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學歷 加州大學洛杉磯分校 美國 機械及航空工程研究所 博士 1994年09月 ~ 1998年03月 國立台灣大學 台灣 機械工程研究所 碩士 1989年09月 ~ 1991年06月 國立台灣大學 台灣 機械工程系 學士 1985年09月 ~ 1989年06月 經歷(現職) 國立清華大學 所長 生醫工程研究所 2018/08~ 國立清華大學 講座教授 動力機械工程學系/生醫工程研究所(合聘)/工程奈米工程與微系統研究所(合聘) 2014/08 ~ 國立清華大學 特聘教授 動力機械工程學系 2011/02 ~ 2014/07 教育部 第61屆學術獎 2017/11 ~ 俄羅斯國際工程院 通訊院士(Corresponding Member) 2018/05 ~ 日本東京大學 院士 (Fellow) 工學院 (School of Engineering, U. Tokyo) 2015/12 ~ 美國醫工學會(American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, AIMBE) 會士 (Fellow) 2018/01 ~ 國際電機電子學會(IEEE) 會士 (fellow) 2017 ~ 美國機械工程學會(ASME) 會士 (fellow) 2013/01 ~ 英國皇家化學學會(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC) 會士 (fellow) 2014/10 ~ 英國工程科技學會(Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET) 會士 (fellow) 2015/03 ~ 中國機械工程學會 會士 (fellow) 2013/11 ~ 中華民國力學學會 會士 (fellow) 2011/10 ~ 清華大學傑出產學研究獎 清華大學 2017 ~ 傑出產學研究獎 清華大學工學院 2017 ~ 榮譽 2018 通訊院士(Corresponding Member) 俄羅斯國際工程院 2018 會士 (Fellow) 美國醫工學會(American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, AIMBE) 2017 第61屆學術獎 教育部 2017 清華大學傑出產學研究獎 國立清華大學 2017 傑出產學研究獎 國立清華大學工學院 2017 國際電機電子學會 會士(IEEE Fellow) 國際電機電子學會(IEEE) 2016 院士(School of Engineering, U. Tokyo) (Fellow) 日本東京大學工學院 2016 國家新創獎(第5次獲獎) 國家醫療產業策進會 2015 英國工程科技學會會士(fellow) 英國工程科技學會(Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET) 2014 英國皇家化學學會 會士(RSC fellow) 英國皇家化學學會(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC) 2013 行政院國科會102年度傑出研究獎 (第三次獲獎) 行政院國科會 2013 中國機械工程學會會士 中國機械工程學會 2013 美國機械工程學會會士(ASME Fellow) 美國機械工程學會 教師_李國賓_科技部計劃 2016 應用於心血管疾病風險評估之微流體感測系統(重點主題:C2)--子計畫二:自動化微流體系統研發及其在心血管疾病生物標誌之篩選及偵測應用(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2016年08月 ~ 2017年07月 科技部 2016 以組織切片層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法與噬菌體表現法篩選癌症專一標誌俾應用於腫瘤臨床檢測與標靶治療之自動化微流體系統研發(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2016年08月 ~ 2017年07月 科技部 2015 應用於心血管疾病風險評估之微流體感測系統自動化微流體系統研發及其在心血管疾病生物標誌之篩選及偵測應用 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 以組織切片層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法與噬菌體表現法篩選癌症專一標誌俾應用於腫瘤臨床檢測與標靶治療之自動化微流體系統研發以組織切片層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法與噬菌體表現法篩選癌症專一標誌俾應 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 應用於過敏微陣列晶片之自動化整合型微流體系統(1/2) 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 以組織切片層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法與噬菌體表現法篩選癌症專一標誌俾應用於腫瘤臨床檢測與標靶治療之自動化微流體系統研發(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 應用於心血管疾病風險評估之微流體感測系統(重點主題:C2)--子計畫二:自動化微流體系統研發及其在心血管疾病生物標誌之篩選及偵測應用(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 微流體產學技術聯盟(3/3) 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 使用單一適體式微流體系統進行多型流感病毒偵測 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2015 應用於心血管疾病風險評估之微流體感測系統(重點主題:C2)--總計畫兼子計畫一:心血管疾病生物指標電晶體感測器陣列(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月 科技部 / 2014 細胞層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法(CELL-SELEX)篩選癌細胞標誌及檢測癌細胞之自動化微流體系統研發 李國賓 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月 科技部 / 2014 糖化血色素適體之篩選及其在糖尿病檢測之應用(3/3) 李國賓 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月 科技部 / 2014 細胞層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法(CELL-SELEX)篩選癌細胞標誌及檢測癌細胞之自動化微流體系統研發 李國賓 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月 科技部 / 2013 微流體產學技術聯盟(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2013年02月 ~ 2014年01月 國科會 / 2013 102年度大專學生研究計畫 李國賓 2013年07月 ~ 2014年02月 國科會 / 2013 糖化血色素適體之篩選及其在糖尿病檢測之應用(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2014年07月 國科會 / 2013 細胞層級之指數增幅型系統性配子演化法(CELL-SELEX)篩選癌細胞標誌及檢測癌細胞之自動化微流體系統研發 李國賓 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2016年07月 國科會 / 2012 101年度大專學生研究計畫 李國賓 主持人 2012年07月 ~ 2013年02月 國科會 / 2012 學研合作計畫-高附加價值之體外檢測系統研發及其在流行性感冒病毒快速檢測之 李國賓 主持人 2012年08月 ~ 2013年07月 國科會 / 2012 糖化血色素適體之篩選及其在糖尿病檢測之應用(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2012年08月 ~ 2013年07月 國科會 / 2012 粒線體DNA缺陷快速偵測平台之開發(3/3) 李國賓 主持人 2012年08月 ~ 2013年07月 國科會 / 2011 學研合作計畫-高附加價值之體外檢測系統研發及其在流行性感冒病毒快速檢測之應用(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2011年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會 / 2011 利用卵巢癌及肺癌病患體液分離及鑑定腫瘤細胞:發展微流體系統及其臨床應用-微流體晶片系統應用於腫瘤細胞分離與快速癌症檢驗(子計畫二)(3/3) 李國賓 主持人 2011年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會 / 2011 粒腺體DNA缺陷快速偵測平台之開發(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2011年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會 / 2011 粒腺體DNA缺陷快速偵測平台之開發(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2011年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會 / 2010 利用卵巢癌及肺癌病患體液分離及鑑定腫瘤細胞:發展微流體系統及其臨床應用-微流體晶片系統應用於腫瘤細胞分離與快速癌症篩檢驗 李國賓 主持人 2010年08月 ~ 2012年07月 國科會 / 2010 粒線體DNA缺陷快速偵測平台之開發 李國賓 主持人 2010年08月 ~ 2013年07月 國科會 / 2010 學研合作計畫-高附加價值之體外檢測系統研發及其在流行性感冒病毒快速檢測之應用(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2010年08月 ~ 2011年07月 國科會 / 2009 利用卵巢癌及肺癌病患體液分離及鑑定腫瘤細胞:發展微流體系統及其臨床應用-微流體晶片系統應用於腫瘤細胞分離與快速癌症檢驗(子計畫二)(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2009年08月 ~ 2010年07月 國科會 / 2009 奈米磁性粒子結合微奈米流體系統及其在分子診斷及免疫分析之研發(3/3) 李國賓 主持人 2009年08月 ~ 2010年10月 國科會 / 2008 奈米磁性粒子結合微奈米流體系統及其在分子診斷及免疫分析之研發(2/3) 李國賓 主持人 2008年08月 ~ 2009年10月 國科會 / 2007 奈米磁性粒子結合微奈米流體系統及其在分子診斷及免疫分析之研發(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2007年08月 ~ 2010年07月 國科會 / 2007 以光磁鉗為基礎之新型微流體生醫晶片系統 李國賓 主持人 2007年08月 ~ 2010年07月 國科會 / 2007 奈米磁性粒子結合微奈米流體系統及其在分子診斷及免疫分析之研發(1/3) 李國賓 主持人 2007年08月 ~ 2008年10月 國科會 / 2007 以光磁鉗為基礎之新型微流體生醫晶片系統 李國賓 主持人 2007年08月 ~ 2010年07月 國科會 / 2006 新型微奈米乳化晶片系統及其應用 李國賓 主持人 2006年08月 ~ 2007年07月 國科會 / 2006 整合型細胞晶片系統及其應用 李國賓 主持人 2006年08月 ~ 2009年07月 國科會 / 2004 國家型科技計畫-促成生技成功投資案例計畫:微流體生物晶片系統開發計畫(I) 李國賓 主持人 2004年12月 ~ 2006年11月 國科會 / 2004 新型微磁嵌在單生物分子之操縱與機械性質之研究 李國賓 主持人 2004年08月 ~ 2006年07月 國科會 / 2004 自動化生物檢測晶片之研發 李國賓 主持人 2004年05月 ~ 2005年04月 國科會 / 2003 微型DNA操縱平台研發(II) 李國賓 主持人 2003年08月 ~ 2004年07月 國科會


