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曾获荣誉: 湖南省优秀博士论文获得者 朱锋,男,“湖南省优秀博士论文”获得者,南方紫色页岩山地生态修复国家创新联盟副秘书长。2007-2016年在中南大学完成本硕博学位,主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自科基金面上项目、青年基金等国家级项目3项,作为核心成员参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家公益性(环保)行业科研专项等国家级项目7项,在Land Degradation & Development、Journal of Hazardous Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere生态学报等国内外知名期刊发表论文20余篇,ESI 1%高被引论文6篇,入选“2019年中国百篇最具影响力国内学术论文”,授权发明专利4项,出版英文著作1部(排名第二)。主讲课程包括环境生态学(专业课程)、环境保护与可持续发展(全校性选修课),获批中南大学教改项目1项。 教育经历 [1] 2011.9-2016.12 中南大学 | 冶金环境工程 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 [2] 2007.9-2011.6 中南大学 | 环境工程 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1] 2018.9-至今 中南大学 | 冶金与环境学院 | 副教授 [2] 2017.1-2018.8 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所 | 环境应急技术与风险管理研究中心 | 助理研究员 科研项目 [1]国家自然基金重点项目,赤泥堆场成土过程的关键驱动机制及生态修复研究(42030711),296万,2021-2025,在研,参与 [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目,赤泥堆场有机碳组分演变特征及固持机制研究(42077379),57万,2021-2024,在研,主持 [3]国家重点研发计划项目课题,有色金属冶炼场地土壤功能修复及生态重构技术(2019YFC1803604),574万,2019-2022,在研,主持 [4]国家自然科学基金青年基金,赤泥土壤化过程中盐分对团聚体形成的影响研究(41701587),20万,2018-2020,结题,主持 [5]中南大学科研启动项目,赤泥成土过程微生物菌群对团聚体形成的影响(202045010),80万,2018-2023,在研,主持 [6]中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,基于稳定团聚的赤泥关键盐分离子(PM-zx703-201803-057),5万,2018-2019,结题,主持 [7]中南大学研究生科研创新项目,赤泥土壤化过程中团聚体形成及稳定机制研究(2015zzts034),5万,2015-2016,结题,主持 著作成果 [1]赤泥堆场土壤形成及生态修复(英文版).薛生国,朱锋,科学出版社,2020 专利成果 [1]一种赤泥土壤化过程中团聚结构量化的分析方法及系统. 朱锋,薛生国,江钧,叶羽真,田桃. ZL 201811586492.1 [2]一种促进拜耳法赤泥大团聚体形成的方法. 薛生国, 吴川, 王琼丽, 朱锋, 叶羽真. ZL 201711190786.8 [3]一种基于空地一体化的垃圾填埋场无损扫描的方法及系统. 卢加伟 谢颖诗 海景 朱锋 谢冰 洪澄泱 张洁茹 陈杰娥 程涛 郭颖 史力争 黄沅清. ZL 201810434560.6 [4]一种基于生活垃圾焚烧烟气的空气质量预测方法及系统. 朱锋, 卢加伟, 海景, 谢冰, 洪澄泱, 史力争. ZL 201810476974.5 [5]一种复合改性生物炭螯合剂、其制备方法及应用. 陈清, 汪屈峰, 朱锋, 卢加伟, 史力争, 海景. ZL 201810212172.3 获奖信息 [1]2019年中国百篇最具影响力国内学术论文|2020 [2]湖南省优秀博士论文-2019


[1]  赤泥土壤化处置、有色冶炼场地生态修复、矿山生态修复



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[1]Wenshun Ke,Feng Zhu,Shengguo Xue.Appropriate human intervention stimulates the development of microbial communities and soil formation at a long-term weathered bauxite residue disposal area:Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020:124689 [2]Xue Shengguo,Feng Zhu.Evaluation of aggregate formation, stability and pore characteristics of bauxite residue following polymer materials addition:Science of the Total Environment,2020:142750 [3]Hao Wu,Feng Zhu.Long term natural restoration creates soil-like microbial communities in bauxite residue: a case for 50-year field study:Land Degradation & Development,2020,Accepted [4]Xue Shengguo,Feng Zhu.Evaluating aggregate stability, surface properties and disintegration behavior of bauxite residue induced by Ca/Na:Land Degradation & Development,2020,Accepted [5]Tao Tian,Feng Zhu.Improvement of aggregate-associated organic carbon and its stability in bauxite residue by substrate amendment addition:Land Degradation & Development,2020,31(16):2405-2416 [6]Junyu Wu,Feng Zhu.Variation on leaching behavior of caustic compounds in bauxite residue during dealkalization process:Journal of Environmental Sciences,2020,92:141-150 [7]Wu Hao, Chen Li, Zhu Feng, William Hartley, Zhang Yifan, Xue Shengguo.The dynamic development of bacterial community following long-term weathering of bauxite residue.