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ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Ph.D., the Chinese University of Hong Kong , China, 2003 M.Phil., the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 2000 M.A., the Chinese National Academy of Arts (Beijing), China, 1996 B.A., Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, China, 1986 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 2013- Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau 2004-2013 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau 1986-1993 Lecturer, Department of Oriental Art, Nankai University. 南开大学东方艺术系  COURSES TAUGHT CREATIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN UNDERSTANDING VISUAL CULTURE CREATIVE POTTERY CHINESE CULTURE AND FINE ARTS  VISUAL ART I: EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY VISUAL ART II: THEORY AND PRACTICE WAYS OF SEEING: DRAWING AS INQUIRY


丝绸之路艺术研究 Visual Art Creation (sculpture and painting) Cultural Heritage and Creative Cultural Industry Chinese Sculptural Art Studies Chinese Religious Art and Cultural Studies

RESEARCH PROJECTS 2019-2020 澳门文化局资助项目,《澳门非物质文化遗产的社区传统与文化变迁研究》 项 目主持。03/03/2019-03/03/2020. 2019 澳门文化局资助项目,《中国非物质文化遗产的跨域对话研讨会-澳门与天津》 项目主持。20-24/11/2019. 2016-18 A Study of the Painted Clay Sculptures and Murals in the Qiuci Grottoes of Xinjiang. (Funded by University of Macau [MYRG]). 2013-15 Tang and Song Daoism Studies. Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture (Funded by Chinese University of Hong Kong). 2008-09 「文化的集体记忆—澳门特别行政区成立十周年雕塑作品展」(“The collective cultural memories of Macau: an exhibition of sculptural art”) research and creative works (Funded by the Fundação Macau). 2007-09 “Creative Visual Culture and Art Education.” (Funded by University of Macau). 2005-06 《澳门在学青少年艺术教育需求调查》(“An investigation of the in-school youths’ art-related needs in Macau”) (Funded by the Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude). 2002 Awarded a research-travel grant by the Chinese University of Hong Kong to collect research data in the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) and the Field Museum (Chicago) 1993 Invited by the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, the Slovak Academy of Sciences to serve as a Visiting Scholar-Artist for three months, lecturing on “Traditional art in contemporary China” and participating in collaborative investigation of the cultural values of traditional Chinese art heritage (all expenses covered by the Slovak Academy of Sciences).


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Refereed Authored Books Zhang, Z.X. (ed.)(2019)《敦煌吐鲁番艺术考古论集》册一;《敦煌吐鲁番宗教思想论集》册二 (Shi Lishan [ed.]). Forthcoming, 上海古籍出版社。 Zhang, Z.X. (ed.) (2016) 《塑画道形-中国道教艺术研究集》(Sculpt-Paint Daoist Images -Studies on Chinese Daoist Art). Hong Kong: HKUCL Press, 2016. Zhang, Z.X. (2012) 《张泽珣• 雕塑•绘画》(Zexun Zhang•Sculpture•Painting). Macau: Fundação Macau, 2012. Zhang, Z.X. (2009)《北魏关中道教造像记研究-附造像碑文录》(An Epigraphic Study of the Northern Wei Daoist Steles in Central Shanxi). Macau: University of Macau Press. Zhang, Z.X. (2002)《北魏道教造像碑艺术》(The Art of the Northern Wei Daoist Steles) (线装本). 香港: 香港明石文化国际出版有限公司. Zhang, Z.X. (ed.) (1994)《「泥人张」张钺的作品》(Niren Zhang Zhang Yue’s Clay Sculpture).