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国家纳米科学中心 青年**** 研究员 课题组长目前已申请相关专利20余项,发表核心期刊40篇,其中包括 Nano Lett. 2篇,Adv. Mater. 3篇, 招生方向 物理学 材料学 化学 光电技术 教育背景 2007-10--2010-12 英国剑桥大学 博士学位 2006-10--2007-06 英国帝国理工大学 硕士学位 2003-10--2006-06 英国帝国理工大学 学士学位 工作经历 剑桥大学工程系 研究助理,合作导师 Prof. Gehan Amatonga (英国皇家科学院院士) 2011.1-2012.5 碳基纳米材料和液晶结合的新型微纳光学器件研究 获奖情况 2014 中科院卢家锡青年人才奖 2012 入选中组部第三批“****”计划; 2012 当选剑桥大学Wolfson学院Junior Research Fellow; 主持项目 2015-2019 国家重大科学研究计划子课题 面向光信息处理功能的新型纳米等离激元器件研究 2015-2019 国家重大科研仪器研制项目 微焦点X射线实时成像系统研制 2014-2016 中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目 等离激元波导的构建与特性研究 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目 碳基纳米材料复合结构的制备与等离激元波导特性的调控研究 2012-2015 中组部青年****资助 基于碳基材料的纳米光子学特性研究及器件 期刊评审 2012 -2015 Nanomedicine and Nanobiology, American Scientific Publisher, EDITORIAL BOARD ISSN: 2167-9290


2012.5-至今 纳米尺度光电调控与器件研究:电控光-基于石墨烯等离激元的新型纳米光子器件的构筑与性能调制;光控电-光辅助碳纳米管场发射的物理机制与高性能X光源设计。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xiang-Tian Kong, Bing Bai, Qing Dai*, Graphene plasmon propagation on corrugated silicon substrates, Opt. Lett., 40(1), 1,(2015) 2. Zhenjun Li, Xiaoxia Yang, Feng He, Bing Bai, Hang Zhou, Chi Li*, Qing Dai*, High Current Field Emission from Individual Non-Linear Resistor Ballasted Carbon Nanotube Cluster Array, Carbon, 89,1,(2015) 3. Xiaoxia Yang, Zhenjun Li, Feng He, Mingju Liu, Bing Bai, Wei Liu, Xiaohui Qiu, Hang Zhou, Chi Li*, Qing Dai*, Enhanced Field Emission from a Carbon Nanotube Array Coated with a Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Film, Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201403323, (2015) 4. H. Butt,A.K. Yetisen, R. Ahmed, S.H. Yun, Q. Dai, Carbon nanotube biconvex microcavities, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106(12),121108, (2015) 5. Xiang Liu, Nianze Liu, Mingju Liu, Zhi Tao, Wenjian Kuang, Xiangbing Ji, Jing Chen, Wei Lei*,Qing Dai*, Chi Li*, Xuehua Lia and Arokia Nathanb, Graphene nanomesh photodetector with effective charge tunnelling from quantum dots, Nanoscale,7,4242, (2015) 6. Xiang Liu, Xiangbing Ji, Mingju Liu, Nianze Liu, Zhi Tao, Qing Dai*, Lei Wei*, Chi Li*, Xiaobing Zhang, Baoping Wang, High-Performance Ge Quantum Dot Decorated Graphene/Zinc-Oxide Heterostructure Infrared Photodetector, ACS Appl. Mater.& Interfaces, 7(4),2452, (2015) 7. X.X. Yang, X.T. Kong, B. Bai, Z.J. Li, H. Hu, X.H. Qiu, Q. Dai, Substrate Phonon-Mediated Plasmon Hybridization in Coplanar Graphene Nanostructures for Broadband Plasmonic Circuits, Small, 11,591, (2014) 8. X.T. Kong, H. Butt, A.K. Yetisen, C. Kangwanwatana, Y. Montelongo, S. Deng, F.D.C. Vasconcellos, M. M. Qasim, T.D. Wilkinson, Q. Dai, Enhanced reflection from inverse tapered nanocone arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105,053108, (2014) 9. X.T. Kong, X.X. Yang, X.H. Qiu, Q. Dai, Plasmonic extinction of gated graphene nanoribbon array analyzed by a scaled uniform Fermi level, Opt. Lett., 39(6),1345,(2014) 10. X. Liu, X.X. Yang, M.J. Liu, Z. Tao, Q. Dai*, L. Wei, C. Li, X.B. Zhang, B.P. Wang, A. Nathan, Photo-modulated thin film transistor based on dynamic charge transfer within quantum-dots-InGaZnO interface, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 113501, (2014) 11. A. Ahnood, H. Zhou, Q Dai, Y Vygranenko, Y Suzuki, MR Esmaeili-Rad, G Amaratunga, A Nathan, Vertical CNT-Si Photodiode Array, NANO LETT., 13(9), 4131, (2013) 12. K. Won, A. Palani, H. Butt, PJW Hands, R. Rajeskharan, Q. Dai, AA Khan, G. Amaratunga, H. Coles, T Wilkinson, Electrically Switchable Diffraction Grating Using a Hybrid Liquid Crystal and Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanophotonic Device. ADV. OPT. MATER., 1(5) 368, 2013 13. Q. Dai, R. Rajasekharan, H.Butt, T.D. Wilkinson, Ultra-small microlens array based on vertically-aligned carbon nanofibers, Small, 8, 2501, (2012) 14. Q. Dai, H. Butt, R. Rajasekharan, T.D. Wilkinson, G.A.J. Amaratunga, Novel liquid crystal based microlens arrays with vertically-aligned CNFs arrays on quartz as electrodes, Nanotechnology, 22(11), 115201, (2011) 15. Q. Dai, H. Butt, T.D. Wilkinson, G.A.J. Amaratunga, Enhanced reflection from arrays of silicon based inverted nanocones, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 133105, (2011)
