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张媚佳,女,浙江台州人,“双龙学者”特聘教授。2020年加拿大Lakehead大学哲学博士学位。硕士师从林红军教授,博士师从加拿大Bao-Qiang Liao和Kam-Tin Leung教授。近年来主要开展膜生物反应器技术、膜污染机理与控制、藻菌污水处理等方面的研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金和浙江省自然科学基金各1项。已在WR、JMS、BT等本领域主流期刊上发表了SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文13篇。SCI论文总影响因子超过240,引用2200余次,h因子为20。2篇论文(1篇为一作和1篇为二作)入选中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,先后有多篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。 u获奖情况 2018年05月获湖首大学2018-2019学年伊丽莎白女王二世科学和技术研究生奖学金 2015年11月获浙江师范大学优秀硕士学位论文奖 2015年06月获浙江省“优秀毕业生”称号 2015年04月获浙江师范大学第九届“绿城•十佳学子”称号 2014年11月获硕士研究生国家奖学金 2014年11月获浙江师范大学“优秀研究生标兵”称号 2014年02月获得浙江师范大学“动感地带”奖学金(创新创业之星) 2013年11月获得浙江师范大学科技创新奖学金一等奖 2012年06月获浙江省“优秀毕业生”称号 u学术报告 2017.06,2017华东地区膜科学与技术研究生学术论坛,中国杭州,口头报告,获“优秀论文”奖 2016.11,第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,中国上海,口头报告 u教学情况 为本科生主讲《环境土壤学(全英文)》、《环境土壤学实验(全英文)》等课程 教育经历 Education Background 2017.9 2020.10 加拿大Lakehead大学 生物技术(环境方向) 博士研究生毕业 博士学位 2012.9 2015.6 浙江师范大学 自然地理学(环境方向) 硕士研究生毕业 硕士学位 2008.9 2012.6 浙江师范大学 环境科学 大学本科毕业 学士学位 工作经历 Work Experience 2020.12 至今 浙江师范大学 地理与环境科学学院 讲师 在岗


膜污染机理与控制 膜生物反应器技术 藻菌污水处理


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2020-2018年度 36. Zhang Meijia, Leung Kam-Tin, Lin Hongjun, Liao Baoqiang*, The biological performance of a novel microalgal-bacterial membrane photobioreactor: Effects of HRT and N/P ratio, Chemosphere, 2020, 261: 128199.( SCI 2区top, IF2019=5.778, 链接). 35. Zhang Meijia*, Lee Eunyoung*, Vonghia Enrico, Hong Youngseck, Liao Baoqiang, 1 - Introduction to aerobic membrane bioreactors: Current status and recent developments, in: H.Y. Ng, T.C.A. Ng, H.H. Ngo, G. Mannina, A. Pandey (Eds.) Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Elsevier, 2020, pp. 1-23. 34. Zhang Meijia, Yao Lishan, Maleki Esmat, Liao Bao-Qiang*, Lin Hongjun, Membrane technologies for microalgal cultivation and dewatering: Recent progress and challenges, Algal Research, 2019, 44: 101686. (SCI 2区, IF2019=4.008, 链接). 33. Zhang Meijia, Leung Kam-Tin, Lin Hongjun, Liao Bao-Qiang*, Characterization of foaming and non-foaming sludge relating to aeration and the implications for membrane fouling control in submerged membrane bioreactors, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2019, 28: 250-259. (SCI 3区, IF2019=3.465, 链接). 32. Teng Jiaheng, Zhang Meijia, Leung Kam-Tin, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Liao Bao-Qiang*. A unified thermodynamic mechanism underlying fouling behaviors of soluble microbial products (SMPs) in a membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 2019, 149: 477-487. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=9.130, 链接). 中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文 31. Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo, Yu Haiying, Ma Guangcai, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-Qiang. Mechanistic insights into alginate fouling caused by calcium ions based on terahertz time-domain spectra analyses and DFT calculations, Water Research, 2018, 129: 337-346 (SCI 1区top, IF2019=9.130, 链接). ESI高被引论文,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,被引97次 30. Qu Xiaolu, Cai Xiang, Zhang Meijia, Lin Hongjun*, Zhao Leihong*, Liao Bao-Qiang. A facile method for simulating randomly rough membrane surface associated with interface behaviors. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 915-921. (SCI 2区top, IF2019=6.182, 链接). ESI高被引论文,被引39次 2017-2016年度 29. Zhang Meijia, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo*, Liao Bao-Qiang, Wu Xilin, Li Renjie, Effect of calcium ions on fouling properties of alginate solution and its mechanisms, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 525: 320-329. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.183, 链接). 28. Zhang Meijia, Cai Xiang, Yu Genying, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo, Wu Xilin, Li Renjie, Liao Bao-qiang. Quantitative evaluation of the interfacial interactions between a randomly rough sludge floc and membrane surface in a membrane bioreactor based on fractal geometry. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 234: 198–207. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 27. Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Yu Genying*, Wang Fangyuan, Liao Bao-Qiang. Quantitative assessment of interfacial forces between two rough surfaces and its implications for anti-adhesion membrane fabrication. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 189, 238-245. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=5.774, 链接). 26. Cai Xiang, Zhang Meijia (共同一作), Yang Lining, Lin Hongjun*, Wu Xilin, He Yiming, Shen Liguo*. Quantification of interfacial interactions between a rough sludge floc and membrane surface in a membrane bioreactor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 490: 710-718. (SCI 2区, IF2019=7.289, 链接). 25. Cai Xiang, Shen Liguo, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: an unified approach to construct topography and to evaluate interaction energy between two randomly rough surfaces. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 243C: 1121-1132. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 24. Cai Xiang, Yang Lining, Wang Zhiwei, Zhang Meijia, Shen Liguo, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Yu Genying*. Influences of fractal dimension of membrane surface on interfacial interactions related to membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 500: 79-87. (SCI 2区, IF2019=7.289, 链接). 23. Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo, He Yiming, Zhang Meijia, Liao Bao-qiang. Realization of quantifying interfacial interactions between a randomly rough membrane surface and a foulant particle. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 226: 220-228. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 22. Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, Ma Yuanjun, Shen Liguo, He Yiming, Lin Hongjun*. Fractal reconstruction of rough membrane surface related with membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216: 817-823. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 21. Chen Jianrong, Zhang, Meijia, Lei Qian, Lin Hongjun*, Zhou Xiaoling, He Yiming, Yang Lining, Hong Huachang, Shen Liguo, Wu Xilin, Mei Rongwu. Membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor: high filtration resistance of gel layer and its underlying mechanism. Water Research, 2016, 102: 82-89. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=9.130, 链接). ESI热点论文、ESI高被引论文,被引154次 20. Zhao Leihong, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-qiang, Lin Hongjun*. A new method for modeling rough membrane surface and calculation of interfacial interactions. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 200: 451-457. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 19. Lei Qian, Zhang Meijia, Shen Liguo, Li Renjie, Liao Bao-Qiang, Lin Hongjun*. A novel insight into membrane fouling mechanism regarding gel layer filtration: Flory-Huggins based filtration mechanism. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 33343. (SCI 3区, IF2019=3.998, 链接). 18. Zhao Leihong, Qu Xiaolu, Zhang Meijia, Lin Hongjun*, Zhou Xiaoling, Liao Bao-Qiang, Mei Rongwu, Hong Huachang. Influences of acid-base property of membrane on interfacial interactions related with membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor based on thermodynamic assessment. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 214: 355-362. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 17. Chen Jianrong, Shen Liguo, Meijia Zhang, Hong Huachang, He Yiming, Liao Bao-qiang, Lin Hongjun*. Thermodynamic analysis of effects of contact angle on interfacial interactions and its implications for membrane fouling control. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 201: 245-252. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 16. Zhao Leihong, Yang Lining, Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Haiying Yu, Liao Bao-Qiang, Wang Fangyuang, Zhou Xiaoling, Li Renjie,. Modeling three-dimensional surface morphology of biocake layer in a membrane bioreactor based on fractal geometry. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 478-484. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 15. Mei Rongwu, Li Renjie, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Zheping, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, A new approach to construct three-dimensional surface morphology of sludge flocs in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology 2016, 219: 521-526. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 2015-2012年度 14. Zhang Meijia, Liao Bao-qiang, Zhou Xiaoling, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong*, Effects of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of membrane on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175: 59-67. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 13. Lai Tongli, Shen Liguo, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Lin Hongjun*, Effects of van der Waals surface energy on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR). Current Environmental Engineering, 2015, 2: 1-7. (链接). 12. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, Meng Fangang, Liao Bao-Qiang*, Hong Huachang, Chen Jianrong, Gao Weijue, A critical review of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in membrane bioreactors: Characteristics, roles in membrane fouling and control strategies. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 460: 110-125. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.183, 链接). ESI高被引论文,被引437次 11. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Mei Rongwu, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang. A novel approach for quantitative evaluation of the physicochemical interactions between rough membrane surface and sludge foulants in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 171, 247-252. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 10. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, He Yiming, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Yu Haiying, Experimental evidence for osmotic pressure-induced fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 158: 119-126. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 9. Hong Huachang, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun*, Fouling mechanisms of gel layer in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 166: 295-302. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 8. Wang Fangyuan, Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, He Yiming, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Yu Haiying, Effects of ionic strength on membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 156: 35-41. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 7. Zhang Ye, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Wang Juan, Weng Xuexiang, Lin Hongjun*, Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: Effect of pH and its implications. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 7-14. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 6. Yu Haiying, Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang, He Yiming, Wang Fangyuan, Zhao Leihong, Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor with focus on surface properties and interactions of cake sludge and bulk sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 169: 213-219. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 5. Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Ding Linxian, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, Yu Haiying, A new insight into membrane fouling mechanism in submerged membrane bioreactor: Osmotic pressure during cake layer filtration. Water Research, 2013, 47: 2777-2786. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=9.130, 链接). 4. Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Ding Linxian, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, Yu Haiying, Author's responses to the comment by Seong-Hoon Yoon on “A new insight into membrane fouling mechanism in submerged membrane bioreactor: Osmotic pressure during cake layer filtration” published in Water Research, vol. 47, pp. 2777–2786, 2013. Water Research, 2013, 47: 4790-4791. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=9.130, 链接). 3. Lin Hongjun, Peng Wei, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, A review on anaerobic membrane bioreactors: Applications, membrane fouling and future perspectives. Desalination, 2013, 314: 169-188. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.098, 链接). 2. Hong Huachang, Peng Wei, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Wang Fangyuan, Weng Xuexiang, Yu Haiying, Lin Hongjun*, Thermodynamic analysis of membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor and its implications. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146: 7-14. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接). 1. Chen Jianrong, Zhang Meijia, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang*, Lu Xiaofeng, Osmotic pressure effect on membrane fouling in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor and its experimental verification. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 125: 97-101. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.539, 链接).
