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黄合来(1979-),中南大学交通运输工程学院;中南大学城市交通研究中心 主任;智慧交通湖南省重点实验室 主任 在新加坡和美国留学7年,2010年获聘中南大学“升华学者计划”特聘教授,入选Elsevier高被引学者,2015年入选中南大学“创新驱动”人才计划,湖南省杰出青年、湖湘青年英才和霍英东基金获得者,2018年入选湖南省121人才工程(第二层次)。研究方向为道路交通安全与智能交通系统,在理论研究领域提出了交通安全层级-时空数据结构和全贝叶斯分析方法,是交通安全规划理论与技术体系的积极开拓者,将该体系融合到智能网联环境下的交通系统分析理论,目前主要研究智能网联车辆运行安全技术体系;在应用研究领域研究道路交通事故黑点识别方法、智能交通系统与交通安全主动防控一体化设计方法、汽车品牌碰撞协调性评价方法。2012年以来主持国家级和省部级科研项目15项,包括4项国家自然科学基金课题(青年-面上-国际合作-面上),1项国家重点研发计划项目开放任务,1项美国联邦公路局资助国际合作项目。 创建中南大学智慧交通研究团队,由城市交通研究中心(2011),智慧交通湖南省重点实验室(2016)和湖南中大设计院智慧交通设计所(2017)组成,形成了“基础研究-技术研发-成果转化”三位一体的科技团队。面向解决当代与未来交通系统的效能提升、安全防控、环境保护的基础理论与关键技术问题,建立立足中国交通问题、具有国际先进水平的科技研发与成果转发基地。完成综合交通规划、交通安全管理规划、停车设施规划、智能交通系统设计等咨询和研发项目40余项,含南岳衡山、韶山、张家界、桃花源等重要旅游景区的交通规划和设计。建立了湖南省高速公路网运营安全分析系统、长沙/益阳等城市交通运行评价仿真系统、智能公交运营管理系统、交通事故深度调查分析系统、城市信控优化服务管理系统等,与湖南省交通运输和公安交警系统重要单位、百度公司、大众(中国)研究院、以及若干智能交通行业领军企业签署战略协议,开展了大量的产学研合作。 教育经历 博士后 2008-2010,交通安全,美国中佛罗里达大学 博士 2007,交通工程,新加坡国立大学 硕士 2003,水工结构,天津大学 本科 2000,水利水电,天津大学 工作经历 10/2010 – , “升华学者计划”特聘教授, 中南大学 07/2008 – 08/2010, 博士后研究员, 美国中佛罗里达大学 07/2007 – 07/2008, Research Fellow, 新加坡国立大学 【科研项目】 12. 基于事故描述文本的交通事故数据修复及信息挖掘技术,国家自然科学基金面上项目(7197010983),2019-2022,主持。 11. 面向全局通行能力最大化的导向运输系统与道路交通路权动态配置与控制方法,国家重点研发计划项目-公开任务,2018-2020,主持。 10. 融合安全考量的交通系统分析方法,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目(71561167001),2016-2019,主持。 9. 面向交通安全规划的区域事故预测理论,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71371192),2014-2017,主持。 8. 面向安全规划的道路交通事故预测理论,国家自然科学基金青年项目(51108465),2012-2014,主持。 7. 交通安全规划方法与技术研究,第14届霍英东青年教师科学基金应用研究课题(142005),2014-2017,主持。 6. 长沙市智能交通系统总体发展规划及重点片区交通仿真评价,长沙市住建委,2017,主持。 5. 长株潭城市群公路交通事故机理分析理论与方法研究,交通运输部规划研究院,2014-2016,主持。 4. 长株潭区域公路网运输效能与安全性评估,交通运输部科学技术项目(20013187851460),2013-2014。 3. 交通安全规划先进空间分析工具研究,美国联邦公路局国际合作项目,2010-2012,中方负责人。 2. 道路交通安全网络建模技术研究,中南大学自由探索计划资助 (2011QNZT065),中央高校基本科研业务费, 2011-2012,主持。 1. 基于贝叶斯空间建模技术的道路交通安全预测模型研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2013-2014,主持。 【人才&平台项目】 8. 重大仪器专项基础研究条件提升计划:交通大数据分析与仿真实验平台,2017. 7. 智慧交通湖南省重点实验室立项(2016TP1004),2017-2019. 6. 摩托车交通安全,澳大利亚政府Executive Endeavour Fellowship(高级访问学者),2016.12-2017.03。 5. 新加坡国际交通大会,王宽诚教育基金,2016。 4. 融合安全考量的交通系统分析方法,中南大学第二批创新驱动项目,2015-2016,主持。 3. 交通安全规划理论,湖南省杰出青年基金(2015JJ1017),2015-2017,主持。 2. 道路交通运行状况评价及拥堵治理对策研究。“湖湘青年"创新创业平台支持项目,湖南省科学技术厅,2014-2016,主持。 1. 道路交通安全基础理论研究,中南大学“升华学者计划”专项经费, 2010-2015,主持。 【工程咨询项目】 22. 浏阳市十四五大交通发展研究,2019. 21. 益阳市城区信号控制优化服务(100个信控路口),2019。 20. 韶山市旅游线路和核心景区交通工程规划设计,2018。 19. 衡阳常宁市综合交通体系规划及智能交通系统设计,2018。 18. 张家界市慈利县停车设施规划与设计,2018。 17. 常德市桃花源管理区交通规划与设计,2018。 16. 湘潭市交通安全管理规划,2018。 15. 常德市澧县停车设施规划与设计,2017。 14. 天津市宝坻区道路交通工程及智能交通设计,天津市交管局,2017。 13. 韶山市全域旅游交通体系规划与智慧旅游交通设计,韶山市人民政府,2017。 12. 张家界武陵源城景区停车规划与设计,武陵源区人民政府,2017。 11. “精美湘潭“城区交通工程及智能交通系统规划设计,湘潭市人民政府,2017。 10. 沅江市综合交通系统规划与停车系统专项规划,沅江市人民政府,2016。 9. 津市市综合交通系统规划、停车系统规划与智能交通系统设计,津市市人民政府,2016。 8. 沪昆高速邵怀段雪峰山隧道群路段危化品运输安全管理对策研究,湖南省高速公路交通警察局,2015。 7. 衡阳市南岳区综合交通系统规划,南岳区人民政府,2015。 6. 益阳市交通安全管理规划,益阳市交通管理局,2015。 5. 佛山市公交出行调查机制研究,佛山市交通运输局,2014。 4. 常德市交通安全管理规划,常德市交通管理局,2014。 3. 益阳市城市示范道路(益阳大道、金山路、马良路)交通工程规划与设计,益阳市人民政府,2014。 2. 衡阳市蒸阳路交通工程设计,衡阳市交通管理局,2013。 1. 衡阳市商业步行街停车交通组织设计,衡阳市交通管理局,2013。 【教改项目】 3. 城市交通规划,中南大学开放式精品课程建设项目,2013-2015,主持人. (本科生教育) 2. 国际化交通运输创新人才培养模式研究,湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目,(2011-32) 2011-2014,主持.(本科生教育) 1. 国际化学术型创新人才培养模式实证研究,湖南省教育科学基金青年项目(XJK011QGD010), 2011-2014,主持.