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學歷 加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA) 美國 機械與航太工程學系 博士 1996年08月 ~ 2001年10月 理海大學(Lehigh University) 美國 機械工程 碩士 1994年09月 ~ 1995年12月 台灣大學 中華民國 機械工程 學士 1987年09月 ~ 1991年06月 經歷 國立清華大學 總務處 副總務長 2016/08至2017/07 奈米工程與微系統研究所 教授 2011/08至2015/07 奈米工程與微系統研究所 所長 2013/02至2016/01 動力機械工程學系 合聘教授 2011/08至2015/07 奈米工程與微系統研究所 代理所長 2012/10至2013/01 奈米工程與微系統研究所 副教授 2008/08至2011/07 動力機械工程學系 合聘副教授 2008/08至2011/07 工程系統與科學系 合聘副教授 2008/08至2011/07 奈米工程與微系統研究所 助理教授 2002/08至2008/07 動力機械工程學系 合聘助理教授 2002/08至2008/07 工程系統與科學系 合聘助理教授 2003/08至2008/07 財團法人餘愚文教公益基金會 董事 2006/01至2017/12 國際睡眠科學與科技協會 台灣分會 秘書長 2015/06至 2017/09 中華民國力學學會 秘書處 秘書長 2012/2 至2013/12 教育部 中北區奈米科技K-12教育發展中心 共同主持人 2004/01至2006/12 教育部 奈米科技發展中心 共同主持人 2007/01至2008/12 國立清華大學 學生事務處 副學務長 2010/08至2014/07 學生事務處學生住宿組 組長 2010/08至2012/09 學生事務處課外活動指導組 組長 2004/01至2006/07 創新育成中心 顧問 2005/05至2007/12 致惠科技 顧問 2005/04至2008/12 首君股份有限公司 顧問 2004/08至2005/07 財團法人工業技術研究院 能源與資源研究所 顧問 2004/02至2004/12 加州大學洛杉磯分校 機械與航太工程學系 博士後研究 2001/10至2002/07 加州大學洛杉磯分校 機械與航太工程學系 研究助理 1996/06至2001/09 國立台灣大學 農機系(生機系) 研究助理 1993/09至1994/08 榮譽 2018 Royal Society of Chemistry Fellow (英國皇家化學學會會士) 2017-2010 國立清華大學學術卓越獎勵(均為14%等級) 2016 清華大學第18屆工學院研究生論文發表競賽,壁報展示組佳作,參賽題目:HUMAN SEMEN SORTING BY MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEM FOR OLIGOZOOSPERMIA CONCENTRATIONS AND VIABILITY ENHANCEMENT 2016 清華大學奈微所論文競賽,壁報組佳作,參賽題目:PRINTED GAS SENSOR ARRAY COMBINED WITH FLEXIBLE SUBSTRATE FOR WEARABLE DEVICE 2016 清華大學奈微所論文競賽,壁報組佳作,參賽題目:USING EWOD DEVICE FOR THE MOVEMENT AND DYNAMIC CULTURE OF MOUSE EMBRYOS 2016 台灣生醫電子工程協會(TWEMBA),博士論文優等獎。題目:共平面電極介電濕潤微流體系統在生醫檢測之應用與系統改良(Improvement of the Electrowetting-on-Dielectric Digital Microfluidic Systems and Its Biomedical Applications) 2016 研究成果發表會~整合型學術研究計畫暨目標導向型計畫 (醫療電子)-績優計畫獎 2015 第二期能源國家型科技計畫,104年度行政院管制計畫,全國唯一優等 2015 第39屆全國力學會議(CTAM2015)-104年度論文海報獎 特優 2015 5th International conference on Optofluidics 2015, Poster Award, Hsien-Hua Shen, “In Vitro Mouse Embryo Development By Using Digital Microfluidics” 2015 Nanoscience Award by Publishing Division of Cognizure 2015 NPIE 104年度研究成果發表會~整合型學術研究計畫暨目標導向型計畫 (醫療電子)-特優計畫獎 2014 第十一屆國家新創獎學術研究組。參賽題目:以手持式電子鼻系統早期偵測與長期監控慢性阻塞性肺病的病患 2014 NPIE 103年度研究成果發表會~整合型學術研究計畫暨目標導向型計畫 (醫療電子)-特優計畫獎 2014 IEEE NEMS conference, CH Ho best student award, “Rare Cells Detection by Selective Enrichment with a Novel Multilayer Concentric Filter Device” 2013 SME fellow (美國機械工程學會會士) 2012 全國力學學會第二屆「年輕力學學者獎」 2012 研究生及大專生人才培育計畫補助。羅士杰、鄭兆珉、饒達仁。計畫名稱:Development of an Inexpensive, Simple and Portable Diagnostic System for Detecting Dengue Fever at the Molecular Level 2012 第九屆國家新創獎學術研究組。參賽題目:新一代智慧電子人工呼吸器-可早期偵測及同步診斷使用人工呼吸器病患的肺炎菌種 (Next Generation Medical Ventilator with Intelligent Electronics – Early Prediction and Real-time Detection of the Microorganisms of Pneumonia in Ventilated-Patients) 2012 熱管理協會年會暨技術成果發表會,獲得優秀論文獎第三名。參賽題目:熱電模組量測誤差分析 2011 國科會優秀年輕學者計畫,”電濕潤數位液珠平 台於單一核玵酸技術之結合與應用開發(NSC 100-2628-E-007-014-MY3) 2011 清華大學工學院論文競賽,壁報組第3名,參賽題目:An Integrated Microfluidic System for Efficiency Enhancement of Sperm Sorting 2011 清華大學奈微所論文競賽,壁報組第1名,參賽題目:白金微型加熱線圈整合共平面式介電濕潤晶片之生醫檢測 2011 清華大學奈微所論文競賽,壁報組第2名,參賽題目:An Integrated Microfluidic System for Efficiency Enhancement of Sperm Sorting 2010 清華大學工學院論文競賽,壁報組佳作,參賽題目:Gas Sensor Array Based on Surface Acoustic Wave Devices for Vapors Detection and Analysis 2010 上銀科技論文獎佳作,獎金10萬元整。參賽題目:軟性神經探針之三維組裝的設計與製程 2010 物證科學績優學生獎 2009 工研院論文獎 2009 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎 2008 工研院優質專利獎 2008 國科會工程處熱流暨能源學門成果發表,熱流領域海報比賽優勝 2008 國立清華大學學術卓越獎勵 2008 清華大學工學院論文競賽,壁報組第二名,參賽題目:3D Flexible Probe for Recording the Neural Signals 2006 國立清華大學學術卓越獎勵 2006 療機電系統身心障礙科技輔具設計專題競賽”優等獎”,參賽題目:雙面電極電溼潤法生物液滴操控實驗平台設計開 教師_饒達仁_最新研究主題 生醫微流體系統(BioMEMS and Microfluidics) 數位微流體系統(EWOD)及低濃度生醫分子偵測 電子鼻(E-nose)與智慧氣體感測裝置 生殖醫學晶片(IVF on a Chip) 太赫茲波及其應用(THz and its applications) 陣列式神經探針(Microelectrode Array) 微機電封裝及可靠度量測(MEMS packaging and reliability ) 熱電元件之應用(Thermoelectric applications)


1.生醫微流體系統(BioMEMS and Microfluidics) 2.數位微流體系統(EWOD)及低濃度生醫分子偵測 3.電子鼻(E-nose)與智慧氣體感測裝置 4.生殖醫學晶片(IVF on a Chip) 5.太赫茲波及其應用(THz and its applications) 6.陣列式神經探針(Microelectrode Array) 7.微機電封裝及可靠度量測(MEMS packaging and reliability ) 8.熱電元件之應用(Thermoelectric applications)


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊論文 (* corresponding author, underline: Professor) 1.Ming-Lung Lee and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Separation of Microalgae Using Dean Flow in a Spiral Microfluidic Device”, Inventions, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 40, 2018. (SCI, new journal) 2.Yun-Chun Hsieh and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Intelligent Gas Sensing Systems and Their Applications”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Volume 28, 093001, 2018. (SCI, 1.794, Instruments & Instrumentation, 24/58, 41.38%) 3.Ming-Chang Chiang, Hsu-Chao Hao, Chia-Min Yang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Detection of Hazardous Vapors Including Mixture in Different Conditions Using Surface Acoustic Wave Device”, ECS