1.微機電系統(MEMS) 2.微流體生物晶片 3.微感測器 4.微制動器 5.奈米生物技術 6.醫療器材 1.Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) 2.Microfluidics 3.Micro-sensors 4.Micro-actuators 5.Nanobiotechnology 6.Medical devices


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SCI期刊論文 1.Feng-Chih Kuo, Yu-Der Lu, Cheng-Ta Wu, Huey-Ling You, Gwo-Bin Lee*, Mel S Lee*, „Comparison of molecular diagnosis with serum markers and synovial fluid analysis in patients of periprosthetic joint infection,“ The Bone & Joint Journal, accepted for publishing, 2018. (SCI; IF= 2.948) (Co-corresponding author) 2.Tse-Yu Tai, Anirban Sinha, Indu Sarangadharan, Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Shin-Li Wang , Shu-Chu Shiesh, Gwo-Bin Lee*, Yu-Lin Wang*, “Aptamer functionalized AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor for rapid diagnosis of fibrinogen in human plasma,” Sensors and Materials, accepted for publishing, 2018. (SCI; IF= 0.519 <) (Co-corresponding author) 3.Feifei Wang, Lianqing Liu, Gongxin Li, Pan Li, Yangdong Wen, Guanglie Zhang, Yuechao Wang, and Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen Jung Li* „Thermometry of optically induced electrokinetics chips for cell manipulation and assembly,“ in press, Microsystems and Nanoengineering (Nature Publishing Group), 2018 (SCI; IF=5.071) 3/61=4.9% (Instruments and Instrumentations ). 4.Yu-Chun Hsiao, Chih-Hung Wang, Wen-Bin Lee, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Automatic cell fusion via optically-induced dielectrophoresis and optically-induced locally-enhanced electric field on a microfluidic chip,“ Biomicrofluidics, DOI: 10.1063/1.5028158, 2018 (SCI; IF= 2.571). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Corresponding author). (Editor's Pick) 5.Yen-Wen Chen, Tse-Yu Tai, Chen-Pin Hsu, Indu Sarangadharan, Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Hsin-Li Wang, Revathi Sukesan, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chih-Chen Chen, Gwo-Bin Lee, Yu-Lin Wang*, „Direct Detection of DNA using Electrical Double Layer gated High Electron Mobility Transistor in High Ionic Strength Solution with High Sensitivity and Specificity,“ Sensors and Actuators B, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2018.05.119, 2018. (SCI; Impact factor=5.667) 2/58=3.4% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) 6.Jia-Han Wu, Chih-Hung Wang, Yu-Dong Ma, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „A Nitrocellulose membrane-based Integrated Microfluidic System for Bacterial Detection Utilizing Magnetic-composite-membrane Microdevices and Bacteria-specific Aptamers,“ Lab on a chip, DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00251G, 2018. (SCI; Impact factor=5.995) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 7.Pan Li, Haibo Yu, Na Liu, Feifei Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee, Yuechao Wang, Lianqing Liu* and Wen Jung Li*, „Visible Light Induced Electropolymerization of Suspended Hydrogel Bioscaffolds in a Microfluidic Chip,“ Biomaterials Science, DOI: 10.1039/C7BM01153A, Vol. 6, Issue 6, pp. 1371-1378, 2018. (SCI; IF= 5.831) 8.Wen-Yen Huang, Shang-Ta Chou, Chia-Hui Chen, Shan-Ying Chou, Jia-Han Wu, Yu-Chen Chen, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An Automatic Integrated Microfluidic System for Allergy Microarray Chips,” Analyst, DOI: 10.1039/C8AN00247A, vol. 143, pp.2285-2292, 2018 (SCI; Impact factor=3.864) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 9.Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Indu Sarangadharan, Yi-Hong Chen, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Gwo-Bin Lee*, and Yu-Lin Wang*, „Dynamic Monitoring of Transmembrane Potential Changes: Study of Ion Channels using Electrical Double Layer gated FET Biosensor,“ Lab on a chip, DOI: 10.1039/C7LC01305A, vol. 18, pp. 1047-1056, 2018(SCI; Impact factor=5.995) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Co-Corresponding author). 10.Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Indu Sarangadharan,Yi-Hong Chen, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Gwo-Bin Lee* and Yu-Lin Wang*, „A Comprehensive Model for Whole Cell Sensing and Transmembrane Potential Measurement Using FET Biosensors,“ ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 7 (7), Q3001-Q3008, 2018. (SCI; IF= 1.787) 68/147=46.3% (PHYSICS, APPLIED) (Co-Corresponding author). (Most-Read Articles during March 2018) 11.Ju-Ching Yu, Chih-Chien Hu, Wen-Hsin Chang, Pei-Chun Chen, Mel S. Lee, Kuo-Ti Peng* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „An integrated microfluidic system using mannose-binding lectin for bacteria isolation and biofilm-related gene detection,“ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 22, Issue 1, Article Number: 13, DOI: 10.1007/s10404-017-2031-3, 2018 (SCI, Impact factor=2.384) 17/58=29.3% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-Corresponding author). 12.Yu-Dong Ma, Kang Luo, Wen-Hsin Chang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „A microfluidic chip capable of generating and trapping emulsion droplets for digital loop-mediated isothermal amplification analysis,“ Lab on a chip, vol. 18, pp. 296 - 303, DOI: 10.1039/C7LC01004D, 2018. (SCI; Impact factor=5.995) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author) (cover paper). 13.Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Indu Sarangadharan, Chen-Pin Hsu, Yi-Hong Chen, Lien-Yu Hung, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Gwo-Bin Lee*, and Yu-Lin Wang*, „Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells and Investigation of Cellular Responses using Aptamer-Immobilized AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor Sensor Array,“ Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 257, pp. 96–104, 2018 (SCI; Impact factor=5.667) 2/58=3.4% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-corresponding author). 14.Indu Sarangadharan, Abiral Regmi, Yen-Wen Chen, Chen-Pin Hsu, Pei-chi Chen, Wen-Hsin Chang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Gwo-Bin Lee, Yu-Lin Wang*, “High sensitivity cardiac troponin I detection in physiological environment using AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) Biosensors,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 100, 282–289, 2018. (SCI; Impact factor = 8.173). 2/76=2.6% (CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). 15.Yu-Dong Ma, Wen-Hsin Chang, Kang Luo, Chih-Hung Wang, Shih-Yuan Liu, Wen-Hsiang Yen and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Digitized quantification of DNA through Isothermal Amplification on a Self-driven Microfluidic Chip through a Rapid Surface Modification on Polydimethylsiloxane Channels,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 99, pp. 547–554, 2018 (SCI; Impact factor = 8.173). 2/76=2.6% (CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) (Corresponding author). 16.Ju-Ching Yu, Pang-Hsin Hsieh, Hsing-Wen Tsai, Wen-Hsin Chang, Ting-Hung Liu, Mel S. Lee, Kuo-Ti Peng, Kuo-Chin Huang*, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Rapid identification of pathogens responsible for necrotizing fasciitis on an integrated microfluidic system,“ Biomicrofluidics, vol. 11, Issue: 6, Article Number: 064108 DOI: 10.1063/1.5007081, 2017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-Corresponding author). (editor’s pick) (among 10 most-read articles) 17.Wenfeng Liang, Yuliang Zhao, Lianqing Liu, Yuechao Wang, Wen Jung Li*, Gwo-Bin Lee, “Determination of cell membrane capacitance and conductance via optically induced electrokinetics,” Biophysical Journal, vol. 113, Issue 7, pp. 1531-1539, 2017, (SCI; IF=3.495). 17/73= 23.3% (BIOPHYSICS) 18.Ching-Wen Yu, Chien-Yu Fu, Lien-Yu Hung, Chih-Hung Wang, Nai-Jung Chiang, Yu-Chun Wang, Yan-Shen Shan* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, Screening of Peptides Specific to Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer Cells Using an Integrated Microfluidic System and Phage Display Technology,“ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, DOI 10.1007/s10404-017-1983-7, 2017 (SCI, Impact factor=2.344) 17/58=29.3% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-Corresponding author). 19.Abiral Regmi, Indu Sarangadharan, Chen-Pin Hsu, Yen-Wen Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, Geng-Yen Lee, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Gwo-Bin Lee* and Yu-Lin Wang*, „Direct detection of Fibrinogen in human plasma using electric-double-layer gated AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors,“ Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, doi: 10.1063/1.5000247, 2017 (SCI; IF=3.411). 28/147=19.0% (PHYSICS, APPLIED) (Co-Corresponding author). 20.Wei-Chieh Kao, Yen-Wen Chen, Chia-Ho Chu, Wen-Hsin Chang, Yu-Lin Wang* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Detection of C-reactive Protein on an Integrated Microfluidic System by Utilizing Field-effect Transistors and Aptamers,“ Biomicrofluidics, vol. 11, Article Number: 044105, DOI: 10.1063/1.4995257, 2017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-Corresponding author). 21.Priya Gopinathan, Lien-Yu Hung, Chih-Hung Wang, Nai-Jung Chiang, Yu-Chun Wang, Yan-Shen Shan*, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Automated selection of aptamers against cholangiocarcinoma cells on an integrated microfluidic platform,” Biomicrofluidics, vol. 11, Article Number: 044101, DOI: 10.1063/1.4991005, 2017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-corresponding author). 22.Sung-Chi Tsai, Lien-Yu Hung, Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic platform for the isolation and detection of circulating tumour cells using cell selection and enrichment method,” Biomicrofluidics, DOI: 10.1063/1.4991476, 2017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-corresponding author). 23.Pei-Chi Chen, Yen-Wen Chen, Indu Sarangadharan, Chen-Pin Hsu, Chih-Chen Chen, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Gwo-Bin Lee* and Yu-Lin Wang*, “Field-effect transistor-based biosensors and a portable device for personal healthcare,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 6 (7), Q71-Q76, 2017 (SCI; IF= 1.787) 68/147=46.3% (PHYSICS, APPLIED) (Co-Corresponding author). 24.Chia-Ho Chu, Indu Sarangadharan, Abiral Regmi, Yen-Wen Chen, Chen-Pin Hsu, Wen-Hsin Chang, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chih-Chen Chen, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Gwo-Bin Lee* and Yu-Lin Wang*, “Beyond the Debye length in high ionic strength solution: direct protein detection with field-effect transistors (FETs) in human serum,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, Article Number: 5256, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05426-6, 2017 (Nature Publishing Group), 2017. (SCI; IF= 4.259) 10/64=15.6% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES) (Co-corresponding author). 