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刘彦随,研究员(二级)、博士生导师、长江学者特聘教授,发展中国家科学院(TWAS)院士。现任中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室主任、中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心主任、中科院地理资源所区域农业与农村发展研究中心主任,国际地理联合会农业与土地工程委员会(IGU-AGLE)主席、“一带一路”减贫与发展联盟(ANSO-APRD)主席,国务院扶贫开发领导小组专家委员会委员,国家精准扶贫成效第三方评估专家组组长,中国城乡发展智库联盟理事长,中国农业资源与区划学会副理事长,中国土地学会副理事长等。国家自然资源部科技创新领军人才、国家自然资源部科技创新团队“现代土地工程与乡村振兴创新团队”负责人。 主持完成国家重点研发计划项目、国家科技支撑计划重点项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目、土地整治工程重大项目等70余项;出版著作18本、发表论文480余篇,其中《Nature》、《Science》、《Land Use Policy》等SCI/SSCI论文160余篇;2015年以来连获“中国高被引学者”,2018年、2019年、2020年入选“全球高被引科学家”,Top 1%科学家,全国优秀科技工作者(2012),发展中国家科学院科学奖(2017)、全国脱贫攻坚奖创新奖(2018)、中国科学院科技促进发展奖(2018)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(2019),以及省部级科技奖励一、二等奖9项。获国家发明专利11项。担任《Land Use Policy》、《经济地理》、《地域研究与开发》、《农业资源与环境学报》等期刊副主编,《Chinese Geographical Science》、《Journal of Geographical Sciences》等期刊编委。 学历 1985-1989年,陕西师范大学地理学系本科学习,获学士学位; 1992-1995年,陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院区域地理学专业研究生,获硕士学位; 1995-1998年,南京师范大学地理科学学院自然地理学博士研究生,获博士学位; 1998年8月-2000年6月中国科学院地理研究所经济地理部人文地理学专业博士后。 工作经历 1989.7-1992.9,湖北襄樊学院(原湖北襄阳师专)地理系讲师 1998.8-2000.6,中国科学院地理研究所经济地理部博士后研究 2000年6月23日,进入中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,副研究员、硕士生导师 2004年5月至今,中国科学院地理资源所区域农业与农村发展研究中心(www.rard.igsnrr.ac.cn)主任、研究员、博导 2009年9月1日起,任中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室副主任 2012年获得“长江学者奖励计划”北京师范大学长江学者特聘教授(二级) 2005年9月至今,中国科学院大学教授 2016年12月至今,中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心主任 2019年1月至今,中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室主任、研究员(二级) 科技奖励与荣誉 2018年11月27日,当选发展中国家科学院(The World Academy of Sciences)院士 (https://twas.org/article/twas-elects-46-new-fellows)。 2017年获得发展中国家科学院(TWAS)科学奖,2018年获全国脱贫攻坚奖创新奖、中国科学院科技促进发展奖、全球高被引科学家、国家自然资源部科技创新领军人才,以及国家精准扶贫第三方评估工作“先进人个”奖(2016),中国科学院科技促进发展奖(2016),国土资源科学技术奖励一等奖(2013,2014,2019)、二等奖(2015),国家科技进步二等奖(2019),全国优秀科技工作者(2012),陕西省科学技术奖励一等奖(2012,2006)、二等奖(2004),山东省国土资源科学技术一等奖(2012),中国科学院院地合作奖科技类一等奖(2011),国家西部大开发杰出贡献集体荣誉称号(2010,国家人力资源与社会保障部),海南省科技进步一等奖(2009),云南省科技进步二等奖(2009),中国城乡发展进步奖(2009),中国科学院科技创新集体成就奖(2009),首届全国优秀地理科技工作者奖(2009),云南省科技进步三等奖(2007),全国优秀青年科技工作者奖(2005),第九届中国青年农学科技奖(2004,中国农学会),第三届华中地区科学技术推广大会科技成果一等奖(2000),第五届全国青年地理科技奖(1999),江苏省首届优秀博士学位论文奖(1999)。 科研项目 主持国家重点研究计划项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目,以及省部级重点重大科技项目70余项。其中主持的重点重大项目主要有: 国家重点研究计划项目:黄土丘陵沟壑区沟道及直面治理工程的生态安全保障技术与示范(2017YFC0504700) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)生态文明建设科技工程项目课题:“乡村振兴地域模式与规划技术研究及示范”(XDA230703) 国务院扶贫开发领导小组委托“‘国家精准扶贫成效第三方评估”(2016、2017、2018、2019、2020、2021,专家组组长) 国务院办公厅委托任务“‘实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫’国务院重大政策措施第三方评估”(2015,专家组组长) 中共中央办公厅委托任务“‘中国农村土地制度改革总体思路研究’”(2014,专家组组长) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“城镇化对我国农业农村发展的影响与对策研究"(15ZDA021) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国乡村人地系统演化过程及其资源环境效应研究”(41931293) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国城乡发展转型的资源环境效应及其优化调控研究:以环渤海地区为例”(41130748) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“我国东部沿海地区新农村建设模式与可持续发展途径研究”(40635029) 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划重点项目“空心村综合整治的关键技术研究与示范”(2014BAL01B00) 国家自然科学基金项目“环渤海地区统筹城乡土地配置机制及模式研究”(41101162)、“农牧交错区资源大开发对土地退化的影响机制及其优化途径研究”、“经济快速发展地区土地利用类型转换与优化配置研究”,国家“973”项目课题“北方干旱化对土地、水资源和粮食安全的影响及适应对策”,国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目专题“全国耕地和基本农田保护体制研究”,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“快速城镇化进程中农村空心化及其资源环境效应研究(KZCX2-EW-304)”,中科院知识创新工程重大项目课题“山东省村庄用地整治潜力与规划研究”、“东北地区农业水土资源态势与可持续利用对策”,国土资源部重点科技项目“中国土地利用/土地覆被变化的驱动机制与模型研究”、国土资源部规划司“全国土地利用战略研究”,以及中央支持陕西渭河流域高标准农田建设重大工程项目、陕西省延安市治沟造地土地整治重大工程项目、海南省土地利用总体规划、三亚市土地利用总体规划、广西统筹城乡发展、天津东丽区统筹城乡土地利用与城镇化模式研究、河北宣化统筹城乡创新发展总体规划等。 报刊文章 [1] 刘彦随.“回得去的故乡”需要新思路(人民时评).人民日报,2014-03-11 [2] 刘彦随.新型城镇化待解土地难题(国是).光明日报,2013-10-17 [3] 刘彦随.新型城镇化应治“乡村病”(新论).人民日报,2013-09-10 [4] 刘彦随.农村治污没有退路(新论).人民日报,2013-02-26 [5] 刘彦随.节约集约用地促进城乡协调发展.人民日报,2012-09-25. [6] 刘彦随.耕地保护要杜绝“监守自盗”.人民日报,2011-11-21 [7] 刘彦随.让农民在土地增值中受益.人民日报,2011-07-21. [8] 刘彦随.稳定粮食生产关键让农民得益.人民日报,2011-03-28. [9] 刘彦随. 稳定粮食生产关键让农民得益. 人民日报. 2011-03-28. [10] 刘彦随. 农村土地整治要让农民受益. 人民日报. 2010-11-12. [11] 刘彦随. 给失地农民坚实可靠的未来. 人民日报, 2010-9-29. [12] 刘彦随. 新农村建设是最大的内需. 人民日报, 2010-4-12. [13] 刘彦随. 新农村建设与城镇化应是一体的. 人民日报, 2010-4-8. [14] 刘彦随.“对挤占生态空间说不”.经济日报,2014-01-04. [15] 刘彦随.推进节约集约用地意义重大.经济日报,2012-09-24. [16] 刘彦随.权能制度与收益制度同步改革.中国国土资源报,2012-03-07. [17] 刘彦随. 纠偏城乡土地“失衡”. 瞭望, 2010-11-23. [18] 刘彦随. 影响我国粮食安全的深层问题日益凸显. 科学时报, 2010-10-19. [19] 刘彦随. 科学推进农村土地整治. 陕西日报, 2010-09-15. [20] 刘彦随.