Journal of Solid-state science and technology, Volume 7, issue 7, Q3120-Q3125, DOI: 10.1149/2.0191807jss, 2018. (SCI, 1.787, Applied physics, 68/148, 45.94%) 4.Hong-Yuan Huang, Yun-Li Lai, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Dielectrophoretic microfluidic device for In Vitro Fertilization”, Micromachines, Volume 9, issue 3, 135; doi:10.3390/mi9030135, 2018. (SCI, 1.833, Instruments & Instrumentation, 23/58, 39.66%) 5.Hong-Yuan Huang, Wei-Lun Kao, Yi-Wen Wang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “AC-Electric-field-induced Parthenogenesis of Mouse Oocyte”, Micro and Nano letters, doi/10.1049/mnl.2017.0354, 2018, (SCI, 0.723, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, 232/275, 84.2%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 6.Hong-Yuan Huang, Po-Wei Huang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Enhanced Efficiency of Sorting Sperm Motility Utilizing a Microfluidic Chip”, Journal of Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 305-312, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-015-2495-6, Feb. 2017. (SCI, 0.875, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 172/262, 65.7%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 7.Gia-Yeh Huang, Cheng-Ting Hsu, Chun-Jen Fang and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Optimization of A Waste Heat Recovery System with Thermoelectric Generators by Three-Dimensional Thermal Resistance Analysis”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 126, pp. 581-594, Oct. 2016. (SCI, 5.589, Mechanics, 4/133, 3.01%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=0) 8.Kuo-Wei Chang, Pei-Yu Chang, Hong-Yuan Huang, Chin-Jung Li, Chang-Hung Tien, Da-Jeng Yao, Shih-Kang Fan, Wensyang Hsu and *Cheng-Hsien Liu, “Womb-on-a-Chip Biomimetic System for Improved Embryo Culture and Development”, Sensors and Actuators: B, Vol. 226, pp. 218-226, Apr. 2016. (SCI, 3.535, Instruments & Instrumentation, 2/58, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 9.Chi-Yung Cheng, Shih-Shing Huang, Chia-Min Yang, Kea-Tiong Tang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Detection of Third-hand Smoke on Clogthing Fabrics with a Aurface-acoustic-wave Gas Sensor”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 10, 011907, Jan. 2016. (SCI, 2.535, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, 8/31, 25.8%) (Times to be cited =1, self-citation=0) 10.Cheng-Yeh Huang, Po-Yen Tsai, I-Chin Lee, Hsin-Yun Hsu, Hong-Yuan Huang, Shih-Kang Fan, Da-Jeng Yao, Cheng-Hsien Liu, and *Wensyanh Hsu, “A highly efficient bead extraction technique with low bead number for digital microfluidic immunoassay”, Biomicrofludiics, Vol. 10, issue 1, 011901, Jan. 2016. (SCI, 2.535, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, 8/31, 25.8%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=0) 11.Hong-Yuan Huang, Hsien-Hua Shen, Lung-Yuan Chung, Yu-Hsiang Chung, Chih-Chen Chen, Chia-Hsien Hsu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Fertilization of Mouse Gametes in Vitro using a Digital Microfluidic System”, IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 857-863, Dec. 2015. (SCI, 2.485, Applied Physics, 49/148, 33.1%) (Times to be cited =1, self-citation=0) 12.Chih-Chung Chen, Yu-An Chen, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Centrifugal Filter Device for Detection of Rare Cells with Immuno-binding”, IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 864-869, Dec. 2015. (SCI, 2.485, Applied Physics, 49/148, 33.1%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 13.Shih-Jie Lo, Kuan-Hung Chen, *Da-Jeng Yao, “An approach to enhance self-compensation capability in paper-based devices for chemical sensing”, TALANTA, Vol. 145, pp. 29-34, DOI, 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.085, Dec. 2015. (SCI, 4.162, Analytical Chemistry, 9/76, 11.9%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 14.Chih-Chung Chen, Yi-Ju Liu and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Paper-baased Device for Separation and Cultivation of Single Microalga”, TALANTA, Vol. 145, pp. 60-65, DOI, 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.020, Dec. 2015. (SCI, 4.162, Analytical Chemistry, 9/76, 11.9%) (Times to be cited =2, self-citation=0) 15.Chih-Chun Yang, Rex C. Wen, *Claire R. Shen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Using Gradient Micro-Fluidics Chips to Optimize BG-11 Medium for the Growth of Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942”, Micromachines, Vol. 6, issue 11, pp. 1755-1767, Nov. 2015. (SCI, 1.833, Instruments & Instrumentation, 23/58, 39.66%) (Times to be cited =2, self-citation=0) 16.Shih-Jie Lo and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Get to Understand More from Single-Cells: Current Studies of Microfluidic-Based Techniques for Single-Cell Analysis”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 16, ,issue 8, pp. 16763-16777, doi:10.3390/ijms160x000x, Aug. 2015 (SCI, 3.226, Muitidisciplinary Chemistry, 54/166, 