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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter October 4, 2021

Anomalous pseudo-parabolic Kirchhoff-type dynamical model

  • Xiaoqiang Dai , Jiangbo Han , Qiang Lin EMAIL logo and Xueteng Tian


In this paper, we study an anomalous pseudo-parabolic Kirchhoff-type dynamical model aiming to reveal the control problem of the initial data on the dynamical behavior of the solution in dynamic control system. Firstly, the local existence of solution is obtained by employing the Contraction Mapping Principle. Then, we get the global existence of solution, long time behavior of global solution and blowup solution for J(u0) ⩽ d, respectively. In particular, the lower and upper bound estimates of the blowup time are given for J(u0)<d. Finally, we discuss the blowup of solution in finite time and also estimate an upper bound of the blowup time for high initial energy.

MSC 2010: 35B40; 35R11; 35K55

1 Introduction and main result

The paper is devoted to the study of an anomalous pseudo-parabolic Kirchhoff-type dynamical model as follows

(1.1) ut+M([u]s2)(Δ)su+(Δ)sut=|u|q2u,inΩ×R+,u(x,0)=u0(x),inΩ,u(x,t)=0,in(RNΩ)×R0+,

where s ∈ (0, 1), N > 2s, Ω⊂ℝN is a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω. The Kirchhoff function M(t)=tλ−1 for tR0+ , here 1λ<NN2s , and q satisfy 2λ<q2s , where 2s is the fractional critical exponent given by


And [u]s is the Gagliardo seminorm of u defined by


(−Δ)s is the fractional Laplacian which, up to a normalization constant, is defined for any x ∈ ℝN


for any φC0(RN) , where Bε(x) denotes the ball in ℝN with radius ε>0 centered at x ∈ ℝN. We can refer to [23, 24,35, 5, 36,34,22] for more details on nonlocal operators and nonlocal Sobolev spaces.

Problem (1.1) is a class of nonlocal fractional diffusion problem, which is related to the anomalous diffusion theory. A usual model for anomalous diffusion is the linear evolution equation involving the fractional Laplacian


which derives asymptotically from basic random walks models, see [2,21,38] and references therein. We denote by u(x, t) the probability of finding the particle at the point x at time t. Through a series of calculations, we can obtain ∂tu(x, t)=−cn, s(−Δ)su(x, t) for a suitable cn, s > 0, which shows that, for small time and space steps, the above probabilistic process approaches a fractional heat equation. Another nonlinear anomalous diffusion equation is the fractional porous medium equation ∂tu+(−Δ)s(um)=0 with 0 < s<1 and m > 0, which was first proposed by De Pablo et al. in [31]. Many important results on these equations have been obtained, see an overview in [40] and references therein.

To the best of our knowledge, fractional Laplacian operator and related equations have a growing wide utilization in many important fields, as explained by Caffarelli in [3] and Vázquez in [39]. In particular, the steady state of problem (1.1) without strong damping term, first proposed by Fiscella and Valdinoci in [12] by taking into account the nonlocal aspect of the tension arising from nonlocal measurements of the fractional length of the string, is a fractional version of the so-called stationary Kirchhoff model. Subsequently, the existence of weak solutions which solves the above stationary problem was obtained. Later, Fu and Pucci in [9] proved the existence of global solutions with exponential decay and showed the blow-up in finite time of solutions to the space-fractional diffusion equation


where Ω⊂ℝN is a bounded domain, p satisfies 1<p2s1=(N+2s)/(N2s) and N > 2s.

In recent years, much interest has grown on Kirchhoff-type problems, see for example [12, 27]. In these papers, to obtain the existence of weak solutions, the authors always assume that the Kirchhoff function M:R0+R+ is a continuous and nondecreasing function and satisfies the following condition:

(1.2)  there exists m0>0 such that M(t)m0 for all tR0+. 

A typical example is M(t)=m0+btm with m0 > 0, b=0 for all tR0+ . Hence, we can divide the problem into degenerate and non-degenerate cases according to M (0)=0 and M (0)>0 respectively. For the non-degenerate Kirchhoff-type problem, we can refer to [10,29]. It is worthwhile pointing out that the degenerate case is rather interesting and is treated in well-known papers in Kirchhoff theory, see for example [4]. From a physical point of view, the fact that M (0)=0 means that the base tension of the string is zero. For some recent results in the degenerate case, see for instance [1,25,28,42,44]. In this regard, Pan et al. in [30] studied for the first time the degenerate Kirchhoff-type diffusion problem involving fractional p-Laplacian of following equation

