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个人简介 付绍云,男,江西﹒南昌人,长期从事聚合物基复合材料相关的基础理论和应用基础研究,主要在复合材料微观结构与物理、力学性能关系方面进行了系统的探索。十多年来承担并完成了中科院重大仪器研制项目(极低温力学测试系统)、中科院百人计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目和重点项目、863课题、北京市基金重点和面上项目、973项目子课题、国家重大专项和航天等部门材料极低温力学性能研究等40多个基础科研和技术项目。已完成指导多名博士后、博士研究生和硕士研究生,至今所有博士后和研究生按期完成学业,找到满意工作,并成为了所在单位科研骨干或负责人。 至今共发表SCI收录论文240余篇,SCI引用11000余次,h-index = 58;连续5年入围爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版集团发布的中国高被引学者榜单(相关连接:http://china.elsevier.com/elsevierdnn/ch/),近期入围斯坦福大学 John P.A. Ioannidis 教授团队制作的一份发表在PLOS Biology 2019, 17(8): e3000384上全球700万科学家榜单中排名前10万人(4万9千余名) (相关连接:https://wiki.antpedia.com/quanqiupaimingqianshiwankexuejiazhongguoduosuoshuangfeigaoxiaoliangyan-2329979-news) (国内清华大学以87人排在第一位,北京大学55人入选),已授权国家专利约60项,第1作者出版英文著作《Science and Engineering of Short Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites》,2009年,英国Woodhead出版社,受到国内外专家好评;第2主编著作1部《Polymers at Cryogenic Temperatures》,2013年,德国Springer出版社,受到国内外同行关注;近期由著名出版社Elsevier出版第二版《Science and Engineering of Short Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites》,2019年,Elsevier,第二版涵盖导电率和蠕变及疲劳性能内容,并对以前章节进行了更新。此外,合作中文著作1部,英文著作4 章节,参与《材料大典》(主编:路甬祥)的《中国复合材料大典》(主编:杜善义和益小苏)的编写工作,贡献2篇,数十万字内容。 教育背景  1982.9-1986.7:江西大学(现南昌大学),物理系金属物理专业 理学学士学位(上海钢铁研究所完成毕业设计/Cu-Al记忆合金)  1986.9-1989.7:中国科学院金属研究所,复合材料专业/碳纤-铝基复合材料界面力学问题,工学硕士学位,导师:周本濂 院士  1989.9-1993.4: 中国科学院金属研究所,复合材料专业/非连续复合材料细观力学模型,博士学位,导师:周本濂 院士/龙期威 研究员  2003.4-2005.5: 清华大学高级经理工商管理精选课程培训班,结业 工作经历  1993.5-1994.12:中国科学院金属研究所, 助理研究员  1995.1-1997.1: 德国洪堡基金会资助,德雷斯顿Leibnitz高分子研究所,The Alexander von Humboldt Fellow  1997.2-1997.7: 德国德雷斯顿Leibnitz高分子研究所, Visiting Scholar  1997.8-2000.5: 新加坡南洋理工大学先进材料中心,Research Fellow  2000.6-2001.5: 澳大利亚悉尼大学宇航机电学院, Visiting Research Fellow  2000.11-12: 美国加州大学河滨分校机械工程系,Visiting Scholar  2001.6-2002.5: 香港城市大学MEEM,Senior Research Fellow  2002.6-2015.10:中国科学院理化技术研究所,百人计划研究员/博士生导师,工程塑料国家工程中心 副主任/研究组 组长  2015.11-至今:重庆大学航空航天学院,聘用制 教授/博士生导师 目前负责的科研项目 1) 重庆大学引进高端人才计划项目:航空航天复合材料,2015-2020 2) 国家基金面上项目,No. 51573200, 项目名称:"纳米碳包覆短碳纤/短玻纤增强聚醚砜复合材料的力学和热学性能",2016-2019 3) 国家基金面上项目,No. 11872132, “碳填料和深冷处理对聚醚酰亚胺复合材料的力学与摩擦磨损性能的影响”,2019-2022 4) 国家(联合)基金重点项目,No. U1837204, “液氧贮箱用碳纤维/环氧复合材料与液氧交互作用机理及性能演变规律研究”,2019-2022 5) 液氧贮箱用复合材料基础研究重大项目子课题,2017-2020 获奖情况  1995.1-1997.1: 德国洪堡学者  2002.6-2007.12: 中国复合材料学会理事  2003.4: 南昌大学兼职教授  2003.10-12: 德国德累斯顿Leibnitz高分子研究所,访问教授  2005.11-12: 新加坡南洋理工大学Tan Chin Tuan Fellow  2005.1-2008.12: 美国材料工艺工程学会(SAMPE)北京分会专家会员  2005.9-2015.10: 中国科学院研究生院兼职教授  2006.1-2008.12: 美国化学学会会员  2006.1-至今: 中国硅酸盐学会专家会员(免会费)  2007.8-2017.7: 中国力学学会高级会员  2008.1-2018.12: 中国复合材料学会常务理事  2008.1-至今: 中国复合材料学会微纳米复合材料专业委员会主任  2008.10: 西安交通大学兼职教授  2011.02: “复合材料细观结构与力学性能”北京市科学技术奖  2011.04-06: 德国凯瑟斯劳滕技术大学,访问教授  2015.08-2018.07:美国化学学会会员(免会费)  2015.10-2010.09:中国微米纳米技术学会,理事 国际国内会议情况 付绍云教授在多个国际国内会议上做大会特邀报告和分会邀请报告,如:2012年第20届国际复合材料纳米工程大会(ICCM-20)上作特邀报告,2012年第17届全国复合材料大会(NCCM-17)上作特邀报告,中日复合材料双边会议(CJJCC)上作特邀报告多次。5次担任纳米力学-纳米复合材料国际会议(ICNN)组委会主席,多次担任中日复合材料双边会议(CJJCC)大会主席,担任2013年国际断裂力学大会(ICF-13)科学委员会成员及聚合物-金属基复合材料分会主席,担任2015年第2届中国国际复合材料大会(CCCM-2)国际纳米复合材料分会主席,等职。


研究方向 1) 航空航天复合材料 2) 复合材料力学 3) 磁电功能复合材料及传感器 4) 纳米复合材料


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

