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博 士: 中央大学 企管博士 硕 士: Polytechnic University/Computer Science  (New York, U.S.A) 美国纽约科技大学 计算机科学 硕士 经历: 美萁信息主管 资策会 讲师 零壹科技 教育训练部主管 铭传大学 资管系 教授       萧文龙 毕业于美国纽约科技大学(Polytechnic University)计算机科学硕士,台湾 中央大学企管博士。 业界工作8年,学界工作16年,擅长网路和资料分析,2019 年有2篇SSCI论文进入 ESI 1% 高被引论文,其中1篇进入 ESI 0.1% 热点论文。  萧教授 是华人中唯一多次登上SmartPLS 官网首页介绍的学者。也是少数同时拥有CB-SEM和PLS-SEM的作者。   目前已经出版64本书和56篇期刊论文,例如 在 Behaviour & Information Technology, Computers in Human Behavior, Scientometrics, Information Technology and People, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), Scientometrics, International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) , Internet Research(IR), European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), information & Management(I&M)等知名期刊和权威期刊有所发表。   服务方面 Guest editor:Internet Research(SSCI), JIT(SCI), JGIM(SSCI), IM&DS(SCI)。讲学和工作坊于多所高校,包括国立新加坡大学(PACIS 2015)、台湾清华大学、台湾政治大学、台湾中央大学、台湾中正大学、台湾成功大学、台湾中山大学、中山大学、浙江大学、南京大学、西安电子科大、西安邮电、华中师范、北京航空航天大學、浙江工业大学等知名大学,为结构方程模型教学领域的知名学者。 研究生培养等教学情况: 培养了27名硕士,共计发表10篇期刊。 协助指导培养了5名博士,共计发表5篇期刊。   近五年承担主要科研项目 项目名称 项目性质/来源 起始终止年度 本人排序 1 了解資訊科技與人們之間的關係:從fit(適配)理論的觀點出發,結合引文分析、共被引分析、叢集、多維尺度、因素分析、個案研究、和量表發展與驗證 科技部 (台湾) 2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31 1/1 2 探讨消费者使用智能型手机下载 Apps 服务之影响因素 科技部 (台湾) 2015/08/01 ~2016/07/31 1/1 3 了解影响大学生使用云端教室行为意图的因素: 以多重模式比较探讨 科技部 (台湾) 2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31 1/1 4 利他行为在在线团购中有用吗? 从共同产生的价值观点探讨 科技部 (台湾) 2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31 专著: 1、多变量分析最佳入门实用书-SPSS+LISREL 第二版9789861817347 萧文龙 台湾 碁峰 2009年6月 2、统计分析入门与应用:SPSS中文版+PLS-SEM(SmartPLS) 9789862769959 萧文龙 台湾 碁峰 2013年12月 3、计算机网络概论与实务(第六版) 9789863473039 萧文龙、徐玮廷台湾 碁峰 2014年10月 4、统计分析入门与应用:SPSS中文版+SmartPLS 3 (PLS_SEM) 9789863479482 萧文龙 台湾 碁峰 2016年3月 奖励和荣誉: 所有奖励和荣誉。 萧文龙,郭庭伊 “部落客持续使用部落格之研究-以整合期望确认 、科技接受模式和个人因素观点探讨” 2010年国际ERP学术及实务研讨会最佳论文奖 第一名 收录Journal of e-Business (TSSCI) 萧文龙老师入选2013年铭传大学87期Autumn校刊「好老师推荐活动」,荣获推荐好老师,显示教学方面受到学生和校友肯定。 2014 年度荣获私立教育事业协会模范教师奖 2016年荣获信息管理学会理事




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li-Chun Huang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, 2015. “Why do people use Microblogs? An empirical study of Plurk,” Information Technology & People (28:2), pp. 281-303. (SSCI, 2014 IF= 0.784) (Web of Science 4 times cited) 2. Yu-Wei Chang, Ping-Yu Hsu, Wen-Lung Shiau, and Chung-Chih Tsai, 2015. ” Knowledge sharing intention in the U.S. and China: a cross-cultural study,” European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) (24:3), pp. 262-277. (SSCI, 2014 IF= 2.213) (Web of Science 8 times cited) 3. Wen-Lung Shiau, 2016. “The intellectual core of enterprise information systems: A co-citation analysis,” Enterprise Information Systems (10:8), pp. 815-844. (SCI, 2015 IF= 2.269) (Web of Science 10 times cited) 4. Wen-Lung Shiau, and Patrick Y. K. Chau, 2015. “Does altruism matter on online group buying? Perspectives from egotistic and altruistic motivation,” Information Technology & People (28:3), pp.677-698. (SSCI, 2014 IF= 0.784) (Web of Science 12 times cited) 5. Yu-Wei Chang, Ping-Yu Hsu, and Wen-Lung Shiau, 2015. “The effects of personality traits on business intelligence usage: A decision-making perspective,” Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science (MJLIS) (20:3), pp. 13-40. (SSCI, 2014 IF= 0.238) 6.Yu-Wei Chang , Ping-Yu Hsu , Wen-Lung Shiau, and Ronghua Yi, 2015. "The effect of customer power on enterprise internal knowledge sharing: An empirical study," Aslib Journal of Information Management (67:5), pp 505-525. (SSCI, 2018 Impact Factor: 1.702*)(Web of Science 2 times cited) 7. Wen-Lung Shiau, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and Chia-Han