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教育经历 1988-1992 东北林业大学,农学学士 1995-1998东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,农学硕士 1998-2001东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,农学博士 主要工作经历 1992-1996 黑龙江省林业科学研究院,研究实习员 1998-2001东北林业大学野生动物资源学院 讲师 2001-2003 中国科学院动物研究所 博士后 副研究员 2004- 国环境科学研究院研究员,博士生导师 【发明专利】 1 赵彩云,李俊生,赵相健,柳晓燕.互花米草物理治理与沙滩恢复方法,授权号:ZL 2014 1 0001564.7, 2017. 2 肖能文;高晓奇;刘勇波;罗遵兰;李俊生;赵志平;关潇. 一种含喹螨醚与辛硫磷的防治蚯蚓组合农药,专利号ZL 2015 1 0058708.7,2016. 3 赵彩云,李俊生,周红章,闫亮珍.一种利用堆草诱捕采集隐翅虫的方法.授权号:ZL 2012 1 0223285.6,2014. 4 胡理乐,李俊生. 全占军. 一种测量林窗内光照时长的方法(发明型专利, 专利号:ZL.2008.1.0182407.5)2012. 【软件著作】 1李俊生,吴晓莆,纪中魁. 生物多样性评价分析系统V1.0. 登记号:2010SR061996.2010. 【社会工作】 1 中国《生物多样性公约》履约谈判核心技术专家,多次参加中国代表团,参与《生物多样性公约》、《生物多样性与生态系统服务科学—政策政府间平台》(IPBES)、《生物安全议定书》等公约谈判,是IPCC评估报告作者以及IPBES全球生物多样性与生态系统服务评估专家。 2 国务院国家级自然保护区评审委员会委员,2009 – 3 国家发改委国家公园体制建设核心技术专家组成员,2015 - 4 国家重大专项“转基因生物技术研究”总体专家组成员2008 - 5 科技部国家微生物重点实验室生物安全委员会委员,2010 - 6 中华人民共和国卫生与计划生育委员会微生物实验室生物安全委员会委员,2010 – 7 《生物多样性》编委,2011 – 8 《环境科学研究》(EI)编委,2006 – 9 《环境工程学报》编委,2012 - 【荣誉奖励】 1环境保护部科技进步三等奖:陆地石油开采生态风险评估和污染减排关键技术研究. 2015,第一完成人 2环境保护部科技进步三等奖:气候变化对生物多样性影响评估关键技术与保护对策研究. 2013,第一完成人 专著 1李俊生,勒勇超,王伟等. 中国陆域生物多样性保护优先区. 科学出版社,北京:2017. 2 张风春,李俊生,刘文慧 编著. 生物多样性基础知识. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2016. 3 李俊生,罗建武,王伟,朱彦鹏,罗遵兰编著. 中国自然保护区绿皮书 – 国家级自然保护区发展报告. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2015. 4 赵彩云,李俊生,赵向建 著. 外来入侵物种互花米草分布格局及其生态影响研究. 科学出版社,北京:2015. 5 李俊生,胡理乐,翟胜强 编译. 生态系统与生物多样性经济学生态和经济基础. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2015. 6 胡理乐,李俊生,翟胜强 编译. 国家及国际决策中的生态系统与生物多样性经济学. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2015. 7 李俊生,肖能文 著. 陆地石油开采生态风险评估的技术研究. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2014. 8 李果,李俊生,关潇,吴晓蒲,赵志平 主编. 生物多样性监测技术手册. 中国环境科学出版社,北京:2014. 9 胡理乐,李俊生等 著. 中国大兴安岭林区常见植物彩色图鉴。科学出版社,北京:2014. 10 胡理乐,李俊生等 著. 秦岭太白山常见植物彩色图鉴。科学出版社,北京:2013. 11 李俊生,李果,吴晓莆 主编. 陆地生态系统生物多样性评价技术研究. 中国环境科学出版社. 北京:2011. 12 李俊生,胡理乐,舒俭民著. 秦岭林线树种太白红杉生态特征及其气候变化的响应. 科学出版社,2011. 13 李俊生, 纪中奎, 吴晓莆 编著. 中国国家级自然保护区景观多样性监测与评价技术研究. 中国环境科学出版社.2010. 14 徐芹、肖能文主编, 戈峰、李俊生副主编.中国陆栖蚯蚓. 中国农业出版社. 2010. 代表性研究项目 1 国家重大科技专项重点项目:转基因水稻、转基因玉米对自然生态系统影响及其监控技术研究,2011-2015.主持 2 国家重大科技专项重点课题:转Bt水稻对农田小型哺乳动物生态安全评价技术研究,2009-2010. 主持 3 国家重点研发计划重点项目:外来入侵生物生态影响评估及防制关键技术研究,2016-2018.主持 4 国家科技支撑重点项目:我国陆地石油开采生态风险评估与污染减排关键技术研究,2008-2011.主持 5 国家科技支撑项目子课题:全国陆域动植物生境评价技术研究,2008-2010.主持 6.国家科技支撑项目子课题:生态旅游资源开发生态影响评价技术研究,2007-2009.主持. 7.国家环保公益性项目:我国生物多样性监测与评价技术研究,2007-2009.主持. 8.国家环保公益性项目:国家级自然保护区规范化建设与管理关键技术研究,2012-2014.主持 9 国家环保公益性项目:气候变化对我国陆域生物多样性保护优先区影响评估技术研究,2012-2014.技术负责人 10国家自然科学基金课题:黑河中游荒漠--绿洲交错带小型哺乳动物群落空间分布与生境异质性关系:格局与过程,2008-2010.主持 11国家自然科学基金课题:黑河流域山地--荒漠--绿洲复合景观模式中小型哺乳动物生物多样性的空间格局研究,2004-2006.主持 12国家自然科学基金课题:气候变化和人为干扰对我国西北典型地区啮齿动物资源及分布影响研究,2003—2005).主持 13 环境保护部重点任务:生物多样性保护专项,2012-2018.主持 14 环境保护部重点任务:生物多样性经济学评估,2014-2018.主持 15 环境保护部重点任务:重要生态功能区外来入侵物种生态影响评估. 2012-2016.主持 16中挪国际合作项目:生物多样性经济学价值评估—中挪比较研究与示范,2014-2016.主持 17 WWF中国项目:气候变化对秦岭、岷山地区大熊猫种群影响研究,2013-2015.主持 18 WWF中国项目:水电建设对秦岭、岷山地区大熊猫种群及其生境质量的影响研究,2008-2009.主持 19 WWF中国项目:兰渝铁路(高速公路)建设对秦岭、岷山地区大熊猫种群及其生境质量的影响研究,2007-2008.主持 20中国科学院创新项目:我国国家级自然保护区保护成效评估关键技术及示范研究,2016-2018.联合主持