西安: 陕西人民美术出版社. Refereed Book Chapters/Articles/Contributions Studies Zhang, Z.X. ( 2016) “Daoist Style as a form of symbolic ritual.” In《塑画道形—中国道教艺术研究集》(Sculpt-Paint Daoist Images-Studies on Chinese Daoist Art). Hong Kong: HKUCL Press, 2016, pp. 243-278. Zhang, Z.X. (2012) 〈论「泥人张」雕塑艺术〉(The Sculptural Art of Niren Zhang). In《张泽珣• 雕塑•绘画》(Zexun Zhang•Sculpture•Painting). Macau: Fundação Macau, 2012, pp. 17-22. Zhang, Z.X. (2012) “Mythological Representations in Chinese Art: Female Immortals in Ming (1368-1644) Figure Paintings.” In The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology, Volume 1. Edited by Stephen Andrew Arbury. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), pp. 257-267 (chapter 24). Zhang, Z.X. (2011)〈澳门文化产业发展刍议〉(On the Development of Cultural Industries in Macau). In《北大讲坛: 全球视野下的产业融合与文化振兴》(The Peking University Forum: the Integration of Industries and the Prosperity of Culture in a Global Vision). Edited by Xiang Yong. Beijing: Gold Wall Press (北京: 金城出版社), pp. 45-52. Zhang, Z.X. (2008)《书齐与道场-道教文物》(The Studio and the Altar: Daoist Art in China). Hong Kong: The Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong/Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong. 〈乘龙升仙图石雕〉(“Stone Sarcophagus”), pp. 58-59. 〈真武铜像〉(“Bronze Black Warrior (Zhenwu)”), pp. 60-61. 〈嘉祥武氏墓群「孔子见老子」画像石拓本〉(“Ink Rubbing of Confucius Visiting Laozi”), pp. 66-67. 〈西王母画像石拓片〉(“Ink Rubbing of Xiwangmu Stone Relief”), pp. 68-69. 〈王羲之御府领字从山本《兰亭序》宋拓本〉(“Wang Xizhi: Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion”), pp. 76-77. 〈王羲之颖上本《黄庭经》明拓本〉(“Wang Xizhi: Scripture of the Yellow Court”), pp. 78-79. 〈陶弘景梁《瘗鹤铭》清拓本〉(“Tao Hongjing: Inscription of Burying the Crane”), pp. 80-81. 〈颜真卿《大字麻姑仙坛记》宋拓本〉(“Yan Zhenqing: Record of Magu Altar”), pp. 84-85. 〈颜真卿《小楷麻姑仙坛记》拓本及图卷〉(“Yan Zhenqing: Record of Magu Altar with Painting”), pp. 86-87. 〈倪瓒《行楷诗札卷》〉(“Ni Zan: Poems and Letters in Regular and Running Scripts”), pp. 88-89. 〈张雨、杨维桢《行草诗卷》〉(“Zhang Yu & Zhang Weizhen: Poems in Running Script”), pp. 90-91. 〈道佛水陆画像轴〉(“Water-Land Ritual Paintings of Daoist and Buddhist Deities”), pp. 188-189. 〈沈颢《仿黄公望富春山居图卷》〉(“After Huang Gongwang’s Dwelling in the Funchun Mountains”), pp. 190-191. Refereed Journal Articles Zhang, Z.X. (2018) “The Sacred-Secular Space—Ma Kok Temple of Macau in 19th Century Western Paintings,” International Journal of Arts and Commerce, vol. 7 no. 6: 72-85. Zhang, Z.X. (2017)〈虚神静思─从文人山水画探讨道教文化的传播〉(A Study of the Spread of Daoist Culture through Literati Painting)《华人文化研究》(Journal ofChinese Cultural Studies), 5 (1): 25-32. Zhang, Z.X. (2012)〈澳门文化创意产业发展的问题与对策〉(University Art Education and Nurturing of Culture Industry Professionals).《北大文化产业评论》(Peking University Cultural Industries Review) (2012年上卷) Beijing: Gold Wall Press, pp. 226-239. Zhang, Z.X. (2011)〈大学艺术教育与文化产业创意人才培养〉(University Art Education and Nurturing of Culture Industry Professionals).《北大文化产业评论》(Peking University Cultural Industries Review) (2011年上卷) Beijing: Gold Wall Press, pp. 302-310. Zhang, Z.X. (2009)〈画像から碑刻まで—北魏道教造像碑の艺术を论ず〉(A Study of the Art and Culture of the Daoist Steles of Northern Wei)《民族艺术》(Ethno-Arts) (edited by the Ethno-Arts Society, Osaka University, Japan), vol. 25: 177-188. Zhang, Z.X. (2008)〈文化创意产业的推动与大学视觉艺术教育〉(“Creative Cultural Industry and University Visual Art Education”)《香港艺术教育》(Hong Kong Art Education), No. 1: 20-26. Art Works Zhang, Z.X. (2018) <荷踪仙影>《华彩艺境-彩塑中国全国雕塑邀请展作品集》,苏州:中国美术出版社,2018. P.73. Zhang, Z.X. (2015)<达摩、利玛窦与徐光启、冼星海>(Bodhidharma, Matthaeus Ricci and Xu Guangqi, Xian Xinghai). In Livro de Projecto de Promocao de Artistas de Macau. Macau: Fundação Macau, pp. 53-56. Zhang, Z.X. (2011) <郑观应像>(Zheng Guanying) . In《精彩十年: 