25.Lien-Yu Hung, Nai-Jung Chiang, Wei-Chun Tsai, Chien-Yu Fu, Yu-Chun Wang, Yan-Shen Shan*, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “A MICROFLUIDIC CHIP FOR DETECTING CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA CELLS IN HUMAN BILE,” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Vol. 7, Article Number: 4248, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-04056-2, 2017. (SCI; IF= 4.259) 10/64=15.6% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES) (Co-corresponding author). 26.Wen-Yen Huang, Ching-An Liu, Rong-Syuan Fan, Zhi-Da Lin, Kuan Wang* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Automatic optimization of drug cocktails on an integrated microfluidic system,” Biomicrofluidics, vol. 11, Article Number: 034109, DOI: 10.1063/1.49836142017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-Corresponding author). 27.Shu-Ling Chen, Wen-Hsin Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Huey-Ling You, Jiunn-Jong Wu, Mel S. Lee* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An Integrated Microfluidic System for Live Bacteria Detection from Human Joint Fluid Samples by Using Ethidium Monoazide and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 21, Issue: 5, Article Number: 87, DOI: 10.1007/s10404-017-1913-8, 2017 (SCI, Impact factor=2.344) 17/58=29.3% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-Corresponding author). 28.Wen-Hsin Chang, Ju-ching Yu, Sung-Yi Yang, Yi-Cheng Lin, Chih-Hung Wang, Huey-Ling You, Jiunn-Jong Wu, Mel S. Lee* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Vancomycin-resistant gene identification from live bacteria on an integrated microfluidic system by using low temperature lysis and loop-mediated isothermal amplification,” Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 11, Issue 2, Article Number: 024101, DOI: 10.1063/1.4977439, 2017 (SCI; IF= 2.535). 8/31=25.8 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Co-corresponding author). 29.Wen-Bin Lee, Chien-Yu Fu, Wen-Hsin Chang, Huey-Ling You, Chih-Hung Wang, Mel S Lee* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „A microfluidic device for antimicrobial susceptibility testing utilizing a broth dilution method,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 87, pp. 669–678, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.09.008, 2017 (SCI; Impact factor = 7.780). 2/76=2.6% (CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) (Co-corresponding author). 30.Na Liu, Lianqing Liu, Haibo Yu, Shaorong Xie, Jun Wang, Yuechao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen Jung Li*, „Rapidly patterning micro/nano devices by directly assembling ions and nanomaterials" Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Article number: 32106, doi:10.1038/srep32106, 2016. (SCI; IF= 5.578) 5/55=9.1% (Multidisciplinary Sciences) 31.Wen-Hsin Chang, Priya Gopinathan, Mel S Lee and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Fast Diagnostic Tools for Periprosthetic Joint Infections,“ Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders, vol. 7, pp. 1-12, DOI: 10.1016/j.fjmd.2016.04.00X, 2016 (Co-corresponding author) 32.Chih-Hung Wang, Chih-Peng Chang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Multiple Influenza Virulent Diagnosis on an Integrated Microfluidic System by Using Single Universal Aptamer,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 86, pp. 247-254, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.06.071, 2016 (SCI; Impact factor = 7.476) (Medicine, research & experimental) 1/26=3.8% (Corresponding author). 33.Pan Li, Na Liu, Haibo Yu, Feifei Wang, Lianqing Liu, Gwo-Bin Lee, Yuechao Wang, Wen J. Li*, „Silver nanostructures synthesis via optically induced electrochemical deposition,„ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (Nature Publishing Group), Vol. 6, Article Number: 28035, DOI: 10.1038/srep28035, 2016. (SCI; IF= 5.578) 5/55=9.1% (Multidisciplinary Sciences) 34.Lien-Yu Hung, Chih-Hung Wang, Chien-Yu Fu, Priya Gopinathan and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Microfluidics in the selection of affinity reagents for the detection of cancer: Paving a way towards future diagnostics,” Lab on a Chip, vol. 16, pp. 2759 – 2774, DOI: 10.1039/c6lc00662k, 2016 (SCI; Impact factor=6.115) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 35.Yi Li, Sam H. S. Lai, Na Liu, Lianqing Liu, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen Jung Li*, „Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio 3D Hydrogel Microstructures Using Optically Induced Electrokinetics,“ Micromachines, vol. 7, Issue 4, DOI: 10.3390/mi7040065, 2016. (SCI; IF=1.286) 36.Ying-Ting Chen, Venkanagouda S. Goudar, Ren-Guei Wu, Chung-Shi Yang, Hwan-You Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee, Chih-Ming Ho and Fan-Gang Tseng*,“UV-sensitive hydrogel based combinatory drug delivery chip (uvgel-drugchip) for cancer cocktail drug screening,“ RSC Advances, vol. 6, Issue 50, pp. 44425 - 44434, 2016 (SCI; Impact factor=3.84). 