1. 生物多样性空间格局及其维持机制 2. 生物安全评估 3. 自然保护区管理 4. 气候变化生态效应评估


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1 Li Junsheng, wang wei, Jan Christoph Axmacher, Yuanyuan Zhang,Yanpeng Zhu. Streamlining China’s protected areas. Science, 2016,351:1160. 2 Liu YB*; Li JS; Stewart Jr CN. Inform public on GM, don’t cheerlead. Nature. 2015,520: 295. 3 Xuhui Wang, Shilong Piao, Philippe Ciais, Junsheng Li*, Pierre Friedlingstein, Charlie Koven, and Anping Chen. Spring temperature change and its implication in the change of vegetation growth in North America from 1982 to 2006. PNAS, 2011, 108 (4): 1240-1245. (* 通讯作者) 4 Shilong Piao, Philippe Ciais, Yao Huang, Zehao Shen, Shushi Peng, Junsheng Li, Liping Zhou, Hongyan Liu, YuecunMa, Ding Yihui, PierreFriedlingstein, ChunzhenLiu, KunTan, YongqiangYu, TianyiZhang, JingyunFang. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, 2010, 467: 43-51. 5 Yue Qi, Bing Yan, Gang Fu, Xiao Guan, Leshan Du & Junsheng Li*. Germination of Seeds and Seedling Growth of Amaranthus retroflexus L. Following Sublethal Exposure of Parent Plants to Herbicides. Scientific Report, 2017, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00153-4.(*通讯作者) 6 Yan Bin, Xiao Nengwen, Qi Yu, Gao Xiaoqi, Li Junsheng*. Urban-development-induced Changes in the Diversity and Composition of the Soil Bacterial Community in Beijing. Scientific Report, 2016, DOI: 10.1038/srep38811.(*通讯作者) 7 Yin-bo Zhang, Yu-zhuoWang, Nathan Phillips, Ke-ping Ma, Jun-sheng Li*, Wei Wang. Integrated maps of biodiversity in the Qinling Mountains of China for expanding protected areas. Biological Conservation, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.04.022(*通讯作者) 8 Liu Yongbo, Liu Fang, Wang Chao, Quan Zhanjun, Li Junsheng*. Effects of Bt-transgenic rice cultivation on planktonic communities in paddy fields and adjacent ditches. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 565: 690-697. (*通讯作者) 9 Liu Yongbo, Jiang Wanxiang, Liang Yuyong, Zhao Caiyun, Li Junsheng*. No effect of Bt-transgenic rice litter on meiobenthos community in field ditches. Pest management Sciences, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/ps.4446. 10 Liu Fang, Li Junsheng, Liu Yongbo. Molecular hydrogen can take part in phytohormone signal pathways in wild rice. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 2016, 60 (2): 311-319. (*通讯作者) 11 Liu Yongbo*, Li Junsheng, Luo Zunlan, Huang Hai, Liu Fang. The fate of fusion Cry1Ab/1Ac proteins from Bt-transgenic rice in soil and water. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016,124: 455–459. 12 Zhou Xuming*, Meng Xuehong*, Liu Zhijin*, Chang Jiang*, Wang Boshi, Li Mingzhou, Li Junsheng. Population genomics reveals low genetic diversity and adaptation to hypoxia in Snub-Nosed Monkeys. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2016, (10): 2670-2681. 13 Wang Lin, Stephen S.Young, Wang Wei, Ren Guopeng, Xiao Wen, Long Yongcheng, Li Junsheng, Zhu Jianguo*. Conservation priorities of forest ecosystems with evaluations of connectivity and future threats: Implications in the Eastern Himalaya of China. Biological Conservation, 2016, 195: 128-135. 