32.3%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 17.Meng-Shiue Lee, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Wensyang Hsu, “An Implantable Drug-delivery System on a Chip”, Current topics in medical chemistry, Vol. 15, Issue 15, pp. 1516-1524, Aug. 2015. (SCI, 2.864, Medical Chemistry, 23/60, 38.33%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 18.Hsu-Chao Hao and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Detection of Cancer Cells on a Chip”, Current topics in medical chemistry, Vol. 15, Issue 15, pp. 1543-1550, 10.2174/1568026615666150414150950, Aug. 2015. (SCI, 2.864, Medical Chemistry, 23/60, 38.33%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 19.Hong-Yuan Huang, *Da-Jeng Yao, Shih-Kang Fan, Chin-Jung Li, Tsang-Hong Tien, Hsien-Hua Shen, Yung-Kwei Soong, and Ming-Yi Lee, “Digital Microfluidic dynamic Culture of Mammalian Embryos on and Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) Chip”, PLOS one, Vol. 10, issue 5, e0124196, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0124196, May 2015. (SCI, 3.534, Multidisciplinary Sciences, 15/64, 23.4%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=1) 20.Yu-Hsiang Chung, Yi-Hsing Hsiao, Wei-Lun Kao, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Chih-Chen Chen, “Microwells Support High-resolution Time-lapse Imaging and Development of Preimplanted Mouse Embryos”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 9, issue 2, 022405, doi: 10.1063/1.4918642, Mar. 2015. (SCI, 2.708, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, 8/31, 25.81%) (Times to be cited =7, self-citation=2) 21.Hong-Yuan Huang, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Wei-Lun Kao, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Embryo formation from low sperm concentration by using dielectrophoretic force”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 9, Issue, 2, 022404, doi: 10.1063/1.4915612, Mar. 2015. (SCI, 2.708, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, 8/31, 25.81%) (Times to be cited =3, self-citation=0) 22.Hsien-Hua Shen, Lung-Yuan Chung, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Improving the Dielectric Properties of an EWOD Microfluidic Device with a LPCVD Si3N4 Dielectric Layer”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 9, issue, 2, 022403, doi: 10.1063/1.4915613, Mar. 2015. (SCI, 2.708, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, 8/31, 25.81%) (Times to be cited =5, self-citation=0) 23.Jung-Ying Fang, Chia-Ho Chu, Indu Sarang, Kuan-Chung Fang, Chen-Pin Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Yu-Lin Wang, “Electronic Hydroxyl radical microsensors based on the conductivity change of polyaniline”, Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 208, pp. 99-105, Mar. 2015. (S SCI, 3.535, Instruments & Instrumentation, 2/58, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =3, self-citation=0) 24.Kuan-Chung Fang, Chia-Ho Chu, Chen-Pin Hsu, Yen-Wen Kang, Jung-Ying Fang, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Yu-Lin Wang, “Cost-effective and highly sensitive cholesterol microsensors with fast response based on the enzyme-induced conductivity change of polyaniline”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, Issue 11, 113304, Sep. 2014. (SCI, 3.411, Applied Physics, 29/148, 19.59%) (Times to be cited =1, self-citation=0) 25.Yu-Ying Lin, Yi-Jung Chen, Fan-Gang Tseng, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Uniform Nanospheres in a Monolayer Deposited in Microwells for Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles Using on Optoelectronic Applications”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1-10, Sep. 2014. (open Journal) 26.Hong-Yuan Huang, Hui-Ting Fu, Hsin-Yao Tsing, Hung-Ju Huang, Chin-Jung Li, and and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Motile Human Sperm Sorting by An Integrated Microfluidic System”, Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, Vol. 5, issue 3, doi:10.4172/2157-7439.1000199, May 2014. (open Journal) 27.Gia-Yeh Huang, Cheng-Ting Hsu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Model for Increasing the Power Obtained from a Thermoelectric Generator Module”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 2337-2343, Jun. 2014. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =4, self-citation=1) 28.Kuan-Chung Fang, Chen-Pin Hsu, Yen-Wen Kang, Jung-Ying Fang, Chih-Cheng Huang, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, *Yu-Li Wang, “Realization of an ultra-sensitive hydrogen peroxide sensor with conductance change of horseradish peroxidase-immobilized polyani-line and investigation of the sensing mechanism”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 55, pp. 294-300, May 2014. (SCI, 7.780, Electrochemistry, 1/29, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =18, self-citation=2) 29.Hsien-Hua Shen, Shih-Kang Fan, Chang-Jin (CJ) Kim, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “EWOD microfluidic system on Bio-medical