(1.3) ut+[u]s,p(λ1)p(Δ)psu=|u|q2u, in Ω×R+,

where Ω⊂ℝN, p < q<Np/(Nsp) with 1 < p<N/s and 1 ⩽ λ<N/(Nsp). They obtained the existence of a global solution by combining the Galerkin method with potential well theory to discover the control mechanics of the initial data on the dynamical behavior of the solution. Yang et al. in [50] studied the same problem with pλ<q<Np/(Nsp), they obtained the blow up of solutions by applying the concave method. Moreover, the authors estimated an upper bound of blow-up time in the sub-critical initial energy case J(u0)<d and arbitrary positive initial energy case J(u0)>0. Later, by implementing the same theory as shown in [30], for the initial boundary value problem of (1.3) with λ=1 and the more general nonlinearity f(u) instead of ∣∣u∣∣q−2u, authors in [18] studied the existence and nonexistence of global weak solutions in the cases of J(u0)<d, J(u0)=d and J(u0)>d, respectively. Moreover, the authors estimated an upper bound of blow-up time for low and high initial energies. Xiang et al. [43] considered the initial boundary value problem of the following Kirchhoff type equation

(1.4) ut+M[u]s2(Δ)su=|u|p2u, in Ω×R+,

where Ω⊂ℝN, M:[0, +∞) → [0, +∞) is a continuous function and there exist two constants m0 and λ>1 such that M(σ) ⩾ m0σλ−1, \;σ ∈ [0, +∞). For 1<λ<2N/(N − 2s), the local existence of nonnegative solutions of (1.4) is obtained by applying the Galerkin method. Moreover, the blowup conditions for nonnegative weak solution were obtained for J(u0)<d. Then for the initial boundary value problem (1.4), Ding and Zhou [6] proved the global existence and finite time blowup of solution when J(u0) ⩽ d for the case M(σ)=m0σλ−1. Moreover, they showed that the nonnegative weak solution exists globally for λ ⩾ 2N/(N − 2s). Also Ding and Zhou in [7] gave the global existence and finite time blowup results with J(u0)>d.

If s ↑ 1, M ≡ 1, then the equation in (1.1) reduces to the following equation

(1.5) utΔutΔu=up, in Ω×R+.

In [48], Xu and Su used the family of the potential wells to prove the nonexistence of solutions with initial energy J(u0) ⩽ d, and obtained finite time blowup with high initial energy J(u0)>d by comparison principle. Later, Xu et al. in [49] discussed the same problem, they established a new finite time blowup theorem for problem (1.5) and estimated the upper bound of blowup time for J(u0)>0. Previously, Liu and Zhao in [21] considered the initial-boundary value problem ut−Δu=f(u) with initial data J(u0)<d for I(u0)<0 and I(u0)⩾0, and initial data J(u0)=d for I(u0)⩾0. Xu in [46] studied the same problem with critical initial data J(u0)=d, I(u0)<0. A powerful technique for treating the above problem is the so-called potential well method, which was established by Payne and Sattinger in [27]. Since then, the potential well method has been widely used to study the well-posedness of solution for evolution equations, such as [18,46,47]. Gazzola and Weth in [13] studied the initial-boundary value problem of ut−Δu=∣∣u∣∣p−1u, they proved finite time blow-up of solutions with high initial energy J(u0)>d by the comparison principle and variational methods. Recently, the threshold results of global existence and finite time blowup for several types of pseudo-parabolic equations were established in [33,42].

It is worthy pointing out that the Kirchhoff-type parabolic problem

(1.6) utMRN|u|2dxΔu=|u|q1u, in Ω×R+

was studied by Han et al. [14] where the global existence and finite time blowup of solutions were proved in the sub-critical, critical and super-critical cases. Here Ω⊂ℝN is a bounded domain, M(τ)=a+bτ with a, b > 0. In [15], by some differential inequalities, the authors investigated the upper and lower bounds of blowup time for the weak solution to (1.6).

Motivated by the above works, the main objective of this paper is to consider a more complicated case of the problem (1.4) studied in [6,7,44] by taking damping term (−Δ)sut in the fractional setting. More precisely, we focus on the local and global well-posedness of degenerate Kirchhoff’s model of parabolic type (1.1), by using potential well theory and concave function method.

The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we recall some necessary definitions and properties of the fractional Sobolev spaces and introduce the family of potential wells. In Section 3, we prove the existence of local solutions for problem (1.1). In Section 4, we prove the global existence, the finite time blow-up, the asymptotic behavior for problem (1.1) and give the lifespan estimates of the blowup solution with J(u0)<d. In Section 5, we parallelly extend some conclusions for the sub-critical initial energy case to the critical initial energy. In Section 6, by constructing a new unstable set and using some differential inequality techniques, we also study the finite time blowup solution for problem (1.1) and give the upper bound estimate of the blowup time at arbitrary positive initial energy level.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Functional spaces

In this section, we first recall some necessary definitions and properties of the fractional Sobolev spaces, see also [5, 11] for further details.