“增减挂钩”惹的祸?中国经营报,2010-12-10。 [21] 刘彦随. 耕地资源潜力重在空心村整治. 科学时报, 2009-12-9. [22] 刘彦随. 新农村建设土地大有文章可做. 廊坊日报,2010-08-19. [23] 刘彦随. 农村科学建房激活内需保增长. 经济日报, 2009-8-11. [24] 刘彦随. 建立阶段性农村土地整治模式. 中国国土资源报, 2009-6-26. [25] 刘彦随. 不应一味把农民推向城市. 科学时报, 2009-2-12. [26] 刘彦随. 土地整理助推城乡统筹. 中国国土资源报,2008-10-28. [27] 刘彦随. 如何应对新农村建设中出现的问题,科学时报,2008-02-25. [28] 刘彦随. 各地都种粮不如依靠基地产粮,科学时报,2008-09-23. [29] 刘彦随. 适应沿海转型发展特点,率先推进新农村建设,科学时报,2007-03-25. [30] 刘彦随. 重振农业地理,服务新农村建设,科学时报,2007-10-29. 个人简介(English CV) Yansui LIU Profession: Land Use and Geography Specialist Current Appointment: Professor, TWAS Fellow (https://twas.org/article/twas-elects-46-new-fellows) Prof. Yansui Liu, born in Suide County, Shaanxi Province, is professor and PhD supervisor, and director general, Center for Assessment and Research on Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS); director of the Centre for Regional Agriculture and Rural Development (CRARD,www.rard.org); Executive director of the Research Centre for Land Use Planning (CLUP) at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS; Vice-director general of Degraded and Unuse Land Consolidation Key Laboratory of Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR)(2011-). Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor (2012-). Society Appointments: He currently serves as serves as a Chair, IGU Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering; Director-general, China Urban-Rural Development Think Tank Alliance (CURTA, www.curta.org.cn), Vice-director general, the Agricultural Resource and Zoning Society of China, the chair of the Sub-commission on Land Resources Research, Chinese Society for Natural Resources (CSNR), the chair of the Sub-commission on Agricultural Geography and Rural Development, Geographical Society of China (GSC), and an adjunct professor in the Land Use Key Laboratory of Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), Graduate School of CAS, and Shaanxi Normal University. He is one of the associate chief editors of the journal Areal Research and Development, and a member of the editorial board of Land Use Policy, Journal of Geographical Sciences, Chinese Geographical Sciences, Journal of Mountain Sciences, Journal of Natural Resources, Resources Science, Economic Geography, and Human Geography. Education: Prof. Yansui Liu graduated from the Geography Department of Shaanxi Normal University with a BSc in 1989, an MSc in 1995, and received his PhD degree from the Nanjing Normal University in 1998. He completed his postdoctoral research at IGSNRR, CAS in 2000. He also carried out research at University of Auckland as a visiting scholar in 2003, respectively. Areas of Specialization: Prof. Yansui Liu is a specialist of human geography and land science, Top 1% Scientists based on Thomson Reuters, Global Highly Cited Researchers in 2018, 2019,2020. His major areas of research are land use management and policy, land consolidation engineering, urbanization, regional agriculture, poverty alleviation and rural development, human-earth system science.. So far he as the principal investigator has undertaken 70 research projects sponsored by NSFC, CAS, and MOST etc. Academic Awards: He has received the TWAS Prize in Social Sciences for 2018, Advanced Individual Awards for 2016, The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development: Principal priorities for third-party evaluation of the effectiveness of national targeted poverty alleviation, Outstanding Scientist Award in Land Use and Rural Development, International Geographical Union and the Geographical Society of China in 2017, and eight awards, including five first prize of Sciences and Technology Advancement Award of Hainan Province in 2009, Shaanxi Province in 2006, 2011, 2014, Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) in 2012, 2013, 2019, and three second prize of MLR in 2015,Yunnan Province in 2009, Shaanxi Province in 2004. He was a recipient of the countrywide outstanding scientists and technologists in 2012, first prize on academy-local government cooperative award, CAS in 2011, outstanding science and technology achievement Award, CAS in 2009, the young agronomic technology award of CAASS in 2004, the young science and technology researcher award of CSNR in 2003, the young geographical sciences technology award of GSC, the best PhD dissertation award of Jiangsu Province in 1999. Major Research Projects: 1.Project of National Key Research and Development: Ecological security guarantee technology and