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费为银(1963.9─),男,博士,教授(二级),南京理工大学数学博士生导师,中共党员,安徽工程大学党委常委、副校长。1986年7月安徽师范大学数学系本科毕业并获学士学位,1993年9月至1996年3月为东华大学应用数学专业研究生并获硕士学位,1999年3月至2002年3月为东华大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士研究生并获博士学位。2002年8月破格晋升为教授,安徽省学术与技术带头人培养对象,安徽省优秀教师(2004年),安徽省第三届高等学校教学名师(2007年)。中国系统工程学会金融系统工程专业委员会委员,安徽省数学会常务理事。在《IEEE Trans. Automat. Control》、《SIAM J. Control Optim.》、《Automatica》、《Systems and Control Letters》、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Nonlinear Analysis: HS》、《Information Sciences》、《Nonlinear Analysis: TMA》、《Stochastic Models》、《Stochastic Analysis and Applications》、《IET Control Theor. Appl.》、《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》、《Cybernetics and Systems》、《Stochastics》、《Dynamic Systems and Applications》、《Applied Numerical Mathematics》、《Science China-Information Sciences》、《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics》、《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《数学物理学报》、《系统科学与数学》、《应用概率统计》、《数学杂志》、《应用数学》、《高校应用数学学报》、《控制理论与应用》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》、《中国管理科学》、《系统工程学报》、《管理工程学报》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文194篇,其中SCI(SSCI)收录论文42篇,EI收录论文42 篇。 主持了国家自然科学基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、安徽省自然科学基金等项目多项;获2006年安徽省社会科学文学艺术优秀成果三等奖一项(主持);编著一部教材《高等数学》(中国科技大学出版社)。 2012年12月到美国密歇根州立大学统计学系进行了学术访问。 研究生培养 自2007年以来已毕业硕士研究生53人, 在读硕士研究生9人(应用数学、金融工程和金融专业);在读数学博士生3名。 教授课程(包括研究生课程) 高等数学,线性代数,概率论与数理统计,复变函数与积分变换,概率论,应用统计,统计学原理,随机过程,测度论,随机分析,高级微观经济学,金融工程学,数理金融学,现代控制理论,随机控制理论,随机微分方程,鞅论,金融随机分析,保险学原理,金融风险分析,金融衍生品定价理论与应用,投资银行、对冲基金与私募股权投资。 2000年以来承担的教科研项目和成果 l 带有切换拓扑的异构复杂动态网络的有界同步与控制问题研究, 安徽省自然科学基金项目(青年基金) 2017 (1708085QA16, 第二) l Knight不确定环境下最优再保险-投资问题研究,安徽省自然科学基金项目(面上项目) 2015 (1608085MA02,第二) l 通胀不确定下最优消费-投资组合和退休选择问题研究,国家自然科学基金,2015(71571001,主持) l 复杂网络的度量测度及其上动力学行为的研究, 安徽省自然科学基金(2014, 第二) l 具有不稳定子系统的切换随机时滞系统的稳定性研究, 国家自然科学基金天元项目(11326121, 第二) l 具有不稳定子系统的切换随机时滞系统的稳定性研究,安徽省高校省级优秀青年人才基金重点项目(2014, 第二) l 具有不稳定子系统的切换随机系统的稳定性研究及反馈控制,安徽省自然科学基金(青年)( 1408085QA09, 第二) l 不确定理论在金融风险管理领域中的应用, 安徽省高校自然科学基金项目,2013 (KJ2013B023,(第二) l 勒维过程在最优再保险和最优投资中的应用, 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目, 2012(KJ2012B019,第二) l 复杂网络的稳态结构及其动力学行为的研究, 安徽省高校自然科学基金重点项目, 2013 ( KJ2013A044,第二) l 测量误差回归模型下的经验似然估计及其应用,国家自然科学基金,2012(11226218,第二) l 国家自然科学基金 (国际交流项目),2012(71210107026,主持) l 基于经验似然的统计推断及其应用研究,安徽省自然科学基金,2012(1208085QA04,第二) l 资产收益模型具有一般不确定性下的多元化资产组合优化问题研究,教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目, 2012(12YJA790041, 第二) l 资产收益模型具有不确定性下的动态资产组合优化问题研究,安徽省自然科学基金资助项目, 2012(1208085MG116, 第二) l Knight不确定环境下最优消费和投资问题研究,国家自然科学基金,2011(71171003,主持) l 模糊随机过程理论及其在金融中的应用研究,安徽省级科研成果,2011(第一完成人) l 复杂网络上随机过程的渐近行为研究,安徽省自然科学基金,2010(10040606003,第二) l 基于Markov链的网络控制系统(NCS)鲁棒可靠性控制与仿真研究,安徽省高校自然科学基金,2010(第二) l 金融投资中的模糊随机动力系统理论研究,安徽省高校自然科学基金重点项目,2010(KJ2010A037,主持) l 随机控制理论在最优再保险和最优投资中的应用,安徽省高校自然科学基金,20010(KJ2010B026,第二) l 多层次养老金的定价模型,安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目,20010(2010sk316,第二) l 随机过程理论及其在金融中的应用研究,安徽省级科研成果,2009(第一完成人) l 统计学专业实验教学体系研究,安徽省重点教研项目,2008 (2008JYXM070,主持) l 金融数学中的模糊随机系统理论研究, 安徽省自然科学基金,2008(090416225,主持) l 数值微分方法研究及其在飞行器测控中的应用, 国家自然科学基金,2008(10826098,主持) l 随机不确定系统鲁棒可靠控制的研究,安徽省高校自然科学基金,2008(KJ2008B143,第二) l 随机理论及其在投资组合理论中的应用,安徽省级科研成果,2007(第一完成人) l 状态空间框架下金融定价模型的推断及实证研究, 安徽省高校自然科学基金,2007(2007KJB056,第三) l 拟鞅分解及非完备市场未定权益保值,安徽省社会科学文学艺术优秀成果三等奖,2006(主持) l 寿险精算中利率风险防范研究, 安徽省高校自然科学基金,2006 (2006KJ237B,第二) l 分数Brown运动驱动的随机微分方程解的存在唯一性与稳定性研究,安徽省高校自然科学基金,2005 (2005KJ209,主持) l 金融数学中的模糊随机控制理论研究,教育部科学技术重点研究项目,2005 (205073,主持) l 股票型投资基金运作及业绩评估的动态系统模拟研究, 安徽省高校人文社科基金,2005 (2005sk147,第二) l 工科高等数学系列课程,安徽省精品课程,2004 (主持) l 不完全信息下风险敏感性最优控制,安徽省高校自然科学基金,2004 (2004KJ041,主持) l 随机动力系统理论与应用研究,安徽省高校自然科学基金,2003 (2003KJ040,主持) l 金融证券优化模型研究,安徽省高校人文社科基金,2003 (2003jw12,第二) l 连续时间下的消费与投资组合选择理论及应用,安徽省级科研成果,2001(第一完成人) l 数学建模教学工程,安徽省优秀教学成果一等奖,2001(参与) l 工科高等数学建设课程,安徽省重点教研项目,2001(主持) l 开放经济环境下的最优R$\&$D策略,国家自然科学基金项目,2000 (70071016,第三) l 开放经济系统中的最优投资策略研究,安徽省高校人文社科基金,2000 (2000jw049,主持)




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[194]M.X. Shen, C. Fei, W. Fei, X.R. Mao. Stabilisation by delay feedback control for highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential equations. Systems \& Control Letters, 2020,137:104645 (SCI, EI,一类) [193] C.H. Mei, C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao. Stabilisation of highly non-linear continuous-time hybrid stochastic differential delay equations by discrete-time feedback control. IET Control Theor. Appl., 2020, 14 (2): 313-323 (SCI, EI,一类) [192] 费晨,费为银. 分布不确定下随机微分方程参数最小二乘估计. 数学物理学报,2019,39A(6): 1499-1513 (C. Fei, W.Y. Fei. Consistency of least squares estimation to the parameter for stochastic differential equations under distribution uncertainty. Acta Mathematica Scientia A, 2019,39A(6): 1499-1513) [191] W.Y. Fei, L.J. Hu, X.R. Mao, D.F. Xia. Advances in the truncated Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic differential delay equations. Communications on Pure \& Applied Analysis (CPAA),2020, 19(4): 2081-2100 (SCI,一类) [190] 费为银,张繁红,杨晓光. 