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男,一直从事基于热力循环的新能源利用,包括工质物性的基团估算、分子设计、ORC循环及超临界S-CO2循环的优化仿真等研究。近5年来参与了包括国家“863”、国家自然科学基金在内的多个科研项目,已在国际SCI收录期刊发表论文16篇(JCR一区论文10余篇),担任ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT、ENERGY等多个期刊的审稿人。 欢迎硕士生及本科生加入研究团队! 教育经历 2014.9-2019.6,天津大学,工程热物理专业,博士 2017.9-2018.9,美国马里兰大学,博士生联合培养 2010.9-2014.6,天津大学,热能与动力工程专业,本科 工作经历 2019.7-至今,中南大学,能源科学与工程学院,特聘副教授 科研项目: [1] 中南大学特聘副教授科研启动资金, 主持, 2019-2023 [2] 企业委托项目,主持,2020-2022 [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51476110, 非共沸工质冷凝过程中的气液分离及气相膨胀压缩特性研究, 2014/01-2018/12,参与 [4] 国家科技部863项目, 2012AA051103, 200 kW级有机朗肯循环太阳能热发电技术, 2012/01-2015/12,参与 [5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51276123, 混合工质组分可调型有机朗肯循环关键科学问题研究, 2013/01-2016/12,参与


1. 工质物性估算,包括基团贡献法、物性大数据、机器学习等方法 2. 基于物性的工质分子设计 3. 新型热力循环构建及仿真,包括ORC、S-CO2循环 4. CO2冷电联供系统的运行机理及优化研究 课题组具有多个研究方向,所有研究均由导师全天候亲自指导,包括研究内容的确定、创新点的凝练,甚至程序的编写、实验台的搭建、论文写作等。此外,课题组将为研究生提供每年的学术交流机会,包括国内会议工程热物理年会,太阳能热发电大会,国际会议ICAE、SET。欢迎硕士生及本科生加入研究团队!


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2020年: [1] Aofang Yu, Wen Su*, Li Zhao, Xinxing Lin, Naijun Zhou. New knowledge on the performance of supercritical Brayton cycle with CO2-based mixtures. Energies, 2020. [2] Wen Su*, Aofang Yu, Bin Yang, Li Zhao. Vapor-liquid separation of mixtures R134a/R600a at horizontal branch T-junctions. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020. [3] Wen Su*, Siman Zhou, Li Zhao, Naijun Zhou. Vapor-liquid equilibrium prediction of refrigerant mixtures with Peng–Robinson equation of state and binary interaction parameters calculated through group contribution model. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2020. [4] Yannan Peng, Wen Su*, Naijun Zhou, Li Zhao. How to evaluate the performance of sub-critical Organic Rankine Cycle from key properties of working fluids by group contribution methods? Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. [5] Aofang Yu, Wen Su*, Xinxing Lin, Naijun Zhou, Li Zhao. Thermodynamic analysis on the combination of supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle and transcritical carbon dioxide refrigeration cycle for the waste heat recovery of shipboard. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. [6] Ruiyuan Zhang, Wen Su*, Xinxing Lin, Naijun Zhou, Li Zhao. Thermodynamic analysis and parametric optimization of a novel S-CO2 power cycle for the waste heat recovery of internal combustion engines. Energy, 2020. [7] Aofang Yu, Wen Su*, Xinxing Lin, Naijun Zhou. Recent trends of supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle: bibliometric analysis and research review. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020. [8] 明勇,彭艳楠,苏文*,魏国龙,王强,周乃君,赵力. 闭式热源下混合工质与纯工质的ORC性能比较. 化工学报, 2020. 2019年: [1] Wen Su, Yunho Hwang, Yawei shao, Shuai Deng, Li Zhao, Xianhua Nie, Yue Zhang. Error analysis of ORC performance based on the Helmholtz equation with different binary interaction parameters of mixture. Energy, 2019, 166: 414-425. 2018年: [1] Wen Su, Yunho Hwang, Nan Zheng, Shuai Deng, Li Zhao. Experimental study on the constituent separation performance of binary zeotropic mixtures in horizontal branch T-junctions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2018, 127: 76-87. [2] Wen Su, Yunho Hwang, Shuai Deng, Li Zhao, Dongpeng Zhao. Thermodynamic performance comparison of Organic Rankine Cycle between zeotropic mixtures and pure fluids under open heat source. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 165: 720-737. [3] Wen Su, Yunho Hwang, Shuai Deng, Nan Zheng, Li Zhao, Pei Lu. Experimental study on phase separation of refrigerant at horizontal T-junction. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2018, 105: 217-233 [4] Wen Su, Li Zhao, Shuai Deng, Weicong Xu, Zhixin Yu. A limiting efficiency of subcritical Organic Rankine cycle under the constraint of working fluids. Energy, 2018, 143: 458-466. [5] 苏文, 赵力, 邓帅. 基于工质物性的热力循环性能探索. 科学通报, 2018, 2: 232-240. [6] Xianhua Nie, Li Zhao, Shuai Deng, Wen Su, Yue Zhang. A review of molecular simulation applied in vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) estimation of thermodynamic cycles. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018. [7] Weicong Xu, Shuai Deng, Wen Su, Yin Zhang, Li Zhao. How to approach Carnot cycle via zeotropic working fluid: Research methodology and case study. Energy, 2018, 144: 576-586. [8] 邵亚伟, 邓帅, 苏文, 赵力, 卢培, 赵东鹏. 制冷工质流动沸腾数值模拟中源项模型的研究进展. 化工进展. 2018, 37(8). 2017年: [1] Wen Su, Li Zhao, Shuai Deng, Yanjie Zhao. How to predict the vapor slope of temperature-entropy saturation boundary of working fluids from molecular groups?. Energy, 2017, 135: 14-22. [2] Wen Su, Li Zhao, Shuai Deng. Simultaneous working fluids design and cycle optimization for Organic Rankine cycle using group contribution model. Applied Energy, 2017, 202: 618-627. [3] Wen Su, Li Zhao, Shuai Deng. Group contribution methods in thermod ynamic cycles: Physical properties estimation of pure working fluids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 79: 984-1001. [4] Wen Su, Li. Zhao, Shuai Deng. Developing a performance evaluation model of Organic Rankine Cycle for working fluids based on the group contribution method. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 132: 307-315. [5] Wen Su, Li. Zhao, Shuai Deng. New knowledge on the temperature-entropy saturation boundary slope of working fluids. Energy, 2017, 119: 211-217. [6] Wen Su, Li. Zhao, Shuai Deng. Recent advances in modeling the vapor-liquid equilibrium of mixed working fluids. Fluid Phase Equilibrium, 2017, 432: 28-44. 2016年: [1] Shuai Deng, Wen Su, Li. Zhao. A neural network for predicting normal boiling point of pure refrigerants using molecular groups and a topological index. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2016, 63: 63-71. [2] 苏文, 赵力, 邓帅. 基于基团拓扑的遗传神经网络工质临界温度预测. 化工学报, 2016, 67(11): 4689-4695. [3] 叶佳琦, 赵力, 邓帅, 王晓东, 苏文, 小型有机朗肯循环系统中工质泵的效率. 化工进展, 2016, 35(4): 1027-1032.