demonstration of gully and slope consolidation in loess hilly region (2017YFC0504700) 2. Major projects of the National Social Science Foundation: The Influence of Urbanization on the Agriculture and Rural Development and its Countermeasures in China(15ZDA021) 3. General Office of the CPC Central Committee: The Key Research Project on the Land Use System Reform of Rural China [2014] 4. General Office of the State Council: Third-part Assessment Project of State Council “Implementation of Taking the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy”[2015,2016,2017,2018] 5. The Key Project of Nation al Natural Science Foundation of China: The Impact of Rural-Urban Development Transformation on Resources and its Optimal Controlling: Case Study of the Bohai Rim Region in China (No.41130748) [2012-2016] 6. The Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Urbanization Models and Policies in Agricultural Region of China [2012-2014] 7. The Twelfth Five Year National Science and Technology Support Project: Key Technology Research and Demonstration of Hollowed Village Comprehensive Consolidation (2014BAL01B00) 8. The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Key Issues of Rural Hollowing in the Process of Rapid Urbanization (KZCX2-EW-304) [2010-2013] 9.The Key Engineering Projects of Land Consolidation in Yan’an Shaanxi Supported by Central Government[2012-2013] 10. The Key Engineering Projects of High-Standard Farmland Construction in Weihe Basin of Shaanxi Supported by Central Government[2011-2012] 11. The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the New Countryside Construction Patterns and Approach to Sustainable Development in Eastern Coastal Areas in China (No.40635029) [2007-2010] 12. The Key Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: The Rural Land-Use Potential and Its Optimal Allocation Planning in Shandong Province (No. KSCX-YW-09) [2008-2010] 13. The Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: The Impact Mechanism of Resources Great Exploitation on Land Degradation and Optimal Control Ways in Agro-pasture Transitional Zone(No.40871257) [2009-2011] 14. The National Basic Research Program of China: The Acidifications in Northern China and its Impacting on Water, Land and Food Security (No.2006CB400505) [2006-2009] 15. The key Project of Ministry of Land and Resources: Land Use Strategy in China [2006-2008] 16. The Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: A Study of Land-Water Resources Utilization and Agro-Rural Development in Middle Region of China (No. KZCX3-SW-353-02) [2006-2007] 17. The Key Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: Agricultural Land-Water Resources Optimal Allocation in Northeastern China (No. KZCX1-SW-19-01) [2002-2006] 18. The key Project of Ministry of Land and Resources: The Mechanism of Land Use Changes and Its Scenario Analysis in China (No.20010102) [2002-2005] 19. The Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Studies on the Types Conversion and Optimal Allocation of Land Resources in the Southeast Coastal Developed Regions (No.40171007) [2002-2004] 20. The Specialized Research of Planning Updating of Ministry of Land and Resources: A Study on the Land Use Strategies of China. [2006-2007] 21. People's Government of Hainan Province: Land Use General Planning of Hainan Province (2006-2020) [2005-2008] Publications: Prof. Yansui Liu has published 480 scientific papers, 160 of which have appeared in SCI, SSCI journals like Nature, Science, Land Use Policy, Journal of Rural Studies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Environmental Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Applied Geography and Applied Energy. His other publications include 16 books.





查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. Revitalize the world's countryside.Nature,2017, 548(7667):275-277 2. Liu Yansui, Yang Yuanyuan, Li Yurui, et al. Conversion from rural settlements and arable land under rapid urbanization in Beijing during 1985–2010. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 51:141-150 3. Liu Yansui, Liu Jilai, Zhou Yang. Spatio-temporal patterns of rural poverty in China and targeted poverty alleviation strategies. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 52:66-75 4. Qiao Weifeng, Gao Jinlong, Liu Yansui*, et al. Evaluation of Intensive Urban Land Use Based on an Artificial Neural Network Model: A Case Study of Nanjing City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(5):735-746. 