Throughout the paper, s ∈ (0, 1), N > 2s and 2λ<q2s . We denote Q=R2NG , where G=C(Ω)×C(Ω)R2N , and C(Ω)=RNΩ . W is a linear space of Lebesgue measurable functions from ℝN to ℝ such that the restriction to Ω of any function u in W belongs to L2(Ω) and


The space W is equipped with the norm


It is easy to get that ∣∣·∣∣W is a norm on W. We shall work in the closed linear subspace

(2.1) W0:=uW:u(x)=0 a.e. in RNΩ.

By [35], we can get an equivalent norm on W0 defined as


We put


where X0 is an equivalent norm over W0.

Lemma 2.1

([35, lemma 6]) Let K:ℝN∖{0} → (0, ∞) satisfy K(x)=∣∣x∣∣−(N+2s). Then there exists a positive constant C0=C0(N, 2, s) such that for any v ∈ W0 and v[1,2s] ,


Lemma 2.2

(Gronwall inequality). Assume y(t) ∈ L1[0, T], and there exist constants a and b such that

(2.2) y(t)a+b0Ty(z)dz,0tT,
(2.3) y(t)aebt,0tT,

Definition 2.1

(Weak solution). A function u ∈ L(0, ∞; W0) is said to be a weak solution of problem (1.1), if ut ∈ L2(0, ∞; X0) and u0 ∈ W0 for a.e. t > 0,

(2.4) Ωtuvdx+u,vW0+ut,vW0=Ω|u|q2uϕdx,





for any v ∈ W0.

Then we define the potential energy functional of problem (1.1) as follows

(2.5) J(u):=12λuW02λ1quqq,

the Nehari functional

(2.6) I(u):=uW02λuqq.

Moreover, there holds

(2.7) 0tuτX02dτ+J(u)Ju0.

Next we introduce the Nehari manifold


Furthermore, we set

N + := { u X 0 ∣∣ I ( u ) > 0 } , N := { u X 0 ∣∣ I ( u ) < 0 } .

The potential well depth is defined as

(2.8) d:=infuNJ(u).

Further we give some sets as follows


2.2 Family of potential wells

In this section, we shall introduce a family of potential wells Wδ and Vδ, and give a series of their properties for problem (1.1). Firstly, let the definitions of functionals J(u), I(u) and the potential well Wp with its depth d given above hold. Next, we give some properties of above sets and functionals as follows.

Lemma. 2.3

Let u ∈ X0 and uX00 . Then

  1. limθ → 0J(θ u)=0, limθ → +∞J(θ u)=−∞.

  2. On the interval 0<θ<∞, there exists a unique θ*=θ*(u), such that ddθJ(θu)|θ=θ=0 .

  3. J(θ u) is increasing for 0 ⩽ θθ*, decreasing for θ*θ<∞ and take the maximum at θ=θ*.

  4. I(θ u) > 0 for 0<θ<θ*, I(θ u) < 0 for θ*<θ<∞ and I(θ*u)=0.


  1. By (2.5), we know


    which gives




    by the fact that q > 2λ⩾2.

  2. An easy calculation shows that

    (2.9) ddθJ(θu)=θ2λ1uW02λθq1uqq,

    let ddθJ(θu)=0 , we get


    which leads to the conclusion.

  3. By a direct calculation (2.9) gives ddθJ(θu)>0 for 0<θ<θ*, ddθJ(θu)<0 for θ*<θ<∞. Hence, the conclusion of (iii) holds.

  4. Since


    then the conclusion follows immediately.

Now, for δ>0,we define

I δ ( u ) := δ u W 0 2 λ u q q , N δ := { u X 0 | I δ ( u ) = 0 , u X 0 0 }


(2.10) d(δ):=infuNδJ(u).

Further we set




where C* is the embedding constant for W0Lq(Ω).

Lemma 2.4

Let u ∈ X0 and 0<δ<q2λ , then we have

  1. Iδ(u)≥0, provided 0<uW0r(δ) . Particularly, I(u)≥0 when 0<uW0r(1) .

  2. uW0>r(δ) , provided Iδ(u) < 0. Particularly, uW0>r(1) when I(u) < 0.

  3. uW0r(δ) or uW0=0 , provided Iδ(u)=0. Particularly, uW0r(1) or uW0=0 when I(u)=0.

  4. J(u) > 0 for 0<δ<q2λ , provided Iδ(u)=0 and uW00 .


  1. From 0<uW0r(δ) , it follows that


    that is Iδ(u)=0.