[J]:Journal of Environmental Sciences,2020,90:321-330 [8]Shengguo Xue, Wenshun Ke, Feng Zhu. 2020..Effect of phosphogypsum and poultry manure on aggregate-associated alkaline characteristics in bauxite residue.[J]:Journal of Environmental Management,2020,256:109981 [9]Zhu Feng, Cheng Qing-yu, Xue Sheng-guo, Li Chu-xuan, Hartley W, Wu Chuan, Tian Tao.Influence of natural regeneration on fractal features of residue microaggregates in bauxite residue disposal areas.[J]:Land Degradation and Development,29(1):138-149 [10]Zhu Feng,Hou Jing-tao,Xue Sheng-guo,Wu Chuan,Wang Qiong-li,Hartley W.Vermicompost and Gypsum Amendments Improve Aggregate Formation in Bauxite Residue.[J]:Land Degradation and Development,28(7):2109-2120 [11]Zhu Feng,Liao Jia-xin,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Zou Qi,Wu Hao.Evaluation of aggregate microstructures following natural regeneration in bauxite residue as characterized by synchrotron-based X-ray micro-computed tomography.[J]:Science of the Total Environment,573:155-163 [12]Zhu Feng, Li Xiao-fei, Lu Jia-wei, Hai Jing, Zhang Jie-ru, Xie Bing.Emission characteristics of PCDD/Fs in stack gas from municipal solid.[J]:Chemosphere,200:23-29 [13]Xue Shengguo,Ye Yuzhen, Zhu Feng, Wang Qiongli, Jiang Jun, William Hartley.Changes in distribution and microstructure of bauxite residue aggregates following amendments addition.[J]:Journal of Environmental Sciences,78:276-283 [14]Zhou Yaoyu, Xiang Yujia, He Yangzhuo,Yang Yuan, Zhang Jiachao,Luo Lin,Peng Hui,Dai Chunhao,Zhu Feng.Applications and factors influencing of the persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes for the remediation of groundwater and soil contaminated with organic compounds.[J]:JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,359:396-407 [15]Zhu Feng,Zhou Jia-yi,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Wu Chuan,Guo Ying.Aging of bauxite residue in association of regeneration: a comparison of methods to determine aggregate stability & erosion resistance.[J]:Ecological Engineering,92:47-54 [16]Xue Sheng-guo,Zhu Feng,Kong Xiang-feng,Wu Chuan,Huang Ling,Huang Nan,Hartley W.A review of the characterization and revegetation of bauxite residues (Red mud).[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(2):1120-1132 [17]Zhu Feng,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Huang Ling,Wu Chuan,Li Xiao-fei.Novel predictors of soil genesis following natural weathering processes of bauxite residues.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,18(7):710-719 [18]Tian Tao, Ke Wenshun, Zhu Feng, Wang Qiongli, Ye Yuzhen, Guo Ying, Xue Shengguo.Effect of substrate amendment on alkaline minerals and aggregate stability in bauxite residue:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):393-403 [19]Zhu Feng,Li Xiao-fei,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Wu Chuan,Han Fu-song.Natural plant colonization improves the physical condition of bauxite residue over time.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(22):22897-22905 [20]Zhu Feng,Huang Nan,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Li Yi-wei,Zou Qi.Effects of binding materials on microaggregate size distribution in bauxite residues.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(23):23867-23875 [21]Xue Sheng-guo,Zhu Feng,Wu Chuan,Lei Jie,Hartley W,Pan Wei-song.Effects of manganese on the microstructures of Chenopodium ambrosioides L., A manganese tolerant plant.