5. Gao Junbo, Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui*, et al. The higher grain production, the more social deprivation? A case study of Henan province in traditional agricultural areas of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(1): 167-180 6. Cao Zhi, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui*, et al. When and where did the Loess Plateau turn “green”? Analysis of the tendency and breakpoints of the normalized difference vegetation index. Land Degradation & Development, 2017,29(1):162-175 7. Gao Jinlong, Chen Wen, Liu Yansui*. Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China: II. A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing. Land Use Policy, 2018,72: 372-380 8. Gao Jinlong, Chen Wen, Liu Yansui. Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China: A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing. Land use policy,2018,70:24-33 9. Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Engineering philosophy and design scheme of gully land consolidation in Loess Plateau. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017, 33(10):1-9 (in Chinese) 10. Chen Zongfeng, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui*. Distribution pattern characteristic and type classification of rural settlements in loess hilly-gully region. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017,33, (14):266-274 (in Chinese) 11. Li Yurui, Fan Pengcan, Cao Zhi, Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui*, et al. Sand-fixation Effect and Micro-mechanism of Remixing Soil by Pisha Sandstone and Sand in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Journal of Desert Research, 2017,37(03):421-430 (in Chinese) 12. Liu Jilai, Liu Yansui*, Li Yurui. Classification evaluation and spatial-temporal analysis of "production-living-ecological" spaces in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(7):1290-1304 (in Chinese) 13. Li Jintao, Liu Yansui, Yang yuanyuan, et al. Spatial-temporal characteristics and driving factors of urban construction land in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during 1985-2015. Geographical Research, 2018,37(1): 37-52(in Chinese) 14.Liu Yansui, Chen Zongfeng, Li Yurui, et al. The Planting Technology and Industrial Development Prospects of Forage Rape in the Loess Hilly Area—A Case Study of Newly-increased Cultivated Land Through Gully Land Consolidation in Yan’an, Shanxi Province. Journal of Natural Resources, 2017,32(12):2065-2074(in Chinese) 15. Liu Yansui, Cao Zhi. Supply-side Structural Reform and Its Strategy for Targeted Poverty Alleviation in China. CAS Bulletin, 2017,32(10):1066-1073(in Chinese) 16. Li Yurui, Wang Zhiwei, Men Dawei, Cao Zhi, Fan Pengcan, Li Feng, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui*. Consolidation and Using Oriented Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Typical Soils of Hollowed Villages of Plain Agricultural Zones:A Case Study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province, China. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2017,34(04):328-334(in Chinese) 17. Du Guoming, Sun Xiaobing, Liu Yansui, et al. Temporal and spatial-differentiation characteristics of ecological restoration in Loess Plateau. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 201719(3):355-364(in Chinese) 18. Liu Yansui, Li Jintao. Geographic detection and optimizing decision of the differentiation mechanism of rural poverty in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(01):161-173(in Chinese) 19. Liu Xiaoqiong, Chen Yunsha, Liu Yansui*, et al. Statistical Characteristics of Climate Change 1974-2012 in Yulin, Shanxi, China. Journal of Desert Research, 2017,37(02):355-360(in Chinese) 20. Liu Yansui. The urban city and rural village should be integrated with each other to accelerate the construction of a new rural area. Village·Agriculture·Farmer, 2017(11):27-28(in Chinese) 21. Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng, Chen Cong. Pollution: Build on success in China. Nature, 2015,517(7533):145-145. 22. Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. China’s land creation project stands firm. Nature, 2014,511(7510): 410-410. 23. Bai Xuemei, Shi Peijun, Liu Yansui. Realizing China’s urban dream. Nature, 2014, 509 (7499): 158-160. 24. Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*, Wu Wenxiang. Strengthen China's flood control. Nature, 2016, 536(7617): 396. 25. Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Li Yurui. Ventilating Beijing cannot fix pollution. Nature, 2016, 532(7600): 441. 