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宋立中,男,1963年9月生。1987年本科毕业于北京师范大学历史系,2002、2005年硕、博研究生毕业于南京大学历史系,分别获得历史学中国古代史学士、硕士和博士学位。现任福建师范大学旅游学院教授、旅游管理、人文地理等专业硕士生导师,英国杜伦大学高级访问学者。 先后在《光明日报.理论版》、《复旦学报》、《四川大学学报》、《旅游学刊》、《地理科学进展》、《世界地理研究》、《中国社会科学报》等全国中文核心期刊发表本专业论文四十余篇(独撰或第一作者),在中国社会科学出版社出版学术专著1部,并获得福建省社会科学优秀成果奖1项。先后主持完成教育部人文社科规划基金项目1项,主持完成或在研福建省社科规划基金项目2项,主持完成福建省教育厅人文社科重点项目、省教育科学规划项目各1项;参与国家社科基金和教育部人文社科青年项目多项。主持或参与《晋江市文化旅游规划》、《莆田“十二五”旅游总体规划》、《石狮市旅游总体规划》、《永泰县全域旅游总体规划》等横向课题多项;服务社会重点包括文化旅游规划评审、文化遗产保护和旅游开发咨询、文化遗产旅游中外培训班授课等。 一、讲授课程(Teaching Courses) 1、本科课程(Undergraduate Courses):《旅游文化学》、《中外旅游史》、《中国历史文化》、《世界遗产概论》等 The Study of Tourism Culture History of Chinese and Foreign Tourism Chinese History and Culture Studies An Introduction to World Heritage 2、研究生课程(Postgraduate Programmes):《旅游文化研究》、《旅游文化研究的跨学科理论与方法》 Tourism Cultural Research Interdisciplinary Theories and Methods of Cultural Tourism Study 书评(Book Reviews) 40.宋立中、范金民《理论与实证相结合的一部力著——评李伯重<江南的早期工业化(1550-1850)>》,《新史学》(台北)2001年,12卷,4期,第193-205页。 Song Lizhong & Fan Jinming. Bozhong Li:Proto-Industrialization in Jiangnan,(1550-1850), New History(Chinese Taibei),2001,12(4):193-205.(TSSCI) 41.宋立中《评张培刚:<农业与工业化(上卷)--农业国工业化问题初探>》,《学海》2003年第4期,第205-207页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong. Pei-gang Zhang:the Agriculture and Industrialization——A preliminary exploration of industrialization problems in agricultural country,Huazhong university of science and technology press, 2002, 259 pp,Academia Bimonthly,2003,(4):205-207. (CSSCI) 专著(Monograph) 42.宋立中《闲雅与浮华:明清江南日常生活与消费文化》,中国社会科学出版社2010年版(35.9万字)。 Song Lizhong. Elegance and flashiness: Jiangnan’s Daily Lives and Its Consumption Culture, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press,2010. 三、主持与参与课题(Research Projects) 1、主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《国外非物质文化遗产的保护性旅游利用经验及其借鉴研究》(10YJA760045)。 2010-2014: Research of and Reference to Experiences of Tourism Utilization of Intangible Cultural Heritage Abroad, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education ,China( No.10YJA760045),Role: Project Host. 2、主持完成福建省社会科学研究规划基金项目《基于非物质文化遗产的福建文化旅游产业发展研究》(2011B092)。 2011-2012: Research of the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry in Fujian Province Based on the Intangible Cultural Heritage,Sponsored by the Social Science Foundation of Fujian Province,China ( No.2011B092). Role: Project Host. 3、主持福建省社会科学规划基金项目《基于同源共享非遗保护的福建-东盟“海丝”文化旅游发展路径研究》(FJ2017B050) 2017-2018:A study on the development approaches to culture tourism of Fujian-Asean based on the protection of homologous and shared intangible heritage, sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China ( No.FJ2017B050 ), Role: Project Host. 4、主持完成福建省教育厅人文社会科学研究A类重点项目《基于国际经验的福建非物质文化遗产旅游利用模式研究》(JA10084S)。 2010-2011: A study on utilization models of Intangible cultural heritage tourism of fujian province Based on international experiences, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China ( No.JA10084S), Role: Project Host. 5、主持福建省教育科学规划项目《旅游学科国际合作办学模式比较及其对闽台合作的借鉴研究》(FJJKCG13-089) 2013-2014:A Comparative study on the international cooperation model of tourism discipline and its reference to the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China(FJJKCG13-089), Role: Project Host. 6、主持完成福建省教育厅科技项目《基于地方志的福建旅游文化研究》(JB06083)。 