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韩征,汉族,籍贯福建永安,中共党员,研道路支部书记,日本九州大学工学博士毕业(国家建设高水平大学公派项目资助),曾任日本九州大学工学府研究助理(RA)与教学助理(TA)。2017年入选中国铁道学会青年科技人才库,2018年入选湖南省教育厅普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象,2020年入选湖南省科技厅湖湘青年科技创新人才项目、长沙市杰出创新青年培养计划项目。 现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目及青年基金项目各1项、国家重点研发计划专项子课题2项、国家重点实验室开放基金、湖南省自然科学基金等多项科研课题,同时作为研究骨干承担了日本文部省国際共同研究加速基金、日本環境省地球環境研究基金、日本学術振興会基盤研究基金等国际科研项目。近5年来,已在《Water Research》、《Earth Surface Processes and Landforms》、《Landslides》、《Geomorphology》、《Engineering Geology》、《Computers & Geotechnics》、《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》、《Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risks》等国内外地质灾害、地形学、计算岩土力学的知名期刊上发表论文61篇(SCI收录40篇,其中1篇发表于Nature Index自然指数源刊,9篇发表于中科院TOP期刊)。论文单篇最高影响因子9.130,累积影响因子135.367,平均影响因子3.471,论文总被引586次,单篇最高被引71次,h指数15,i10指数18(基于Google Scholar数据),并有2篇论文收录为ESI 1%高被引论文(Highly Cited Paper),其中1篇为ESI 0.1%热点论文(Hot Paper)。研究成果共计形成专利11项。讲授的课程主要包括本科阶段的《工程测量》、《道路勘测设计》。 招生意向: (1)成绩绩点没关系,不挂科就行; (2)人品很重要,欢迎为人正直,勤奋踏实,有志于科学研究的同学加入; (3)对工程地质、水力学、土力学等较为了解,对计算机技术及C++/Python/Matlab编程有一定基础,如果高等数学方面自信那就更好了; (4)如果再对数值计算、三维建模、深度学习、图像识别、遥感技术等方面有兴趣,那就请不要犹豫了。 教育经历 [1] 2012.10-2015.10 日本九州大学 | 建設システム専攻 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 受留学基金委“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助;博士论文题目《不均一な速度分布及び河床侵食を考慮した複雑地形における土石流の総合的な解析手法の開発》 [2] 2009.9-2012.6 中南大学 | 土木工程 | 硕士学位 | 硕士研究生毕业 2012年中南大学优秀硕士学位论文;论文题目《活动断裂区高速公路泥石流致灾参数计算与防灾措施优化研究》 [3] 2005.9-2009.6 中南大学 | 地质工程 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 毕业设计方向为超深基坑支护设计 工作经历 [1] 2019.9-至今 中南大学 | 土木工程学院 | 教授 [2] 2016.6-2019.9 中南大学 | 土木工程学院 | 特聘副教授 [3] 2014.6-2014.12 日本九州大学 | 地盤防災研究室 | 研究助理(RA) | 研究助理(RA) [4] 2014.1-2014.12 日本九州大学 | 工学府 | 教学助理(TA) | Teaching Assistant 教学助理(TA) 科研项目 [1]复杂地形泥石流动力过程物理模型及数值解析研究,国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,韩征 [2]复杂环境下轨道交通系统全生命周期能力保持技术—地质灾害下基础设施快速修复技术,在研,国家重点研发计划子课题,韩征 [3]低山丘陵地区泥石流沟道精细建模与成灾过程数值模拟研究,湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,韩征 [4]强侵蚀条件下泥石流成灾过程及防治工程效能数值模拟方法的开发与应用,地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目,韩征 [5]Rapid and Automatic Detection for Earthquake-induced Landslides Using Panchromatic Images,已结题,日本九州大学支援助成事业基金项目,韩征 [6]基于遥感图像阈值分割的震后次生地质灾害风险源自动判识及致灾过程数值模拟,在研,国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,韩征,李艳鸽 [7]大地震によるトランポリン効果を考慮した崩壊土石の高速?遠距離運動に関する研究,已结题,日本学術振興会基盤研究(B),Guangqi Chen [8]地震による極端異常運動に関するメカニズムの解明:卓球効果対トランポリン効果,已结题,日本環境省地球環境研究総合推進費戦略研究项目,Guangqi Chen [9]泥石流危害桥隧工程成灾链特征与工程易损度动态评价方法研究,已结题,国家自然基金面上项目,徐林荣 [10]基于泥石流致灾机理的防治工程优化设计关键技术研究,已结题,中南大学研究生学位论文创新基金项目,韩征 [11]活动断裂区泥石流防治技术与推广应用研究,已结题,西部交通科技项目子课题,徐林荣 专利成果 [1]图像二值化分割方法,韩征等,李艳鸽 [2]一种基于多源视频监测技术的地质灾害全天候智能化报警系统 [3]泥石流流动路径的搜索方法 [4]沟道不规则断面内泥石流流速场分析方法,韩征 [5]变截面重力式泥石流拦砂坝,韩征 获奖信息 [1]日本九州大学学術研究表彰賞|2015,韩征 [2]日本地盤工学会優良学生賞|2015,韩征 [3]中南大学“十佳青年”|2018,韩征 [4]中南大学优秀毕业研究生学术奖|2013,韩征 [5]中南大学优秀硕士学位论文|2012,韩征 课程教学 [1]道路勘测设计 [2]工程测量


[1] 地表动力过程分析、数值模拟方法与程序开发 针对滑坡、泥石流等地表动力过程机制机理,研究基于DDA、SPH、SWEs、CA等理论的数值模型开发,详见论文成果[1-7]、[10] [2] 区域遥感图像识别与解译 依托计算机视觉技术,对区域遥感图像进行二值化等处理和识别,对区域地质灾害的识别与风险分析提供参考,成果详见论文[8] [3] 铁路、道路工程环境勘测建模 研究基于无人机航测与倾斜摄影测量技术、三维激光扫描技术等先进测量技术在铁路、道路工程环境勘测方面的应用 [4] 典型地质灾害防灾与治理 针对滑坡、泥石流等典型地质灾害,研究灾害治理工程、防治工程优化设计与应急响应策略 [5] >>>>现指导硕士研究生5名;指导大学生创新类项目3组: (1)土木院,高滨玮等,无人机测绘与建模技术驱动的湘南古建筑数字化保护,国家级项目,1201171405; (2)土木院,刘懿庆等,基于图像理解技术的沥青路面损伤状态非接触式智能检测方法,国家项目,1201170723; (3)信息院,周锐等,基于卷积神经网络的图像识别技术在高速公路应急车道违章监控中的应用研究,校级项目,0902160122;


