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学术荣誉: 2013 当选: 国家优秀青年基金获得者 2019 当选: 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 何旭辉:男,工学博士,博士后,贵州遵义人,土木工程学院院长,风工程研究中心和古桥研究中心主任。国家杰出和优秀青年科学基金获得者,入选国家“万人计划”领军人才、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、教育部新世纪优秀人才、湖南省科技领军人才、湖南省普通高校科学带头人、湖南省最美科技工作者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。2004年获中南大学桥梁与隧道工程博士学位,2009年于中南大学交通运输工程博士后科研流动站出站,2009年5月-2010年7月美国宾州州立大学(PENN STATE)访问学者。长期从事桥梁工程、桥梁风工程的教学和科研工作,主持各类科研项目70多项,其中国家自然科学基金项目6项(重点2项)、国家重点研发计划项目(子课题)1项,铁道部/铁总重点项目5项。获国家科技进步二等奖3项(主持1项)、省科技进步一等奖2项(主持1项)、中国铁道学会特等/一等奖3项(主持1项)、詹天佑贡献奖和成就奖、茅以升铁道科学技术奖和铁路教育科研专项奖等。 招收:优秀硕士研究生、博士研究生、博士后、访问学者和留学生,鼓励学科交叉,欢迎数学、力学和计算机基础好的同学报考 教育经历 [1] 2001.9-2004.12 中南大学 | 桥梁与隧道工程 | 工学博士 | 博士研究生毕业 [2] 1998.9-2001.7 中南大学 | 桥梁与隧道工程 | 工学硕士 | 研究生毕业 [3] 1992.9-1996.7 长沙铁道学院(现中南大学) | 桥梁工程 | 工学学士 | 本科 工作经历 [1] 2019.1-至今 中南大学 | 土木工程学院 | 院长 | 教授 [2] 2012.11-2019.1 中南大学 | 土木工程学院 | 副院长 | 教授 [3] 2009.5-2010.7 美国宾州州立大学 | 土木与环境工程系 | 访问学者 [4] 2005.9-2011.9 中南大学 | 土木建筑学院 | 副教授 [5] 2005.3-2009.3 中南大学 | 土木建筑学院 | 博士后(交通运输工程) [6] 2000.4-2005.9 中南大学 | 土木建筑学院 | 讲师 [7] 1996.7-2000.4 长沙铁道学院 | 土木建筑学院 | 助教 学术专著 [1]何旭辉,邹云峰. 强风作用下高铁桥上行车安全分析理论与应用[专著].邹云峰,何旭辉,中南大学出版社,2020 科研项目 [1]国家自然科学基金重点项目(U1934209):高速铁路桥梁智能运维基础理论与关键技术,231万,主持,何旭辉 [2]国家自然科学基金杰青项目(51925808):桥梁抗风与行车安全,400万,主持,何旭辉 [3]国家重点研发计划项目课题(2017YFB1201204):复杂环境下轨道交通土建基础设施防灾及能力保持技术,424万,主持,何旭辉 [4]国家自然科学基金重点项目(U1534206):风雨作用下高速铁路车-轨-桥时变系统横向稳定性基础理论研究,296万,主持,何旭辉 [5]国家自然科学基金优青项目(51322808):高速铁路风-车-桥耦合振动,100万,主持,何旭辉 [6]国家自然科学基金面上项目(51178471):强风环境下高速铁路车-桥系统气动特性和抗倾覆性能风洞试验研究,60万,主持,何旭辉 [7]国家自然科学基金青年项目(50808175):基于多尺度理论的桥梁风致敏感构件损伤演化分析,20万,主持,何旭辉 [8]国家铁路局重点项目:高速铁路大风防灾监测系统运用分析研究,主持,何旭辉 [9]铁总科技计划重大项目:芜湖长江公铁大桥大跨度高低矮塔斜拉桥关键技术研究-车桥振动、风参数及风洞试验研究,主持,何旭辉 [10]铁总科技计划重点项目:高速铁路桥梁-列车系统抗风设计关键参数深化研究,主持,何旭辉 获奖信息 [1]2020年获第十五届詹天佑铁道科学技术奖——成就奖,个人奖 [2]2019年获国家科技进步二等奖:强风作用下高速铁路桥上行车安全保障关键技术及应用,排名第1 [3]2018年获第十四届詹天佑铁道科学技术奖——贡献奖,个人奖 [4]2018年度茅以升科学技术奖——铁道科学技术奖,个人奖 [5]2018年获中国铁道学会铁道科技奖一等奖:高速铁路车-桥系统抗风设计关键参数深化研究及应用,排名第1 [6]2017年获湖南省科技进步一等奖:强风作用下桥上行车安全保障关键技术及工程应用,排名第1 [7]2017年获中国铁道学会科学技术奖特等奖:多动力作用下高速铁路轨道-桥梁结构随机动力学研究及应用,排名第4 [8]2013年获国家科技进步二等奖:长大跨桥梁结构状态评估关键技术与应用,排名第7 [9]2011年获茅以升铁路教育专项奖——科研奖,个人奖 [10]2007年获国家科技进步二等奖:柔性桥梁非线性设计和风致振动与控制的关键技术,排名第9 [11]2006年获湖南省科技进步一等奖:斜拉桥拉索风雨振机理与振动控制技术研究,排名第5 [12]2005年获教育部自然科学二等奖:柔性工程结构非线性行为与控制的研究,排名第8 [13]2005年获河南省科技进步三等奖:漯阜铁路改建工程既有桥梁承载能力评定及加固措施试验与研究,排名第6 专利成果 [1]一种U形风洞试验列车加速系统 [2]一种斜拉索单模态瞬态激振系统 [3]用于高速铁路桥梁的百叶窗式风屏障 [4]用于高速铁路桥梁的组合式风屏障 [5]用于高速铁路桥梁的合页式风屏障 [6]基于无线传输的移动列车气动三分力测试装置 [7]一种斜拉索单模态瞬态激振系统 [8]一种U形风洞试验列车加速系统 [9]一种悬臂式移动列车轴重测试装置 [10]一种移动列车无线动力测试系统


[1] 桥梁/结构风工程 [2] 风-车-桥耦合振动 [3] 桥梁智能监测与评估 [4] 流固耦合 [5] 古桥研究

桥梁风工程 风车桥耦合振动 桥梁智能监测与评估