14 Liu Yongbo*, Li Junsheng, Luo Zunlan, Huang Hai, Liu Fang. The fate of fusion Cry1Ab/1Ac proteins from Bt-transgenic rice in soil and water. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016,124: 455–459. 15 Lin, Xin, Li, Junsheng, Luo, Jianwu, Wu, Xiaopu, Tian, Yu, Wang, Wei. 2015. Precipitation Mediates the Response of Carbon Cycle to Rising Temperature in the Mid-to-High Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. PLOS ONE, 10(7): e0132663. (*通讯作者) 16 Liu YB*; Zhang YX; Song SQ; Li JS; Stewart Jr CN; Wei W; Zhao YJ; Wang WQ. 2015. A proteomic analysis of seeds from Bt-transgenic Brassica napus and hybrids with wild B. juncea. Scientific Reports. 5: 15480. 17 Liu YB; Chen FJ; Guan X; Li JS*. 2015. High crop barrier reduces gene flow from transgenic to conventional maize in large fields. European Journal of Agronomy. 71: 135-140. 18 Liu YB; Stewart Jr CN; Li JS*; Huang H; Zhang X. 2015. The presence of Bt-transgenic oilseed rape in wild mustard populations affects plant growth. Transgenic Research. 24: 1043-1053.(通讯作者) 19 Liu YB; Li JS; CN Stewart Jr; ZL Luo; NW Xiao*. 2015. The effects of the presence of Bt-transgenic oilseed rape in wild mustard populations on the rhizosphere nematode and microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment. 530-531: 263-270. 20 Liu YB, Ge F, Liang YY. Wu G, Li JS*. 2015. Characterization of competitive interactions in the coexistence of Bt-transgenic and conventional rice. BMC Biotechnology. 15: 27. (通讯作者) 21 Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS*. 2015. A 1961-2010 record of fertilizer use, pesticide application and cereal yields: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35: 83-93. (通讯作者) 22 Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS*. 2015. Current agricultural practices threaten future global food production. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 28: 203-216. (通讯作者) 23 WEI Dongying1, LUO Zunlan, LI Junsheng, WANG Wei, ZHANG Mengmeng. Assessing the effectiveness of protecting reserves for nature assets in China. J. Geogr. Sci. 2015, 25(4): 417-427 24 Xiaopu Wu, Xin Lin, Yuan Zhang,Junjing Gao,Li Guo, Junsheng Li*. Impact of climate change on ecosystem in Priority Areas of Biodiversity Conservation in China. Chin. Sci. Bull.2014, 59(3):4668-4680. (*通讯作者) 25 Zhu Linhai, Chen Zhongxin, Wang Jianjian, Ding Jinzhi, Yu Yunjiang, Li Junsheng, Xiao Nengwen, Jiang Lianhe, Zheng Yuanrun, Rimmington, Glyn M. Monitoring plant response to phenanthrene using the red edge of canopy hyperspectral reflectance. Marine pollution bulletin, 2014. 86: 332-341. 26 Juntao Fan, Junsheng Li*, Rui Xia, Lile Hu, Xiaopu Wu, Guo Li. Assessing the impact of climate change on the habitat distribution ofthe giant panda in the Qinling Mountains of China. Ecological Modelling, 2014, 274:12-20(SCI)(*通讯作者) 27 Junsheng Li, Xin Lin, Anping Chen, Townsend Peterson, Keping Ma, Monika Bertzky, Philippe Ciais, Valerie Kapos, Changhui Peng, Benjamin Poulter. Global Priority Conservation Areas in the Face of 21st Century Climate Change. PLOS one, 2013, 8(1):e54839. 