通胀对高管的股权激励和工作努力策略的影响. 中国管理科学,10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.0741 (W.Y. Fei, F.H. Zhang, X.G.Yang. The impact of inflation on executive's equity incentive and work effort. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.0741) [189] 朱庆强,张二姚,费为银. 支付连续红利的欧式脆弱期权定价. 安徽工程大学学报,2019, 34(5): 68-76 (Q.Q. Zhu, E.Y. Zhang, W.Y. Fei. European vulnerable options pricing with continuous dividend payments. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2019, 34(5): 68-76) [188] 费晨, 余鹏, 费为银, 杨晓光, 闫理坦. Knight不确定下考虑逆向选择的最优动态契约设计. 系统工程理论与实践,已接受. (EI, 一类) (C. Fei, P. Yu, W.Y. Fei, X. G. Yang, L.T. Yan. Dynamics of contract design with Knightian uncertainty with adverse selection. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, accepted) [187] C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, X. R. Mao, D.F. Xia, L.T. Yang. Stabilisation of highlynonlinear hybrid systems by feedback control based on discrete-time state observations. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, DOI:10.1109/TAC.2019.2933604(SCI,EI, 一类) [186] S.N. Deng, C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao. Generalized Ait-Sahalia-type interest rate model with Poisson jumps and convergence of the numerical approximation.Physica A 2019, 533: 122057 (SCI,EI, 一类) [185] F.H. Zhang, W.Y. Fei, M.X. Shen, K. Jiang. A study on optimal consumption and portfolio with labor income under inflation. Systems Science and Control Engineering, 2019, 7(3): 112-121 (EI, 一类) [184] D.F. Xia, W.J. Yuan, W.Y. Fei. Optimal reinsurance and investment for an insurer with the jump diffusion risk model in A-C case. Systems Science and Control Engineering, 2019, 7(3): 13-19 (EI, 一类) [183] 费为银, 张繁红, 李允贺. 随机汇率下对冲基金最优投资策略研究. 管理与决策, 2019, (1): 65-75 (W.Y. Fei, F.H. Zhang, Y.H. Li. Optimal investment strategies of hedge funds under random exchange rates. Management and Decision, 2019, (1): 65-75) [182] W.Y. Fei, L.J. Hu, X.R. Mao, M.X. Shen. Generalised criteria on delay dependent stability of highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic systems.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019, 29: 1201-1215(SCI,EI,一类) [181]S.N. Deng, C. Fei, W,Y, Fei, X.R. Mao. Stability equivalence between the stochastic differential delay equations driven by G-Brownian motion and the Euler–Maruyama method. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 96: 138-146. (SCI,EI,一类) [180] 费为银,杨珊珊,梁勇. Knight不确定下单边有限承诺连续时间契约问题. 中国科技大学学报,已接受 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, S.S Yang, Y. Liang. One-sided continuous-time contracting problems with limited commitment based under Knightian Uncertainty. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, accepted) [179] 余鹏, 张繁红, 费为银, 恽珍. 考虑通胀指数债券的最优投资-闲暇与自愿退休选择. 安徽工程大学学报, 2019,34(1): 65-72 (P. Yu, F.H. Zhang, W.Y. Fei, Z. Yun. Optimal consumption, portfolio, leisure and retirement selection problem with inflation-linked index bond. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2019,34(1): 65-72) [178] 费晨, 余鹏, 费为银, 闫理坦. 道德风险下带有Knight不确定的最优动态契约设计. 管理科学学报,2019,22(6): 86-96.(二类) (C. Fei, P. Yu, W.Y. Fei, L.T. Yan. Dynamics of contract design with the moral hazard under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2019,22(6): 86-96) [177] 费晨, 杜宏俊, 费为银, 闫理坦. 通胀风险下的企业家投资-消费和对冲问题研究. 系统工程学报,2019,34(3): 383-394(二类) (C. Fei, H.J. Du, W.Y. Fei, L.T. Yan. Research on entrepreneur's investment-consumption and hedging under inflation risk. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2019,34(3): 383-394) [176] 费为银,陈雅豪,费晨. 通胀下带有生存消费约束的最优消费、投资与自愿退休选择问题研究. 系统工程学报,已接受 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, Y.H. Chen, C, Fei. An optimal consumption, investment and voluntary retirement choice problem with subsistence consumption constraints under inflation. Journal of Systems Engineering, accepted) [175] 夏登峰, 苑伟杰, 费为银. 变利率下基于SV模型的最优再保险-投资研究. 运筹与管理,已接受 (二类) ( D.F. Xia, W.J. Yuan, W.Y.Fei. Optimal reinsurance and investment based on SV model under variable interest rate. Operations Research and Management Sciences, accepted.) [174] S.N. Deng, W.Y. Fei, W. Liu, X.R. Mao. The truncated EM method for stochastic differential equations with Poisson jumps. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2019, 355: 232-257 (SCI,EI, 一类) [173] C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, Y.Y. Rui, L.T. Yan. International investment with exchange rate risk. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting \& Economics, DOI: 10.1080/16081625.2019.1569539(SSCI,一类) [172] C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, L.T. Yan. Existence and stability of solutions to highly nonlinear stochastic differential delay equations driven by G-Brownian motion. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 2019, 34(2): 184-204 (SCI,一类) [171] C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao, M.X. Shen, L.T. Yan. Stability analysis of highly nonlinear hybrid multiple-delay stochastic differential equation. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2019, 9(3): 1053-1070 (SCI,一类) [170] M.X. Shen, C. Fei, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao. Boundedness and stability of highly nonlinear hybrid neutral stochastic systems with multiple delays. Sciences China-Information Sciences, 2019, 62: 202205 (SCI,EI, 一类) [169] S.N. Deng, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang, X.R. Mao. Convergence of the split-step theta-method for stochastic age-dependent population equations with Markovian switching and variable delay. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2019, 139: 15-37 (SCI,EI, 一类) [168] C. Fei, M.X. Shen, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao, L.T. Yan. Stability of highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic integro-differential delay equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2019, 31: 180-199 (SCI,EI, 一类) [167] 陈雅豪,梅春辉,费为银. 通胀不确定下的最优消费、投资和自愿退休选择. 安徽工程大学学报, 2018, 33(2): 86-94 (Y.H. Chen, C.H. Mei, W.Y. Fei. An optimal consumption, investment and voluntary retirement choice under inflation uncertainty. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2018, 33(2): 86-94) [166] M.X. Shen , W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao, S.N. Deng. Exponential stability of highly nonlinear neutral pantograph stochastic differential equations. Asian Journal of Control, 2020, 22(1): 436-448.1903 (SCI,EI,一类) [165] 张二姚, 费为银, 张繁红, 陈倩. 变利率和跳风险下的欧式脆弱期权定价. 东华大学学报,2019, 45(5): 803-810 (E.R. Zhang, W.Y. Fei, F.H. Zhang, Q. Chen. European vulnerable option pricing under variable interest rate and jump risk. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2019, 45(5): 803-810) [164] W.Y. Fei, L.J. Hu, X.R., Mao, M.X. Shen. Structured robust stability and boundedness of nonlinear hybrid delay systems. SIAM J. Control Optim., 2018, 56(4): 2662-2689 (SCI,EI, 一类) [163] M.X. Shen, W.Y. Fei, X.R. Mao, Y. Liang. Stability of highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential delay equations. Systems\& Control Letters, 2018, 115: 1-8 (SCI, EI, 一类) [162] 黄健,费为银,余鹏. 通胀风险对最优工作选择、消费/闲暇和投资的影响. 安徽工程大学学报,2017, 32(5): 73-79 (J. Huang, W.Y. Fei, P. Yu. Effect of inflation risk on the optimal consumption / leisure and investment with work choice. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2017, 32(5): 73-79) [161] 恽珍, 费为银, 梁勇. 基于通胀的最优投资消费、闲暇和自愿退休问题. 东华大学学报,2018, 44(5): 829-838 (Z. Yun, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Optimal investment, consumption, leisure and voluntary retirement problem under inflation. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2018, 44(5): 829-838) [160] 潘海峰,费为银,沈滢. 人民币汇率与股指联动及货币政策关联性分析. 统计与决策,2016,(22): 156-160 [159] 罗旭, 费为银, 夏登峰. 损失厌恶投资者最优消费和投资组合选择理论的研究进展. 南京信息工程大学学报, 2017, 9(4): 437-444 (X. Luo, W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia. Research advance on the theory of optimal consumption and portfolio for loss aversion. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, accepted) [158] 朱其明, 费为银, 费晨. 私募股权投资的估值问题研究进展. 南京信息工程大学学报, 2017, 9(3): 298-306 (Q.M. Zhu, W.Y. Fei, C. Fei. Research advance on the valuation issue of private equity investment. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, 2017, 9(3): 298-306) [157] 杜宏俊, 费为银, 沈明轩. 不确定市场环境下的企业家投资、消费和对冲研究进展. 安徽工程大学学报,2016, 31(5): 68-74 (H.J.Du, W.Y. Fei, M.X. Shen. Research advance on entrepreneurs investments、consumption and hedging under uncertain market environment. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2016, 31(5): 68-74.) [156] 周志, 费为银, 梁勇. 考虑相关性风险的跨期投资组合选择问题研究进展. 安徽工程大学学报, 2017, 32(1): 38-43, 62 (Z. Zhou, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liong. Research advance on intertemporal portfolio choice problems of correlation risk. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2017, 32(1): 38-43, 62) [155] 李钰,费为银,吕会影. 在部分信息下带通胀的最优交易策略. 工程数学学报,2018, 35(2): 155-167(二类) (Y. Li, W.Y. Fei, H.Y. Lv. Optimal trading strategy with inflation underpartial information. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2018, 35(2): 155-167) [154] 王斌, 王文平, 费为银. 基于链路动态变化的产业网络预测模型研究. 系统工程学报,2018, 33(6): 721-731(二类) (B. Wang, W.P. Wang, W.Y. Fei. Study of the prediction model of industrial network based on thedynamical links. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2018, 33(6): 721-731) [153] D.F. Xia, L.T. Yan, W.Y. Fei. Mixed fractional heat equation driven byfractional Brownian sheet and L\'evy process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2017, Article ID 8059796, 9 pages (SCI, EI,一类) [152] W.Y. Fei, L.J. Hu, X.R. Mao, M.X. Shen. Delay dependent stability of highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic systems. Automatica, 2017, 82: 165-170 (SCI, EI, 一类) [151] D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei. Study on the model of insurer's solvency ratio under L\‘evy process. Journal ofApplied and Computational Mathematics, 2016, 5(1): 1-3 [150] 费为银,王晓弟,夏登峰. CIR利率模型下带有随机劳动收入的最优消费投资策略研究. 东华大学学报,2016, 42(2): 306-312 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, X.D. Wang, D.F. Xia. Research of optimal consumption and portfolio with stochastic labor income under CIR interest rate. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2016, 42(2): 306-312) [149] 费为银,夏登峰,唐仕冰. Knight不确定与随机汇率下外商投资决策. 管理科学学报,2016, 19(6): 125-135(二类) (W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia, S.B. Tang. On study of a foreign investor's investment with random exchange rate under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2016, 19(6): 125-135) [148] 姜奎,费为银, 杜宏俊. 基于通胀和劳动收入的最优消费投资问题. 安徽工程大学学报, 2016, 31(1): 65-70 (K. Jiang, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Du. Study on optimal consumption-portfolio problem based on labor income and inflation. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2016, 31(1): 65-70) [147] 费为银, 卢琴云, 胡慧敏, 夏登峰. 突发事件冲击下带通胀的动态资产配置问题研究. 工程数学学报,2016, 33(3): 234-242(二类) (W.Y. Fei, Q.Y. Lu, H.M. Hu, D.F. Xia. Dynamic asset allocation with event risk under inflation. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2016, 33(3): 234-242) [146] 梁勇, 费为银, 姚远浩, 芮亚运. 通胀和奈特不确定下的养老金最优投资研究. 工程数学学报, 2015, 32(3): 337-347(二类) (Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, Y.H. Yao, Y.Y. Rui. Study of optimal portfolio for defined contribution pension with inflation and Knightian uncertainty. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2015, 32(3): 337-347) [145] D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu. Estimating the shareholder's terminal payoff in insurer's solvency ratio model under fractional market. J. Donghua University (English Edition), 2016, 29(1): 117-120 [144] 芮亚运,费为银,夏登峰. 通胀风险下的跨期资产配置问题研究进展. 安徽工程大学学报, 2015, 30(5): 78-85 (Y.Y. Ru,W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia. Research advance on intertemporal asset allocation strategies under Inflationary Risk. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2015, 30(5): 78-85) [143] 梁勇, 费为银, 姜奎. 带有劳动收入的最优消费和投资问题研究进展. 南京信息工程大学学报, 2016,8(1): 83-90 (Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, K. Jiang. Research advance on optimal consumption and portfolio problem with labor income. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2016,8(1): 83-90) [142] D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu. Estimating the shareholder's terminal payoff based on insure's solvency ratio in mixed fractional Brownian market. Applied Mathematics- A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2015, 30(3): 317-325 (SCI收录, 一类) [141] 方和远,费为银,芮亚运. 通胀条件下对冲基金最优投资策略. 安徽工程大学学报, 2015, 30(2): 89-94 (H. Y. Fang, W. Y. Fei, Y. Rui. The optimal investment strategies of hedge funds under inflation. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2015, 30(2): 89-94) [140] 吴停停, 费为银, 梁勇. 奈特不确定下带高水印激励费的对冲基金最优投资问题研究. 安徽工程大学学报, 2015, 30(2): 84-87 (T. T. Wu, W. Y. Fei, Y. Liang. On study of optimal portfolio of hedge fund with high water-mark incentive fees under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2015, 30(2): 84-87) [139] 李娟, 费为银. Knight不确定下基差风险模型的最优对冲策略. 长江大学学报,2015,2015, 12(13): 6-11 (J. Li, W. Y. Fei. The optimal hedging strategy of the basis risk model under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Yangtze University, 2015, 12(13): 6-11) [138] H. J. Liu, W. Y. Fei. The LaSalle-type theorem for uncertain delay differential equations. 数学理论与应用, 2014, 34(4): 75-88 [137] 梁勇, 费为银,方和远,刘鹏. 跳扩散环境下红利支付对不确定厌恶投资者最优投资组合选择的影响. 东华大学学报,2015, 41(3): 273-276 (二类) (Y. Liang, W. Y. Fei, H. Y. Fang, P. Liu. Impacts of the dividend on the optimal portfolio choice of an investor with the ambiguity aversion under jump-diffusion. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2015, 41(3): 273-276) [136] C. Fei, W.Y. Fei. Optimal control of Markovian switching systems with applications to portfolio decisions under inflation. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2015, 35B(2): 439-458 (SCI) [135] 耿志祥, 费为银. 金融资产风险度量及其在风险投资中的应用—基于稳定分布的新视角. 管理科学学报,2016,19(1): 87-101 (二类) (Z.X. Geng, W.Y. Fei. Risk measures of financial assets and its application in risk investment—From the new perspective of stable distribution. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2016,19(1): 87-101) [134] 费为银,费晨,夏登峰,杨武. 模型不确定下带通胀的最优消费和投资组合问题研究. 管理工程学报,2017, 31(2): 177-184 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, C. Fei, D.F. Xia, W. Yang. Optimal consumption and portfolio under inflation and model uncertainty. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2017, 31(2): 177-184) [133] 费为银, 李允贺, 夏登峰. 通胀下带激励的对冲基金最优投资. 系统工程理论与实践,2015, 35(11): 2740-2748(EI,一类) (W.Y. Fei, Y.H. Li, D.F. Xia. Optimal investment strategies of hedge funds with incentive fees under inflationary environment. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, 2015, 35(11): 2740-2748) [132] 费为银, 朱涛涛, 费晨. 奈特不确定下带高水印的对冲基金最优投资组合. 工程数学学报,2015, 32(6): 823-834 (二类) ( W.Y. Fei, T.T. Zhu, C. Fei. Optimal portfolio of hedge fund with high water mark under Knightian uncertainty. Chinese Journalof Engineering Mathematics, 2015, 32(6): 823-834) [131] 李娟, 费为银, 陈喜梅. 基于基差风险模型带红利支付的最优交易策略. 安徽工程大学学报, 2014, 29(2): 86-89 (J. Li, W.Y. Fei, X.M. Chen. The optimal strategy of the basis risk model with dividend payment. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2014, 29(2): 86-89) [130] 刘宏建, 费为银, 朱永王, 郑安曼. Knight不确定下考虑保险和退休的最优消费-投资和遗产问题研究. 运筹学学报,2014, 18(3): 88-98 (二类) (H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei, Y.W. Zhu, A.M. Zheng. Optimal consumption-portfolio and bequest with insurance and retirement under Knightian uncertainty. Operations Research Transactions, 2014, 18(3): 88-98) [129] 费为银,吕会影,余敏秀. 通胀服从均值回复过程的最优消费和投资决策. 系统工程学报, 2014, 29(6): 791-798, 868 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, H.Y. Lv, M.X. Yu. Study of optimal consumption and portfolio under inflation with mean-reverting process. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2014, 29(6): 791-798, 868) [128] 余敏秀,费为银,夏登峰. Markov切换具有Knight不确定下最优消费和投资组合研究. 应用概率统计,2014, 30(4): 353-371 (二类) (M.X. Yu, W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia. Optimal consumption and portfolio with ambiguity to Markovian switching. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2014, 30(4): 353-371) [127] 潘磊,费为银. 奈特不确定下考虑红利和机制转换的最优消费投资研究. 应用数学与计算数学,2014, 28(2): 237-247 (L. Pan, W.Y. Fei. Optimal consumption and portfolio with dividends and regime-switching under Knightian uncertainty. Commun. Appl. Math. Comput., 2014, 28(2): 237-247) [126] H.J. Liu, H. Ke, W.Y. Fei. Almost sure stability for uncertain differential equation. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2014, 13: 463-473 (SCI, EI,一类) [125] 费为银,何丹丹,张伟. 跳扩散环境下考虑汇率变动服从均值回复的外商直接投资决策问题研究. 系统工程理论与实践,2015, 35(2): 283-290 (EI收录,一类) (W.Y. Fei, D.D He, W. Zhang. On Study of a foreign investor's investment with fluctuations of exchange rate under jump-diffusion environment. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, 2015, 35(2): 283-290) [124] 费为银,高贵云,夏登峰. 奈特不确定下考虑汇率变动的跨国直接投资和税收政策问题研究. 系统工程学报,2015, 30(6): 746-754, 864 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, G.Y. Gao, D.F. Xia. On study of foreign direct investment and tax policy with fluctuations of exchange rate under ambiguity. Journal of Journal of Systems Engineering, 2015, 30(6): 746-754, 864) [123] 费为银,夏登峰,刘鹏. 模型不确定和极端事件冲击下带通胀的最优投资组合选择问题研究. 应用概率统计,2014, 30(3): 322-336 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia, P. Liu. An investor's optimal portfolio with rare events and model uncertainty under inflation. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2014, 30(3): 322-336) [122] 费为银, 刘鹏, 夏登峰. 极端事件冲击下含糊厌恶投资者的最优投资组合选择问题研究. 中国科大学学报,2014, 44(9): 724-731 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, P. Liu, D.F. Xia. Ambiguity aversion investor’s optimal portfolio with Rare Events. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2014, 44(9): 724-731) [121] 祖纷,费为银,刘鹏. 通胀环境下股价波动率具有奈特不确定的最优消费与投资问题. 数学理论与应用, 2013, 33(4): 63-71 (F. Zu, W.Y. Fei, P. Liu. on study of optimal consumption and portfolio with Knightian uncertainty pf stock price volatility under inflation. Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2013, 33(4): 63-71) [120] W.Y. Fei, Y.H. Li, C. Fei. Properties of solutions to stochastic set differential equations under non-Lipschitzian coefficients. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 381972, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/381972 (SCI,一类) [119] W.Y. Fei. On existence and uniqueness of solutions to uncertain backward stochastic differential equations. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2014, 29(1): 53-66 (SCI,一类) [118] W.Y. Fei, H. J. Liu, W. Zhang. On solutions to fuzzy stochastic differential equations with local martingales. Systems and Control Letters, 2014, 65: 96-105 (SCI、EI,一类) [117] W.Y. Fei. Optimal control of uncertain stochastic systems with Markovian switching and its applications to portfolio decisions. Cybernetics and Systems, 2014, 45 (1): 69-88 (SCI、 EI, 一类) [116] 费为银, 高贵云, 梁勇. 奈特不确定下带通胀的跨国直接投资问题. 数学杂志,2016, 36(3): 598-608(二类) (W.Y. Fei, G.Y. Gao, Y. Liang. On study of foreign direct investment with inflation under ambiguity. Journal of mathematics (PRC), 2016, 36(3): 598-608) [115] 费为银,姚远浩,夏登峰. 奈特不确定下带有红利支付的养老金最优投资策略研究. 