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哈尔滨工程大学核科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师,核技术系主任,入选校青年学术骨干。主要研究方向为辐射探测与防护、核安保与核不扩散技术、核物理与辐射物理。担任中国辐射防护学会理事、中国核学会核安保分会常务理事、中国核学会核电子学与探测分会理事、中国应急管理学会核应急管理工作委员会理事等,多次作为环境辐射专家为国家部委提供咨询建议。担任Radiation Detection Technology and Methods青年编委,《中国核安保》编委。先后到美国田纳西大学、德州农工大学作访问学者和参加IAEA核工程培训,并与美国JLab国家实验室、日本东北大学、俄罗斯的DUBNA核子中心开展合作研究。主持国家自然科学基金2项, 国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项子课题1项,中核集团、中船集团、军科院等军民课题20余项,中央高校前沿交叉、重大培育等课题3项,哈尔滨工程大学基础科研1项;以骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金4项(其中欧洲核子中心RPC升级国际合作课题1项,重大仪器专项1项)。国内外核心期刊及会议发表论文60余篇;软件著作权6项,专利授权3项;出版教材1部《粒子探测器蒙特卡罗模拟》,主持编写国家核安保教材1部。教学方面主持完成教学改革立项2项;多次获得优秀研究生指导教师、优秀本科毕业论文指导教师、三育人先进个人等荣誉;指导大学生“核+X”等赛事获国家二等、三等奖。主讲的本科生课程主要有原子核物理,辐射测量与防护;研究生课程有粒子探测与数据获取,电离辐射防护与辐射源安全,博士生课程有高等辐射剂量学。 教育经历 1998-2002 山东师范大学 物理系(本科) 专业:物理学 2002-2007 兰州大学 核科学与技术学院 (博士) 专业:粒子物理与核物理 2005-2006 美国JLab, 博士联培 工作经历 1. 北京大学 博士后 2007.7-2009.6 2. 田纳西大学 访问学者 2013.8-2014.8 3. 德州农工大学 IAEA核工程培训 2015.3-2015.4 4. 哈尔滨工程大学 副教授 2009.6-2019.5 5. 哈尔滨工程大学 教授 2019.5-现在


辐射应用与探测 立足本单位的科研实验室,以大科学装置为依托,以核能发展和军工需求为牵引,致力于为核技术在军民各方面的应用提供解决方案和探索辐射物理的基本规律。研究方向包括:(1)辐射探测与防护;(2)核安保与核不扩散;(3)辐射物理与原子核物理。


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Property investigation for different wedge-shaped CsI(Tl)s Efficiency calculation of the nMCP with 10B doping based on mathematical models The role of the tightly bound core in the refractive scattering of 17F+12C Study on the neutron imaging detector with high spatial resolution at China spallation neutron source Radionuclide migration in fresh water from nuclear power plant liquid effluent discharged: (Hypothetical case study) Positive-Parity Linear-Chain Molecular Band in C 16 Calculation of Beam Hardening in Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography and its Correction using Filtration and Linearization Methods Positive-parity linear-chain molecular band in $^{16}$C Radioactivity measurement in glacier and Polar ice-caps: An overview Quadrupole deformation of C 16 studied by proton and deuteron inelastic scattering The refractive scattering of 17 F+ 12 C Theoretical Beam Hardening Correction for Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography A STEREO VISION BASED THREE-DIMENSIONAL LOCALIZATION METHOD FOR THE RADIATION SOURCE IN DECONTAMINATION An approach to measure the enrichment of 235U by enrichment meter principle without knowing the thickness of intervening matter The breakup coupling effects on the rainbow scattering of 6Li at 35 AMeV Study on the Performance of Some Non-destructive Methods to Estimate the Uranium Enrichment in Nuclear Materials The cluster folding model analysis for the elastic scattering of 6Li and 6He on 12C Compact lithium-glass neutron beam monitor for SANS at CSNS A Review of Common Beam Hardening Correction Methods for Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography Study on Variation of HPGE Detector Dead Layer Thickness and its Effect on the Measurements of the Detector Response and Samples Characterization Using Monte Carlo Simulation Uranium Enrichment Measurement Using Enrichment-Meter Approach Quasielastic scattering of 17C from a carbon target at 40 MeV/nucleon A study of the nucleus-nucleus total reaction cross section of stable systems at intermediate energies: An application to 12 C Experimental Study of Boron-coated Straws with a Neutron Source A Common Optical Potential for 4 He+ 12 C at Intermediate Energies Monte Carlo simulation of a very high resolution thermal neutron detector composed of glass scintillator microfibers Influence of experimental conditions on the spectroscopy investigation of 14Be by Coulomb breakup reaction The influence of experimental setup on the spectroscopy investigation of $^{\mathrm{14}}$Be by Coulomb breakup reaction Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of 12ΛB hypernuclei The HKS Experiments at JLab Hall C and the New Spectroscopy of ${}^{12}_{\Lambda}\text{B}$ Hypernuclei An implantation and β detection system applied in β-decay studies CONSTRUCTION OF MULTI-NEUTRON CORRELATION SPECTROMETER (MUNCOS) AT PEKING UNIVERSITY


中国辐射防护学会理事 中国核学会核安保分会常务理事 中国应急管理学会核应急管理工作委员会理事 中国核学会核电子学与核探测技术分会理事