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[1]XuHui He(何旭辉),Hao Ding, HaiQuan Jing, Fang Zhang , Xiao-ing Wu, XiaoJun Weng.Wind-induced vibration and its suppression of photovoltaic modules supported by suspension cables:Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2020,206(104275) [2]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Sida Ai, Haiquan Jing.Energy transmission at subcritical Reynolds numbers for the wake-induced vibration of cylinders in a tandem arrangement:Ocean Engineering,2020,211(107572) [3]He Xuhui(何旭辉), Xue Fanrong, Zou Yunfeng, etal.Wind tunnel tests on the aerodynamic characteristics of vehicles on highway bridges:Advances in Structural Engineering,2020 [4]He Xuhui(何旭辉), Li Huan.Review of aerodynamics of high-speed train-bridge system in crosswinds:Journal of Central South University,2020(27):1054-1073 [5]Huan Li, Xuhui He(何旭辉).Lateral aerodynamic interference between an interior train and a flat box bridge-deck:Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2020,117(110115) [6]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Huan Li, Liang Hu, Hanfeng Wang, Ahsan Kareem.Crosswind aerodynamic characteristics of a stationary interior railway carriage through a long-span truss girder bridge.[J]:Engineering Structures,2020,210:110530 [7]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Kang Shi, Teng Wu.An efficient analysis framework for high-speed train-bridge coupled vibration under nonstationary winds.[J]:Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2019,2019(DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2019.1704800) [8]Huan Li, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Hanfeng Wang, Ahsan Kareem.Aerodynamics of a scale model of a high-speed train on a streamlined deck in cross winds.[J]:Journal of Fluids and Structures,2019(91):102717 [9]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Dongxu Fang, Huan Li, Kang Shi.Parameter optimization for improved aerodynamic performance of a louver-type wind barrier for a train-bridge system.[J]:Journal of Central South University,2019,26(1):229-240 [10]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Yihuan Peng, Haiquan Jing, Lei Zhou, Yu Zhou.Parametric studies on the dynamic properties of stay cables interconnected with uniformly distributed cross-ties.[J]:Advances in Structural Engineering,2019,22(4):882-892 [11]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Lei Zhou, Zhengwei Chen, Haiquan Jing, Yunfeng Zou, Teng Wu.Wind barrier effects on the flow field and aerodynamic forces of a train-bridge system.[J]:Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,2019,233(3):283-297 [12]Jing Yang, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Haiquan Jing, Hanfeng Wang, Sévérin Tinmitonde.Vibrations of elastically connected double-beam systems with symmetric boundary conditions traversed by a moving force: analytical solutions.[J]:Applied Sciences,2019(9):1218 [13]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Chang Cai, Zijian Wang, Haiquan Jing, Chengwen Qin.Experimental Verification of the Effectiveness of Elastic Cross-ties in Suppressing Wake-induced Vibrations of Staggered Stay Cables.