2006-2007: A Study on Fujian tourism culture based on local Chronicles, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China(JB06083), Role: Project Host. 7、参与完成国家社科基金项目《科举制度与台湾社会》(09BZS050)(排名第二) 2009-2012: Imperial Examination System and Taiwan Society, Sponsored by National Social Science Foundation (No.09BZS050) ,Role: The chief participant. 8、参与教育部人文社科基金青年项目《在线消费者渠道转换行为的研究:基于网络购物平台的分析》(13YJC630154) 2013-2015:TheResearch of online consumer channel conversion behavior: based on the analysis of shopping platform, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education ,China, Role: The chief participant. 四、教学与科研奖励(Awards Received) 1、《闲雅与浮华:明清江南日常生活与消费文化》(专著)获第九届福建省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖(2011)。 On December, 2011,the 9th“Outstanding Achievement” Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Fujian Province,China,by Elegance and flashiness:Jiangnan’s Daily Lives and Its Consumption Culture(Monograph) 2、获2009-2010年度(第二届)福建师范大学本科优秀教学奖。 On September, 2012, the Teaching Excellence Award of Fujian Normal University Undergraduate. 3、获2011-2012年度福建师范大学统战系统优秀教师荣誉称号。 On September, 2012, the honorary title of excellent teacher of the united front system in Fujian Normal University.




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Articles (Cultural and Heritage Tourism) 1.宋立中、宋璟《印尼巴厘岛非遗保护与旅游利用的二元结构及其启示》,《文化遗产》2019年第1期,第9-19页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong,Song Jing.The Dual Structures of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Theirs Tourism Utilization as Well as Its Enlightenment In Bali Island,Indonesia, Cultural Heritage,2019,(01):9-19.(CSSCI) 2.宋立中、卢雨、严国荣、张伟贤《欧美国家公园游憩利用与生态保育协调机制研究及启示》,《福建论坛》(人文社会科学版)2017年第8期,第155-164页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong Lu Yu,Yan Guorong, Zhang Weixian. The Research on the Coordination Mechanism about the Recreational Use and Ecological Conservation of National Parks and Theirs Inspirations in European and American, Fujian Tribune,2017,(08):155-164.(CSSCI) 3.宋立中《国外非物质文化遗产旅游研究综述与启示——基于近20年ATR、TM文献的考察》,《世界地理研究》2014第4期,第136-147页。(CSSCI,北大核心) Song Lizhong.A Review of Study on Intangible Heritage Tourism abroad and Its Inspirations—Based on Investigation of ATR, TM in the Latest Twenty Years, World Regional Studies, 2014,23(4):136-147.(CSSCI) 4.宋立中、谭申《复合型文化遗产旅游产品开发的路径分析—以福建马尾船政文化为例》,《旅游学刊》2012年第10期,第93-101页。(CSSCI,校定A类) Song Lizhong,TAN Shen. A Path Analysis of the Development of Tourism Products Concerning Compound-type Cultural Heritage, Tourism Tribune, 2012,27 (10):93-101. (CSSCI) 5.宋立中、李芬、王会《欧洲内河游船业的运营空间与经营策略及其启示》,《世界地理研究》2011年第2期,第107-118页。(CSSCI,北大核心) Song Lizhong,Li Fen,Wang Hui,The Operation Areas and Business Strategies of Pleasure-Boat Industries in European Inland River and Its Inspirations, World Regional Studies,2011,20(2):107-118. (CSSCI) 6.宋立中《非遗利用平衡统一是关键》,《中国社会科学报》2011年12月20日《文化产业》版。