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[1](中科院一区、TOP期刊,全球82种Nature Index期刊之一,Environmental Science大类学科期刊排名第1.)Han Z., Su B., Li Y.G., et al.,.Modeling the progressive entrainment of bed sediment by viscous debris flows using the three-dimensional SC-HBP-SPH method.England:Water Research,2020 [2](中科院一区、TOP期刊) Han Z., Su B., Li Y.G., et al.,.Numerical simulation of debris-flow behavior based on the SPH method incorporating the Herschel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou rheology model:Engineering Geology,2019,255:26-36 [3](中科院一区、TOP期刊) Han Z., Chen G.Q., et al..Numerical Simulation of Debris-flow Behavior Incorporating a Dynamic Method for Estimating the Entrainment.[J]:Engineering Geology,2015,190:52-64 [4](中科院一区、TOP期刊) Han Z., Wang W.D., Li Y.G., Huang J.L., Chen G.Q., et al..An integrated method for rapid estimation of the valley incision by debris flows.[J]:Engineering Geology,2018,232:34-45 [5](中科院TOP期刊) Du Y.F., Han Z., (Corresponding author), Chen J.Q., Liu W.Z..A novel strategy of inducing solar absorption and accelerating heat release for cooling asphalt pavement.[J]:Solar Energy,2017,159:125-133 [6](中科院TOP期刊) Du Y.F., Chen J.Q., Han Z., (Corresponding author), Liu W.Z..A review on solutions for improving rutting resistance of asphalt pavement and test methods.[J]:Construction and Building Materials,2018,168:893-905 [7](中科院TOP期刊) Wei Wang, Kunlong Yin, Guangqi Chen, Bo Chai, Zheng Han, Jiawen Zhou.Practical application of the coupled DDA-SPH method in dynamic modeling for the formation of landslide dam:Landslides,2019 [8](中科院TOP期刊) Jie Dou, Ali P. Yunus, et al., Zheng Han (Corresponding author), Binh Thai Pham.Improved landslide assessment using support vector machine with bagging, boosting, and stacking ensemble machine learning framework in a mountainous watershed, Japan:Landslides,2019 [9]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.G., et al..Assessing entrainment of bed material in a debris-flow event: a theoretical approach incorporating Monte Carlo method.[J]:Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,41:1877-1890 [10]Han Z., Chen G.Q., et al..Exploring the velocity distribution of debris flows: an iteration algorithm based approach for complex cross-sections.[J]:Geomorphology,2015,241:72-82 [11]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.G., He Y.Elementary analysis on the bed-sediment entrainment by debris flow and its application using the TopFlowDF model.[J]:Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk,2017,7(2):764-785. (ESI高被引论文) [12]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.G, et al..A new approach for analyzing the velocity distribution of debris flows at typical cross-sections.[J]:Natural Hazards,2014,74:2053-2070 [13]Han Z., Li Y.G., Huang J.L., Chen G.Q., Xu L.R., et al..Numerical simulation for run-out extent of debris flows using improved Cellular Automaton model.