[J]:Engineering Structures,2018(167):151-165 [14]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Yongbin Gai, Teng Wu.Simulation of Train-Bridge Interaction under Wind Loads: A Rigid-Flexible Coupling Approach.[J]:International Journal of Rail Transportation,2018,6(3):163-182 [15]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Kang Shi,Teng Wu.An integrated structural health monitoring system for the Xijiang high-speed railway arch bridge.[J]:Smart Structures and Systems,2018,21(5):611-621 [16]Yunfeng Zou, Xuhui He (何旭辉), Haiquan Jing, Shuai Zhou, Huawei Niu, Zhengqing Chen.Characteristics of wind-induced displacement of super-large cooling tower based-on continuous medium model wind tunnel test.[J]:J of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2018(180):201-212 [17]Haiquan Jing, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Zijian Wang.Numerical Modeling the Wind Load in Rain?wind Induced Cable Vibration.[J]:Journal of Fluids and Structures,2018(82):121-133 [18]Haiquan Jing,Xuhui He(何旭辉), Yunfeng Zou, Hanfeng Wang.In-plane modal frequencies and mode shapes of two stay cables interconnected by uniformly distributed crossties.[J]:Journal of Sound and Vibration,2018,417:38-55 [19]Haiquan Jing, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Hui Li..Initial condition and damping effects on rain-wind induced cable vibration. 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Frank Chen, Zhiwu Yu.Recent Development of High-Speed Railway Bridges in China.[J]:Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2017,13(12):1584-1595 [25]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Hongxi Qin, Tianyou Tao, Wenshuo Liu., Hao Wang.Measurement of Non-stationary Characteristics of a Landfall Typhoon at Jiangyin Bridge Site.[J]:Sensors,2017,7(2186) [26]Wei Biao, Wang Peng, He Xuhui(何旭辉), Jiang, Lizhong.The impact of the convex friction distribution on the seismic response of a spring-friction isolation system.[J]:KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2017:1-11 [27]Hanfeng Wang, Xiaoyan Zhao, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Yu Zhou.Effects of oncoming flow conditions on the aerodynamics forces on a cantilevered square cylinder.[J]:Journal of Fluids and Structures,2017(75):140-157. [28]Huang Dongmei, Zhu Xue, He Siqing, He xuhui(何旭辉), He hua.Characteristics of the aerodynamic interference between two high-rise buildings of different height and identical square cross-section.[J]:Wind and Structures,2017:501-528 [29]Dongmei Huang, Shiqing He, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Xue Zhu.Prediction of wind loads on high-rise building using a BP neural network combined with POD.[J]:J of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2017(170):1-17 [30]Tianyou Tao, Hao Wang, Chengyuan Yao, Xuhui He(何旭辉).Parametric Sensitivity Analysis on the Buffeting Control of a Long-Span Triple-Tower Suspension Bridge with MTMD.