Applications” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 16, issue 5, pp. 965-987, May 2014. (SCI, 2.344, Instruments & Instrumentation, 17/58, 29.31%) (Times to be cited =27, self-citation=0) 30.You-Ren Hsu, Yen-Wen Kang, Jung-Ying Fang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chung-Ke Chang, Chih-Cheng Huang, Chen-Pin Hsu, Tai-Huang Huang, Yu-Fen Huang, Yuh-Chang Sun, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, Fan Ren, *Yu-Li Wang, “Investigation of C-terminal domain of SARS nucleocapsid protein-Duplex DNA interaction using transistors and binding-site models”, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, Vol. 193, pp. 334-339, Mar. 2014. (S SCI, 3.535, Instruments & Instrumentation, 2/58, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =2, self-citation=0) 31.Hong-Yuan Huang, *Da-Jeng Yao, Hung-Ru Huang, Chin-Jung Li, Yung-Kuei Soong, MD, Ming-Yi Lee, “Isolation of motile spermatozoa with a microfluidic chip having a surface-modified microchannel”, Journal of Laboratory Automation (JALA), Vol. 19, issue 1, pp. 91-99, Feb., 2014. (SCI, 2.850, Analytical Chemistry, 22/76, 28.95%) (Times to be cited =11, self-citation=6) 32.Chih-Chung Chen, Yu-An Chen, Yi-Ju Liu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “A multilayer concentric filter device to diminish clogging for separation of particles and microalgae based on size”, Lab Chip, Vol. 14, issue 8, pp. 1459-1468, 2014. (SCI, 6.045, Biochemical Research Methods, 6/78, 7.69%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=0) (Top 20 Articles, in the Domain of Article 24615295 in BioMedLib, Since 2014) 33.Hsien-Hua Shen, Hsiu-Yun Tsai, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Single Mouse Oocyte Encapsulated in Medium-in-Oil Microdroplets by using a PDMS Microfluidic Device”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 85-94, 2014. (SCI, 0.450, Instruments & Instrumentation, 51/58, 87.9%) (Times to be cited =3, self-citation=0) 34.J. Y. Fang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chen-Pin Hsu, Y.W. Kang, K.C. Fang, W. L. Kao, Da-Jeng Yao, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Fan Ren, and *Yu-Lin Wang, “Viscosity-dependent drain current noise of AlGaN/GaN High electron mobility transistor in polar liquids”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114, issue 20, 204503, Nov. 2013. (SCI, 2.068, Applied Physics, 59/148, 39.86%) (Times to be cited =1, self-citation=0) 35.Gia-Yeh Huang and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Two Dimensional Thermal Resistance Analysis of a Waste Heat Recovery System with Thermoelectric Generators”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1982-1987, Jul. 2013. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =3, self-citation=0) 36.*Heng-Chieh Chien, En-Ting Chu, Huey-Lin Hsieh, Jing-Yi Huang, Sheng-Tsai Wu, Ming-Ji Dai, Chun-Kai Liu, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Evaluation of Effective Temperature-Dependent Material Properties and Performances for a Thermoelectric Module”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 2362-2370, Jul. 2013. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =5, self-citation=0) 37.Chang-Hsiao Chen, Cheng-Te Lin, Wei-Lun Hsu, Yen-Chung Chang, Shih-Rung Yeh, Lain-Jong Li, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “A flexible hydrophilic-modified graphene microprobe for neural and cardiac recording”, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medcine, Vol. 9, issue 5, pp. 600-604, July 5, 2013. (SCI, 5.720, Research & Experimental Medicine, 11/128, 8.59%) (Times to be cited =30, self-citation=3) 38.Chih-Cheng Huang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Hui-Teng Cheng, Chen-Pin Hsu, You-Ren Hsu, Chia-Hsien Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Yeh-Chang Sun, Chih-Chen Chen, Sheng-Shian Li, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, Fan Ren, and *Yu-Lin Wang, “AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors for protein-peptide binding affinity study”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 41, pp. 717-722, Mar. 2013. (SCI, 7.780, Electrochemistry, 1/29, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =14, self-citation=2) 39.Heng-Chieh Chien, Chii-Rong Yang, Li-Ling Liao, Chun-Kai Liu, Ming-Ji Dai, Ra-Min Tain, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Thermal conductivity of thermoelectric thick films parepared by an electrodeposition process”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 51, Issue 1-2, pp 75-83, Mar. 2013 (SCI, 3.444, Mechanical Engineering, 12/130, 9.23%). (Times to be cited =5, self-citation=0) 40.Hsu-Chao Hao, Hwan-You Chang, Tsung-Pao Wang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, "Detection of cells captured with antigens on shear horizontal surface-acoustic-wave sensors ", Journal of Laboratory Automation (JALA), Vol. 18, issue 1, pp. 69-76, Feb., 2013. (SCI, 2.850, Analytical Chemistry, 22/76, 28.95%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=2) 41.Hsien-Hua