(校定B类) Song Lizhong. The Key : The Balance and Unification between Safeguarding and Uses of Intangible Cultural Heritage, China's Social Science Newspaper (The Cultural Industry Edition) ,December 20, 2011. 7.宋立中、周胜林、谭申《近十年来西方女性休闲研究进展述评》,《北京第二外国语学院学报》2009年第9期,第68-76页。 Song Lizhong, Zhou shenglin,Tan Shen. A Review on the progress of women's leisure research of western Countries in the last ten years. Journal of Beijing International Studies University,2009,(9)68-76. 8.宋立中、胡敏杰、陈青霞《神圣与世俗:宗教朝圣地旅游度假区定位的一个悖论》,《旅游论坛》2013年第2期,第11-15页。 Song Lizhong,Hu Min-jie,Chen Qing-xia.The Sacred and the Profane : A Paradox about Positioning Religious Sites as Tourism Resorts:A Case Study of Meizhou Island,Putiian,China, Tourism Forum,2013,6(2):11-15. 9.宋立中《福州游憩商业区时空演变、动力因素及其启示》,《福建农林大学学报》(哲社版)2009年第1期,第57-62页。(北大核心) Song Lizhong. Temporal and Spatialevolution, Dynamic Factors of Recreational Busin ess District in Fuzhou and its in Spirations,Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ( Philosophy and Social Sciences),2009, 12 ( 1):57 – 62. 10.胡敏杰、宋立中《国内外城市内河旅游研究述评》,《地理科学进展》2012年第10期,第1399-1406页。(通讯作者,CSCD) Hu Min-jie, Song Lizhong. A Review on the research of Inland river tourism in China and foreign countries, Progress in Geography, 2012 ,(10):1399-1406.(communication author, CSCD). 11.李芬、宋立中、王会《扬州市旅游景区空间结构优化整合策略研究》,《扬州大学学报》(人文社会科学版)2011年第3 期。(北大核心) Li Fen,Song Lizhong,Wang Hui.On the Strategies in Optimizing the Spatial Structure of Yangzhou Tourist Attractions,Journal of Yangzhou University (Humanities & Social Sciences),2011,15(3):56-61. 12.周胜林、宋立中、谭申《河流旅游外文研究文献的研究的评述与展望》,《北京第二外国语学院学报》2011年第3期。 Zhou Sheng-lin,Song Lizhong,Tanshen.A review and prospect about rivers tourism research abroad,Journal of Beijing international studies university,2011,(3):8-16. 13.胡敏杰、宋立中《“新型旅游”视角下的乡村旅游发展策略探讨——以福州为例》,《热带地理》2012年第3期。(通讯作者,北大核心) Hu Min-jie,Song Lizhong.Development Strategies of Rural Tourism Based on Perspective of “New Tourism”:A Case Study of the Rural Area around Fuzhou, Fujian,Tropical Geography,2012,32(3):307-312.(CSSCI) 14.谭申、宋立中、周胜林《基于利益相关者视角的国外文化旅游地发展模式分析及其启示》,《北京第二外国语学院学报》2010年第3期。 Tan Shen,Song Lizhong, Zhou Sheng-lin.An Analysis of the Development Patterns and Theirs Implications of Foreign Cultural Tourism Destinations Based on Stakeholder Perspectives, Journal of Beijing International Studies University,2010,(3):20-28. 15.林翠生、宋立中、王雅君《福建湄洲岛居民对妈祖文化旅游节影响的感知差异及其形成机理研究》,《旅游论坛》2013年第6期。 Lin Cui-sheng,Song Lizhong,Wang Ya-jun.A Study of the Formation Mechanism of Residents’Perception on the Impacts of Mazu Cultural Tourism Festival in Fujian, Tourism Forum,2014,7(1):32-39. 16.谭申、宋立中、周胜林《近十年境外文化遗产地旅游动机研究述评》,《旅游论坛》2011年第2 期,第17-23页。(CSSCI扩展板) Tan Shen,Song Li-zhong, Zhou Sheng-lin. A Review onResearch of Tourist’s Motivation in Foreign Cultural Heritage Sites in Recent Decade. Tourism Forum, 2011,(2):17-23.(CSSCI) Articles(Culture History of Ming and Qing Dynasties) 17.宋立中、陈彦瞾《论明清江南都市中的文化空间:非物质文化遗产视角》,《福建师范大学学报》2015年第4期,第126-135页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong,Chen Yan-zhao.A Study on the Cultural Space in the cities of Jiangnan’s Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties:from the Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2015,(4):126-135. (CSSCI) 18.