[J]:Applied Sciences,2017,7(395) [31]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Kang Shi, Teng Wu, Yunfeng Zou, Hanfeng Wang, Hongxi Qin.Aerodynamic performance of a novel wind barrier for train-bridge system.[J].South Korea:. Wind and Structures,2016,23(3):171-189 [32]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Hongxi Qin, Wenshuo Liu, Y. F. Chen, Jianping Zhai, Lang Yu.Analysis and Construction of Yujiang Steel-trussed Cable-stayed Bridge for High-speed Railway in China.[J]:Structural Engineering International,2016(26):4 [33]Wang Hanfeng, Si Peng, Yu Zhou, He Xuhui(何旭辉).Transition along a finite-length cylinder in the presence of a thin boundary layer.[J]:Experiments in Fluids,2016,57(5) [34]Wang Hanfeng, ZhouYu, Zou Chao, He Xuhui(何旭辉).Aerodynamic drag reduction of an Ahmed body based on deflectors.[J]:J of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,2016(148):34-44 [35]Tianyou Tao, Hao Wang, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Aiqun Li.Evolutionary power spectral density analysis on the wind-induced buffeting responses of Sutong Bridge during Typhoon Haikui.[J]:Advances in Structural Engineering,2016:1-11 [36]Xuhui He(何旭辉), Biao Wei, Yunfeng Zou, Danial G.Linzell.Dynamic characteristics and seismic response analysis of a long-span steel-box basket-handle railway arch bridge.[J]:Journal of Vibroengineering,2015,17(5):2422-2432 [37]Zhenqing Liu, Takeshi Ishihara, Takahiro Tanaka, Xuhui He(何旭辉).LES study of turbulent flow fields over a smooth 3-D hill and a smooth 2-D ridge.[J]:J of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,2016(153):1-12 [38]Zhenqing Liu, Takeshi Ishihara, Xuhui He(何旭辉), Huawei Niu.LES study on the turbulent flow fields over complex terrain covered by vegetation canopy.[J]:J of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2016(155):60-73 [39]X.H. He(何旭辉), Y.F.Zou, H.F.Wang, Y.Han.Aerodynamic characteristics of a trailing rail vehicles on viaduct based on still wind tunnel experiments.[J]:Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodyn,2014,2014(135):22-33 [40]Xu-hui He(何旭辉), Andrew Scanlon, Peng Li.Dynamic factor of bridges subjected to linear induction motor train load.[J]:the Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering,2011,6:(3):185-192. [41]X. H. He(何旭辉),X.W. Sheng,A. Scanlon, D.G. Linzell, X.D. Yu.Skewed concrete box girder bridge static and dynamic testing and analysis.[J]:Engineering Structures,2012(39):38-49 [42]Xu-hui He(何旭辉), Andrew Scanlon, Peng Li.Dynamic factor of bridges subjected to linear induction motor train load.[J]:theBaltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering,2011,2011(6(3)):185-192 [43]X. H. He(何旭辉),X.D. Yu, Z.Q. Chen.Nonstationarity analysis in wind-rain-induced vibrations of stay cable.