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男,1978年12月出生,四川古蔺县人,博士,教授、硕士生导师、药学院副院长。四川省第十批学术和技术带头人后备人选,四川省卫计委药品采购供应专家,泸州市决策咨询委员会委员,泸州市临床用药安全性评价专家,泸州市第十一批拔尖人才,泸州医学院科协会委员;目前兼任J Biomed Nanotechnol(IF:7.58)、Int J Nanomed(IF=4.19)、Carbohyd Polym(IF:3.92)等9门SCI期刊的特邀审稿人。承担本科生《药剂学》、《生物药剂学与药物动力学》和《新药开发》,研究生《高等药剂学》和《高等仪器分析》的教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金、省科技厅支撑计划、省教育厅重大成果培育、省中医药管理局等纵向课题10余项,主持横向课题2项,主研国家自然科学基金等课题5项;近年发表论文近20篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文13篇(单篇引用28次);申请发明专利5项,其中授权2项和1项PCT专利公开;参编国家级统编教材1部;作为第一完成人获泸州市政府科技进步一等奖、泸州市科协优秀论文二等奖、泸州医学院第二届“十大杰出青年”、“优秀共产党员”和优秀硕士学位论文、优秀学士学位论文指导教师奖(两届)、优秀教师等荣誉称号。 2000.07-2004.09:重庆华邦制药股份有限公司从事新药研发 2009.07-至今:泸州医学院药学院从事教学与科研 2013.10-至今:泸州市经信委现代医药产业推进办(兼) 成果获奖情况 [1]药物递送系统及药动学的研究与应用,泸州市科学技术进步一等奖,2012年(第一) [2]Preparation and the in vivo evaluation of paclitaxel liposomes for lung targeting delivery in dogs. J.Pharm. Pharmaco. 2011, 63 (1): 80-86,泸州市科协优秀论文二等奖,2013年(第一)


1.新药(保健品)研发及产业化 2.新型药物递送系统设计与系统评价 3.基于药动学的临床药学研究与应用 4.抗肿瘤药物学及其作用机制


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[1] Preparation, pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of baicalin loaded liposomes.Int J Nanomed2014, 9:3623-3630. [IF:4.19] [2] Paclitaxel targeting to lungs by way of liposomes prepared by the effervescent dispersion technique. Arch Pharm Res 2014, 37(6):728-737. [IF: 1.75] [3] Development of HPLC method of 5-fluorouracilin plasma: application to pharmacokinetics and steady state concentration monitoring.Int J Clin Pharm Th2014, Jun(accepted and publishing) [IF:1.0] [4] Nanoemulsion improves the oral bioavailability of baicalin in rats: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Int J Nanomed 2013, 8: 3769-3779. [IF: 4.19] [5] Pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution of paclitaxel in rabbits assayed by LC-UV after intravenous administration of its novel liposomal formulation. Biomed Chromatogr 2013 Jun 25 (DOI: 10.1002/ bmc. 3005). [IF: 1.95] [6] Passive lung targeted drug delivery systems via intravenous administration. Pharm Dev Technol 2013 Jan 22. (doi:10.3109/ 10837 450.2012.757782) [IF: 1.33]. [7] Formulation and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Once-daily Sustained-released System of Nifedipine with Solid Dispersion and Coating Techniques. Arch Pharm Res 2013, 36(7):864–873 [IF: 1.75] [8] Solid dispersion and effervescent techniques used to prepare docetaxel liposomes for lung-targeted delivery system: in vitro and vivo evaluation. J Drug Target 2011, 19(3): 171-178. [IF: 2.77] [9] Preparation and the in vivo evaluation of paclitaxel liposomes for lung targeting delivery in dogs. J Pharm Pharmaco 2011, 63(1): 80-86. [IF: 2.03] [10] Preparation and the in vitro evaluation of nanoemulsion system for the transdermal delivery of granisetron hydrochloride. Chem Pharm Bull 2010, 58 (8):1015-1019. [IF: 1.56] [11] Polymer blends used to prepare nifedipine loaded hollow microspheres for a floating-type oral drug delivery system: in vitro evaluation. Arch Pharm Res 2010, 33 (3): 443-45. [IF: 1.75] [12] PK and tissue distribution of docetaxel in rabbits after i.v. administration of liposomal and injectable formulations. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2009, 49(4):989-996. [IF: 2.95] [13] In vitro and in vivo evaluation of ranitidine hydrochl oride loaded hollow microspheres in rabbits. Arch Pharm Res 2008, 31(10): 1369-1377. [IF: 1.75]