26. Yang Yuanyuan, Zhang Shuwen, Liu Yansui, et al. Analyzing historical land use changes using a Historical Land Use Reconstruction Model: a case study in Zhenlai County, northeastern China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7. 27. Yang Yuanyuan, Zhang Shuwen, Liu Yansui, et al. Analyzing historical land use changes using a Historical Land Use Reconstruction Model: a case study in Zhenlai County, northeastern China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:41275 28. Yang Yuanyuan, Liu Yansui, Xu Di, et al. Use of intensity analysis to measure land use changes from 1932 to 2005 in Zhenlai County, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(3):441-455 29. Li Yurui, Cao Zhi, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, et al. Dynamic analysis of ecological environment combined with land cover and NDVI changes and implications for sustainable urban–rural development: The case of Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 697-715. 30. Li Quanfeng, Hu Shougeng, Du Guoming, Zhang Chuanrong, Liu Yansui, et al. Cultivated Land Use Benefits Under State and Collective Agrarian Property Regimes in China. Sustainability, 2017, 10(1):7 31. Shi Peijun, Bai Xuemei, Kong Feng, Fang Jiayi, Gong Daoyi, Zhou Tao, Guo Yan, Liu Yansui, et al. Urbanization and air quality as major drivers of altered spatio temporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China. Landscape Ecology, 2017, 32(8):1723-1738 32. Habibullah Magsi, Andre Torre, Liu Yansui, et al. Land Use Conflicts in the Developing Countries: Proximate Driving Forces and Preventive Measures. Pakistan Development Review, 2017, 56(1):19-30 33. Tong Luyi, Hu Shougeng, Amy E. Frazier, Liu Yansui, et al. Multi-order urban development model and sprawl patterns: An analysis in China, 2000–2010. Landscape & Urban Planning, 2017, 167:386-398 34. Liu Zhengjia, Wu Chaoyang, Liu Yansui, et al. Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2017, 130:81-91. 35. Gong Jianzhou, Hu Zhiren, Chen Wenli, Liu Yansui, et al. Urban expansion dynamics and modes in metropolitan Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 72:100-109. 36. Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Chen Yufu, et al. Progress of research on urban-rural transformation and rural development in China in the past decade and future prospects. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(8): 1117-1132. 37. Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, Zhou Yang. Urbanization, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emissions in China: a panel cointegration and causality analysis. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(2): 131-152. 38. Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui*, Li Yuheng. The spatio-temporal patterns of urban–rural development transformation in China since 1990. Habitat International, 2016, 53: 178-187. 39. Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*. Does population have a larger impact on carbon dioxide emissions than income? Evidence from a cross-regional panel analysis in China. Applied Energy, 2016, 180: 800-809. 40. Liu Jilai, Liu Yansui*, Yan Maochao. Spatial and temporal change in urban-rural land use transformation at village scale—A case study of Xuanhua district, North China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 425-434. 41. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Rural restructuring in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 387-391. 42. Li Yuheng, Liu Yansui, Su Baozhong, et al. Realizing targeted poverty alleviation in China: People’s voices, implementation challenges and policy implications. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(3): 443-454. 43. Qiao Luyin, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, et al. The spatio-temporal change of China's net floating population at county scale from 2000 to 2010. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 2016, 57(3): 365-378. 44. Hu Zhichao, Wang Yanglin, Liu Yansui, et al. Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban-Rural Development and Transformation in East of the “Hu Huanyong Line”, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5(3): 24. 45. Li Yuheng, Westlund Hans, Zheng Xiaoyu, Liu Yansui*. Bottom-up initiatives and revival in the face of rural decline: Case studies from China and Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 506-513. 