[J]:Journal of Civil Engineering and Mangement,2012(18(6)):821–827 [44]Hua, X.G;Ni, Y.Q;Chen, ZQ;He, X.H(何旭辉).Monte Carlo Study of the Effect of Measurement Noise in Model Updating with Regularization.[J]:Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE,2012(138(1)):71-81 [45]X. H. He(何旭辉),X.G. Hua, Z.Q. Chen, F.L. Huang.EMD-based random decrement technique for modal parameter identification of an existing railway bridge.[J]:Engineering Structures,2011,33(4):1348-1356 [46]X. H. He(何旭辉).Discussion of “Updating the reliability of a concrete bridge structure based on condition assessment with uncertainties” By S.S. Law and J. Li [Eng Struct 32 (2010) 286-296].[J]:Engineering Structures,2011(33(5)):1855-1856 [47]X. H. He(何旭辉), J. Fang, A. Scanlon, Z. Q. Chen.Wavelet-based nonstationary wind speed model in Dongting Lake cable-stayed bridge.[J]:Engineering,2010(2(11)):895-903 [48]X. H. He(何旭辉), X.L. Meng, L. J. Li.Design and construction of the bridges on Guangzhou metro Line 4:Procedia Engineering,2011(14):126-133 [49]HE Xu-hui(何旭辉), YU zhi-wu, CHEN Zheng-qing.Finite Element Model Updating of Existing Steel Bridge Based on The Structural Health Monitoring.[J]:Journal of Central South University of Technology,2008,15(3):399-403 [50]Xu-hui He(何旭辉),Hai-tao Wu.Fatigue Life Evaluation of Existing Railway Riveted Steel Bridges.[J]:Advanced Materials Research,2011(243-249):1589-1596 [51]HE Xu-hui(何旭辉), CHEN Zheng-qing, YU zhi-wu.Fatigue Damage Reliability Analysis for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge with the Structural Health Monitoring Data.[J]:Journal of Central South University of Technology,2006,13(2):200-203 [52]李欢, 何旭辉, 王汉封, 刘梦婷, 彭思.π型断面超高斜拉桥涡振减振措施风洞试验研究.[J]:振动与冲击,2018,37(7):62-68 [53]邹云峰,何旭辉,周佳,史康,黄永明.基于实测数据的CRH380列车风作用下风屏障风荷载多分辨率分析.[J]:中南大学学报(自然科学版),2018, 49(2):407-414 [54]何旭辉,方东旭,王汉封,李欢.超高多肢斜拉桥桥塔气动力系数研究.[J]:中国铁道科学,2017,38(4):24-32 [55]何旭辉,秦红禧,邹云峰,史康,李欢,方东旭..台风外围影响下的大跨度拱桥桥址区近地风特性实测研究.[J]:湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2017,44(1):23-32 [56]何旭辉,盖永斌,魏标,杨健.平塘特大桥主桥抗震性能研究.[J]:桥梁建设,2017,47(1):76-82 [57]何旭辉, 刘立亚, 邹云峰, 杨贤康.铁路钢桁梁斜拉桥单悬臂施工方法研究.[J]:桥梁建设,2016,46(1):100-105 [58]何旭辉,史康,邹云峰,黄东梅.南广铁路西江大桥桥位处良态风特性实测研究.[J]:世界桥梁,2016,44(4) [59]邹云峰,何旭辉,李欢,秦红禧,史康,黄永明.风屏障对车桥组合状态下中间车辆气动特性的影响.[J].振动工程学报,2016, 29(1):156-165 [60]何旭辉,邹云峰,周 佳,李 欢.运行车辆风环境参数对其气动特性与临界风速的影响.[J]:铁道学报,2015, 37(5):15-20 [61]何旭辉, 邹云峰, 杜风宇.风屏障对高架桥上列车气动特性影响机理分析.[J]:振动与冲击,2015,34(3):66-71 [62]何旭辉,杨贤康,朱伟.钢桁梁斜拉桥成桥索力优化的实用算法.[J]:铁道学报,2014,36(6):99-106


[1] 2018.3-至今 国际桥梁工程协会(BEI)执行委员会主任(Director of Executive Committee). http://www.beibridge.org/ [2] 2014.4-至今 中国土木工程学会桥梁及结构工程分会常务理事 [3] 2016.7-至今 中国空气动力学会风工程和工业空气动力学专业委员会委员 [4] 2011.1-至今 国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE)会员 [5] 2010.1-至今 国际桥梁维护及安全管理协会(IABMAS)会员及中国团组(IABMAS-CG)理事 [6] 2018.9-至今 湖南省公路学会桥隧专业委员会副主任 [7] 2018.3-至今 中国铁道学会桥隧专委会委员 [8] 2017.9-至今 湖南省科协委员 [9] 2015.8-至今 中南大学学术委员会委员、工学部副主任 [10] 2013.1-至今 《振动工程学报》编委 [11] 2013.1-至今 《铁道科学与工程学报》编委