Tsai, 2015. “Supply chain management: exploring the intellectual structure,” Scientometrics (105:1), pp. 215-230. (SSCI, 2014 IF= 2.183)(Web of Science 9 times cited) 8. Wen-Lung Shiau, and Patrick Y. K. Chau, 2016. “Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model-comparison approach,” Information & Management (53:3), pp. 355-365. (SSCI, 2015 IF= 2.163) (Web of Science 46 times cited) 9. Wen-Lung Shiau, Chang Ming Yan, and Chen-Chao Kuo, 2016. “The Intellectual Structure of Human Computer Interaction Research,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) (32:3), pp. 703-730. (SCI, 2014 IF= 0.414)(Web of Science 3 times cited) 10.Yu-Wei Chang, Ping-Yu Hsu, Wen-Lung Shiau, and Yun-Shan Cheng, 2016. “The Effects of Individual and National Cultures in Knowledge Sharing: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and China,” Journal of Global Information Management (24:2), pp. 39-56. (SSCI, 2015 IF= 0.303)(Web of Science 1 time cited) 11. Li-Chun Huang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, 2017. “Factors affecting creativity in information system development: Insights from a decomposition and PLS–MGA,” Industrial Management & Data Systems (117:3), pp. 496-520. (SCI, 2016 IF= 2.205) (Web of Science 3 times cited) 12. Li-Chun Huang, Wen-Lung Shiau, and Ya-Hsuan Lin, 2017. “What factors satisfy e-book store customers? Development of a model to evaluate e-book user behavior and satisfaction," Internet Research (27:3), pp. 563-585. (SSCI, 2016 IF= 2.931) (Web of Science 1 time cited) 13.Wen-Lung Shiau, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and Han Suan Yang, 2017. “Co-citation and cluster analyses of extant literature on social networks,” International Journal of Information Management (37:5), pp. 390-399. (SSCI, 2016 IF= 3.872) (Web of Science 37 times cited) 14. Wen-Lung Shiau, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and He-Hong Lai, 2018. “Examining the core knowledge on facebook,” International Journal of Information Management (43), pp. 52-63. (SSCI, 2017 IF= 4.516) (Web of Science 27 times cited) 15. Chih-Chin Liang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, 2018. “Moderating effect of privacy concerns and subjective norms between satisfaction and repurchase of airline e-ticket through airline-ticket vendors,” Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (23:12), pp. 1142-1159. (SSCI, 2017 IF= 1.352) (Web of Science 1 time cited) 16.Yu-Wei Chang, Ping-Yu Hsu, Wen-Lung Shiau, and Ming-Chia Hsu, 2019. “An empirical study on factors affecting switching intention to cloud enterprise resource planning: A comparison between public and private clouds,” Journal of Global Information Management (27:4), pp. 46-49. (SSCI, 2018 IF= 1.098) 17.Khan, G., Sarstedt, M., Shiau, W., Hair, J., Ringle, C., and Fritze, M. 2019. "Methodological research on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)," Internet Research (29:3), pp. 407-429. (SSCI, 2018 IF= 4.109) (Web of Science 5 time cited) 18. Wen-Lung Shiau, Marko Sarstedt, and Joseph F. Hair, 2019. "Internet research using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)," Internet Research (29:3), pp. 398-406. (SSCI, 2018 IF= 4.109) 19.Avus C.Y. Hou, Wen-Lung Shiau, and Rong-An Shang, 2019. "The involvement paradox: The role of cognitive absorption in mobile instant messaging user satisfaction," Industrial Management & Data Systems (119:4), pp.881-901. (SCI, 2018 IF= 3.727) 20.Wen-Lung Shiau, Chang-Ming Yan, and Bang-Wen Lin, 2019. “Exploration into the Intellectual Structure of Mobile Information Systems,”International Journal of Information Management (47), pp. 241-251. (SSCI, 2018 IF= 5.063) (Web of Science 1 time cited)