Shen, Tsung-Yao Su, Yi-Ju Liu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “SNP detection based on a temperature –controllable EWOD digital microfluidic system”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 643-651, Sep. 2013. (SCI, 0.450, Instruments & Instrumentation, 51/58, 87.9%) (Times to be cited =4, self-citation=1) 42.Shih-Jie Lo, Shih-Chun Yang, Da-Jeng Yao, Jiann-Hwa Chen, Wu-Chun Tu, *Chao-Min Cheng, “Molecular-level dengue fever diagnostic devices made out of paper”, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 13, issue 14, pp. 2686-2692, 2013. (SCI, 6.045, Biochemical Research Methods, 6/78, 7.69%) (Times to be cited =39, self-citation=17) 43.Shih-Jie Lo, Shih-Chun Yang, Da-Jeng Yao, Jiann-Hwa Chen, and *Chao-Min Cheng, “Molecular-Level Dengue Fever Diagnostics”, IEEE Nanotechnology magazine, Dec, 2012. (open Journal) 44.Yu-Tzu Chen, Wei-Chun Chang, Wei-Feng Fang, Shang-Chieh Ting, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Jing-Tang Yang, ”Fission, fusion, and mixing of droplets in a 3-D crossing microstructure”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 239-247, Sep. 2012. (SCI, 2.344, Instruments & Instrumentation, 17/58, 29.31%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=0) 45.Pei-Hsin Ku, Chen-Yun Hsiao, Mei-Jing Chen, Tai-Hsuan Lin, Yi-Tian Li, Szu-Chieh Liu, Kea-Tiong Tang, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Chia-Min Yang, “Polymer/Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Nanocomposite Platelets as Superior Sensing Materials for Gas Detection with Surface Acoustic Wave Devices”, Langmuir, Vol. 28, Issue 31, pp. 11639-11645, Aug. 7, 2012. (SCI, 3.833, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 54/275, 19.64%) (Times to be cited =9, self-citation=2) 升等教授前 1.Y.C. Liang, W.A. Tsao, *Chic Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, A.T. Huang, and Y. S. Lai, “Influence of Cu Column Under-bump-metallizations on Current Crowding and Joule Heating Effects of Electromigration in Flip-chip Solder Joints”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, Issue 4, 043705, Feb. 2012. (SCI, 2.068, Applied Physics, 59/148, 39.86%) (Times to be cited =14, self-citation=5) 2.Tai-Hsuan Lin and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Applications of EWOD Systems for DNA Reaction and Analysis”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (JAST), Vol. 26, 12-17, pp 1789-1804, 2012. (SCI, 1.073, Chemical Engineering, 89/135, 65.93%) (Times to be cited =11, self-citation=7) 3.Cheng-Ting Hsu, G.-Y. Huang, H.-S. Chu, B.-M. Yu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “An Effective Seebeck Coefficient Obtained by Experimental Results of a Thermoelectric Generator Module”, Applied Energy, Vol. 88, issue 12, pp.5173-5179, Dec. 2011. (SCI, 7.182, Chemical Engineering, 4/135, 2.96%) (Times to be cited =35, self-citation=3) 4.Yung-Chan Chen, Hui-Lin Hsu, Yu-Tao Lee, Huan-Chieh Su, Shiang-Jie Yen, Chang-Hsiao Chen, Wei-Lung Hsu, Tri-Rung Yew, Shih-Rung Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, Yen-Chung Chang, and *Hsin Chen, “An active flexible carbon nanotube microelectrode array for recording electrocorticograms”, Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 034001, Jun. 2011. (SCI, 3.465, Biomedical Engineering, 14/77, 18.18%) (Times to be cited =18, self-citation=0) 5.S. H. Chiu Y.W. Chang, *Chic Chen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Effect of Si-die dimensions on electromigration failure time of flip-chip solder joints”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 127, issue 1-2, pp. 85-90, May 2011. (SCI, 2.084, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 119/275, 43.27%). (Times to be cited =4, self-citation=0) 6.Cheng-Ting Hsu, Gia-Yeh Huang, Hsu-Shen Chu, Ben-Mou Yu, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Experiments and simulations on low-temperature waste heat harvesting system by thermoelectric generators”, Applied Energy, Vol. 88, Issue 4, pp. 1291-1297, April, 2011. (SCI, 7.182, Chemical Engineering, 4/135, 2.96%) (Times to be cited =144 self-citation=1) (Highly Cited Papers) 7.Chang-Hsiao Chen, Shih-Chang Chuang, Huan-Chieh Su, Wei-Lung Hsu, Tri-Rung Yew, Yen-Chung Chang, Shih-Rung Yeh, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “A three-dimensional flexible micorporbe array for neural recording assembled through electrostatic actuation”, Lab Chip, Vol. 11, Issue 9, pp. 1647-1655, 2011. (SCI, 6.045, Biochemical Research Methods, 6/78, 7.69%) (Times to be cited =27, self-citation=5) 8.Chang-Hsiao Chen, Huan-Chieh Su, Shih-Chang Chuang, Shiang-Jie Yen, Yung-Chan Chen, Yu-Tao Lee, Hsin Chen, Tri-Rung Yew, Yen-Chung Chang, Shih-Rung Yeh, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Hydrophilic Modification of Neural Microelectrode Arrays Based on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 21, No. 48, 3 Dec. 2010. (SCI, 3.440, Applied Physics, 28/148, 18.92%) (Times to be cited =16, self-citation=1) 9.Huan-Chieh Su, Chia-Min Lin, Shiang-Jie