  2. It is easy to see uW00 by Iδ(u) < 0. Thus from


    it implies uX0>r(δ) .

  3. When uW0=0 , we can obviously get Iδ(u)=0. When uW00 and Iδ(u)=0, from


    it follows that uW0r(δ) .

  4. By combining Lemma 2.4 (iii) and Iδ(u)=0, there holds


    Obviously, (iv) follows.

Lemma 2.5

Let δ>0, then the properties of d(δ) can be summarized as follows:

  1. d(δ)=a(δ)r2λ(δ) for 0<δ<q2λ and a(δ)=12λδq .

  2. limδ0d(δ)=0,limδq2λd(δ)=0 and d(δ)<0 for δ>q2λ .

  3. d(δ) is increasing for 0<δ⩽1, decreasing for 1δq2λ and takes the maximum at δ=1.


  1. When uNδ , then from lemma 2.4 (ii) it gives uX0r(δ) . Further by (2.8) and


    it follows that d(δ)=a(δ)r2λ(δ).

  2. By the conclusion of (i), obviously, (ii) holds.

  3. For any uNδ′′ , we shall prove that for all 1<δ″<δ′<q/(2λ) or 0<δ′<δ″<1, there exist ε(δ′, δ″)>0 and vNδ satisfying J(u) − J(v)>ε(δ′, δ″). Actually, we can define θ(δ) by uNδ′′ , then Iδ(θ(δ)u)=0 and θ(δ″)=1. Taking z(θ)=J(θ u), we get


    Let v=θ(δ′)u, then vNδ .

    For 0<δ′<δ″<1, we have


    For 1<δ′′<δ<q2λ , we have


Therefore, the conclusion of (iii) is proved. □

Lemma 2.6

For u ∈ X0 and 0<δ1<1<δ2<q2λ , if 0 < J(u) < d and d(δ1)=d(δ2)=J(u). Then Iδ(u) keeps the invariance of sign for δ ∈ (δ1, δ2).

Proof. J(u) > 0 implies uW00 . If the sign of Iδ(u) is changeable for δ1<δ<δ2, by the continuity of Iδ(u) in δ, then there exists a δ(δ1,δ2) such that Iδ(u)=0 . Therefore, by (iii) of Lemma 2.5 and (2.10), it follows that J(u)d(δ) , which obviously contradicts d(δ1)=d(δ2)=J(u)<d(δ) . □

3 Existence and uniqueness of local solution

Inspired by [38], in which Taniguchi considered the existence of a local solution to a Kirchhoff-type wave equation with damping. In this section, we shall prove the local well-posedness of solution to the Kirchhoff-type pseudo-parabolic equation of the form (1.1).

For a given T > 0, we consider the space H=C([0,T],X0) endowed with the norm


In the following, the existence and uniqueness of solution for the linear problem corresponding to (1.1) is proved.

Lemma 3.1

For every T > 0, every uH and u0 ∈ X0, there exists a unique v satisfying

(3.1) vC[0,T],X0C1[0,T],L2(Ω),vtL2[0,T],X0,

which solves the linear problem

(3.2) vt+M(uW02)(Δ)sv+(Δ)svt=|u|q2u,(x,t)Ω×R+v(x,0)=u0,xΩ,v(x,t)=0,(x,t)(RNΩ)×R0+,

Proof. The assertion follows from an application of the Galerkin method. By [36], for every h=1 let Wh=Span{ω1, ···, ωh}, where {ωj} is the orthogonal complete system of eigenfunctions of (−Δ)s in W0 such that ωjW0=1 and ∣∣ωj∣∣2=1 for all j. Then, {ωj} is orthogonal and complete in L2(Ω) and W0; denote by {λj} the related eigenvalues repeated according to their multiplicity. Let

u 0 h = j = 1 h Ω u 0 ω j ω j ,

so that u0hWh,u0hu0 in W0 as h → ∞. For all h=1 we seek h functions γ1h,,γhhC1[0,T] such that

(3.3) vh(t)=j=1hγjh(t)ωj,

solving the problem

(3.4) Ωv˙h(t)+M(uW02)(Δ)svh+(Δ)sv˙h|u|q2uηdx=0,vh(0)=u0h,

for every η ∈ Wh and t=0. For j=1, ···, h, taking η=ωj in (3.4) yields the following Kirchhoff fractional Laplacian problem for a linear ordinary differential equation with unknown γjh

(3.5) γ˙jh(t)+M([u]s2)λjγjh(t)+λjγ˙jh(t)=ψj(t),γjh(0)=Ωu0ωj,

where ψj(t)=∫Ω∣∣u∣∣q−2uωjdx ∈ C[0, T]. For all j, the above Kirchhoff fractional Laplacian problem yields a unique global solution γjhC1[0,T] . In turn, this gives a unique vh defined by (3.3) and satisfying (5.5). In particular, (3.3) implies that v˙h(t)W0 for every t ∈ [0, T], so that fractional Sobolev inequality entails

(3.6) V ˙ h ( t ) q c 1 V ˙ h ( t ) W 0 .