宋立中《闲隐与雅致:明末清初江南士人鲜花鉴赏文化探论》,《复旦学报》2010年第2期,第82-91页。(CSSCI,校定A类,人大复印资料全文转载、《历史学文摘》、《文史知识》、《中国社会科学报》等报刊摘录) Song Lizhong.Recluse and Elegance: A Probe into the Flower Culture of Literati in Jiangnan’s Area in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Fudan Journal(Social Sciences),2010,(2):82-91. (CSSCI) 19.宋立中《明末清初江南士人“非传统”消费思想刍议》,《光明日报·理论版》2011年2月4日,第3版。(校定A类) Song Lizhong.A Discussion on the Non-traditional Consumption Ideas of Literati in Jiangnan Area in the late Ming dynasty and early qing dynasty,. Guangming Daily ,February 4, 2011, the 3rd Edition. 20.宋立中、《晚明江南士人群体休闲观的当代阐释》,《福建师范大学学报》2012年第6期,第139-145页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong, A Contemporary Interpretation of Leisure Ideas of Jiangnan’s Literati Group in the Late Ming Dynasty, Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2012,(6):139-145. (CSSCI) 21.宋立中《晚明大旅行家陈第旅游观初探》,《福建论坛》(人文社科版)2014年第8期,第110-117页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong. A preliminary study on tourism ideas of the traveler, Chendi in the late Ming dynasty, Fujian Tribune,2014,(8):110-117.(CSSCI) 22.宋立中《诗文证史方法浅议》,《光明日报·理论版》2003年6月17日,B3版。(校定A类) Song Lizhong. A Brief Discussion on the Research Method of Using Poetry and Literature to Prove History. Guangming Daily, June 17, 2003,B3 Edition. 23.宋立中《晚清上海弹词女艺人的职业生涯与历史命运》,《四川大学学报》2010年第1期,第80-86页。(CSSCI,《中国社会科学报》摘录) Song Lizhong.The Professional Career and Historical Fate of Shanghai Tanci Actresses in Late Qing,Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition),2010,(1):80-86. (CSSCI) 24.宋立中《试论明清江南婚礼消费及其特点》,《苏州大学学报》2005年第1期,第90-96页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.Wedding Consumption and its Characteristics in the South of Yangtze River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, Academic Journal of Suzhou University(Philosophy and Social Science),2005,(1):90-96.(CSSCI) 25.宋立中《清末民初江南婚姻礼俗嬗变探因》,《浙江社会科学》2004年第2期,第167-173页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong. A Probe into the Reasons of Marriage Custom Changes in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early the Republic of China in Jiangnan’s Area, Zhejiang Social sciences, 2004,(2):167-173. (CSSCI) 26.宋立中《清代江南都市娱乐业发展探微》,《福建师范大学学报》2008年第2期,第129-142页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.A Probe into the Development of City Entertainment Sectors in Jiangnan’s Area during the Qing Dynasty, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2008,(2):129-142. (CSSCI) 27.宋立中《明清江南妇女游风述论》,《福建师范大学学报》2009年第6期,第114-122页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.The Narrative of and Discussion on Women’s Tourism Practices in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Jiangnan’s Aera, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2009,(6):114-122. (CSSCI) 28.宋立中《明清江南妇女“冶游”与封建伦理冲突》,《妇女研究论丛》2010年第2期,第39-48页。(CSSCI,校定B类) Song Lizhong.Conflict of Women's Tourism in the South of the Yangtze during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties with Traditional Ethics,Collection of Women’s Studies,2010(1):39-48. (CSSCI) 29.