Yen, Yung-Chan Chen, Chang-Hsiao Chen, Shih-Rung Yeh, Weileun Fang, Hsin Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, Yen-Chung Chang, and *Tri-Rung Yew, “A Cone-shaped 3D Carbon Nanotube Probe for Neural Recording”, Biosensors and Bioelectroncis, Vol. 26, issue 1, pp. 220-227, Sep. 2010. (SCI, 7.780, Electrochemistry, 1/29, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =26, self-citation=3) 10.Mei-Jiau Huang, Tien-Yao Chang, Heng-Chieh Chien, Wei-Ja Sun, and, *Da-Jeng Yao, “The Thickness Difference Method for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thick Films”, Journal of Microelectromechanical System, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 895-902, Aug. 2010. (SCI, 2.124, Instruments and Instrumentation, 20/58, 34.48%) (Times to be cited =0, self-citation=0) 11.Chang-Hsiao Chen, Shih-Chang Chuang, Yu-Tao Lee, Yen-Chung Chang, Shih-Rung Yeh, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Three-Dimensional Flexible Microprobe for Recording the Neural Signal”, Journal of Micro-Nanolithography MEMS and MOEMS, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 031007, July-Sep 2010. (SCI, 1.320, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 164/262, 62.60%) (Times to be cited =5, self-citation=0) 12.Hung-Chia Lin, and Yi-Ju Liu, *Da-Jeng Yao, “ Core-shell droplets for parallel DNA Ligation of ultra-micro volume using an EWOD Microfluidic System“, Journal of Laboratory Automation (JALA), Vol. 15, Number 3, June 2010, pp. 210-215. (SCI, 2.850, Analytical Chemistry, 22/76, 28.95%) (Times to be cited =17, self-citation=6) 13.H.C. Hao, *K.T. Tang, C.M. Yang, J.S. Chao, C.H. Li, P.S. Ku, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Development of a portable electronic nose based on chemical surface acoustic wave array with multiplexed oscillator and readout electronics”, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, Vol. 146, Issue 2, 29 April 2010, pp. 545-553. (S SCI, 3.535, Instruments & Instrumentation, 2/58, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =22, self-citation=7) 14.Huan-Chieh Su, Chang-Hsiao Chen, Yung-Chan Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, Hsin Chen, Yen-Chung Chang, *Tri-Rung Yew, “Improving the adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a substrate using microwave treatment”, CARBON, Vol. 48, issue 3, pp. 805-812, Mar. 2010. (SCI, 6.337, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 32/275, 11.64%) (Times to be cited =34, self-citation=4) 15.Cheng-Ting Hsu, *Da-Jeng Yao, Ke-Jyun Ye, and Ben Yu, “ Renewable energy of waste heat recovery system for automobiles“, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 2, issue 1, 013105, Jan. 2010. (SCI, 1.135, Energy and Fuel, 68/92, 73.91%) (Times to be cited =19, self-citation=1) 16.*Da-Jeng Yao, Gang Chen, and Chang-Jin Kim, “Design and analysis of an in-plane thermoelectric microcooler”, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 14, Issue 2, June 2010, pp. 95-109. (SCI, 3.182, Materials sciences, characterization & testing, 2/33, 6.06%) (Times to be cited =4, self-citation=0) 17.*Da-Jeng Yao, Ke-Jyun Ye, Cheng-Ting Hsu, Ben Yu, and Jinn-Shing Lee, “Efficient use of waste energy: A Thermoelectric Power Generator for Automobiles”, IEEE Nanotechnology magazine, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 28-33, Jun. 2009. (open Journal) 18.*Da-Jeng Yao, Chang-Hsiao Chen, Sin-Hua Tseng, Shao-Wei Lu, Chung Chin Chiao, and Shih-Rung Yeh, “Micro Multi-probes Electrode Array to Measure Neuron Signals”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, v24, no. 7, pp 1911-1917, Mar. 2009. (SCI, 7.780, Electrochemistry, 1/29, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =15, self-citation=3) 19.H.-C. Chien, *Da-Jeng Yao, C.-T. Hsu, “Measurement and evaluation of the interfacial thermal resistance between a metal and a dielectric”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, Issue 23, 231910, Dec. 2008, (SCI, 3.411, Applied Physics, 29/148, 19.59%) (Times to be cited =23, self-citation = 1) 20.Yi-Ju Liu, *Da-Jeng Yao, Hwan-You Chang, Chien-Ming Liu, and Chih Chen, “Magnetic bead-based DNA detection with multi-layers quantum dots labeling for rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24, Issue 4, 2008, pp558-565. (SCI, 7.780, Electrochemistry, 1/29, 3.45%) (Times to be cited =38, self-citation = 0) 21.*J.-T. Yang, T.-H. Yang, C.