Next, the proof is divided into the following two cases.

Case 1: M(uW02)m0>0 for any u ∈ W0, where m0 is a constant.

Taking η=v˙h(t) into (5.5) and integrating over [0, t]⊂[0, T], we obtain

(3.7) 12MuW02vh(t)W02+02v˙h(t)X02dτ=0tΩ|u|q2uv˙h(τ)dxdτ+12Mu0W02u0hW02+0tu,utW0MuW02vh(t)W02dτ,

for every h=1. Since uH , uX0 is bounded. We estimate the last term in the right-hand side thanks to Hölder and Young inequalities

(3.8) 0tΩ|u|q2uv˙h(τ)dxdτ0tu2N(q1)N+2sq1v˙h(τ)2NN2sdτ0tcuW0q1v˙hW0dτcT+0t12v˙h(τ)X02dτ,

where c > 0 and represent different constants between different lines.

By combining (3.7), (3.8) and Hölder inequality, we obtain


for every h=1, where L:=cT+M(u0W02)u0hW02 is a constant. Further by uH , we can deduce that there exists a L1 such that uW0utW0M(uW02)L1 . Hence from M(uW02)m0>0 and (3.9) we derive

m 0 2 v h ( t ) W 0 2 L + L 1 0 t v h W 0 2 d τ .

By Gronwall’s inequality, we obtain

(3.9) 0 t v h W 0 2 d τ L L 1 ( e 2 L 1 m 0 t 1 ) ,

then (3.9) yields that

(3.10) 12MuW02vh(t)W02+0t12v˙h(τ)X02dτL+Le2L1m0T1:=CT,

where CT > 0 is independent of h. By this uniform estimate, the embedding W0L2(Ω) and using (3.4), we have

{vh}is bounded inL([0,T],W0);
{v˙h}is bounded inL2([0,T],X0).

Case 2: There is at least a ũ ∈ W0 such that M (∣∣ũ∣∣W02)=0.

Taking η=vh(t) into (3.4) and integrating over [0, t]⊂[0, T], we obtain

(3.11) 20tMu˜W02vhW02dτ+vhX02=u0hX02+20t|u˜|q2u˜vhdτ.

Since u˜H,u˜X0 is bounded. We estimate the last term in the right-hand side thanks to Hölder and Young inequalities

(3.12) 20tΩ|u˜|q2u˜vh(τ)dxdτ0tcu˜W0q1vhW0dτcT+0tvh(τ)X02dτ.

Substituting (3.12) into (3.11), we have

(3.13) 20tMu˜W02vhW02+vhX02u0hX02+cT+0tvh(τ)X02dτ=A1+0tvh(τ)X02dτ,

where A1:=u0hX02+cT is a constant.

By using Gronwall’s inequality again, we have

0 t v h ( τ ) X 0 2 d τ A 1 ( e t 1 ) ,


(3.14) vhX02A1+A1eT1:=AT.


{vh}is bounded inL([0,T],X0).

Therefore, up to a subsequence, we may pass to the limit in (3.4) and obtain a weak solution v of (3.4) with the above regularity. Then by v ∈ L([0, T], X0) we deduce that v ∈ L2([0, T], X0), which together with v˙L2([0,T],X0) gives that vW1,2([0,T],X0) , here W1,2 denotes the Sobolev space consisting all functions v ∈ L2([0, T], X0) such that v˙L2([0,T],X0) . Further by Theorem 2 in [8, Chapter 5]evans we can derive that v ∈ C ([0, T], X0). Naturally, it follows that v ∈ C ([0, T], X0) and v ∈ C ([0, T], L2(Ω)). Finally, from (3.2) we have v˙C1([0,T],L2(Ω)) . The existence of v solving (3.2) and satisfying (3.1) is so proved.

Uniqueness follows arguing for contradiction: if v and ω are two solutions of (3.2) which share the same initial data, by subtracting the equations and testing with vtωt, instead of (3.7) we can get


which immediately yields ωv. The proof of the lemma is now complete. □

Next, we establish local existence and uniqueness of (1.1).

Theorem 3.1

Let u0 ∈ X0, then there exist T > 0 and a unique local solution of (1.1) over [0,T].