(研究生培养) 讲授课程 交通工程基础 (本科) 交通运输专业导论 (本科) 城市交通规划 (本科) 智能交通系统 (本科,研究生) 交通安全工程 (研究生) 交通系统分析 (研究生,全英文教学) 【出版著作】 1. Chin H.C., Huang H. (2009). Modeling Multilevel Data in Traffic Safety: a Bayesian Hierarchical Approach. ISBN: 978-1-60692-270-5, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. 2*. Huang H., Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2009). Hotspot Identification: A Full Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Approach. Chapter 22 of Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. William Lam, SC Wong, Hong Lo. Spinger. 3. 黄合来,赵海深 主编,机动车驾驶人交通安全,湖南人民出版社,ISBN978-7-5561-0210-9,2014年7月第1版(300千字)。 4. CICTP2014 Proceedings. Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems. Eds. Ma J., Ying Y., Huang H., Pan D.F. ASCE publication. 5. Wang Z., Huang H.*, Li Y., 2019. Chapter 10193: Taxi and for-hire automobiles, Encyclopedia of Transportation,Elsevier. 交通百科。 6. Chang F., Huang H.,*, Haque M., 2019. Chapter 10156: Motorcycle and PTW Safety, Encyclopedia of Transportation, Elsevier. 交通百科。 【国家发明专利】 黄合来,高明运,翟晓琪,董霓,毛树华,严新平。一种面向区域道路交通安全分析和改善的区域边界事故聚合方法。201610225377.6,授权日:2018/1/30。 黄合来, 曾强,宋博,许鹏鹏。一种基于贝叶斯联合模型量化径路安全水平的方法。201510127230.9,授权日:2017/1/18。 黄合来,韩春阳。一种城市路网交通流量分配方法,201910651997.X,授权日:2020/12/28。 【学术会议论文&演讲】 1*. (泰国)Chin H.C., Huang H. (2004). A re-examination of instances of red light running. Proceedings of The 17th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Page 663-668. Ayutthaya, Thailand. 2*. (孟加拉)Chin H.C., Huang H. (2006). A safety evaluation procedure on traffic treatments for using modified empirical Bayesian approach. Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic Safety in Developing Countries, Page 143-147. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 3*.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Chin H.C., Heng H.H. (2006). Effect of red light camera on accident risk at intersections. In CD-Rom of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 4.(日本京都)Haque M.M., Chin H.C., Huang H. (2006). Modeling random effect and excess zero in road traffic accidents prediction. Proceedings of The 19th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Page 245-248. Kyoto, Japan. 5*.(泰国)Huang H., Chin, H.C. (2007). Safety countermeasure development and evaluation for signalized intersections in Singapore. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Bangkok, Thailand. Organizer: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). 6.(美国华盛顿)Haque, M.M., Chin H.C., Huang H. (2008). Examining exposure of motorcycles at signalized intersections. In CD-Rom of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 7*.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Chin, H.C. (2008). Bayesian hierarchical analysis on crash prediction models. In CD-Rom of 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 8.(美国华盛顿)Haque, M.M., Chin H.C., Huang H. (2008). Factors affecting motorcycle crashes at signalized intersections. In CD-Rom of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 9*.(美国奥兰多)Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., (2009). Traffic crash hotspot identification: state of the art and future directions. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT). April 5-9, Orlando, Florida. 10*.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2009). Empirical evaluation of alternative approaches in identifying crash hotspots: naive ranking, empirical Bayes and full Bayes. In CD-Rom of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 11*.