-Y. Chen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Conversion of Surface Energy and Manipulation of a Single Droplet across Micro-patterned Surfaces”, Langmuir, Vol. 24, Issue 17, pp 9889-9897, Sep. 2008. (SCI, 3.833, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 54/275, 19.64%) (Times to be cited =45, self-citation = 2) 22.Hsiang-Yao Hsiao, S. W. Liang, Min-Feng Ku, *Chih Chen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Direct measurement of hot spots in flip-chip solder joints under current stressing using infrared microscopy”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 104, Issue 3, 033708, Aug. 2008. (SCI, 2.068, Applied Physics, 59/148, 39.86%) (Times to be cited =17, self-citation = 3) 升等副教授前 23.Heng-Chieh Chien, *Da-Jeng Yao, Mei-Jiau Huang, and Tien-Yao Chang, “Thermal conductivity measurement and interface thermal resistance estimation using SiO2 thin film”, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 79, No. 5, 054902, May, 2008. (SCI, 1.515, Instruments & Instrumentation, 31/58, 53.45%) (Times to be cited =27, self-citation = 2) 24.Yi-Ju Liu, *Da-Jeng Yao, Hung-Chia Lin, Wei-You Chang, and Hwan-You Chang, “DNA Ligation of Ultramicro Volume using an EWOD Microfluidic System with Coplanar Electrodes”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, No. 4, 045017, Apr. 2008. (SCI, 1.794, Instruments & Instrumentation, 24/58, 41.38%) (Times to be cited =40, self-citation = 0) 25.*Da-Jeng Yao, Jhao-Rong Chen, and Woan-Tying Ju, “A micro Rayleigh-Bénard convection polymerase chain reaction system”, Journal of Micro-Nanolithography MEMS and MOEMS, Vol. 6, No. 4, 043007, Oct.-Dec., 2007. (SCI, 1.320, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 164/262, 62.60%) (Times to be cited =6, self-citation=0) 26.*Da-Jeng Yao, Y. R. Yang, Wen-Hsiu Hsiao, Chu-Chun Tai, and Yong-Chien Ling, “A biochemical sensing system using 11-MUA/Calix[6]arene bilayer to sense amine vapors”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1435-1441, Aug. 2007. (SCI, 1.794, Instruments & Instrumentation, 24/58, 41.38%) (Times to be cited =2, self-citation=0) 27.S. H. Chiu, *Chih Chen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Effect of Al-trace dimension on electromigration failure time of flip-chip solder joints”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1740-1744, Sep. 2006. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =3, self-citation =1) 28.C. Y. Hsu, *Da-Jeng Yao, S. W. Liang, and C. Chen, “Temperature and current-density distribution in flip-chip solder joints with Cu trace”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 947-953, May 2006. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =5, self-citation = 1) 29.S. H. Chiu, T. L. Shao, *C Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, and C. Y. Hsu, “Infrared microscopy of hot spots induced by Joule heating in flip-chip SnAg solder joints under accelerated electromigration”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, 022110 (web), Jan. 09, 2006. (SCI, 3.411, Applied Physics, 29/148, 19.59%) (Times to be cited =65, self-citation =25) 30.Y.-C. Hsu, C.-K. Chou, *Chih Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, T. Chou, P. C. Liu, and K. N. Tu, “Electromigration in Pb-Free SnAg3.8Cu0.7 Solder Stripes”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 98, 033053, Aug. 2005. (SCI, 2.068, Applied Physics, 59/148, 39.86%) (Times to be cited =33, self-citation = 9) 31.T. L. Shao, S. H. Chiu, *C. Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, and C.Y. Hsu, “Thermal Gradient in Solder Joints under Electrical Current Stressing”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 1350-1354, Nov. 2004. (SCI, 1.579, Engineering, Electrical and Electronic, 141/262, 53.82%) (Times to be cited =30, self-citation =15) 32.*T. B. Jones, K.-L. Wang, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Frequency-dependent electromechanics of aqueous liquids: electrowetting and dielectrophoresis”, Langmuir, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 2813-2818, Mar. 2004. (SCI, 3.833, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 54/275, 19.64%) (Times to be cited =126, self-citation =3) 博士學位及博士後相關研究成果 33.*Q. Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, C.-J. "CJ" Kim, and G.P. Carman, “Investigation the Influence of Fabrication Process and Crystal Orientation on Shear Strength of Silicon Microcomponents”, Journal of Material Science, Vol. 35, No. 21, pp. 5465-5474, Nov. 2000. (SCI, 2.599, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 88/275, 32.0%) (Times to be cited =11) 34.*Q. Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, C.-J. "CJ" Kim, and G.P. Carman, Oct. 1999, “Mesoscale Actuator Device: Micro Interlocking Mechanism to Transfer Macro Load”, Sensors and Actuators A.Vol.73, pp 30-36. (SCI, 2.499, Instruments & Instrumentation, 13/58, 22.41%) (Times to be cited =18) 35.*Q. Chen, Da-Jeng Yao, C.