28 Wei Wang, Peter Pechacek, Mingxia Zhang, Nengwen Xiao, Jianguo Zhu, Junsheng Li*. Effectiveness of Nature Reserve System for Conserving Tropical Forests: A Statistical Evaluation of Hainan Island, China. PLOS one, 2013, 8(2):e57561. (*通讯作者) 29 Peter Pechacek, Guo Li, Junsheng Li, Wei Wang, Xiaopu Wu, Jing Xu. Compensation Payments for Downsides Generated by Protected Areas. AMBIO,2013, 42: 90-99. 30 Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Li JS, Liang YY, Darmency H*. Consequences of gene flow between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and its relatives. Plant Science. 2013, 211: 42-51. 31 Zhenzhong Zeng, Shilong Piao, Anping Chen, Xin Lin, Huijuan Nan, Junsheng Li, Philippe Ciais. Committed changes in tropical tree cover under the projected 21st century climate change. Nature – Scientific Reports. 2013, 3:e1951. 32 Chunyu Liu, Wen Xiao, Junsheng Li, Peter Pechacek. Attitude of tourists visiting nature reserves in China. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2013, 5: 1–4. 33 Yongbo Liu, Fengqiao Liu, Xubin Pan, Junsheng *. Protecting the Environment and Public Health from Pesticides. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46: 5658−5659. (* 通讯作者) 34 S. L. Piao, A. Ito, S. G. Li, Y. Huang, P. Ciais, X. H. J. S. Li, M. R. Lomas, J. F. Mao, E. Mayorga, A. Mohammat, H. Muraoka, C. H. Peng, P. Peylin, B. Poulter, Z. H. Shen, X. Shi, S. Sitch, S. Tao, H. Q. Tian, X. P. Wu, M. Xu, G. R. Yu, N. Viovy, S. Zaehle, N. Zeng, and B. Zhu. The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia over the last two decades. Biogeosciences, 2012, 9: 3571–3586. 35 Wu, Gang, Su, Li, Li Junsheng, Xiao Nengwen, Chen Fajun, Xiong Yanfei. Effects of plant chemicals on the Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner): A multi-generation study. International Journal of Pest Management, 2012.58(04): 361-368. 36 Zeng Yunyun, Huang Wenkun, Su Li, Wu Gang, Zhuang Jing, Zhao Wanyun, Hua Hongxia, Li Junsheng, Xiao Nengwen, Xiong Yanfei. Effects of elevated CO2 on the nutrient compositions and enzymes activities of Nilaparvata lugens nymphs fed on rice plants. Science China Life Sciences, 2012. 55(10): 920-926. 37 Juntao Fan , Junsheng Li*, Zhanjun Quan, Xiaopu Wu, Lile Hu, Queping Yang. Impact of road construction on giant panda’s habitat and its carrying capacity in Qinling Mountains. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31:145-149 (* 通讯作者). 38 Chang Xiaona, Wei Hui, Xiao Nengwen, Li Junsheng, Han Lanzhi, Chen Fajun. Effects of elevated CO2 and transgenic Bt rice on yeast-like endosymbiote and its host brown planthopper. Journal of Applied Entomology, 2011. 135(05): 333-342. 39 Li, Zhi Yi, Liu Tongjin, Xiao Nengwen, Li Junsheng, Chen, Fajun. Effects of elevated CO2 on the interspecific competition between two sympatric species of Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci fed on transgenic Bt cotton. Insect Science, 2011.18(4): 426-434. 40 Hu L L, Yan B Q, WU Xiaopu, Li J S*. Calculation method for sunshine duration in canopy gaps and its application in analyzing gap light regimes. Forest Ecology and Management. 2010, 259(3): 350-359. (* 通讯作者)