澳门视觉艺术年展》. Macau: Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau, p. 188. Zhang, Z.X. (2011) <明日骄阳> (Enchanting Suns of Tomorrow) (Chinese painting). In《2010两岸四地美术教师交流展作品集》(Collected Works of the 2010 Exhibition of Fine Arts Teachers in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). Macau: Art Teacher Communication Association of Macau, p. 7. Zhang, Z.X. (2010) <屈大均>(Qu Dajun) (clay sculpture). In《2010两岸四地美术教师交流展作品集》(Collected Works of the 2010 Exhibition of Fine Arts Teachers in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). Macau: Art Teacher Communication Association of Macau, p. 8. Zhang, Z.X. (2009) <持荷女仙>(A Goddess with Lotus). In《中国民间泥彩塑集成—「泥人张」卷》(The Heritage Collection of Chinese Clay Sculpture Art Works -- the Niren Zhang Collection) (国家社会科学基金特别委托项目:中国民间文化遗产抢救工程[The Project to Rescue Chinese Folk Cultural Heritages]). Beijing: Central Publishing House of Compilations & Translations中央编译出版社, p. 159. Zhang, Z.X. (2009) <渔女风韵>(The Charm of a Fisherwoman). In《2009年澳门视觉艺术年展》(Macao Annual Art Exhibition 2009). Macau: Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau, p. 169. ART EXHIBITIONS Solo Art Exhibition Zhang, Z.X. (2019) “ Heritage Re-creation: Sculpt-tell the Transmission Exchange of Art and Culture on the Ancient Silk Road in China” 主办: University of Aveiro, Porytugual、中国民间文艺家协会。(9-15 March, 2019). Zhang, Z.X. (2015) “Sculpting the history of Macau – Zhang Zexun’s Sculptural Art.” Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau (November 2015-2018). Zhang, Z.X. (2014) “An Exhibition of the Historical Figures of Tianjin and Macau.” invited by Nankai University and co-sponsored by Macau University, held in Tianjin (18-30 August, 2014). Zhang, Z.X. (2013)《塑说历史—张泽珣澳津历史人物雕塑展》(Sculpting History: An Exhibition of Sculptures of Macau-Tianjin Historical Figures by Zhang Zexun). Organized by the Fundação Macau澳门基金会. ( Jan. 4-13, 2013). Zhang, Z.X. (2010)《「泥人张」彩塑艺术专题展》(A Feature Exhibition of Niren Zhang Clay Sculpture Art by Zhang Zexun). Organized by Fantasia (Macau). (April 2010-Sept. 2012). Zhang, Z.X. (2009)《集体记忆—澳门历史人物雕塑展》(Collective Memories: Sculptural Representations of the Historical Figures in Macau by Zexun Zhang). Organized by the University of Macau and financed by澳门基金会. (Sept. 14-Oct. 13, 2009). Zhang, Z.X. (2007)《「泥人张」第五代嫡传 张泽珣彩塑、绘画作品展》(The Niren Zhang Zhang Zexun’s Exhibition: Clay Sculpture & Painting). Organized by the University of Macau. September 7-30. Themed Exhibition Zhang, Z.X. (2007)《澳门艺术大家展》(A Macau Exhibition of Master Artists: The Representative Niren Zhang Clay Sculpture Artists). Organized by澳门社区文明与教育研究学会. October 27-November 4. Zhang, Z.X. (2002)《张钺、张泽珣作品展》(An Exhibition of Clay Sculpture Art Works by Zhang Yue and Zhang Zexun). Organized by the Chinese Civilisation Center, City University of Hong Kong. Sept.-Oct. Individual Works in Group Exhibitions Zhang, Z.X. (2018) 《香墺学子》「首届粤港澳大湾区高校美术作品展」主办:广东省教育厅、广东省美术家协会,7月6-7月12日。 Zhang, Z.X. (2018) 《观蟾》等四件作品「首届东莞-中国泥塑艺术联展」主办:茶山宣传教育文体局,6月9-7月9日 Zhang, Z.X. (2017) 《老子》(Laozi) and《八仙》(Eight Immortals). May 2017. Selected for highlighted exhibition items of the First Art Exhibition of the Canton-Hong Kong-Macau Great Bay Region「首届粤港澳大湾区民间艺术展」.主办:广东省文联、民间文艺家协会。 