37.Yi-Ting Tseng, Chih-Hung Wang, Chih-Peng Chang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Integrated Microfluidic System for Rapid Detection of the Influenza H1N1 Virus Using a Sandwich-based Aptamer Assay,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 82, pp. 105-111, 2016. (SCI; Impact factor= 7.476), 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Corresponding author) 38.Shih-Hsuan Huang, Lien-Yu Hung and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Continuous nucleus extraction by opticallyinduced cell lysis on a batch-type microfluidic platformNucleus Extraction from Cells by Performing Optically-Induced Cell Lysis on a Continuous-flow Platform,“, Lab on a Chip, vol. 16, Issue 8, pp. 1447-1456, DOI: 10.1039/C5LC01284H, 2016 (SCI; Impact factor=6.115) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 39.Po-Fu Yang, Chih-Hung Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Optically-induced cell fusion on cell pairing microstructures,“ Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), vol. 6, Article number: 22036, doi:10.1038/srep22036, 2016 (SCI; IF= 5.578) 5/55=9.1% (Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Corresponding author). 40.Jinglun Li, Ko-Wei Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Ching-Hsuan Yang, Shu-Chu Shiesh and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „On-chip, aptamer-based sandwich assay for detection of glycated hemoglobins via magnetic beads,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 79, pp. 887-893, 2016. (SCI; IF=7.476), 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Co-Corresponding author). 41.Chih-Yu Chao, Chih-Hung Wang, Yu-Jui Che, Cheng-Yen Kao, Jiunn-Jong Wu and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „An Integrated Microfluidic System for Diagnosis of the Resistance of Helicobacter pylori to Quinolone-Based Antibiotics,”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 78, pp. 281-289, 2016. (SCI; IF=7.476 ), 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Corresponding author). 42.Chung-Hsien Liu, Sheng-Chieh Huang, Ying-Jui Chao, Xi-Zhang Lin* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Hemostasis Plug for an Electromagnetic Thermotherapy and Its Application for Liver Laceration,“ Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 44, pp. 1310-1320, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-015-1365-9, 2016 (SCI; Impact factor=3.195) 34/325=10.5% (ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL) (Co-Corresponding author). 43.Na Liu, Pan Li, Lianqing Liu, HaiboYu, Yuechao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee and Wen J. Li*, „Three-Dimensional Non-UV Digital Printing of Hydrogel Micro-Structures by Optically-Controlled Digital Electropolymerization,“ IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 2128-2135, DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2015.2477217, 2015 (SCI; Impact factor=2.226) 6/105=5.7% (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL). 44.Yu-Jui Che, Huei-Wen Wu, Lien-Yu Hung, Ching-Ann Liu, Hwan-You Chang, Kuan Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic system for screening of peptides specific to colon cancer cells and colon cancer stem cells using the phage display technology,” Biomicrofluidics, vol. 9, Article Number: 054121, 2015 (SCI; IF= 3.771). 1/31=3.3 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Corresponding author). 45.Ming-Yu Lu, Zhihong Li, Shiaw-Min Hwang, B. Linju Yen, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Generation of Murine Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Using High-density Distributed Electrodes Network,” Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 9, Issue 5, Article Number: 054107, pp. 054107, DOI: 10.1063/1.49308662015, 2015 (SCI; IF= 3.771). 1/31=3.3 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) (Corresponding author). 46.Wen-Yi Luo, Sung-Chi Tsai, Kuangwen Hsieh and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An Integrated Microfluidic Platform for Negative Selection and Enrichment of Cancer Cells,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 25, Issue 8, Article Number: 084007, 2015 (SCI; Impact factor=1.725) 11/133=8.3% (MECHANICS) (Corresponding author). 47.Gwo-Bin Lee*, Chia-Jung Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Ming-Yu Lu and Wen-Yi Luo, „Continuous Medium Exchange and Optically-Induced Electroporation of Cells on an Integrated Microfluidic System,“ vol. 1, 15007; doi:10.1038/micronano.2015.7, Microsystems and Nanoengineering (Nature Publishing Group), 2015 (SCI; IF=5.071) 3/61=4.9% (Instruments and Instrumentations ) (Corresponding author). 48.Lien-Yu Hung, Chih-Hung Wang, Yu-Jui Che, Chien-Yu Fu, Hwan-You Chang, Kuan Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Screening of aptamers specific to colorectal cancer stem cells and colorectal cancer cells by utilizing On-chip Cell-SELEX,“ Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), vol. 5, Article number: 10326, doi:10.1038/srep10326, 2015 (SCI; IF= 5.578 ) 5/55=9.1% (Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Corresponding author). 49.Na Liu, Fanan Wei, Lianqing Liu, Hok Sum Sam Lai, Haibo Yu, Yuechao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee and Wen J. Li* „Optically-controlled digital electrodeposition of thin-film metals for fabrication of nano-devices,“ Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 838-848, Optical Materials Express, 2015 (SCI; IF= 2.844) 14/82=17.0% (OPTICS) 50.Yuliang Zhao, Hok Sum Sam Lai, Guanglie Zhang, Gwo-Bin Lee and Wen Jung Li*, „Measurement of Single Leukemia Cell's Density and Mass Using Optically-Induced Electric Field in a Microfluidics Chip,“ Vol. 9, Issue 2, Article Number: 022406, DOI: 10.1063/1.4917290, Biomicrofluidics, 2015 (SCI; IF= 3.357). 