东华大学学报,2014, 40(4): 497-502(二类) ( W.Y. Fei, Y.H. Yao, D.F. Xia. Study on optimal investment strategy for defined contribution pension with dividend payment under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2014, 40(4): 497-502) [114] 刘宏建,费为银,祖纷,汪如瑾. 股价波动率具有模型不确定的最优消费与投资问题. 工程数学学报, 2014, 31(1): 35-43(二类) (H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei, F. Zu, R.J. Wang. On study of optimal consumption and portfolio with model uncertainty of stock price volatility. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2014, 31(1): 35-43) [113] 费为银,李钰,石学芹,李娟. 奈特不确定和部分信息下的最优交易策略. 应用数学学报,2014, 37(2): 193-205 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, Y. Li, X.Q. Shi, J. Li. Optimal trading strategy under Knightian uncertainty and partial information. Acta Mathematicae ApplicataeSinica (Chinese Series), 2014, 37(2): 193-205) [112] 费为银,蔡振球,夏登峰. 跳扩散环境下带通胀的最优动态资产配置. 管理科学学报,2015, 18(8): 83-94 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, Z.Q. Cai, D.F. Xia. Dynamic asset allocation with inflation under jump-diffusion environment. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2015, 18(8): 83-94) [111] W.Y. Fei, D.D. He, H.J. Liu. Non-explosion of solutions to fuzzy stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients. 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Technology Application (ICAISTA-13), pp. 55-59 [110] 潘磊,费为银,杨武. 奈特不确定下考虑通胀和机制转换的最优消费投资研究. 安徽工程大学学报, 2013,28(2): 70-73 (L. Pan, W.Y. Fei, W. Yang. Optimal consumption and portfolio under inflation and regime switching with ambiguity. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2013, 28(2): 70-73) [109] 梁勇,费为银,唐仕冰,李帅. Knight不确定及机制转换环境下带通胀的最优投资问题研究. 数学杂志,2014, 34(2): 335-344(二类) (Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, S.B. Tang, S. Li. On study of optimal investment with inflation under Knightian uncertainty and regime switching. Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 2014, 34(2): 335-344) [108] 唐仕冰,费为银,李帅. 股票带有机制转换与红利支付的定性期权估值问题研究. 数学理论与应用,2013, 33(1): 43-49 (S.B. Tang, W.Y. Fei, S. Li. Study on valuing qualitative options with regime switching and dividend payment. Mathematical Theory and Applications,2013, 33(1): 43-49) [107] 李娟, 费为银,石学芹,李钰. 奈特不确定下资产收益率发生紊乱的最优投资模型研究. 高校应用数学学报 A辑,2013, 28(1): 13-22 (二类) (J. Li, W.Y. Fei, X.Q. Shi, Y. Li. Optimal trading strategy under disordered asset return and Knightian uncertainty. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., Ser. A, 2013, 28(1): 13-22) [106] 费为银,梁勇. 非利普希茨条件下连续局部鞅驱动的集值随机微分方程. 数学学报,2013, 56(4): 561-574(二类) (W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Stochastic set differential equations driven by local martingales under the non-Lipschitzian condition. Acta Mathemetica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2013, 56(4): 561-574) [105] 杨武,费为银,潘磊. 模型不确定下带红利支付的最优消费和投资组合. 东华大学学报,2013,39(3): 380-384 (二类) (W. Yang, W.Y. Fei, L. Pan. Optimal consumption and portfolio with dividend payments under model uncertainty. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2013,39(3): 380-384) [104] 余敏秀,费为银,吕会影. 模型不确定环境下最优动态投资组合问题的研究. 中国科学技术大学学报,2014, 44(3): 194-202 (二类) (M.X. Yu, W.Y. Fei, H.Y. Lv. Optimization of dynamic portfolio under model uncertainty. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China,2014, 44(3): 194-202) [103] 吕会影,费为银,余敏秀. 通胀环境下考虑随机微分效用的最优消费和投资问题研究. 数学理论与应用,2012, 32(4): 93-98 (H.Y. Lv, W.Y. Fei, M.X. Yu. On study of optimal consumption and portfolio with stochastic differential utility under inflation. Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2012, 32(4): 93-98) [102] W.Y. Fei. Optimal consumption-leisure, portfolio and retirement selection based on $\alpha$-maxmin expected CES utility with ambiguity. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2012, 27(4): 435-454 (SCI,一类) [101] 蔡振球, 费为银, 潘磊. 跳扩散环境下考虑红利支付的动态资产配置问题研究. 纯粹数学与应用数学, 2013, 29(1): 99-105 (Z.Q. Cai, W.Y. Fei, L. Pan. Research of dynamic asset allocation with dividend payment under jump-diffusion environment. Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013, 29(1): 99-105) [100] 费为银, 陈超, 梁勇. Knight不确定下考虑负效用的消费和投资问题研究. 应用概率统计, 2013, 29(1):53-63(二类) (W.Y. Fei, C. Chen, Y. Liang. Optimal consumption-portfolio and retirement problem with disutility under Knightian uncertainty. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2013, 29(1):53-63) [99] 石学芹, 费为银, 胡慧敏,鲍品娟. 奈特不确定环境下固定供款型养老基金最优投资策略研究. 中国科学技术大学学报,2014, 44(3): 188-193, 226 (二类) (X.Q. Shi, W.Y. Fei, H.M. Hu, P.J. Bao. Research on stochastic control of pension funds with a minimum guarantee and dividend. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2014, 44(3): 188-193, 226 ) [98] 费为银,何丹丹,朱永王,苏凯. 在借贷约束条件下考虑红利和退休的最优消费与投资. 东华大学学报,2013, 39(1): 124-129 (二类) (W.Y. Fei,D.D. He, Y.W. Zhu, K. Su. Optimal consumption-portfolio and bequest under dividends and retirement. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2013, 39(1): 124-129) [97] 李钰,费为银,石学芹,李娟. 在部分信息下股票收益服从隐马尔科夫模型的最优交易策略. 