Zhang, Z.X. (2011)《妙思》(Musing) (clay sculpture). In「第二届秋季沙龙展」 (Autumn Salon 2011). Art for All Society. Zhang, Z.X. (2011)《郑观应像》(Bust of Zheng Guanying) (bronze sculpture). In「精彩十年:澳门视觉艺术年展」(A Decade of Glory: Macau Annual Visual Art Exhibition). Macau: Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau. Zhang, Z.X. (2010)《明日娇阳》(Enchanting Suns of Tomorrow) (Chinese painting). In「2010两岸四地美术教师交流展」(The 2010 Exhibition of Fine Arts Teachers from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). Zhuhai Guyuan Art Museum珠海古元美术馆. Zhang, Z.X. (2010)《屈大均》(Qu Dajun) (clay sculpture). In「2010两岸四地美术教师交流展」(The 2010 Exhibition of Fine Arts Teachers in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). Zhuhai Guyuan Art Museum珠海古元美术馆. Zhang, Z.X. (2009)《渔女风韵》(The Charm of a Fisherwoman) (bronze sculpture). In「2009年澳门视觉艺术年展」(Macao Annual Art Exhibition), Macau: Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau. REFEREED CONFERENCE PAPERS Zhang, Z.X. (2019) “Cross Temporal and Spatial Exchange of Culture — the Transmission of Grotto Art on the Northern Route of the Ancient Silk Road in China”, Invitation to participate in the Second “Intercultural Dialogues Portugual-China” International Conference (University of Aveiro, Portugual, March 13-15, 2019) Zhang, Z.X. (2018) 〈龟兹佛教石窟中的道教艺术元素〉(Authority versus Authenticity International Conference on Daoist Studies), Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. 1-4 June, 2018. Zhang, Z.X. (2017)〈南宋大足南山三清古洞再考〉(A Further Study of the Sanqing Ancient Cave of the Southern Song at Nanshan of Dazu), presented at the11th International Conference on Daoist Studies, University of Paris, France – May 17-20, 2017. Zhang, Z.X. (2015)〈中国文化中的观音造像〉(Sculptural Images of Guanyin in Chinese Culture)《观音文化国际学术会议》主办:世界华人民间信仰文化研究中心、福建省民俗学会。 Zhang, Z.X. (2015) “The Sacred-Secular Space—Ma Kok Temple of Macau in 18th Century Western Paintings,” presented at the Tenth International Conference on the Arts in Society (Imperial College London, London, 22-24.7, 2015). Zhang, Z.X. (2014)〈从文人山水画探讨道教文化的传播〉(Literati Shansui Painting & the Spread of Daoist Culture), presented at the 4th International Conference on World Chinese Culture and Scholarship and published in《第四届世界华文文化学术研讨会论文集》(Selected Studies on Local Changes of Chinese Popular Belief Culture). 台北: 唐山出版社, pp. 161-170. Zhang, Z.X. (2013)〈十九世纪西方绘画中的澳门妈阁庙〉(Macau’s Ma Kok Temple in 19th Century Western Paintings), presented in The 2nd International Conference on World Chinese Culture and Literature. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 12-15.台北: 南洋文化学会出版, Pp. 87-96. Zhang, Z.X. (2012)〈城市艺术与社区—澳门艺术博物馆的角色〉(City Art and Community—The Educational Role of the Macau Museum of Art). In《智性•融通》(Intelligence Crossover)(第三届世界华人美术教育大会论文集)(The 3rd Biennale World Chinese Arts Education Symposium [October 26-28, 2012]: Selected Papers). Hangzhou (杭州): China Academy of Art Press (中国美术学院). 2012, pp. 385-388. Zhang, Z.X. (2011) “Mythological Representations in Chinese Art: Female Immortals in Ming (1368-1644) Figure Paintings.” Presented in The 2nd Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts. Athens (Greece), June 6-9. Zhang, Z.X. (2011)〈大学教育与文化产业创意人才培养〉(University Education and Nurturing of Culture Industry Professionals), presented in The 8thInternational Forum on Cultural Industries, 2011 New Year, China (2011第八届中国文化产业新年论坛), Peking University (北京大学), January 8-9, Beijing. Zhang, Z.X. (2010)〈时代巨变与艺术革新—钱纳利在中国〉(Chinnery in China), Presented in the The First High-level Academic Forum for Asian Culture and Art Circles (首届亚洲文化艺术界高层学术论坛) (organized-sponsored by Chinese National Academy of Arts中国艺术研究院, The Sino-Korean Culture-Art Forum of Korea韩国韩中文化艺术FORUM, and The Cultural