1/31=3.3 % (PHYSIC, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) 51.Kai-Jie Kao, Chien-Hsuan Tai, Wen-Hsin Chang, Ta-Sen Yeh, Tse-Ching Chen and Gwo-Bin Lee*,“A fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) microfluidic platform for detection of HER2 over-expression in cancer cells,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 69, pp. 272-279, doi:10.1016/j.bios.2015.03.003, 2015. (SCI; IF= 7.476), 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Corresponding author) 52.Ko-Wei Chang, Jing-Lun Li, Ching-Hsuan Yang, Shu-Chu Shiesh* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An Integrated Microfluidic System for Measurement of Glycated Hemoglobin Levels by Using an Aptamer-antibody Assay on Magnetic Beads,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 68, pp. 397-403, 2015. (SCI; IF=7.476) 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Co-Corresponding author). 53.Chih-Hung Wang, Chen-Hsun Weng, Yu-Jui Che, Kuan Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Cancer Cell-Specific Oligopeptides Selected by an Integrated Microfluidic System from a Phage Display Library for Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis,” Theranostics, vol. 5(4), pp. 431-442, doi:10.7150/thno.10891, 2015 (SCI; IF= 8.854) (Medicine, research & experimental) 9/122=7.37% (Corresponding author). (Cover feature paper) 54.Ching-Chu Wu, Hsin-I Lin, Ko-Wei Chang, John D. Mai, Shu-Chu Shiesh and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Measurement of Glycated Hemoglobin Levels Using an Integrated Microfluidic System,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, DOI: 10.1007/s10404-014-1460-5, 2015 (SCI; Impact factor=2.528) 4/57=7% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-Corresponding author) 55.Wen-Hsin Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Chih-Lin Lin, Jiunn-Jong Wu, Mel S Lee* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Rapid detection and typing of live bacteria from human joint fluid samples by utilizing an integrated microfluidic system,“ Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 66, pp. 148-154, 2015. (SCI; IF=7.476) 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Co-Corresponding author). 56.Yi-Chih Su, Chih-Hung Wang, Wen-Hsin Chang, Tzong-Yueh Chen and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Rapid and amplification-free detection of fish pathogens by utilizing a molecular beacon-based microfluidic system,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 63, pp. 196-203, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.07.035, 2015. (SCI; IF=7.476) 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCH EMISTRY) (Corresponding author) 57.Chih-Lin Lin, Wen-Hsin Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Chia-Hwa Lee, Tzong-Yueh Chen, Fuh-Jyh Jan* and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „A microfluidic system integrated with buried optical fibers for detection of Phalaenopsis orchid pathogens”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 63, pp. 572-579, DOI 10.1016/j.bios.2014.08.013, 2015. (SCI; IF=7.476) 1/26=3.8% (ELECTROCHEMISTRY) (Co-Corresponding author) 58.Hsin-I Lin, Ching-Chu Wu, Ching-Hsuan Yang, Ko-Wei Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee* and Shu-Chu Shiesh*, „Selection of Aptamers Specific for Glycated Hemoglobin and Total Hemoglobin Using On-Chip SELEX,” Lab on chip, vol. 15(2), pp.486-494, DOI: 10.1039/C4LC01124D, 2015 (SCI; Impact factor=6.115) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Co-corresponding author). 59.Wenfeng Liang, 2, Sam Hok-Sum Lai, Lianqing Liu, Yuechao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee and Wen Jung Li*, „Rapid Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle-based Microstructures Using Optically-Induced Electrokinetics,“ Optical Materials Express, vol. 4, Iss. 11, pp. 2368–2380, 2014. (SCI; IF= 2.923) 14/82=17.0% (OPTICS) 60.Yuliang Zhao, Lai Hok Sum Sam, Guanglie Zhang, Gwo-Bin Lee and Wen Jung Li*, „Rapid Determination of Cell Mass and Density using Digitally-Controlled Electric Field in a Microfluidic Chip,“ Lab on chip, vol. 14, pp. 4426-4434, DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00795F, 2014 (SCI; IF=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) 61.Na Liu, Wenfeng Liang, John D. Mai, Lianqing Liu, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen J. Li*, “Rapid Fabrication of Nanomaterial Electrodes Using Digitally-Controlled Electrokinetics," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 245, 2014 (SCI; IF=1.8) 63/243=25.9% (ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) 62.Lien-Yu Hung, Chih-Hung Wang, Keng-Fu Hsu, Cheng-Yang Chou and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An on-chip Cell-SELEX process for automatic selection of high-affinity aptamers specific to different histologically classified ovarian cancer cells,” Lab on chip, 14 (20), pp. 4017-4028, DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00587B, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 63.Feifei Wang, Haibo Yu, Wenfeng Liang, Lianqing Liu, John. D. Mai, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen Jung Li*, „Optically-Induced Electrohydrodynamic Instability- Based Micro-Patterning of Fluidic Thin-Films,“ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp. 1097-1106, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=3.218) 4/57=7% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION). 64.Kuei-Hsu Chou, En-Ping Lin, Te-Chang Chen, Chih-Huang Lai, Liang-Wei Wang, Ko-Wei Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Ming-Chang M. Lee*, „Application of Strong Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect on High Sensitive Surface Plasmon Grating Sensors,” Optics Express, vol. 22, Issue 16, pp. 19794-19802, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=3.546) 4/79=5.1% (OPTICS). 