Proof. Let R2:=2m0(M(u0W02)u0W02) and for any T > 0 we consider


By lemma 3.1, for any uMT , we may define v≔ Φ(u), being v the unique solution to problem (3.2). We claim that, for a suitable T > 0 and given uMT , Φ is a contractive map satisfying Φ(MT)MT . Moreover, the corresponding solution v=Φ(u) satisfies for all t ∈ (0, T] the energy identity

(3.15) 12MuW02vW02+0tvt(τ)X02dτ=12Mu0W02u0W02+0tu,utW0MuW02vW02dτ+0tΩ|u(τ)|q2u(τ)vt(τ)dxdτ.

Next, we still divide the proof to two cases corresponding to Lemma 3.1.

Case 1: M(uW02)m0>0 for any u ∈ W0, where m0 is a constant.

For the last term on the right-hand side of (3.15), we argue in the same spirit (although slightly differently) as for (3.8) and we get

(3.16) 0tΩ|u(τ)|q2u(τ)vt(τ)dxdτc0tu(τ)2n(q1)n+2sq1vt(τ)2nn2sdτc0tu(τ)W0q1vt(τ)W0dτcTR2(q1)+0tvtX02dτ

for all t ∈ (0, T]. Combining (3.15) with (3.16) we can get

(3.17) 12MuW02vW02cTR2(q1)+12Mu0W02u0W02+0tu,utW0MuW02vW02dτL2+L10tvW02dτ,

where L2:=cTR2(q1)+12M(u0W02)u0W02 is a constant. By using Gronwall’s inequality, it gives




Then taking the maximum over [0, T] gives

(3.18) m0vW02MuW02vW02cTR2(q1)+Mu0W02u0W02+L2eL1m0T1.

Choosing T sufficiently small, we get vH2R2 .

Case 2: There is at least a ũ ∈ X0 such that M (∣∣ũ∣∣W02)=0.

In this regard, let R2=u0X02 and for any T > 0 consider


Similar to (3.11) in lemma 3.1, the corresponding solution v=Φ(u) satisfies for all t ∈ (0, T] the energy identity

(3.19) 20tMu˜W02vW02dτ+vX02=u0X02+20t|u˜|q2u˜v(τ)dτ,


(3.20) 20tΩ|u˜|q2u˜v(τ)dxdτcTR2(q1)+0tv(τ)X02dτ,


(3.21) 0tMu˜W02vW02+vX02u0X02+cTR2(q1)+0tv(τ)X02dτ=A2+0tv(τ)X02dτ,

where A2:=u0X02+cTR2(q1) is a constant. By Gronwall’s inequality



(3.22) vX02u0X02+cTR2(q1)+A2eT1.

Choosing T sufficiently small, we get vH2R2 .

Combining Case 1 and Case 2, we show that Φ(MT)MT . Next we prove Φ is a contraction. Now take ω1 and ω2 in MT , subtracting the two equations (3.2) for v1=Φ(ω1) and v2=Φ(ω2), and setting v=v1v2 we obtain for all η ∈ W0 and a.e. t ∈ [0, T]

(3.23) v t , η + M [ u ] s 2 ( Δ ) s v , η + ( Δ ) s v t , η = Ω ω 1 ( t ) q 2 ω 1 ( t ) ω 2 ( t ) q 2 ω 2 ( t ) η = Ω ζ ( t ) ω 1 ( t ) ω 2 ( t ) η ,

where ς=ς(x, t)=0 is given by Lagrange Theorem so that ς(t) ⩽ (q−1)(∣∣ω1(t)∣∣+∣∣ω2(t)∣∣)q−2. Therefore, by taking η=vt in (3.23) and arguing as above, we obtain


for some 0<ζ<1 provided T is sufficiently small. This proves the claim. By the Contraction Mapping Principle, there exists a unique weak solution to problem (1.1) defined on [0,T]. The main statement of Theorem 3.1 is thus proved. □

4 Sub-critical initial energy J(u0)<d

In this section, we prove the invariance of some sets under the flow of problem (1.1).