46. Long Hualou, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Li Tingting, Liu Yansui. The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 392-412. 47. Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Wu Wenxiang. Assessing the impact of population, income and technology on energy consumption and industrial pollutant emissions in China. Applied Energy, 2015, 155: 904-917. 48. Liu Yansui, Guo Yanjun, Li Yurui, Li Yuheng. GIS-based effect assessment of soil erosion before and after gully land consolidation: A case study of Wangjiagou project region, Loess Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(2): 137-146. 49. Liu Yansui, Chen Cong, Li Yurui. Differentiation regularity of urban-rural equalized development at prefecture-level city in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(9): 1075-1088. 50. Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, et al. Dynamic trends and driving forces of land use intensification of cultivated land in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 45-57. 51. Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*, Wu Wenxiang, Li Yurui. Effects of rural-urban development transformation on energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52: 863-875. 52. Li Yuheng, Li Yurui, Hans Westlund, Liu Yansui. Urban-rural transformation in relation to cultivated land conversion in China: Implications for optimizing land use and balanced regional development. Land Use Policy, 2015, 47: 218-224. 53. Yang Ren, Liu Yansui*, Long Hualou, Qiao Luyin. Spatio-temporal characteristics of rural settlements and land use in the Bohai Rim of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(5): 559-572. 54. Li Yurui, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Spatio-temporal pattern of China's rural development: A rurality index perspective. Journal of Rural Studies, 2015, 38: 12-26. 55. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. A brief background to rural restructuring in China: A forthcoming special issue of Journal of Rural Studies. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(10): 1279-1280. 56. Li Yuheng, Zhang Zhenghe, Westlund, Hans, Liu Yansui. Rural Household Income in Transitional China: Spatio-Temporal Disparity and Its Interpretation. China-An International Journal, 2015, 13(2): 151-168. 57. Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui, Wu Wenxiang, Li Ning. Integrated risk assessment of multi-hazards in China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 78(1): 257-280. 58. Han Jichang, Liu Yansui*, Zhang Yang. Sand stabilization effect of feldspathic sandstone during the fallow period in Mu Us Sandy Land. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(4): 428-436. 59. Hu Shougeng, Tong Luyi, Frazier Amy E, Liu Yansui. Urban boundary extraction and sprawl analysis using Landsat images: A case study in Wuhan, China. Habitat International, 2015, 47: 183-195. 60. Li Yuheng, Wang Xun, Westlund Hans, Liu Yansui. Physical Capital, Human Capital, and Social Capital: The Changing Roles in China's Economic Growth. Growth and Change, 2015, 46(1): 133-149. 61. Liu Yansui, Fangfang, Li Yuheng. Key issues of land use in China and implications for policy making. Land Use Policy, 2014, 40: 6-12. 62. Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Long Hualong, Jay Gao. Implications of land-use change in rural China: A case study of Yucheng, Shandong province. 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Rocky land desertification and its driving forces in the karst areas of rural Guangxi, Southwest China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2008, 5(4): 681-699. 73. Liu Yansui, Wang Lijuan, Long Hualou. Spatio-temporal analysis of land-use conversion in the eastern coastal China during 1996-2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2008, 18(3): 274-282. 74. Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong and Guo Liying.GIS-Based assessment of land suitability for optimal allocation in the Qinling Mountains, China. Pedosphere. 2006, 16(5): 579-586. 75. Liu Yansui, Wang Dawei, Jay Gao. Land use/cover changes, the environment and water resources in Northeast China. Environmental Management, 2005, (36): 691-701. 76. Liu Yansui, Hu Yecui, Peng Liuying. Accurate quantification of grassland cover density in the alpine meadow soil based on remote sensing and GPS. Pedosphere, 2005, 5(6): 778-783. 77. Liu Yansui, Gan Hong, Jay Gao. The causes and environmental effects of land use conversion during agricultural restructuring in Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2004, 14 (4): 488-494. 