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “The TOA-Distribution of Wireless Multipaths Between an Omni-Directional Transceiver & a Possibly Mis-Oriented Directional Transceiver,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1042-1047, April 2010. [22] K. T. Wong, Y. I. Wu & M. Abdulla, “Landmobile Radiowave Multipaths’ DOA-Distribution: Assessing Geometric Models by the Open Literature’s Empirical Datasets,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 946-958, March 2010. [23] K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “Spatio-Polarizational Correlation-Coefficient Function Between Receiving-Antennas in Radiowave Communications: Geometrically Modeled, Analytically Derived, Simple, Closed-Form, Explicit Formulas,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3566-3570, December 2009. [24] Y. I. Wu & K. T. Wong, “A Geometric Model for the Uplink / Downlink Multipaths’ TOA Distribution, Assuming the Scatterers of a Conical Spatial Density,” IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 196-205, December 2008. 会议论文: [25] M. Muaz, Y. I. Wu, D. Su & K. T. Wong, “Direction finding using a 'p-v probe' of higher order,” Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, U.S.A., June 25-29, 2017. [26] W. Chen & Y. I. Wu, “The Variation on the Uplink Multipaths’ DOA Distribution for the Maneuvering Mobile Station in the Wireless Cellular Network,” Accepted to be presented on IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 18-21, 2016. [27] Y. I. Wu, G. P. Arada, K. T. Wong & W.-Y. Tam, “Mis-modeling & Mis-correction of Mutual Coupling in an Antenna Array – A Case Study in the Context of Direction Finding Using a Linear Array of Identical Dipoles,” IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Beijing, China, August 13-15, 2016. [28] Y. I. Wu, G. P. Arada, K. T. Wong & W.-Y. Tam, “Electromagnetic coupling matrix modeling and ESPRIT-based direction finding – A case study using a uniform linear array of identical dipoles,” The 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing, London, U.K., 1-2 December, 2015. [29] H. Luo & Y. I. Wu, A wireless channel model for the multipaths' DOA distribution, assuming directional antennas at transmitter and receiver, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 414-415, June 6-8, 2015. [30] O. Ojowu, Y. Wu, J. Li & L. Nguyen, “SIRE: a MIMO radar for landmine/IED detection,” Proc. SPIE 8714, Radar Sensor Technology XVII, 2013. [31] K. T. Wong, Y. I. Wu, X. Yuan, S. K. Lau, & S. K. Tang, “A Directionally Tunable but Frequency-invariant Beamformer for an Acoustic Velocity-sensor Triad to Enhance Speech Perception,” IEEE International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, Penghu, Taiwan, 12–15 June, 2011. [32] Y. I. Wu & K. T. Wong “Near-field Source Localization (over Azimuth / Elevation / Distance) Using a Single Spatially Extended Acoustic Vector-Sensor,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Singapore, 7-10 December, 2009. [33] Y. I. Wu, K. T. Wong & S. K. Lau, “Beacon-Aided Adaptive Azimuth-Elevation Localization of Sound-Sources aboard a Pass-By Rail-Car Using a Track-Side Acoustic Microphone Planar Array,” International Conference on Sensing Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, 30 November to 3 December, 2008. [34] C.-L. J. Lam, K. T. Wong & Y. I. Wu, “Closed-Form Explicit Formula for the TOA-Distribution of Multipaths between a Mis-Aligned Directional Transceiver & an Omni-Directional Transceiver Enclosed among Scatterers,” International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 October, 2008. [35] Y. I. Wu, K. T. Wong & S. K. Lau, “Beacon-Aided Adaptive Localization of Sound-Sources aboard a Pass-By Rail-Car Using a Track-Side Acoustic Microphone Array,” Inter-Noise Conference, Shanghai, China, 26-29 October, 2008. [36] Y. Wu & X. He, “FPGA Implementation of a High Speed Source Synchronous Interface,” Advances in Matrix Theory and Applications: 7th International Conference on Matrix Theory and Applications, pp. 490-493, 2006. [37] L. Chen, Y. Wu & X. He, “RS Encoding and the DSP Implementation,” Western-China Communication Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006. 其他论文: [38] 唐华, 朱鹏程, 边超, 武岳, 卢婷 & 宋朝晖, “项目计算机辅助受理的申请代码与研究方向-2019年受理情况与2020年注意事项”,电子与信息学报,vol. 42, no. 1, pp. , Jan 2020 [39] 唐华, 朱鹏程, 边超, 武岳, 俞玉峰 & 宋朝晖, “2020年电子学与信息系统学科项目受理与资助情况”,电子与信息学报,vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 249-254, Jan 2021


Ÿ IEEE Senior Member Ÿ Associate Editor of IEEE T INTELL TRANSP (中科院1区Top) Ÿ Associate Editor of IET SIGNAL PROCESS Ÿ Associate Editor of ELECTRON LETT Ÿ Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS Ÿ Associate Editor of TELECOMMUN SYST