Definition 4.1

(Maximal existence time). Let u(t) be a weak solution of problem (1.1). We define the maximal existence time Tmax of u(t) as follows:

  1. If u(t) exists for 0 ⩽ t<∞, then Tmax=∞.

  2. If there exists a t0 ∈ (0, ∞) such that u(t) exists for 0 ⩽ t<t0, but doesn't exists at t=t0, then Tmax=t0.

Lemma 4.1

(Invariant sets when J(u0)<d). Assume that u0 ∈ X0, 0 < e<d, δ1<δ2 are the two roots of equation d(δ)=e for 0<δ1<1<δ2<q2λ , Tmax is the maximal existence time of u(t). Then

  1. All weak solutions u of problem (1.1) with J(u0)=e belong to Wδ for δ1<δ<δ2, 0 ⩽ t<Tmax, provided I(u0)>0.

  2. All weak solutions u of problem (1.1) with J(u0)=e belong to Vδ for δ1<δ<δ2, 0 ⩽ t<Tmax, provided I(u0)<0.


(i) Let u(t) be any weak solution of problem (1.1) with J(u0)=e, I(u0)>0 or u0X0=0 . Tmax is the existence time of u(t). If u0X0=0 , then u0(x) ∈ Wδ. If I(u0)>0 then from Lemma 2.6, it follows Iδ(u0)>0 and J(u0)<d(δ). Then u0(x) ∈ Wδ for δ1<δ<δ2 and 0 < t<Tmax. Arguing by contradiction, by the continuity of I(u (t)) in t, we suppose that there exists a first time t1 ∈ (0, Tmax) and δ0 ∈ (δ1, δ2) such that u(t1)Wδ0 , i.e., Iδ0(u(t1))=0,uX00 or J(u (t1))=d(δ0). From

(4.1) 0tu(τ)X02dτ+J(u)Ju0<d(δ),δ1<δ<δ2,0t<Tmax,

we can see that J(u (t0))≠ d(δ0). If Iδ0(u(t0))=0,uX00 , then by the definition of d(δ) we have J(u (t0)) ⩾ d(δ0), which contradicts (4.1).

(ii) Let u(t) be any weak solution of problem (1.1) with J(u0)=e, I(u0)<0. From J(u0)=e, I(u0)<0 and Lemma 2.6, it follows Iδ(u0)<0 and J(u0)<d(δ). Then u0(x) ∈ Vδ for δ1<δ<δ2. We prove u(t) ∈ Vδ for δ1<δ<δ2 and 0 < t<Tmax. Arguing by contradiction, by the continuity of I(u (t)) with respect to t, we suppose that there exists a first time t1 ∈ (0, Tmax) and δ0 ∈ (δ1, δ2) satisfying u(t1)Vδ0 , i.e., Iδ0(u(t1))=0 or J(u (t1))=d(δ0). However, from (4.1) we can deduce that J(u (t1))≠ d(δ0). Besides for Iδ0(u(t1))=0 , we have Iδ0(u(t))<0 for 0 ⩽ t<t1. Then by (ii) of Lemma 2.4, it follows that u(t1)X0>r(δ0) . Obviously, J(u (t1))≠ d(δ0) and u(t1)X0r(δ0) , this contradicts (4.1). □

Remark 4.1

If in Lemma 4.2 the assumption J(u0)=e is replaced by 0 < J(u0) ⩽ e, then the conclusion of Lemma 4.1 also holds.

4.1 Global existence and finite time blowup of solution

In this section, we prove a threshold result of global existence and nonexistence of solutions for problem (1.1) with the sub-critical initial energy J(u0)<d.

Theorem 4.1

(Global existence when J(u0)<d). Let u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)<d and I(u0)>0. Then problem (1.1) admits a global weak solution u(t) ∈ L(0, ∞;X0) with ut(t) ∈ L2(0, ∞;X0) and u(t) ∈ Wp for 0 ⩽ t<∞.

Proof. Let ωj(x) be a system of base functions in X0. Construct the approximate solutions of problem (1.1) as follows

u m ( x , t ) = j = 1 m g j m ( t ) ω j ( x ) , m = 1 , 2 ,


(4.2) umt,ωs+um,ωsW0+umt,ωsW0=umq2um,ωs,s=1,2,,m
(4.3) um(x,0)=j=1majmωj(x)u0(x) in X0 as m.

Multiplying (4.2) by gsm(t), summing for s, and integrating over [0, t) in time, then

0 t u m τ X 0 2 d τ + J ( u m ) = J ( u m ( 0 ) ) , 0 t < .

By (4.3) we can get J(um(0)) → J(u0), then for sufficiently large m, we have

(4.4) 0tumτX02dτ+Jum<d,0t<.

Next, we prove um(x, t) ∈ Wp for sufficiently large m and 0 ⩽ t<∞. If it is false, then there exists t0 such that um(x, t0) ∈ ∂Wp, then


By (4.4), it implies that J(um(t0))=d < J(um(0)) is not true. On the other hand, If I(um(t0))=0,um(t0)X00 , according to the definition of d, we have J(um(t0)) ⩾ d, which is also contradictive with (4.4). Hence um(x, t) ∈ Wp for all 0 ⩽ t<∞ and sufficiently large m. Then by (4.4) and


we obtain

(4.5) 0tumτX02dτ+q2λ2qλumW02λ<d,0t<,

for sufficiently large m, which yields

0 t u m τ X 0 2 d τ < d , 0 t < .