最新出版物 1. Shao-Yun Fu, Bernd Lauke and Yiu-Wing Mai. Science and Engineering of Short Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (2nd Edition). Elsevier, Oxford, UK. (October 2019). Over 400 Pages. (英文著作) 2. Susheel Kalia (ed) and Shao-Yun Fu (ed). Polymers at Cryogenic Temperatures. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. (May 2013). 307 Pages. (英文著作) 3. Tong-Tong Wang, Pei Huang, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Epoxy nanocomposites significantly toughened by both poly(sulfone) and graphene oxide. Composites Communications, 14 (2019) 55-60. 4. Bao-Gang Sun, Lei Qin, Ying Guo , Han-Qiao Shi, Jian-Bo Sun, Kun-Xiao Yang, Heng Zhou, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu, Hao Wang and Shao-Yun Fu. Enhanced mechanical properties at 400 degrees C of carbon fabric reinforced phthalonitrile composites by high temperature postcure. Composites Part B Engineering, 166 (2019) 681-687. 5. Bao-Gang Sun, Kun-Xiao Yang, Qin Lei, Han-Qiao Shi, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu, Fu and Shao-Yun Fu. High residual mechanical properties at elevated temperatures of carbon fiber/acetylene-functional benzoxazine composite. Composites Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing, 112 (2018) 11-17. 6. Fei Li, Yang Hua, Cheng-Bing Qu, Jun-Hui Ji, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Effectively enhanced mechanical properties of injection molded short carbon fiber reinforced polyethersulfone composites by phenol-formaldehyde resin sizing. Composites Part B Engineering, 139 (2018) 216-226. 7. Ya-Feng Liu, Ya-Fei Fu, Yuan-Qing Li, Pei Huang, Chao-He Xu, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Bio-inspired highly flexible dual-mode electronic cilia. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 6 (6) (2018) 896-902. 8. Ya-Feng Liu, Yuan-Qing Li, Pei Huang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. On the evaluation of the sensitivity coefficient of strain sensors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 4 (2018) 12. 9. Ze-Kun Zhao, Sen-Sen Du, Fei Li, Hong-Mei Xiao, Yuan-Qing Li, Wei-Gang Zhang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Mechanical and tribological properties of short glass fiber and short carbon fiber reinforced polyethersulfone composites: A comparative study. Composites Communications, 8 (2018) 1-6. 10. Ya-Fei Fu, Yuan-Qing Li, Ya-Feng Liu, Pei Huang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. High-performance structural flexible strain sensors based on graphene-coated glass fabric/silicone composite. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (41) (2018) 35503-35509. 11. Yuan-Qing Li, Pei Huang, Wei-Bin Zhu, Shao-Yun Fu, Ning Hu, Kin Liao. Flexible wire-shaped strain sensor from cotton thread for human health and motion detection. Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 45013. 12. Xiao-Guang Yu, Yuan-Qing Li, Wei-Bin Zhu, Pei Huang, Tong-Tong Wang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. A wearable strain sensor based on a carbonized nano-sponge/silicone composite for human motion detection. Nanoscale, 9 (2017) 6680-6685. 13. Na Li, Gui-Wen Huang, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Enhanced microwave absorption performance of coated carbon nanotubes by optimizing the Fe3O4 nanocoating structure. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (3) (2017) 2973-2983. 14. Fei Li, Cheng-Bing Qu, Yang Hua, Hong-Mei Xiao and Shao-Yun Fu. Largely improved dimensional stability of short carbon fiber reinforced polyethersulfone composites by graphene oxide coating at a low content. Carbon, 119 (2017) 339-349.. 15. Yan-Hong Ji, Yu Liu, Yuan-Qing Li, Hong-Mei Xiao, Sen-Sen Du, Jian-Yu Zhang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Significantly enhanced electrical conductivity of silver nanowire/polyurethane composites via graphene oxide as novel dispersant. Composites Science and Technology, 132 (2016) 57-67. 16. Sen-Sen Du, Fei Li, Hong-Mei Xiao, Yuan-Qing Li, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu. Tensile and flexural properties of graphene oxide coated-short glass fiber reinforced polyethersulfone composites. Composites Part B Engineering, 99 (2016) 407-415. 