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招生专业 071300-生态学 071002-动物学 071006-神经生物学 招生方向 动物行为与化学通讯 化学生态 嗅觉的神经及分子机制 教育经历 1987年获河北大学生物学专业学士学位,1992年获华东师范大学动物生态学硕士学位,1997年获中科院动物研究所生态学博士学位,并留所任职至今。期间,2002-2004年在美国Indiana 大学化学系信息素研究所和整合动物行为研究中心做博士后研究助理。 工作经历 1987.07-1989.08 河北沧州市环境监测站 技术人员 1992.07-1994.08 河北省教育学院生物系(现已并入河北师范大学) 教师 1997.07-至今 中国科学院动物研究所 助研,副研,研究员, 硕导,博导 2002.04-2004.07 美国Indiana 大学 化学系信息素研究所和整合行为学研究中心 博士后研究助理(research associate). 教授课程 动物行为学概论 本课程针对从事动物学研究的研究生,从整合研究的思路出发,从行为生态,动物通讯,性选择,基因和行为,神经和行为,心理和行为,野生动物保护和行为学等进行7次讲授,分别由 动物所 蒋志刚,张健旭;成都生物所 唐业忠;华东师范大学脑功能基因研究所 梅兵;北京师范大学 刘定震;心理研究所 王玮文等老师讲授。 专利与奖励 1.2003年.农田重大害鼠成灾规律及综合防治技术研究(J-201-2-11).国家科技进步二等奖 (第九完成人)(张知彬、蒋光藻、钟文勤、黄秀清、郭聪、宁振东、冯志勇、叶晓堤、张健旭、宛新荣)。 2.2007年.黑龙江农业科技进步一等奖 (2007-01-28-03) 褐家鼠鼠害防治及持续控制技术研究。(第三完成人)。(丛林、刘晓辉、张健旭、曹煜、王宇、徐伟均、张匀华、王大伟、张进华、黄春艳等)。 3. 2011年.北京幽灵蛛雌雄信息素的化学结构和性行为功能,获得江西省高等学校科技成果奖(J1102053)。(第三完成人)(肖永红,李枢强,张健旭)。 合作情况 北京生命科学研究所 英国 爱丁堡大学 美国 中央华盛顿大学




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1. Ness RW, Zhang YH, Cong L, Wang Y, Zhang JX (CA) and Keightley PD (CA) . 2012. Nuclear gene variation in wild brown rats. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2:1661-1664. 2. Xu HY, Liu YJ, Xu MY, Zhang YH, Zhang JX (CA) and Wu YJ (CA). 2012. Inactivation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis suppresses the innate fear responses of rats induced by the odor of cat urine. Neuroscience 221: 21–27 3. Dawei Wang, Jian-Xu Zhang(CA), Zhibin Zhang(CA). 2012. Effect of testosterone and melatonin on social dominance and agonistic behavior in male Tscheskia triton. Behavioral Process 89: 271–277. 4. Dingzhen Liu, Ke-Jian Huang and Jian-Xu Zhang(CA).2011. Individual recognition and odor in rat-like hamsters: behavioral responses and chemical properties. Chem. Senses 36: 799–810. 5. Liu WW, Liang XH, Gong JX, Yang Z, Zhang YH, Zhang JX, Rao Y. 2011. Social regulation of aggression by pheromonal activation of Or65a olfactory neurons in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 14: 896-U119. 6. Da-Wei Wang , Lin Cong, Ling-Fen Yue, Bao-Huan Huang, Jian-Xu Zhang,Yu Wang, Ning Li, Xiao-Hui Liu(CA). 2011. Seasonal variation in population characteristics and management implications for brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) within their native range in Harbin, China. J Pest Sci. 84: 409–418. 7. *Zhang YH, Zhang JX(CA). 2011. Urine-metabolized volatiles of males may signal genetic relatedness for females to assess kinship in rats. Chemical Senses 36: 125-135. 8. *Zhang JX. 2011. An approach to search for putative pheromones in birds via chemical analysis-a reply to Mardon J, Saunders SM, and Bonadonna F. Chemical Senses 36:5-7 9. *Zhang JX(CA), Sun L, Zhang YH. 2010. Foxn1 gene knockout suppresses sexual attractiveness and pheromonal components of male urine in inbred mice. Chemical Senses 35:47-56. 10. *Zhang JX (CA), Wei W, Zhang JH, Yang WH. 2010. Uropygial gland-secreted alkanols contribute to olfactory sex signals in budgerigars. Chemical Senses 35:375-382. 11. *Zhang JX(CA), Liu YJ, Zhang JH, Sun L. 2008. Dual role of preputial gland secretion and its major components in sex recognition of mice. Physiology & Behavior 95:388-394. (被NatureChina亮点报道). 12. *Zhang JX (CA), Sun L, Zhang JH, Feng ZY. 2008. Sex- and gonad-affecting scent compounds and 3 male pheromones in the rat. Chemical Senses 33: 611-621. 13. *Zhang JX, Liu DZ, Sun L, Wei RP, Zhang GQ, Wu HL, Zhang HM, Zhao CH. 2008. Potential chemosignals in the anogenital gland secretion of giant pandas, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, associated with sex and individual identity. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 398-407. 14. *Zhang JX (CA), Sun L, Bruce KE, Novotny MV. 2008. Chronic exposure of cat odor enhances aggression, urinary attractiveness and sex pheromones of mice. Journal of Ethology 26:279-286. (被LiveScience, Yahoo, 华盛顿邮报,新华网等数百家英文网站报道). 