(美国华盛顿)Chin H.C., Huang H. (2009). Safety assessment of taxi drivers in Singapore. Transportation Research Record. In CD-Rom of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 12*.(中国香港)Huang H., Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2009). Hotspot Identification: A Full Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Approach. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT18), Hong Kong. 13*.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., Darwiche A.L. (2010). County-level crash risk analysis in Florida: Bayesian spatial modeling. In CD-Rom of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 14*.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., Ekram A., Oloufa A., Chen Y., Morrow R. (2010). Fog and smoke related crashes in Florida: identifying crash characteristics, spatial distribution and injury severity. In CD-Rom of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 15.(美国华盛顿)Chen Y., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H., Ma M. (2010). A full Bayesian classifier of driver scene aesthetics base on ordered model. In CD-Rom of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 16*.(美国华盛顿)Ma M., Yan, X.P., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H., Wang X. (2010). Safety analysis of urban arterials under mixed traffic in Beijing. In CD-Rom of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 17*.(美国华盛顿)Ma M., Yan, X.P., Huang H., Abdel-Aty M. (2010). Safety investigation on occupational drivers of public transportation vehicles in Wuhan, China. In CD-Rom of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 18*.(阿联酋)Huang H., Abdel-Aty M. (2010). Multilevel data in traffic safety: a 5×ST-level hierarchy. Accepted for presentation at the 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents (VTI), Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, March/April 2010. 19*.(葡萄牙)Abdel-Aty M., Huang H., Ekram A., Oloufa A. A study on visibility obstruction related crashes due to fog. Accepted for presentation at the XII World Conference on Transport Research, WCTR 2010, Lisbon, 11-15 July 2010. 20*.(中国北京)Huang H., Ma M. What we can learn from US road safety practice, a research perspective. The 10th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, ICCTP10, Beijing, August 2010. 21*.(美国华盛顿)Wang W., Yan X.P., Huang H., Chu X., Abdel-Aty M. (2011) A practical device of measuring pavement macrotexture profile. In CD-Rom of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 22.(美国华盛顿)Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H. 2011. Zonal-Level Safety Evaluation Incorporating Trip Generation Effects. In CD-Rom of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 23.(美国华盛顿)Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H. 2011. Integrating Trip and Roadway Characteristics in Managing Safety at Traffic Analysis Zones. In CD-Rom of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 24.(中国武汉) Huang H., Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M., 2011. A Bayesian Model on Crash Compatibility. The 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, ICTIS2011, Wuhan, China. (EI) 25. (中国武汉)Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H. 2011. Managing roadway safety at the traffic analysis zones’ level. The 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, ICTIS2011, Wuhan, China. (EI) 26.