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1995年-2002年河南师范大学物理系获学士和硕士学位; 2003年-2005年在中国科学院理论物理研究获博士学位; 2006年-2007年在比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学作博士后; 2008年-至今在郑州大学工作; 2009年通过河南省引进人才“绿色通道”直评为副教授。 教学: 讲授硕士生课程:量子场论、粒子物理 讲授本科生课程:量子力学(本科生专业课) 电动力学(本科生专业课) 大学物理(本科生公修课) 粒子物理(本科生选修课) 此外,多次出国访问从事合作研究,如2006.4和2008.11曾两到意大利的里雅斯特(Trieste)国际理论物理中心(ICTP)参加国际会议,2009.7到德国德累斯顿工业大学(TUD)访问参与合作研究,同时积极参加国内相关专业会议并多次提交大会报告。 2000年以来发表期刊论文二十多篇,会议论文十几篇。除一篇外都被SCI收录,SCI引用200多次。 计算工具和研究手段主要有:熟练运用Fortran、Mathematics和Linux操作系统进行编程运算,运用MadGraph和CalcHep进行数据分析和对撞机模拟;给张量赋值利用LoopTools进行圈图计算等。 主持国家自然科学基金“Technicolor理论的对撞机唯象研究”;主持郑州大学优秀人才项目。参加国家自然科学基金面上项目和重点项目以及河南省重点学科建设项目若干。2011年和2012年分别获校级和省级骨干教师荣誉称号。


1.顶夸克的稀有产生和衰变过程; 2.轻子的味改变产生和衰变过程; 3.新物理中预言的新粒子在对撞机上的可能信号; 4.muon粒子的反常磁矩; 5.一些标准模型过程的单圈修正以及正在进行的暗物质在对撞机上的产生等。



查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Charged Higgs Pair Production at the LHC as a Probe of the Top-Seesaw Assisted Technicolor Models,International Journal of Modern Physics A,Vol. 31 (2016) 1650119 (22 pages). 2.The lagrangians in $R_\xi$ Gauge of the Left-Right Twin Higgs Model and the Application to processes $gg\to h$ and $h\to \gamma\gamma$ Guo-Li Liu, et al., Mod. Phys. Lett. A 31, 1650059 (2016) 3.The lepton flavor violating signal of the charged scalar φ^\pm and φ^{\pm\pm} in photon-photon collision at the ILC,Nucl.Phys. B884 (2014) 257-273. 4.Charged Higgs production in association with $W^{\pm}$ at large hadron colliders,Phys. Rev. D 88, 115006 (2013). 5.PGB pair production at LHC and ILC as a probe of topcolor-assisted Technicolor, JHEP07(2012)081 , DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2012)081 ; Date: 12 Jul 2012. 6.The charged top-pion production associated with the bottom quark pair as a probe of the topcolor-assisted technicolor model at the LHC, Phys.Rev.D84:017702,2011 7.PGB pair production at LHC and ILC as a probe of topcolor-assisted Technicolor, JHEP07(2012)081. 8.Single top or bottom production associated with a scalar in γp collision as a probe of topcolor-assisted Technicolor,Phys.Rev.D82:115032,2010 9.Probing topcolor-assisted technicolor models from like-sign tau pair production in e gamma collisions,Commun. Theor. Phys. 55(2011) 852-856 10.Probing topcolor-assisted technicolor from lepton flavor violating processes in photon-photon collision at ILC,Science China, 53(2010)1-6 11.Top quark decay t -> cb anti-b in topcolor-assisted technicolor models,Chin. Phys. Lett. 26,101401(2009). 12.Single top production associated with a neutral scalar at LHC in topcolor-assisted Technicolor,Chin. Phys. C 32(697) 2008 13.Top-quark FCNC Productions at CERN LHC in Topcolor-assisted Technicolor Model, Phys.Rev.D76:014004,2007 14.SUSY-induced FCNC top-quark processes at the large hadron collider,Phys.Rev.D75:075021,2007 15.Probing topcolor-assisted technicolor from like-sign top pair production at CERN LHC, Phys.Rev.D70:114035,2004. 16.Probing new physics from top charm associated productions at linear colliders, Eur.Phys.J.C41:381-391,2005. 17.Top-Higgs and the process e+ e- --> nu anti-nu t anti-t, Commun.Theor.Phys.37:447-449,2002 18.The Process e+ e- ---> anti-t c in topcolor assisted technicolor models, Phys.Lett.B525:301-307,2002 19.The Rare top decay t ---> cg in topcolor assisted technicolor models, Phys.Rev.D64:095004,2001. 20.Lepton flavor violating processes l(i) ---> l(j) gamma in topcolor assisted technicolor models, Commun.Theor.Phys.38:461-464,2002 21.The colour-singlet technipion P0 and the recent experimental results at LEPII, J.Phys.G27:1043-1046,2001 22.Detecting top Higgs at high-energy e+ e- colliders, Phys.Lett.B509:294-298,2001 23.Topcolor assisted technicolor models and muon anomalous magnetic moment, J.Phys.G27:1807-1812,2001 24.The Flavor changing rare top decays t ---> c V V in topcolor assisted technicolor theory, Phys.Lett.B508:290-294,2001 25.Production and decay of the neutral top pion in high-energy e+ e- colliders, Phys.Rev.D63:115002,2001 26.The Bound on the mass of the new gauge boson Z-prime from the process muon ---> 3e, Phys.Lett.B496:89-92,2000 27.Neutral top pion and top charm production in high-energy e+ e- collisions,Phys.Lett.B496:93-97,2000