15. *Zhang JX (CA), Rao XP, Sun L, Wang DW, Liu DZ, Zhao CH. 2008. Cohabitation impaired physiology, fitness and sex-related chemosignals in golden hamsters. Physiology & Behavior 93:1071-1077. 16. *Zhang JX (CA), Sun L, Novotny M. 2007. Mice respond differently to urine and its major volatile constituents from male and female ferrets. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 603-612. 17. *Zhang JX (CA), Rao XP, Sun L, Zhao C, Qin X. 2007. Putative chemical signals about sex, individuality and genetic background in the preputial gland and urine of the house mouse (Mus musculus). Chemical Senses 32:293-303. 18. Zhang JX. 2011. An approach to search for putative pheromones in birds via chemical analysis--A reply to Mardon J., Saunders SM. and Bonadonna F. Chemical Senses 36:5-7 19. Yong-Hong Xiao; Jian-Xu Zhang; Shu-Qiang Li. 2010. Male-specific (Z)-9-tricosene stimulates female mating behaviour in the spider Pholcus beijingensis. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological sciences 277:3009-18. 20. Liu YJ,Wang DW, Sun LX, Zhang JH, Zhang JX (CA). 2010. Flank gland-secreted putative chemosignals pertaining to photoperiod, endocrine states and sociosexual behavior in golden hamsters. Current Zoology 56:800-812. 21. Liu YJ, Zhang JX(CA), Zhang JH, Bao WD, Liu DZ. 2010. Vomeronasal organ lesion elicits chemosensory dysfunction, anxiety, adrenal atrophy and preputial gland hypertrophy in male mice. Journal of Ethology 28:263-271. 22. Wang DW, Wang ZL, Zhang JX, Zhang JJ, Zhang ZB(CA). 2009. Fecal hormone variation during prolonged social interaction in male Tscheskia triton. Physiology & Behavior 97:347-352. 23. Xiao YH, Zhang JX, Li SQ(CA). 2009. A Two-component female-produced pheromone of the spider (Pholcus beijingensis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 35:769-778. (被NatureChina 亮点报道). 24. Zhang JX(CA), Sun LX, Zuo MX. 2009. The volatile composition of uropygial glands contains information about sex, individual, and species in Bengalese finches, Lonchura striata. Current Zoology 55:357-369. 25. Rao XP, Zhang JX(CA), Liu DZ, Cong L. 2009. Kinship alters the effects of forced cohabitation on body weight, mate choice and fitness in the rat-like hamster (Tscheskia triton). Current Zoology 55:41-47. 26. Liu DZ, Wei RP, Zhang GQ, Yuan H, Wang ZP, Sun LX, Zhang JX, Zhang HM. 2008. Male panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) urine contains kinship information. Chinese Science Bulletin.53:2793-2800. 27. 刘莹娟, 张健旭(CA), 张进华, 鲍卫东. 2008.雄性小鼠(Mus musculus)的社会等级、性吸引及信息素通讯.动物学报 54:399-406。 28. Zhang JX, Zhao CH, Rao XP, Wang DW, Liu XH, Qin XW, Zhang ZB. 2007. Possible information about gender and individual recognition coded by insect pheromone analogs in the preputial glands in male Brandt‘s voles, Lasiopodomys brandtii. Acta Zoologica Sinica 53:616-624. 29. Wang DW, Zhang JX, Wang ZL, Zhang ZB. 2006. Seasonal changes in chronic social interactions and physiological states in female rat-like hamsters (Tscheskia triton). Physiology & Behavior 89: 420 -427. 30. Zhang JX, Soini H, Bruce K, Wiesler D, Woodley S, Baum M, Novotny M(CA). 2005. Putative Chemosignals of the ferret (Mustela furo) associated with individual and gender recognition. Chemical Senses, 30:727-737. 31. Zhang JX, Ni J, Wu FY, Zhang ZB(CA), Wang ZW. 2004. Effects of social condition on adult and subadult female rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton). Journal of Ethology 22:161-165. 32. Zhang JX, Cao C, Gao H, Yang ZS, Sun L, Zhang ZB(CA), Wang ZW. 2003. Effects of weasel odor on behavior and physiology of two hamster species. Physiology& Behavior, 79:549-552. 33. Zhang JX, Ni J, Ren XJ, Sun L, Zhang ZB(CA), Wang ZW. 2003. Possible coding for recognition of sexes, individual and species in anal gland volatiles of Mustela eversmanni and M. Sibirica. Chemical Senses, 28: 382- 388.