(中国武汉)Huang H. Modeling multilevel data in traffic safety. The 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, ICTIS2011, Wuhan, China. (分会场主席,特邀报告) 27.(中国北京)Huang H., Wang D. Transportation safety planning: an introduction. The 5th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Beijing, China. (EI) 28. (中国重庆)Huang H., Integrate police crash data & hospital data for road injury prevention. The 22nd ITMA international congress:Safe Traffic and Effective Medical Care. Chongqing, China. (Presentation only) 29.(韩国首尔)Huang H. Modeling Multilevel data in traffic safety, China-Korea Joint Seminar on Sustainable Transportation Systems (CKJSSTS). Jointly supported by Korea University, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Seoul, Korea. (特邀报告)。 30.(中国上海)Huang H. Gray Traffic Violation. The 3rd Sino-German Symposium on Urban Road Traffic Safety & the 7th Symposium on Road Traffic Accident Research in China. Shanghai, Oct 8, 2012. (特邀报告)。 31.(美国华盛顿)Xie K., Wang X., Chen X., Huang H., 2012. Corridor-Level Signalized Intersection Safety Analysis in Shanghai, China using Bayesian Hierarchical Models. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 32.(美国华盛顿)Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., 2013. Transportation safety planning: a spatial analysis. In CD-Rom of the 92th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 33.(美国华盛顿) Huang H., Hu S., Abdel-Aty M., 2013. Indexing Crash Worthiness and Crash Aggressivity by Major Car Brands. In CD-Rom of the 92th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 34.* (美国华盛顿)Dong N., Huang H., Xu P., Ding Z., Wang D. 2014. Evaluating Spatial Proximity Structures in TAZ-level Crash Prediction Models, In CD-Rom of the 93th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 35.* (阿联酋阿布扎比) Huang H., 2014. Methodologcal development of transportation safety planning. 1st International Road Traffic Accidents Conference. (特邀报告) 36.* (香港科技大学) Huang H., 2014. Evaluating Crash Compatibility of Motor Vehicles. Invited by Prof. Hai Yang (特邀报告) 37.* (香港大学) Huang H., 2014. Safety Statistical Modeling and Transportation Safety Planning. Invited by Prof. SC Wong. (特邀报告) 38.* (中国长沙)Xu P., Huang H., Cheng Y., 2014. Addressing the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in Traffic Safety: Definition, Potential Solutions and Future Research. CICTP2014. Changsha, China. (EI) 39.*(中国长沙)Zeng Q., Huang H., 2014. Developing an Optimized Artificial Neural Network to Predict Traffic Crash Injury Severity. CICTP2014. Changsha, China. (EI) 40.*(美国华盛顿)Dong N., Ma M., Huang H., Ma Y., Zheng L, Support Vector Machine in Crash Prediction at the level of Traffic Analysis Zones: Accessing the Spatial Proximity Effects. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 41.*(美国华盛顿)Song B., Huang H., Zeng Q., Deng Q., Abdel-Aty M. Comparative Analysis of Macro and Micro Models for Zonal Crash Prediction. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 42.*(美国华盛顿)Xu P., Huang H., Zeng Q., Modeling Crash Spatial Heterogeneity: Random Parameter Versus Geographical Weighting. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 43.(美国华盛顿)Chen C., Zhang G., Huang H., Ma J., Chen Y., Guan H., Examining Driver Injury Severity on Rural Interstate Highways Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 44. (美国华盛顿)Lee J., Abdel-Aty M., Choi K., Huang H., Multilevel Hot Zone Identification for Pedestrian Safety. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 45.(中国深圳)黄合来,绿灯倒计时:效率VS安全。中国智能交通协会2014年会青年科技论坛。(邀请报告) 46.(美国奥兰多)Zeng Q.,Huang H.,Pei. X,Wong SC. Neural network models for predicting crash frequency by severity. 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference. Orlando, FL. 47. (中国香港)Gao. M.,Mao S., Huang H., 2015. A Novel Approach of Boundary Crash Data Aggregation for Macroscopic Safety Analysis. 2015 Kong Society of Transportation Studies. 48.(中国香港)Wang J.,Huang H., Bayesian Hierarchical Joint Model: A Proactive Tool for Road Network Safety Evaluation. 2015 Kong Society of Transportation Studies. 49.(中国香港) Huang H., Li M., Zheng L., 2015. Urban Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction under Missing Data. 2015 Kong Society of Transportation Studies. 50.(中国香港) Li C.,Huang H.,Zeng Q., 2015. Crash protectiveness to occupant injury and vehicle damage: An investigation on major car brands. 2015 Kong Society of Transportation Studies. 51.(中国无锡)黄合来,2015. 道路交通事故死亡率趋势分析,中国智能交通大会2015年年会道路交通安全论坛。 52.(美国华盛顿)Dong N., Huang H., Lee J., Gao M., Abdel-Aty M. 2016. Macroscopic Hotspot Identification: Bayesian Spatiotemporal Interaction Approach. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 53. (美国华盛顿)Li M., Chen L., Huang H., 2016. Evaluation of Discontinuous Lane Design of Intersection Approach in China. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 54.(中国哈尔滨)黄合来,2016. 道路交通安全分析基本模型,哈尔滨工业大学。 55.(中国武汉)黄合来,2016. 道路交通安全研究新视野,交通安全讲堂(武汉理工大学)。 56.(中国上海)黄合来,2016. 道路交通安全管理科学决策,上海交通大学。 57.(中国北京)黄合来,2016. 道路车辆碰撞协调性评价方法,中国道路交通安全学术会议(中国汽车技术研究中心主办)。 58.(中国上海)黄合来,2016. Macroscopic Investigation of Pedestrian Safety: Focusing on the Residence and Crash Zones, World Congress on Transportation Research 2016. (同济大学承办) 59.(中国南京)黄合来,2016. 第七届国际绿色智能交通系统与安全学术会议.(河海大学承办)。 60.(中国北京)黄合来,2016. 全球195个国家和地区道路交通死亡数据调查研究. Transportation Research Congress (TRC 2016). (交通运输部公路科学研究院承办)。 61. (中国青岛)黄合来,2016. 湖南省摩托车事故严重程度分析, 海峡两岸都市交通研讨会。 62. (中国青岛)黄合来,2016. 中国道路交通事故死亡数据调查, 海峡两岸都市交通研讨会。 63.(美国华盛顿)Lee J., Abdel-Aty, M., Huang H., Cai Q. 2017. Intersection Safety Performance Functions with Macro-Level Data from Various Geographic Units. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 64.(美国华盛顿)Xu P., Huang H., Dong N. 2017.Modeling crash spatial heterogeneity: a Bayesian spatially varying coefficients approach. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 65.(美国华盛顿)Meng F., Wong SC., Pei X., Wong W., Li W.C., Huang H., Dong N. 2017.Gas Dynamic Analogous Exposure Approach to Multiple-Vehicle Crash Frequency Modeling: Case Study of Crashes Involving Taxis. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 66.(美国华盛顿)Chen C., Zhang G., Huang H., Identifying Significant Factors for Driver Injury Severities in Rural Non-Interstate Crashes: Hierarchical Ordered-Logit Analysis. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 67. (中国重庆)黄合来,2016. OpenITS, 中国智能交通大会2016年年会交通大数据论坛。 68. (新加坡)黄合来,2018. Spatial effects in traffic safety: a review and assessment of methodological alternatives. The 6th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management. May31-June1, 2018, National Univeristy of Singapore. 学术奖励 湖南省121人才工程(第二层级,2019) 湖南省杰出青年基金获得者(2015) “湖湘青年“创新创业平台支持计划(2014) 霍英东青年教师基金获得者(2014) 中国电信优秀教师奖(2013) 本科教学质量优秀奖(2013) 湖南省职工示范工作室(2012)