17. Fang Fang, Yuan-Qing Li, Hong-Mei Xiao, Ning Hu, and Shao-Yun Fu. Layer-structured silver nanowire/polyaniline composite film as a high performance X-band EMI shielding material. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4 (2016)4193-4203. 18. Pei Huang, Han-Qiao Shi, Shao-Yun Fu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Ning Hu, Yuan-Qing Li. Greatly decreased redshift and largely enhanced refractive index of mono-dispersed ZnO-QD/silicone nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4 (2016) 8663-8669. 19. Fei Li, Yu Liu, Cheng-Bing Qu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Yang Hua, Guo-Xing Sui, Shao-Yun Fu. Enhanced mechanical properties of short carbon fiber reinforced polyethersulfone composites by graphene oxide coating. Polymer, 59 (2015) 155-165. 20. Gui-Wen Huang, Hong-Mei Xiao and Shao-Yun Fu. Electrical switch for smart pH self-adjusting system based on silver nanowire/polyaniline nanocomposite film. ACS Nano, 9(3) (2015) 3234-3242. 21. Yan-Hong Ji, Yu Liu, Gui-Wen Huang, Xiao-Jun Shen, Hong-Mei Xiao and Shao-Yun Fu. Ternary Ag/epoxy adhesive with excellent overall performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (15) (2015) 8041–8052. 22. Yu Liu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Qing-Ping Feng and Shao-Yun Fu. Synergistic effect of carbon nanotubes and n-butyl glycidyl ether on matrix modification for improvement of tensile performance of glass fiber/epoxy composite. Composites Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing, 62 (2014) 39-44. 23. Gui-Wen Huang, Hong-Mei Xiao and Shao-Yun Fu. Paper-based silver-nanowire electronic circuits with outstanding electrical conductivity and extreme bending stability. Nanoscale 6(15) (2014)8495-8502. DOI:10.1039/C4NR00846D. (Back Cover Article) 24. Xiao-Jun Shen,Xian-QiangPei, Shao-Yun Fu and Klaus Friedrich. Significantly modified tribological performance of epoxy nanocomposites at very low graphene oxide content. Polymer, 54 (3) (2013) 1234-1242. 25. Chao Wu, Hong-Mei Xiao and Shao-Yun Fu. Synthesis and simultaneous enhancements in electrical and magnetic properties of oriented γ-Fe2O3-nanoneedle/PANI nanocomposite films by cold stretching. Polymer, 54 (2013) 4578-4587. 26. Yang Zhao, Zhen-Kun Chen, Yu Liu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Qing-Ping Feng and Shao-Yun Fu. Simultaneously enhanced cryogenic tensile strength and fracture toughness of epoxy resins by carboxylic nitrile-butadiene nano-rubber. Composites Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing, 55 (2013) 178–187. 27. Xiao-Jun Shen, Yu Liu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Qing-Ping Feng, Zhong-Zhen Yu and Shao-Yun Fu. The reinforcing effect of graphene nanosheets on the cryogenic mechanical properties of epoxy resins. Composites Science and Technology, 72 (13) (2012) 1581-1587. 28. Yang Yang, Yuan-Qing Li, Han-Qiao Shi, Wan-Nan Li, Hong-Mei Xiao, Lu-Ping Zhu, Yong-Song Luo, Shao-Yun Fu and Tianxi Liu. Fabrication and characterization of transparent ZnO-SiO2/silicone nanocomposites with tunable emission colors. Composites Part B Engineering, 42(8) (2011) 2105-2110. 29. Qing-Ping Feng, Xiao-Jun Shen, Jiao-Ping Yang, Shao-Yun Fu, Yiu-Wing Mai and Klaus Friedrich. Synthesis of epoxy composites with high carbon nanotube loading and effects of tubular and wavy morphology on composite strength and modulus. Polymer, 52 (26) (2011) 6037-6045. 30. Yang Yang, Wan-Nan Li, Yong-Song Luo, Shao-Yun Fu, Hong-Mei Xiao and Yiu-Wing Mai. Novel multifunctional ZnO-QDs/silicone nanocomposites with tunable luminescence colors. Polymer, 51(12) (2010) 2755-2762. 