[J]:Bulletin of engineering geology and environments,2017,76(3):961-974 [14]Li Y., Chen G.Q., Han Z., (Corresponding author), et al. 2014..A hybrid automatic thresholding approach using panchromatic image for rapid mapping of landslides.[J]:GIScience and Remote Sensing,2014,51(6):710-730 [15]He Y., Hazarika H., Yasufuku N., Han Z., (Corresponding author)..Evaluating the effect of slope angle on the distribution of the soil-pile pressure acting on stabilizing piles in sandy slopes.[J]:Computers and Geotechnics,2015,69:153-165 [16]Wang W, Chen G., Han Z., (Corresponding author).3D numerical simulation of debris-flow motion using SPH method incorporating non-Newtonian fluid behavior.[J]:Natural Hazards,2016,81(3):1981-1998 [17]He Y, Hazarika H., Yasufuku N., Han Z., (Corresponding author)., Li. Y.G..Three-dimensional limit analysis of seismic displacement of slope reinforced with piles.[J]:Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2015,77:446-452 [18]Li Y.G., Tang C., Han Z., (Corresponding author), et al..Estimating the mud depth of debris flow in a natural river channel: a theoretical approach and its engineering application.[J]:Environmental Earth Sciences,2016,75(8):722 [19]Zhang H., Liu S.G., Han Z., (Corresponding author), Lu Z., Zhang Y.B., Wu Y.Q., Li Y.G., Wang W..A new algorithm to identify contact types between arbitrarily shaped polyhedral blocks for three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis.[J]:Computers and Geotechnics,2016,80:1-15 [20]Qiu F., Huang J.L., Li Y.G., Han Z., (Corresponding author) et al..Protecting Highway Bridges Against Debris Flows Using Lateral Berms: A Case Study of the 2008 and 2011 Cheyang Debris Flow Events, China.[J]:Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk,2017,11:1-15 [21]Li Y.G., Huang J.L., Pu H., Han Z., (Corresponding author), et al..Semiautomatic Landslide Detection Using Remote Sensing and Slope Units.[J]:Transportation Research Record,2064:104-110 [22]Zhang H., Chen G.Q., Zheng L., Han Z., et al..Detection of contacts between three-dimensional polyhedral blocks for discontinuous deformation analysis.[J]:International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining,2015,78:57-73 [23]Zhang Y., Wang J., Xu Q., Chen G.X, Zhao J., Zheng L., Han Z., Yu, P..DDA validation of the mobility of earthquake-induced landslides.[J]:Engineering Geology,2015,194:38-51 [24]He Y., Hazarika H., Yasufuku N., Teng J, Jiang Z., Han Z..Estimation of lateral force acting on piles to stabilize landslides.[J]:Natural Hazards,2015,79(3):1981-2003 [25]Wu Y., Chen G., Jiang Z., Zhang L., Zhang H., Fan F., Han Z., et al..Research on Fault Cutting Algorithm of the Three-dimensional Numerical Manifold Method.[J]:International Journal of Geomechanics,2016,E4016003:1-9 [26]Zhang H., Liu S., Zheng L., Zhong G., Lou S., Wu Y., Han Z..Extensions of edge-to-edge contact model in three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis for friction analysis.[J]:Computers and Geotechnics,2016,71:261-275 [27]He Y., Hazarika H., Yasufuku N., Han Z..Reply to the Discussion on “Evaluating the effect of slope angle on the distribution of the soil-pile pressure acting on stabilizing piles in sandy slopes”.