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【国际SCI/SSCI期刊论文】 出版物:107篇,h-index: 33, 每篇平均引用次数:28,被引频次总计:3012,去除自引:2614,施引文献:1682,去除自引:1600。(数据来源:web of science, 2020年1月11日) 1. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Heng H.H. (2006). Effect of red light camera on accident risk at intersections. Transportation Research Record 1969, 18-36. 2. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2008). Severity of driver injury and vehicle damage in traffic crashes at intersections: Bayesian hierarchical analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(1), 45-54. 3. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2008). Examining exposure of motorcycles at signalized intersections. Transportation Research Record 2048, 60-65. 4. Huang H.*, Chin H.C. (2009). Disaggregate propensity study of RLR accident using quasi-induced exposure method. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135(3), 104-111. 5. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2009). Modeling fault among motorcyclists involved in crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention 41(2), 327-335. 6. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2009). Empirical evaluation of alternative approaches in identifying crash hotspots: na?ve ranking, empirical Bayes and full Bayes. Transportation Research Record 2103, 32-41. 7. Chin H.C., Huang H.* (2009). Safety assessment of taxi drivers in Singapore. Transportation Research Record, 2114, 47-56. 8. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2010). Applying Bayesian Hierarchical models to examine motorcycle crashes at signalized intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention 42(1), 203-212. 9. Huang H.*, Chin H.C. (2010). Modeling road traffic crashes with zero-inflation and site-specific random effects. Statistical Methods & Applications 19(3), 445-462. 10. Ma M., Yan, X.P., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H.*, Wang X. (2010). Safety analysis of urban arterials under mixed traffic in Beijing. Transportation Research Record 2193, 101-115. 11. Ma M., Yan, X.P., Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2010). Safety of public transportation occupational drivers: risk perception, attitudes, and driver behavior. Transportation Research Record 2145, 72-79. 12. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M., Darwiche A.L. (2010) County-level crash risk analysis in Florida: Bayesian spatial modeling. Transportation Research Record 2148, 27-37. 13. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2010) Multilevel data and Bayesian analysis in traffic safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(6), 1556-1565. 14. Wang W., Yan X.P., Huang H.*, Chu X., Abdel-Aty M. (2011). Design and verification of a laser based device for pavement macrotexture measurement. Transportation Research Part C 19, 682-694 15. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M., Siddiqui C. (2011). Indexing crash worthiness and crash Aggressivity by vehicle type. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43(4):1364-70 16. Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M.*, Huang H., Wang X. (2011). Integrating trip and roadway characteristics in managing safety at traffic analysis zones. Transportation Research Record 2213, 20-28. 17 Ahmed M.*, Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., Guevara B. (2011). Exploring a Bayesian hierarchical approach for developing safety performance functions for a mountainous freeway. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43(4):1581-1589. 18. Yan X.P., Ma M., Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2011). Motor vehicle-bicycle crashes in Beijing: irregular maneuvers, crash patterns, and injury severity. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43, 1751-1758 19 Abdel-Aty M.*, Ekram A., Huang H. (2011). A study on visibility obstruction related crashes due to fog and smoke. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43, 1730-1737 20 Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M.*, Huang H. (2012). Aggregate nonparametric safety analysis of traffic zones. Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 317-325. 21. Shi F.*, Zhou Z., Yao J., Huang H. (2012). Incorporating transfer reliability into equilibrium analysis of railway passenger flow. European Journal of Operations Research 220, 378-385. 22. Xie K., Wang X.*, Huang H., Chen X. (2013). Corridor-level signalized intersection safety analysis in Shanghai, China using Bayesian hierarchical models. Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 25-33. 23. Shi F.*, Xu G., Liu B. Huang H. (2014). Optimization method of alternate traffic restriction scheme based on elastic demand and mode choice behavior. Transportation Research Part C 39, 36-52. 24. Huang H.*, Hu S., Abdel-Aty M. (2014). Indexing crash worthiness and crash aggressivity by major car brands, Safety Science 62, 339-347. 25. Xu G., Shi F.*, Liu B. Huang H. (2014). Model and algorithm of optimizing alternate traffic restriction scheme in urban traffic network. Journal of Central South University 21(12):4742-4752. 26. Dong N., Huang H. *, Xu P., Ding Z., Wang. D, (2014). Evaluating spatial proximity structures in TAZ-level crash prediction models. Transportation Research Record 2432,46-52. 27. Xu P., Huang H.*, Dong N., Abdel-Aty M. (2014). Sensitivity analysis in the context of regional safety modeling: identifying and assessing the MAUP effects. Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 110-120. 28. Zeng Q., Huang H.* (2014). Bayesian spatial joint modeling of traffic crashes on an urban road network. Accident Analysis and Prevention 67, 105-112. 29. Huang H., Hu S., Zheng L.* (2014). Crash-level analysis on passenger cars' total secondary safety, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 19(6), 613-623. 30. Huang H., Wang D., Zheng L.*, Li X. (2014). Evaluating time-reminder strategies before amber: common signal, green flashing and green countdown, Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 248-260. 31. Zeng Q., Huang H.* (2014). A stable and optimized neural network model for crash injury severity prediction. Accident Analysis & Prevention 73, 351-358. 32. Shi F., Xu G., Huang H. (2015). An augmented Lagrangian origin-based algorithm for link-capacitated traffic assignment problem. 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(2018). The modifiable areal unit problem in traffic safety: basic issue, potential solutions and future research. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. 5(1), 73-82. 39. Huang H., Li C-Y, Zeng Q.* (2016). Crash protectiveness to occupant injury and vehicle damage: an investigation on major car brands. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 86, 129-136. 40. Huang H., Zeng Q., Pei X.