65.Chung-Hsien Liu, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “A Micropump Using Amplified Deformation of Resilient Membranes through Oil Hydraulics,“ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 17, pp. 393-400, DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1316-4, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=3.218) 4/57=7% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Corresponding author). 66.Sheng-Chieh Huang, Jui-Wen Kang, Hung-Wen Tsai, Yan-Shen Shan, Xi-Zhang Lin and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „ELECTROMAGNETIC THERMOTHERAPY FOR DEEP ORGAN ABLATION BY USING AN NEEDLE ARRAY UNDER A SYNCHRONIZED-COIL SYSTEM,“ IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 61, pp. 2733-2739, DOI 10.1109/TBME.2014.2339499, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=2.348) 26/79=32.9% (ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL) (Co-Corresponding author). 67.Wen-Hsin Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Sung-Yi Yang, Yi-Cheng Lin, Jiunn-Jong Wu, Mel S. Lee, Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Rapid isolation and diagnosis of live bacteria from human joint fluids by using an integrated microfluidic system,” Lab on chip, DOI: 10.1039/c4lc00471j, 14 (17), pp. 3376 – 3384, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Co-corresponding author). 68.Feifei Wang, Fei Fei, Lianqing Liu, Haibo Yu, Peng Yu, Yuechao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen Jung Li*, “Exploring pulse-voltage-triggered optically induced electrohydrodynamic instability for femtolitre droplet generation,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, Issue 26, 264103 , 2014, doi:10.1063/1.4885549 (SCI; Impact factor=3.841) 15/118=12.7% (PHYSICS, APPLIED) 69.Gwo-Bin Lee*, Huan-Chun Wu, Po-Fu Yang and John D. Mai, „Automated medium replacement in an integrated optofluidic device resulting in higher cell viability after optically-induced dielectropheresis sorting,” Lab on Chip, 14(15), pp. 2837 – 2843, DOI:10.1039/C4LC00466C, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 70.Hsien-Chih Lai, Chih-Hung Wang, Tong-Miin Liou and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Influenza A Virus-Specific Aptamers Screened by Using an Integrated Microfluidic System,” Lab on chip, vol. 14, pp. 2002-2013, DOI:10.1039/C4LC00187G, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). (inside front cover paper) (selected as „Hot article“ of the year) (top 10% of highly cited authors) 71.Lien-Yu Hung, Hui-Wen Wu, Kuangwen Hsieh and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Microfluidic Platforms for Discovery and Detection of Molecular Biomarkers,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 16, Issue 5, pp. 941-963, 10.1007/s10404-014-1354-6, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=3.218) 4/57=7% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Corresponding author). 72.Wenfeng Liang, Yuliang Zhao, Lianqing Liu, Yuechao Wang, Zaili Dong, Wen Jung Li*, Gwo-Bin Lee, Xiubin Xiao, Weijing Zhang, “Rapid and Label-Free Separation of Burkitt's Lymphoma Cells from Red Blood Cells by Optically-Induced Electrokinetics,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, Issue 3, Article Number: e90827, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090827, 2014 (SCI; IF=3.730) 7/56=12.5% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES). 73.Sheng-Chieh Huang, Jui-Wen Kang, Hung-Wen Tsai, Yan-Shen Shan, Xi-Zhang Lin and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Electromagnetic Thermotherapy System with Needle arrays: A practical tool for the removal of cancerous tumors,” IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 598-605, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=2.348) 26/79=32.9% (ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL) (Co-Corresponding author). 74.Chien-Hsuan Tai, Yi-Che Tsai, Chih-Hung Wang , Chih-Peng Chang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic platform for the rapid detection and subtyping of influenza viruses from clinical samples,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 16, Issue 3, pp. 501-512, DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1249-y, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=3.218) 4/57=7% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Co-Corresponding author). 75.Na Liu, Wenfeng Liang, Lianqing Liu, Yuechao Wang, John D. Mai, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen J. Li*, “"Extracellular-controlled Breast Cancer Cell Formation and Growth Using Non-UV Patterned Hydrogels via Optically-induced Electrokinetics,” Lab on chip, Vol. 14, pp. 1367 DOI:10.1039/C3LC51247A, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) 76.Ming-Chang Hsu and Gwo-Bin Lee*, „Carbon Nanotube-based Hot-film and Temperature Sensors Assembled by Optically-Induced Dielectrophoresis,“ IET Nanobiotechnology, vol. 8, pp. 44-50, doi: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2013.0040, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=1.000) 63/75=84% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 77.Chih-Hung Wang, You-Hsun Lee, Hsin-Tzu Kuo, Wen-Feng Liang, Wen-Jung Li and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Dielectrophoretically-assisted electroporation using light-activated virtual microelectrodes for multiple DNA transfection,” Lab on chip, vol. 14 (3), pp. 592 – 601, DOI:10.1039/C3LC51102B, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=5.697) 6/75=8% (BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) (Corresponding author). 