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黄洁萍,助理教授,硕士生导师,亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室固定人员。西北农林科技大学本硕博连读。2016年6月博士毕业于西北农林科技大学;2016年7月至2020年6月就职于信阳师范学院生命科学学院,讲师;2020年7月至今就职于广西大学动物科学技术学院,助理教授。主要从事水牛脂肪沉积的研究;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和基金地区基金项目,河南省高校重点项目,广西省面上项目等;以第一作者或通讯作者身份在《BMC Genomics》, 《Animal Genetics》, 《Genes》等期刊发表论文19篇,其中SCI论文16篇,高被引论文1篇,参编著作1部,申请专利1项。 学术兼职 主讲课程 牛生产学 主持(或参与)的主要科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:水牛PPARG来源环状RNAs表达规律及其调控肌内脂肪细胞成脂分化的机制,经费35万,项目编号32060747,执行时间2021.01-2024.12,主持,在研; 2.国家自然科学基金青年项目:水牛肌内脂肪沉积关键基因的挖掘,经费26万,项目编号31702094,执行时间2018.01-2020.12,主持,在研; 3.广西大学引进人才启动基金,40万,执行时间:2020.07-2023.06,主持,在研; 4.河南省高校重点项目:信阳水牛脂肪沉积相关lncRNA分子调控机理的研究,经费3万,项目编号18A230013,执行时间2018.01-2019.12,主持,完成; 5.信阳师范学院高层次人才启动基金:牛肠神经系统发育关键基因SNPs筛选及其效应分析,经费9万,执行时间2017.01-2019.12,主持,完成; 6.国家自然科学基金面上项目:水牛脂肪细胞分化关键miRNA和lncRNA的筛选及其调控机理的研究,经费64万,项目编号31672403,执行时间2017.01-2020.12,主要参与人,在研; 7.河南省中原千人计划-科技创新领军人才项目:大别山地区家畜肌肉发育和IMF沉积关键基因的挖掘及其调控机制研究,经费80万,项目编号194200510022,执行时间2019.01-2020.12,主要参与人,在研;


1.水牛/黄牛(肌内)脂肪沉积相关功能基因及非编码RNA的筛选鉴定及分子调控机制研究 2.水牛/黄牛脂肪组织特征、脂肪间充质干细胞分离培养、诱导分化、鉴定,为水牛/黄牛(肌内)脂肪沉积提供技术支撑和基础材料 3.基于CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术建立水牛/黄牛脂肪沉积关键基因在骨骼肌中特异表达体系及个体研究,以期改善水牛/黄牛肉品质,加速水牛/黄牛的遗传改良。


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Huang Jieping, Feng Xue, Zhu Ruirui, et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals that PCK1 is a potential gene affecting IMF deposition in buffalo. BMC Genomics,2020, 21:710. DOI:10.1186/s12864-020-07120-w. Huang Jieping, Liu Xiaoyan, Feng Xue, et al. Characterization of different adipose depots in fattened buffalo: histological features and expression profiling of adipocyte markers. Arch. Anim. Breed.,2020, 63:61–67. Feng Xue, Cao Xiaodan, Zhu Ruirui, Huang Jieping*. Selection and validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR in adipose and longissimus dorsi muscle tissues of buffalo.Animal Biotechnology, 2020. doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2020.1811715 Huang Jieping, Zhao Jinhui, Zheng Qiuzhi, et al. Characterization of Circular RNAs in Chinese Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Adipose Tissue: A Focus on Circular RNAs Involved in Fat Deposition. Animals, 2019, 9, 403. Huang Jieping, Zheng Qiuzhi, Wang Shuzhe, et al. High-Throughput RNA Sequencing Reveals NDUFC2-AS lncRNA Promotes Adipogenic Differentiation in Chinese Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis.L). Genes, 2019, 10, 689. Huang Jieping, Wang Shuzhe, Feng Xue, et al. miRNA transcriptome comparison between muscle and adipose tissues indicates potential miRNAs associated with intramuscular fat in Chinese swamp buffalo. Genome, 2019, 62: 729–738. Chen Ningbo, Huang Jieping (并列一作), Li Ran, et al. Population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle. Animal Genetics, 2018, 49(3). Huang Jieping, Li Ran, Zhang Xin, et al. Copy number veriation regions detection in Qinchuan cattle. Livestock Science, 2017, 204: 88-91. Huang Jieping, Zhang Ming, Ye Runqing, et al. Effects of increased vertebral number on carcass weight in PIC pigs. Animal Science Journal, 2017. Huang Jieping, Chen Ningbo, Li Xin, et al. Two Novel SNPs of PPARγ Significantly Affect Weaning Growth Traits of Nanyang Cattle. Animal Biotechnology, 2017: 1-7. Huang Jieping, Zheng Qiuzhi, Wang Shuzhe, et al. A combined genotype of three SNPs in the bovine gene is related to growth performance in Chinese cattle. Arch. Anim. Breed., 2017, 60:357-362. Huang Jieping, Dang Ruihua, Torigoe Daisuke, et al. QTL analysis of modifiers for pigmentary disorder in rats carrying Ednrbsl mutations. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 19697. Huang Jieping, Dang R, Torigoe Daisuke, et al. Genetic variation in the GDNF promoter affects its expression and modifies the severity of Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) in rats carrying Ednrbsl mutations. Gene, 2016, 575(1): 144-148. Huang Jieping, Dang R, Torigoe Daisuke, et al. Identification of genetic loci affecting the severity of symptoms of Hirschsprung disease in rats carrying Ednrbsl mutations by quantitative trait locus analysis. PloS one, 2015, 10(3): e0122068.