-J. "CJ" Kim, and G.P. Carman, Jun. 1998, “Development of Mesoscale Actuator Device with Micro Interlocking Mechanism”, Journal of Intelligent Material System and Structure, Vol.9, pp. 449-457. (SCI, 2.255, Multidisciplinary Material Science, 108/275, 39.27%) (Times to be cited =8) 投稿中之期刊論文 36.Hong-Yuan Huang, Wei-Lun Kao, Yi-Wen Wang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, " Improved Rate of Fertilization in Vitro of ICR Mouse Using a Dielectrophoretic Microfluidic Biochip ", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nanosciences, 20171109. (SCI, 2.485, Applied Physics, 49/148, 33.1%) 37.Chi-Yung Cheng, Shih-Shing Huang, Chia-Min Yang, Kea-Tiong Tang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Detection of Cigarette Smoke Using a Surface-acoustic-wave Gas Sensor with Non-polymer-based Oxidized Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres”, submitted to Sensors and Actuators: B, 20180501. (SCI, 3.535, Instruments & Instrumentation, 2/58, 3.45%) 38.Fung-Yu Kuo, Y.C. LIN, Chuen-Jinn Tsai and Da-Jeng Yao, “Detection of Particulate Matter of Size 2.5 m with a Surface-acoustic-wave Sensor Combined with a Cyclone Separator”, submitted to Micromachines, 20180626. (SCI, 1.833, Instruments & Instrumentation, 23/58, 39.66%) 39.Shih-Jie Lo, Chen-Meng Kuan, Min-Wei Hung, Yun Fu, J. Andrew Yeh, Da-Jeng Yao, and *Chao-Min Cheng, “A simple imaging device for fluorescence-relevant applications”, submitted to Micromachines, 20180628. (SCI, 1.833, Instruments & Instrumentation, 23/58, 39.66%) 準備投稿中之期刊論文 40.Chia-Hui Li, Li-Huan Chieng, Thimmaraju, Chia-Ming Yang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Analysis by Thermal Desorption, Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer of the Aromas from Coffee Beans after Roasting for Varied Extents”, submitted to Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 20170506, (SCI, 2.857) 41.Chi-Fan Chen, Ting-Ju Yueh, Shalaka S. Bhosale, Musho, Kuo-Wei Chang, Yiwen Wang, Hong-Yuan Huang, Da-Jeng Yao, Wen-Syang Hsu and *Cheng-Hsien Liu, “A microfluidic device for the automatic trapping of embryos and co-culture with stromal cells in vitro”, submitted to , 20180508. (SCI) 42.Hong-Yuan Huang, Cheng-Ying Lu, Yi-Wen Wang, and *Da-Jeng Yao, “Utilization of Motility-Driven Sperm Sorting Microfluidic Chip with Low Cell Damage for Oligozoospermia patients”, rejected by Biomicrofluidics, 20180501. 研討會論文 1.Yi-Lung Chiu and Da-Jeng Yao, “Generating, sorting, adding, and subtracting of micro-droplets in PDMS chip for embryo culturing”, The Twenty Second International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018) Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 11-15, 2018. 2.Yi-Lung Chiu, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Producing droplets of different sizes in microfluidic chip and its applications”, The 18th IEEE International Conferenece on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO 2018), Cork, Ireland, Jul. 23-26, 2018. 3.(Invited) Yao-Hsien Huang, Yun-Li Lai, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Fertilization on a Chip”, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, HI, USA, Jul. 17-21, 2018. 4.Hsiang-Ting Li and Da-Jeng Yao, “Using EWOD systems for microfluidic digital patterning”, the 11th International Conference on Electrowetting and drop dynamics on functionalized surfaces, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, Jun. 18-20, 2018. 5.Sung-Yen Pao, Shih-Jie Lo, David Tong, Steve Hsu, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Cell Detection in Microfluidic System by Terahertz Technique”, The 13th IEEE Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Singapore, Apr. 22-26, 2018. 6.Ting-Yao Yen, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Use TD-GC-MS and Surface Acoustic Wave Array Coated Various Polymers to Detect Kiwifruit Volatile Compounds during storage”, The 13th IEEE Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Singapore, Apr. 22-26, 2018. 7.Min-Han Lin, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Distinguish the Red Wines by TD-GC-MS and Gas Sensor Array based on Surface Acoustic Wave Technique”, The 13th IEEE Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Singapore, Apr. 22-26, 2018. 8.Yu-Hcin Lu, Cheng-Ying Lu and Da-Jeng Yao, “Low DNA Damage Sperm Sorting with Varied Vioscosities in Microfluidic Chip”, The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, UK, Jan. 21-25, 2018. 9.Hsiang-Ting Li, Yao-Hsien Huang, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Using EWOD Chip For the Culture Medium Movement and Dynamic Culture of Mouse Embryos”, The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, UK, Jan. 21-25, 2018. 10.Yao-Hsien Huang, Yi-Wen Wang, Hong-Yuan Huang and Da-Jeng Yao, “Using EWOD Device for the movement and Dynamic Culture of Mouse Embryos”, Droplets 2017, UCLA, LA, CA, USA, Jul. 24-26, 2017. 11.Cheng-Ying Lu, Yi-Wen Wang, Hong-Yuan Huang, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Human Semen Sorting by Microfluidic System for Oligozoospermia Concentration and Viability Enhencement”, The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017, Singapore, Jul. 26-28, 2017. 12.Hua-Ling Wei and Da-Jeng Yao, “Printed Pesistive Gas Sensor Array for Wearable Device”, The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017, Singapore, Jul. 26-28, 2017. 13.Fung-Yu Kuo, Hua-Ling Wei, and Da-Jeng Yao, “Low Concentration of PM2.5 detection by SH-SAW Sensor Array”, The 12th IEEE Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), LA, CA, USA, Apr. 9-12, 2017 14.Fung-Yu Kuo, Hua-Ling Wei, and Da-Jeng Yao, “PM2.5 Detection by Cyclone Separator Combined with SH-SAW Sensor”, 10th Annual IEEE International con