78.Lien-Yu Hung, Jui-Cheng Chang, Yi-Che Tsai, Chih-Chia Huang, Chih-Peng Chang, Chen-Sheng Yeh and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Immunoassay for Rapid Detection of Influenza Infection by Using an Integrated Microfluidic System,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, DOI 10.1016/j.nano.2013.11.009, Vol. 10, Issue 4 , pp. 819-829, 2014. (SCI: Impact factor=6.93) 11/121=9.1% (MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL) (Co-Corresponding author). 79.Chih-Hung Wang, Chia-Jung Chang, Jiunn-Jong Wu and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic device utilizing vancomycin conjugated magnetic beads and nanogold-labeled specific nucleotide probes for rapid pathogen diagnosis,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2013.10.013, vol. 10, Issue 4 , pp. 809-818, 2014. (SCI: Impact factor=6.93) 11/121=9.1% (MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL) (Corresponding author). 80.Sheng-Chieh Huang, I-Yuan Chang, Jui-Wen Kang, Hung-Wen Tsai, Yan-Shen Shan, Xi-Zhang Lin and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “"An Electromagnetic Thermotherapy System with a Deep Penetration Depth for Percutaneous Thermal Ablation", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 86-96, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-013-0899-y, 2014 (SCI; Impact factor=2.348) 34/325=10.5% (ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL) (Co-Corresponding author). 研討會論文 1.Ting-Hang Liu, Huey-Ling You, Mel S. Lee*, and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An Integrated Microfluidic System for Bacteria Identification from Human Joint Fluids,” IEEE NEMS 2018, Singapore. 2.Wen-Bin Lee, Kao-Mai Shen, Huey-Ling You, Mel S. Lee and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “AUTOMATIC AND RAPID ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST ON AN INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC DEVICE,” IEEE MEMS 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 3.Hong-Lin Cheng, Chien-Yu Fu, Yen-Wen Chen, Yu-Lin Wang, Chih-Chen Chen and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “DETECTION OF MICRO RIBONUCLEIC ACIDS FROM EXTRACTED EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES BY USING AN INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEM,” IEEE MEMS 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 4.Ka-U Ip, Jia-Ru Chang, Ting-Hang Liu, Horng-Yunn Dou and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “AN INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFICATION OF LIVE MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS BY REAL-TIME POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION,” IEEE MEMS 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 5.Anirban Sinha, Tse-Yu Tai, Yu-Lin Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee, “INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEM WITH FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR FOR AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF MULTIPLE CARDIOVASCULAR BIOMARKERS,” IEEE MEMS 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 6.Anirban Sinha, Tse-Yu Tai, Yu-Lin Wang, 2 and Gwo-Bin Lee, “INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC CHIP COMBINED WITH FET SENSORS FOR DETECTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES,” 2017 BME Annual Symposium, Taiwan. 7.Yu-Dong Ma, Shang-Ta Chou, Yung-Mao Lee, Yue-Yuan Lai, Kuang-Hsien Li, Wen-Bin Lee, Yi-Hong Chen, Zhi-Da Lin, Tsung-Mu Lee, Po-Chiun Huang, Hsi-Pin Ma and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “A PORTABLE DEVICE FOR RAPID INFLUENZA A (H1N1) DIAGNOSIS,” Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 8.Wei-Ting Liu, Wen-Bin Lee, Yi-Cheng Tsai, Lien-Yu Hung, Chien-Yu Fu, Yuan-Jhe Chuang, Keng-Fu Hsu and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic system for continuous selection of aptamers by using tissue samples,” Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 9.Gao-Mai Shen, Yun Hsu, Guo-Ming Ho, Shang-Cheng Hung and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “AN INTEGRATED MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEM FOR RAPID DETECTION AND MULTIPLE SUBTYPING OF INFLUENZA A VIRUSES BY USING POLYSACCHARIDE-COATED BEADS AND RT-PCR,” Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 10.Yi-Cheng Tsai, Lien-Yu Hung, Fan-Gang Tseng, Hwan-You Chang and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “An integrated microfluidic chip capable of whole blood treatment and pneumatically-modulated filtering for detecting circulating tumor cells in clinical specimen,“ Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 11.Yi-Hong Chen, Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi, Yu-Lin Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee*,” A MICROFLUIDIC PLATFORM INTEGRATED WITH FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS FOR DETECTION OF CIRCULATING TUMOR CELLS,” Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 12.Yi-Sin Chen, Hong-Lin Cheng, Chihchen Chen and Gwo-Bin Lee*, “ON-CHIP FILTRATION UTILIZING DOUBLE LAYERS OF MEMBRANE FILTERS FOR EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES ISOLATION FROM WHOLE BLOOD,“Micro TAS 2017, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 13.Lien-Yu Hung, Chien-Yu Fu,