78. Liu Yansui, Zha Yong, Jay Gao, Ni Shaoxiang. Assessment of grassland degradation near Lake Qinghai, Western China using Landsat TM and ‘in situ’ reflectance spectra data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004, 25(20): 4177-4189. 79. Liu Yansui, Zhang Xiaoping, Li Xianwen. Mechanism and regulation of land use change in Yulin District. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13(2): 139-146. 80. Liu Yansui, Jay Gao, Yang Yanfeng. A holistic approach towards assessment of severity of land degradation along the great wall in Northern Shaanxi Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2003, 82 (2): 187-202. 81. Liu Yansui, Md Anisul Islam, Jay Gao. Quantification of shallow water quality parameters by means of remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography, 2003, 27(1):24–43. 82. 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Resources and environment in the Yangtze Valley, 1997, 6(1): 39-45. 88. Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, et al.Dynamic trends and driving forces of land use intensification of cultivated land in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 45-57. 89. Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Community-based rural residential land consolidation and allocationcan can help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agriculturalareas of China. Land Use Policy, 2014, 39: 188-198. 90. Guo Yanjun, Liu Yansui, Wen Qi. The transformation of agricultural development towardsa sustainable future from an evolutionary view on the Chinese Loess Plateau: A case study of Fuxian County. Sustainability, 2014, 6(6): 3644-3668. 91. Gong Jianzhou, Chen Wenli, Liu Yansui. The intensity change of urban development land: Implications for the city master plan of Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2014,40: 91-100. 92. Li Yurui, Wang Jing, Liu Yansui. Problem regions and regional problems of socioeconomic development in China: A perspective from the coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1115-1130. 93. Li Yuheng, Chen Cong, Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui. Urban-rural transformation and farmland conversion in China: The application of the environmental Kuznets Curve. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, (33): 311-317. 94. Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui. Tourism-led land-Use changes and their environmental effects in the Southern Coastal Region of Hainan Island, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 29(5): 1118-1125. 95. Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui*, Long Hualou. Agricultural Production Structure Optimization: A Case Study of Major Grain Producing Area, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(1): 184-197. 96. Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Wang Jieyong. Local responses to macro development policies and their effects on rural system in China's mountainous regions: the case of Shuanghe Village in Sichuan Province. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(4): 588-608. 97. Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Liu Zhigao. Spatio-temporal pattern of cropland conversion in response to the “Grain for Green Project” in China’s Loess Hilly Region of Yanchuan County. Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(11):5642-5661. 98. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. International conference on land use issues and policy in China under rapid rural and urban transformation. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2013, 23(1): 129. 99. Chen Yangfen, Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Li Xiande. Regional suitability for settling rural migrants in urban China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(6): 1136-1152. 100. Li Yuheng, Zhang Zhenghe, Liu Yansui. Spatial-temporal contrasts in integrated urban-rural development in China, 1990-2010.China: An International Journal, 2013, 11(3): 1-19. 101. Jay Gao, Liu Yansui*. Deforestation in Heilongjiang Province of China, 1896–2000: Severity, spatiotemporal patterns and causes. Applied Geography, 2012, 35(1-2): 345–352. 102. Yang Ren, Liu Yansui*, Ren Zhiyuan. Assessment of climate for agricultural suitability and optimal allocation of agriculture production in the Guanzhong region, Shaanxi Province. Agriculture Science & Technology, 2012, 13(11): 2379-2448. 