宋立中《论明清江南游船业的经营空间、服务方式及其变迁》,《西南大学学报》2007年第4期,第50-57页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong .A Study on Management Spaces,Service Forms of Pleasure Boat Industry and its Changes in the South of the Yangtze River Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition),2007,33(4):50-57. (CSSCI) 30.宋立中《论明清江南消费时尚化现象及其社会学意义》,《青海师范大学学报》2007年第1期,第46-51页。 Song Lizhong.A Probe into Fashion Consumption Phenomenon in the South of Yangtze River Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Sociology Meanings,Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences),2007,(1):46-51. 31.宋立中《论明清江南鲜花消费及其社会经济意义》,《云南师范大学学报》2007年第3期,第45-53页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong. On the Consumption of Fresh-flowers in the South of the Yangtze River in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Socio-economic Significances, Jounral of Yunnan Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences edition),2007,29(3):45-53. (CSSCI) 32.宋立中《明清江南旅馆业的经营实态及其变迁》,《苏州科技学院学报》2006年第2期,第97-104页。 Song Lizhong.A Study on the Real Condition of Jiangnan’s Hotel Industry and Its Change during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou ( Social Science),2006,23(2):97-104. 33.宋立中《论明清江南节日消费及其经济文化意义》,《苏州大学学报》2006年第5期,第85-89页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.The Research of Jiangnan’s Festivals Consumption and Their Economic and Cultural Significances during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Academic Journal of Suzhou University (Philosophy and Social Science),2006,(5):85-89. (CSSCI) 34.宋立中《论明清江南婚嫁论财及其成因》,《江海学刊》2005年第2期,第140-146页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.A Study on Marriage Based on the Property and Its Reasons in Jiangnan’s Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jianghai Academic Journal,2005,(2):140-146. (CSSCI) 35.宋立中《论明清封建政府的消费政策及其对江南服务业的影响》,《江南大学学报》2006年第4期,第44-54页。 Song Lizhong.A Probe into Consumption Policies in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Their Influences on Service Industry in Jiangnan’s Area, Journal of Southern Yangtze University(Humanities & Social Sciences),2006,5(4):44-54. 36.宋立中《婚嫁论财与婚娶离轨——以清代江南为中心》,《社会科学战线》2003年第6期,第133-137页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.Marriage Based on the Property and Its DeviationCentered on the Jiangnan’s Area during the Qing Dynasty, Social Science Front, 2003, (6):133-137. (CSSCI) 37.宋立中《“三言”中未婚女性自主择偶行为与晚明江南社会》,《明清小说研究》2009年第2期,第155-166页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.Unmarried Women’s Behavior of Autonomous Mate Selection in Three Words during the Late Ming Dynasty and Jiangnan’s Society, The Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies,2009,(2):155-166.(CSSCI) 38.宋立中《小议明代后妃外戚干政不烈现象》,《史学月刊》2001年第6期,第145-147页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.A Simple Discussion on Weak Intervention of Politics of Harem and Consort Clan in the Ming Dynasty,Journal of Historical Science,2001,(6):145-147. (CSSCI) 39.宋立中《“白蚂蚁”与寡妇改嫁——清代江南的逼醮与抢醮》,《文史知识》2004年第3期,第53-58页。(CSSCI) Song Lizhong.“White ants” and the remarriage of widow: Forced remarriage and marriage by capture of Qing Dynasty in jiangnan’s Aera,Chinese literature and history,2004,(3):53-58. (CSSCI)