东华大学学报,2012, 38(6): 758-762 (二类) (Y. Li, W.Y. Fei, X.Q. Shi, J. LI. Optimal trading strategy under partial information and HMM for stock returns. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2012, 38(6): 758-762) [96] 张亮,孙宏义, 费为银. 汇率波动下门限自回归模型的适应性研究. 安徽工程大学学报, 2012, 27 (3): 91-94 (L. Zhang, H.Y. Sun, W.Y. Fei. Threshold autoregressive model adaptability under exchange rate fluctuations. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2012, 27 (3): 91-94) [95] W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia. On solutions to stochastic set differential equations of It\^{o} type under the non-Lipschitzian condition. Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2013, 22: 137-156 (SCI, 一类) [94] W.Y. Fei. Existence and uniqueness for solutions to fuzzy stochastic differential equations driven by local martingales under the non-Lipschitzian condition. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 2013, 76: 202-214 (SCI、EI, 一类) [93] H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei. Neutral uncertain delay differential equations. Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2013, 16(2A): 1225-1232 [92] H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to uncertain functional differential equations. FSKD 2012, vol. 1, pp. 63-66 (EI, 一类) [91] W.Y. Fei, D.F. Xia, S.G. Zhang. Solutions to BSDEs driven by both standard and fractional Brownian motions. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 2013, 29(2): 329-354 (SCI, 一类) [90] 李娟, 费为银, 石学芹, 李钰. 部分信息下资产收益率发生紊乱的最优投资策略. 数学杂志,2012, 32(4): 693-700 (二类) (J. Li, W.Y. Fei, X.Q. Shi, Y. Li. Optimal trading strategy under disordered asset returnand partial information. Journal of mathematics (PRC), 2012, 32(4): 693-700) [89] 费为银, 李亚. 分数布朗环境下的实物期权与项目资本预算. 数理统计与管理, 2014, 33(3): 448-456 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, Y. Li. Real options under fractional Brownian environment and project capital budget. Application of Statistics and Management, 2014, 33(3): 448-456) [88] 李亚,费为银. 中小板与创业板首次公开募股首日溢价率的比较分析. 安徽工程大学学报,2012, 27(1):82-85 (Y. Li, W.Y. Fei. Comparative analysis of IPO initial premium between SME board and GEM. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2012, 27(1):82-85) [87] 周金明,费为银. 观测数据野值剔除的TBS-LS逼近方法. 飞行器测控学报, 2012, 31(1): 71-74 (J.M. Zhou, W.Y. Fei. Elimination of outliers via TBS least-square approximation. Journal of Spacecraft TT $\&$ C Technology, 2012,31(1): 71-74) [86] 鲍品娟,费为银,胡慧敏. 破产前需连续偿债的无限时段上的效用最大化问题. 安徽工程大学学报, 2011,26(3): 58-61 (P.J. Bao, W.Y. Fei, H.M. Hu. Study of utility maximization problem on an infinite horizon with a continuous debt repayment until bankruptcy. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2011,26(3): 58-61) [85] 朱永王,费为银,苏凯. 带有习惯形成的最优消费-投资与闲暇选择问题研究. 南京信息工程大学学报 (自然科学版),2012, 4(5): 476-480 (Y.W. Zhu, W.Y. Fei, K Su. Research on optimal consumption-portfolio and leisure problem with habit formation. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2012, 4(5): 476-480) [84] 费为银, 李淑娟. Knight不确定下带通胀的最优消费和投资模型研究. 工程数学学报,2012, 29(6): 799-806 (二类) (W.Y. Fei, S.J. Li. On study of optimal consumption and portfolio with inflation under Knightian uncertainty. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2012, 29(6): 799-806) [83] 苏凯,费为银,朱永王. 考虑红利支付与提前退休的最优投资组合研究. 应用数学与计算数学学报, 2012, 26(1): 77-84 (K Su, W.Y. Fei, Y.W. Zhu. Optimal portfolio model with early retirementand dividend payments. Commun. Appl. Math. Comput., 2012, 26(1): 77-84) [82] W.Y. Fei. Non-contact of solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by semimartingale with non-Lipschitz coefficients. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2011, 28(5): 516-518 (EI,一类) [81] W.Y. Fei. Optimal consumption and portfolio under inflation and Markovian switching. Stochastics, 2013, 85(2): 272-285(SCI, SSCI,一类) [80] 石学芹, 费为银, 李娟, 李钰. 带最低保障和红利的养老基金随机控制问题研究. 数学理论与应用, 2011, 31(3): 85-93 (X.Q. Shi, W.Y. Fei, J.Li, Y. Li. Research on stochastic control of pension fundswith a minimum guarantee and dividend. Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2011, 31(3): 85-93) [79] 梁勇,费为银,陈超.在红利支付情形下考虑负效用的消费投资问题研究.南京信息工程大学学报, 2014, 6(2): 188-192 (Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, C. Chen. Optimal consumption portfolio and retirement problem with dividend-payment and disutility. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 6(2): 188-192) [78] 李淑娟,费为银,牛艳,陈超.消费篮子价格部分可观察下带通胀与红利支付的最优消费投资问题研究.安徽工程大学学报,2011,26(2):74-79 (S.J. Li, W.Y. Fei, Y. Niu, C. Chen. Study of optimal consumption and portfolio with inflation and dividend under partially observed real prices. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2011,26(2):74-79) [77] 牛艳,费为银,李淑娟,陈超.在机制转换金融市场中红利对最优消费投资影响分析.安徽工程大学学报,2011,26(3): 62-67 (Y. Niu, W.Y. Fei, S.J. Li, C. Chen. On optimal consumption and portfolio in financial markets with both dividend and regime switching. Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University, 2011,26(3): 62-67) [76] Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu, D.F. Xia. An application of the forward integral to an insider's optimal portfolio with the dividend. Nonlinear Maths for Uncertainty and Appli., AISC 100, Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 263-270 (EI,一类) [75] D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Study on the model of an insurer's solvency ratio in Markov-modulated Brownian markets. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., Ser. B, 2011, 26(1): 23-28(SCI, 一类) [74] 胡慧敏,费为银,鲍品娟. Malliavin分析在下方约束的最优投资组合中的应用. 东华大学学报,2011, 37(1): 115-119 (二类) (H.M. Hu, W.Y. Fei, P.J. Bao. An application of Malliavin calculus to optimal portfolio with downside constraints. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science), 2011, 37(1): 115-119) [73] 梁勇,费为银,刘宏建. 带有交易成本和红利的最优消费投资策略研究. 数学理论与应用,2010, 30(4): 92-96 (Y. Liang, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu. A study on optimal investment and consumption withtransaction costs and dividend. Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2010, 30(4): 92-96) [72] W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu, D.R. Ding. On LaSalle-type theorems for fuzzy differential delay equations. ICCASM 2010,Vol. 2, pp.81-85(EI,一类) [71] 夏登峰,费为银,梁勇. 带含糊厌恶的股东价值最大化. 中国科学技术大学学报,2010,40(9):920-924(二类) (D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Maximization of shareholders value with ambiguity. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2010,40(9):920-924) [70] 夏登峰,费为银,刘宏建. 跳扩散过程下的保险商偿债率模型研究. 数学杂志,2011,31(3): 554-558(二类) (D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu. Study on the insurer's solvency ratio model under jump diffusion process. Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 2011,31(3): 554-558) [69] H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Existence and uniqueness of solution for uncertain differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients. 第四届中国智能计算大会论文集,香港:Global-Link Publisher,2010,pp. 6-12 (H.J. Liu, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Existence and uniqueness of solution for uncertain differential equations with non-lipschitz coefficients. Proceedings of the Fourth Intelligent Computing Conference of China, Wuhu, China, May 21-25, 2010, pp. 6-12) [68] 陈超,费为银,李淑娟,牛艳. 考虑红利的最优消费-闲暇投资组合和退休问题研究.第四届中国智能计算大会论文集,香港:Global-Link Publisher,2010,pp. 27-34 (C. Chen, W.Y. Fei, S.J. Li, Y. Niu. Research on optimal consumption-leisure portfolio and retirement problem with dividend-payment. Proceedings of the Fourth Intelligent Computing Conference of China, Wuhu, China, May 21-25, 2010,pp. 27-34) [67] 牛艳,费为银,陈超,李淑娟. 在机制转换金融市场中带有红利支付的最优消费投资问题研究. 第四届中国智能计算大会论文集,香港:Global-Link Publisher,2010,pp. 41-48 (Y. Niu, W.Y. Fei, C. Chen, S.J. Li. Study on optimal consumption and portfolio in financial markets with both dividend and regimes switching. Proceedings of the Fourth Intelligent Computing Conference of China, Wuhu, China, May 21-25, 2010, pp. 41-48) [66] 李淑娟,费为银,牛艳,陈超. 通胀与红利支付对最优消费投资的影响分析. 第四届中国智能计算大会论文集,香港:Global-Link Publisher,2010,pp. 59-62 (S.J. Li, W.Y. Fei, Y. Niu, C. Chen. Analysis on optimal consumption and portfolio with inflation and dividend. Proceedings of the Fourth Intelligent Computing Conference of China, Wuhu, China, May 21-25, 2010, pp. 59-62) [65] 夏登峰,费为银,刘宏建. 变折现率下带含糊厌恶与预期的最优投资研究. 应用概率统计,2010, 26(3): 270-276 (二类) (D.F. Xia, W.Y. Fei, H.J. Liu. On study of optimal investment with ambiguity andanticipation under fluctuated discounting rate. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability, 2010, 26(3): 270-276) [64] W.Y. Fei. On small time large deviation principle for diffusion processes on Hilbert spaces under non-Lipschitzian Condition. 数学研究与评论 (Journal of Mathematics Research and Exposition), 2011, 31(1): 142-146(二类) [63] 丁德锐,费为银, 梁艳. 基于均方指数稳定的一类随机不确定系统的可靠控制. 工程数学学报,2010, 27(5): 889-890(二类) (D.R. Ding, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Reliable control of uncertain stochastic systems based on mean square exponential stability. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2010, 27(5): 889-890) [62] W.Y. Fei. European option pricing under a class of fractional market. J. Donghua University (English Edition), 2010,27(6): 732-737,(EI,一类) [61] W.Y. Fei. Relations between solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by semimartingale with non-Lipschitz coefficients. 微分方程年刊(英文版) (Annals of Differential Equations),2010, 26(1): 16-23 [60] 丁德锐,费为银,梁艳.基于几乎必然指数稳定的一类随机不确定系统的可靠控制. 应用数学,2010,23(1):71-75 (二类) (D.R. ding, W.Y. Fei, Y. Liang. Reliable control of uncertain stochastic systems based on almost sure exponential stability. Mathematica Applicata, 2010,23(1):71-75) [59] 鲍品娟,费为银,胡慧敏.部分信息情形下利率非零时的最优消费投资模型研究.大学数学,2010,26(5):112-116 (P.J. Bao, W.Y. Fei, H.M. Hu. Study on optimal investment/consump