Department of the Sichuan Province). Chengdu, Sichuan, May 5-9. Zhang, Z.X. (2010)〈澳门文化产业发展刍议〉(A Study of the Development of Cultural Industries in Macau). Presented in the The 7th International Forum on Cultural Industries, 2010 New Year, China (2010第七届中国文化产业新年国际论坛) (organized by the Institute for Cultural Studies, Peking University北京大学文化产业研究院). Beijing, January 9-10, Beijing. Zhang, Z.X. (2008)〈从画像到碑刻—论北魏道教造像碑艺术〉(From Painting to Inscription: On the Art of Daoist Steles of Northern Wei). Presented in the「台湾的民族艺术国际学术研讨会」(The International Conference of Taiwanese Ethno-Arts ). (organized by 佛光大学). Yilan (Taiwan), April 2-3. Zhang, Z.X. (2008)〈文化创意产业的推动与大学视觉艺术教育〉(Creative Cultural Industry and University Visual Art Education). Presented in「两岸四地视觉艺术教育研讨会—当代社会艺术教育:议题与策略」 (The Conference on Visual Art Education in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau—Art Education in Contemporary Society: Issues and Strategies) (organized by香港美术教育协会与香港艺术发展局). Hong Kong, January 8. Zhang, Z.X. (2006)〈仪式之空间艺术—北魏道教造像碑新探〉(The Spatial Art of Rituals: New Explorations in Daoist Steles of Northern Wei). Presented in the「太湖论道」国际学术研讨会 (The Taihu International Conference on Daoism) (organized by北京大学文化资源研究中心). Beijing, May 26-27.Published in《「太湖论道」国际学术研讨会会议论文集》. Beijing. 页330-348. ACADEMIC LECTURES 2018 〈Grotto Sculpture along the Ancient Silk Road〉,Guangxi University for Nationalities, January 4. 2017 〈文化的跨时空交流-古丝绸之路上的龟兹石窟彩塑〉第九届海峡两岸暨港澳地区艺术论坛. 主办: 中国文学艺术界联合会. August 22. 2015 “An Exploration of Niren Zhang’s Painted Sculptural Art in relation to the Niren Zhang Collection of the Palace Museum.” The Palace Museum(故宫博物院) (Beijing). April 28. 2013 〈文化创意产业的推动对传统艺术的重新思考〉(Promotion of Creative Cultural Industry and Rethinking about Traditional Chinese Arts)《艺海流金—感悟瓷都》两岸三地文化交流 (Golden Flow in the Sea of Art -- Feeling and Understanding the Porcelain City of China [景德镇]) 中国文化部与港澳台办公室(特邀主讲) (invited by the Ministry of Culture of the PRC and the Office for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), July 16. 2012 〈文化创意产业的推动与大学教育的角色〉(Promotion of Creative Cultural Industry and the Role of University Education)香港美术教育协会及香港艺术发展局(特邀主讲) (invited by Hong Kong Society for Education in Art and Hong Kong Arts Development Council), November 20. 2006 〈艺术的角色—文化、城市与社区〉(The Role of Art: Culture, City and Community) 南开大学色彩与公共艺术研究中心 (特邀访问及演讲) (invited by the Institute of Color and Public Art, Nankai University [Tianjin]), June 13. 2004 〈美国芝加哥博物馆藏中国碑刻艺术〉(Chinese Daoist Steles in Chicago Museums)北京大学(特邀访问及演讲) (invited by Peking University), April 16. 2004 〈道教造像碑—地域的信仰与仪式文化〉(Daoist Steles: Regional Beliefs and Ritual Culture) 清华大学 (特邀访问及演讲) (invited by Qinghua University, Beijing), April 14. 2004 〈造像碑刻图像研究〉(A Study of Daoist Steles) 佛光大学(台湾) (特邀访问及演讲并主持彩塑艺术工作坊) (invited by Fo Guang University, Taiwan), December 23. 1998 〈中国彩塑的文化及创作〉(lecture series), Chinese Civilization Center, Hong Kong City University 香港城市大学中国文化研究中心. ART WORKS IN COLLECTION 2015 Zexun Zhang’s sculptural works (19 pieces) collected by the Instituto Cultural of the Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau. 2014 Zexun Zhang’s sculptural works (8 pieces) collected by the Nankai University Museum. 2013 Zexun Zhang’s sculptural work《达摩》(Bodhidharma) collected by the Macao Foundation. 2010 Zexun Zhang’s sculptural work《孙中山》(Sun Zhongshan) collected by the Macao Foundation 2009 彩塑创作《老子》(Laozi) 黑龙江省博物馆收藏 2009 彩塑创作《逍遥》(Carefree) 黑龙江省牡丹江市博物馆收藏 OTHERS 1992 入选载入《中国民间名人大辞典》