[J]:International Journal of Phytoremediation,18(7):710-719 [22]Zhu Feng,Li Yu-bing,Xue Sheng-guo,Hartley W,Wu Hao.Effects of iron-aluminium oxides and organic carbon on aggregate stability of bauxite residues.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(9):9073-9081 [23]Xue Shengguo, Wang Qiongli, Tian Tao, Ye Yuzhen, Zhang Yifan, Zhu Feng.Regional-scale investigation of salt ions distribution characteristics in bauxite residue: A case study in a disposal area.[J]:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):422-429 [24]Xue Sheng-guo,Wang Jun,Wu Chuan,Li Song,Hartley W,Wu Hao,Zhu Feng,Cui Meng-qian.Physiological response of Polygonum perfoliatum L. following exposure to elevated manganese concentrations.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,25(1):132-140 [25]Huang Nan, Tang Lu, Zhu Feng, Wu Chuan, William Hartley, Zhou Jingju, Xue Shengguo.Salt ions accumulation and distribution characteristics of pioneer plant species at a bauxite residue disposal area, China:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):323-330 [26]Gao Jianyang, Gao Fangzhou, Zhu Feng, Luo Xinghua, Jiang Jun, Feng Li.Synergistic coagulation of bauxite residue-based polyaluminum ferric chloride for dyeing wastewater treatment:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):449-457 [27]Guo Ying, Zhu Feng, Wu Chuan, Tian Tao, Richard J. Haynes, Xue Shengguo.Dynamic change and diagnosis of physical, chemical and biological properties in bauxite residue disposal areas:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):410-421 [28]Li Xiaofei, Guo Ying, Zhu Feng, Huang Longbin, William Hartley, Li Yiwei, Kong Xiangfeng, Xue SG.Alkalinity stabilization behavior of bauxite residue: Ca-driving regulation characteristics of gypsum:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):383-392 [29]Wu Hao, Liao Jiaxin, Zhu Feng, Millar Graeme, Courtney Ronan, Xue Shengguo.Isolation of an acid producing Bacillus sp. EEEL02: Potential for bauxite residue neutralization:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):343-352 [30]Liao Jiaxin, Zhang Yifan, Cheng Qingyu, Wu Hao, Zhu Feng, Xue Shengguo.Colonization of Penicillium oxalicum enhanced neutralization effects of microbial decomposition of organic matter in bauxite residue:Journal of Central South University,26(2):331-342 [31]Xue Shengguo, Wu Yujun, Li Yiwei, Kong Xiangfeng, Zhu Feng, William Hartley, Li Xiaofei, Ye Yuzhen.Industrial wastes applications for alkalinity regulation in bauxite residue: A comprehensive review.[J]:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,26(2):268-288 [32]Tian Tao, Zhou Jingju, Zhu Feng, Ye, Yuzhen, Guo Ying, William Hartley, Xue Shengguo.Effect of amendments on the leaching behavior of alkaline anions and metal ions in bauxite residue.[J]:Journal of Environmental Sciences,85:74-81 [33]Xue Sheng-guo,Kong Xiang-feng,Zhu Feng,Hartley W,Li Xiao-fei,Li Yi-wei.Proposal for management and alkalinity transformation of bauxite residue in China.[J]:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(13):12822-12834 [34]薛生国,朱锋,叶晟,王钧,吴雪娥.紫茉莉对铅胁迫生理响应的FTIR研究.[J]:生态学报,31(20):6143-6148 [35]朱锋,韩福松,薛生国,郭颖,李萌,廖嘉欣.氧化铝赤泥堆场团聚体的分形特征.[J]:中国有色金属学报,26(6):1316-1323 [36]朱锋,李萌,薛生国,邹奇,吴昊,王琼丽.自然风化过程对赤泥团聚体有机碳组分的影响.[J]:生态学报,37(4):1174-1183