*, Wong SC, Xu P. (2016). Predicting crash frequency using an optimized radial basis function neural network model. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 12(4):330-345. 41. Wang J., Huang H.* (2016). Road network safety evaluation using Bayesian hierarchical joint model. Accident Analysis & Prevention 90, 152-158. 42. Huang H., Yin Q., Schwebel D.C., Li L., Hu G.* (2016). Examining road traffic mortality status in China: A simulation study. Plos One, 11 (4), 0153251. 43. Zeng Q., Huang H.*, Pei X., Wong S.C. (2016). Modeling nonlinear relationship between crash frequency by severity and contributing factors by neural networks. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 10, 12-25. 44. Dong N., Huang H.*, Lee J., Gao M., Abdel-Aty M. (2016). Macroscopic hotspots identification: a Bayesian spatio-temporal interaction approach, Accident Analysis and Prevention 92, 256-264. 45. Xu S., Huang H.*, (2016). Traffic crash liability determination: Danger and Dodge model. Accident Analysis and Prevention 95B, 317-325. 46. Huang H., Song B., Xu P., Zeng Q., Lee J., Abdel-Aty M., (2016). Macro and micro models for zonal crash prediction with application in hot zones identification. Journal of Transport Geography 54, 248-256. 47. Chen C., Zhang G., Huang H., Wang J., Tarefder, R.A. (2016). Examining driver injury severity outcomes in rural non-interstate roadway crashes using a hierarchical ordered logit model. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96, 79-86. 48. 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国际权威期刊总主编: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier(2020- ,交通安全领域第一期刊, SSCI检索,中科院一区,JCR Q1,IF:3.6, ESI社会科学总论总引排名:25/2234) http://www.journals.elsevier.com/accident-analysis-and-prevention, 系统了解AAP期刊特点,请阅读:Xin Z., Vu L.H., Huang H. (2020). Fifty years of Accident Analysis & Prevention: A bibliometric and scientometric overview. Accident Analysis and Prevention 144,105568. 国际权威期刊副主编: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier(2013-2019) AAP特辑客座主编:Traffic Safety in China: Challenges and Countermeasures (中国道理交通安全:挑战与对策) 国际权威期刊副主编:Transportation Research Interdesciplinary Perspectives, Elsevier (2020- ) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/transportation-research-interdisciplinary-perspectives 国际权威期刊编委: Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Elsevier(2013- , SSCI,IF:9.33) http://www.journals.elsevier.com/analytic-methods-in-accident-research Journal of Advanced Transportation特辑客座主编:Advances in Traffic Safety Methodologies and Technologies(交通安全前沿分析方法与技术) 国际期刊编委: Journal of Modern Transport, Springer (2016- ) 国际期刊编委(Contributing Editor): Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Elsevier(2014- ) 期刊副主编: 交通信息与安全,武汉理工大学出版社(2016- ) 期刊编委:武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),武汉理工大学出版社(2015- ) 美国交通研究委员会委员TRB ABJ80 Statistical Methods (2011-2020) 美国交通研究委员会委员TRB ANF10 Pedestrian (2011-2014) 中国交通运输协会青年科技工作者工作委员会常务理事(2014-) 中国智能交通协会理事(2013-) 世界交通大会(WTC)学术委员会 交通安全与环境学科主席(2017-) 道路交通安全公安部重点实验室学术委员会委员(2017-) 湖南省智能交通行业协会创建会长(2015) 湖南省道安委专家组组长(2013-) 湖南省交通工程学会副理事长 兼学术委员会主任(2016-) 湖南省科学技术协会第十届委员会委员(2016-) 湖南省系统工程学会城市交通管理专委会副主任委员(2014- ) 湖南省系统工程学会信息系统与管理科学专委会副主任委员(2015-) 湖南省城乡规划学会城市综合交通规划专业委员会副主任委员(2017-) 长沙市停车产业协会首席专家(2018-) 第14届COTA国际交通科技年会组委会 主席(2014.07,湖南长沙) 第17届海峡两岸智能交通系统学术研讨会组委会 主席(2017.11,湖南长沙) 第1届ISAAP事故分析与预防国际研讨会组委会 主席(2018.09,湖南长沙) 西安电子科技大学智慧交通研究院第一届学术委员会委员(2020- )