31. Qing-Ping Feng, Jiao-Ping Yang, Shao-Yun Fu, Yiu-Wing Mai. Synthesis of Carbon nanotube/epoxy composite films with a high nanotube loading by a mixed-curing-agent assisted layer-by-layer method and their electrical conductivity. Carbon, 48(7) (2010) 2057-2062. 32. Zhen-Kun Chen, Guo Yang, Jiao-Ping Yang, Shao-Yun Fu, Lin Ye and Yong-Gang Huang. Simultaneously increasing cryogenic strength, ductility and impact resistance of epoxy resins modified by n-butyl glycidyl ether. Polymer, 50 (2009) 1316–1323. 33. Hong-Mei Xiao, Wei-Dong Zhang, Mei-Xiang Wan and Shao-Yun Fu. Enhanced electrical conductivity by novel ferromagnetic g-Fe2O3/polypyrrole composite nanostructures. Journal of Polymer Science Part A. Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009) 4446-4453. 34. Shao-Yun Fu, Zhen-Kun Chen,Song Hongand Charles C. Han. The reduction of carbon nanotube (CNT) length during the manufacture of CNT/Polymer composites and a method to simultaneously determine the resulting CNT and interfacial strengths. Carbon, 47 (2009) 3192-3200. 35. Yong-Song Luo, Wei-Dong Zhang, Xiao-Jun Dai, Yang Yang and Shao-Yun Fu. Facile synthesis and luminescent properties of novel flowerlike BaMoO4 nanostructures by a simple hydrothermal route. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 113(12) (2009) 4856-4861. 36. Shao-Yun Fu, Xi-Qiao Feng, Bernd Lauke, Yiu-Wing Mai. Effects of particle size, particle/matrix interface adhesion and particle loading on mechanical properties of particulate Polymer composites. Composites Part B Engineering, 39 (2008) 933-961. (SCI引用 > 1500次). 37. Jiao-Ping Yang, Zhen-Kun Chen, Guo Yang, Shao-Yun Fu and Lin Ye. Simultaneous improvements in the cryogenic tensile strength, ductility and impact strength of epoxy resins by a hyperbranched Polymer. Polymer, 49 (2008) 3168-3179. 38. Xian-Ming Liu, XG Zhang and Shao-Yun Fu. Preparation of urchinlike NiO nanostructures and their electrochemical capacitive behaviors. Materials Research Bulletin, 41(3) (2006) 620-627. 39. Lu-Ping Zhu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Xian-Ming Liu and Shao-Yun Fu. Template-free synthesis and characterization of novel 3D urchin-like alpha-Fe2O3 superstructures. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16(19) (2006) 1794-1797. 40. Shao-Yun Fu, Bernd Lauke, Edith Maeder, Chee-Yoon Yue and Xiao Hu. Tensile properties of short-glass-fiber- and short-carbon-fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites. Composites Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing, 31(10) (2000) 1117-1125. (SCI引用400余次) 41. Shao-Yun Fu and Bernd Lauke. Effects of fiber length and fiber orientation distributions on the tensile strength of short-fiber-reinforced polymers. Composites Science and Technology, 56 (10) (1996) 1179-1190. (SCI引用380余次)


国内国际杂志编委情况  《复合材料学报》 (EI,副主编)  《玻璃钢/复合材料》 (核心,编委)  Composites Science and Technology (Editorial Board Member, SCI-included Journal, Elsevier, since 2016)  Scientific Reports (Editorial Board Member, SCI-included Journal, Nature, since 2016)  Composites Communications (Editorial Board Member, Elsevier, since 2017)  Nano Materials Science (Associate Editor, Elsevier, since 2019)  Composites Science and Technology (SCI, Lead Guest Editor, Elsevier, 2007)  Composites Part B Engineering (SCI, Lead Guest Editor, Elsevier, 2011)  Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (SCI, Lead Guest Editor, Sage, 2011)  Composites Part B Engineering (SCI, Lead Guest Editor, Elsevier, 2012)  Journal of Nanomaterials (SCI, Guest Editor, Hindawi, 2014)