[J]:Computers and Geotechnics [28]Wang L., Xu L.R., Han Z., et al..A study of the transverse velocity distribution of debris flow in a V-shaped drainage canal.[J]:Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology.,2010,37(6):112-115 [29]Han, Z., Xu, L.R..Research on the Method to Calculate the Bulk Density of Debris Flow Based on the Integrity Coefficient of Watershed Morphology.[J]:Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology,2012,39(2):100-105 [30]Han, Z., Xu, L.R., et al..Research on the Anti-silting Design Approach and Application on the Drainage Canal of Debris Flow:Journal of Catastrophology,2012,27(2):14-20 [31]Han, Z., Xu, L.R., et al..Research on Lateral Distribution Features of Debris Flow Velocity and Structural Optimization of Prevention and Control Works.[J]:Rock and Soil Mechanics,2013,33(12):3715-3720 [32]Han Z., Chen G., Li Y., Zheng L., Zhang Y. & Xu L.R..A numerical simulation of volumetric enlargement for seismic debris flow using integrated DDA and KANAKO 2D.[C]:ICADD 11,2013:281-287 [33]Han Z., Chen G.Q..A Method for Estimating the Bed-sediment Entrainment in Debris Flow.[C]:ISSMGE-15ARC,2015 [34]Han Z., Chen G.Q..Development of Cellular Automaton Model for Simulating the Propagation Extent of Debris Flow at Alluvial Fan: A Case Study of Yohutagawa, Japan.[C]:IS-Cambridge 2014,2014 [35]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.,G., et al..Numerical Simulation of Post-entrainment Debris Flow at Alluvial Fan Using FLO-2D Model.[C]:6th Japan-Taiwan Workshop,2014 [36]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.,G..Rapid and Automatic Detection for Earthquake-induced Landslides Using Panchromatic Image.[C]:Joint Assembly 2015,2015 [37]Han Z., Chen G.Q., Li Y.G., K. Kasama..Development and Space Distribution characteristics of Debris flows along Ya-Lu Highway at Active Fault Zone.[C]:第48回地盤工学研究発表会,2013,7:1937-1938 [38]33. Han Z., Chen G.Q., Lu Z., et al..Development and Space Distribution characteristics of Debris flows along Ya-Lu Highway at Active Fault Zone.[C]:Western Regional Division Report of Natural Disast,2013,37:17-20 [39]Xu L., Han Z., Chen S. & Chen H..Research on the Triggering Factors Analysis and Relevant Countermeasures of FaTing Mountain Landslide Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake.[M]:Earthquake-Induced Landslides,2013 [40]Han Z., Wang W.D., Li Y.G..Noncontact detection of earthquake-induced landslides using improved image thresholding method.[C]:AOGS 2017,2017


[1] 国家铁路局综合司铁路科技标准规划专家库入库专家 [2] 中国岩石力学与工程学会滑坡与工程边坡分会(筹)理事 [3] 中南大学青年科技工作者协会执行委员会委员 [4] 湖南省岩石力学与工程学会理事 [5] 国际期刊《Journal of Central South University》青年编委 [6] 国际期刊 Journal of Geological Research编委(Editorial Board Member) [7] 国际期刊 SCIREA Journal of Geosciences编委(Editorial Board Member) [8] 地质灾害防治于地质环境保护国家重点实验室客座研究员 [9] 国家自然科学基金委项目评议专家 [10] 瑞士国家科学基金(Swiss National Science Foundation)项目评审 [11] 亚洲大洋洲地球科学学会(AOGS)会员 [12] 公益社団法人日本土木工学会(Japan Society of Civil Engineers)会员 [13] 公益社団法人日本地盤工学会(Japanese Geotechnical Society)国际会员 [14] Geophysical Research Letter、Engineering Geology、Geomorphology、Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences、Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering等20余个国际期刊审稿人