103. Zhu Lin*, Liu Yansui. Analysis of the impact of off-farm employment of agriculture labor on grain production in Shandong Province and Henan Province. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(7):1609-1615. 104. Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Chen Wenli. Land suitability evaluation for development using a matter-element model: A case study in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(2):464-472. 105. Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui*, Chen Wenli. Optimal land use allocation of urban fringe in Guangzhou. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(1): 179-191. 106. 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Determination of land degradation causes in Tongyu County, Northeast China via land cover change detection. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2010, 12(1): 9-16. 112. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui*, Li Xiubin, Chen Yufu. Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective. Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470. 113. Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui*, Xu Keshuai. Characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of Eastern China: A case study of Yucheng city, Shandong province. Chinese Geographical Science, 2010, 20(6): 545-553. 114. Li Yurui, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Industrial development and land use/ cover change and their effects on local environment: a case study of Changshu in eastern coastal China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010, 4(4): 438-448. 115. Zhai Rongxin, Liu Yansui*. Dynamic evolvement of agricultural system and typical patterns of modern agriculture in Coastal China: A Case of Suzhou. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(3): 249–257. 116. Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui*, Wang Jing. Land use changes of an aeolian-loessial soil area in Northwest China: Implications for Ecological Restoration. Pedosphere, 2009, 19(3):356-361. 117. Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Liu Yansui. Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China. Habitat International, 2009, 33(4): 454-462. 118. Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng, Zhao Guanwei. Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting, based on a cellular automata model: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(24): 3612-3620. 119. Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng. Spatial heterogeneity of urban land-cover landscape in Guangzhou from 1990 to 2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(2): 213-224. 120. 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Reconstructing hollow villages in the view of structural reformof the supply side. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(12): 2119-2128. (in Chinese) 154. Gao Junbo, Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, et al. Beyond Predicament: the Provision Patterns Reconstructionof NIMBY Facilities in Transitional China: Reflection of Site Selection ofIncineration Power Plants in Panyu,Guangzhou. China Soft Science, 2016 (1): 98-108.] 155. Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, et al. Spatial Patterns and Influencing Factors of Urban-rural Coordinated Development in China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(1): 20-28. (in Chinese) 156. Cheng Zhe, Cai Jianming, Cui Li, Liu Yansui. Facilitating Rural Transformation Development by Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Panjin, Liaoning Province. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2016, 37(1): 143-150. (in Chinese) 157. Fang Fang, Liang Haoguang, Liu Yansui. The Micro Mechanism of the Effect of Landon - Agriculturalization on Rural Development in Typical Agricultural Plain Region, 2016, 37(1): 57-64. (in Chinese) 158. Liu Yansui. Integrated land research and land resources engineering. Resources Science, 2015, 37(1): 1-8. (in Chinese) 159. Liu Yansui, Yang Ren. The spatial pattern measure of urban-rural development transformation in the Bohai Rim region in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(2): 248-256. (in Chinese) 160. Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang. Challenges and Countermeasures for Beautiful Countryside Construction in China. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2015, 32(2): 97-105. (in Chinese) 161. Liu Yansui. Key issues of land resources and its innovation ways under New-typeurbanization in China. Research