Also, according to the embedding inequality um2CumW0 , (4.5) implies

u m X 0 2 λ ( 1 + C 2 ) λ u m W 0 2 λ < 2 q λ d ( 1 + C 2 ) λ q 2 λ , 0 t < .

So, we can get


where C_* is the embedding constant from W0Lq(Ω). Therefore, there exist a u and a subsequence um, such that as m → ∞.

umtut weakly in L20,;X0,umu weakly star in L0,;X0,umu weakly in L0,;Lq(Ω).

Thus in (4.2), for s fixed, letting m → ∞, then, we get


for all s. Further we have


Moreover, (4.3) give us u(x, 0)=u0(x) in X0. That means u is a global weak solution of problem (1.1). □

Theorem 4.2

(Finite time blowup when J(u0)<d). Suppose that u0 ∈ X0 and u0 ∈ Vp, then any nontrivial solution to problem (1.1) blows up in finite time. In other words, there exists a finite time T such that

(4.6) limtT0tuX02dτ=+.

Proof. Arguing by contradiction, assume that the solution u(t) exists for all t=0. Let u(t) be any weak solution of problem (1.1) with J(u0)<d, I(u0)<0. For any t > 0, we define

(4.7) H(t):=0tuX02dτ+(Tt)u0X0.

So we can get

(4.8) H(t)=uX02u0X02=20tu,uτX0dτ,


(4.9) H(t)=2u,utX0.

Employing the Cauchy Schwartz inequality, we obtain

(4.10) 0tu,uτX0dτ20tuX02dτ0tuτX02dτ.

As a consequence, we read the differential inequality

(4.11) H(t)H(t)q2H(t)2=H(t)H(t)2q0tu,uτX0dτ2H(t)H(t)2qH(t)0tuτX02dτ=H(t)ξ(t),

for almost every t=0. Next we define


Setting ϕ=u(t) in (2.4) and using (2.7), it follows that

(4.12) ξ(t)2qJ(u(t))+q2λλuW02λ2qJu0+2qJ(u(t))>q2λλuW02λ2qd.

Then we discuss the situation in two cases.

(i) If 0 < J(u0)<d, by (2.8) and Lemma 2.3 (ii) we have dqθ2λ2λθ2λq2qλuW02λ , where


It follows lemma 4.1 that I(u) < 0 for t > 0. This implies θ* < 1, then we can get

(4.13) d<q2λ2qλuW02λ.


ξ(t)>0, 0t,

which implies

(4.14) H(t)H(t)q2H(t)2>0,0t.

Further by a simple computation, it gives

(4.15) Hα(t)=αHα+2(t)H(t)H(t)(α+1)H(t)20,α=q22>0.

(ii) If J(u0)⩽0, by (4.14) and q > 2λ, we get


Obviously, we can also derive (4.14) in this case. Moreover, by J(u0)⩽0 it implies that I(u) < 0 for all t ⩽ 0.

Then multiplying both sides of the first equation in (1.1) by u, it follows that (u,ut)X0=I(u) , which together with (4.9) and the fact I(u) < 0 gives H″(t) > 0 for all t=0. Then by H′(0)=0, it can be deduced that H′(t) > 0 for all t > 0. Note that

(4.16) Hα(t)=αH(t)Hα+1(t)<0

by H′(t) > 0 and H(t) > 0 for t > 0. From (4.15) and (4.16), it follows that there exists a finite time T > 0 such that




Obviously, this contradicts Tmax=∞. So we get


Then the proof is completed. □

4.2 Asymptotic behavior of solutions

Xu and Su in [47] studied the initial boundary value problem of semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation (1.5), obtained the asymptotic behavior of solutions with initial energy J(u0) ⩽ d, which implies that the global solution to problem (1.5) decay exponentially. In this section, we shall consider the above decay behavior of the global solution in the fractional setting.

Theorem 4.3

(Asymptotic behavior of solutions for J(u0)<d). Let u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)<d and I(u0)>0. Then for the global weak solution u of problem (1.1), when λ=1, there exists a constant β>0 such that

(4.17) uX02u0X02eβt,0t<,

when λ>1, then

(4.18) uX0221δ1(λ1)t+u0X02(λ1)1λ1,0t<,

where δ1 is same as that in Lemma 4.1.

Proof. First, Theorem 4.1 gives the existence of global weak solutions for problem (1.1). Now we need to prove (4.17) and (4.18). Let u(t) be any global weak solution of problem (1.1) with J(u0)<d and I(u0)>0. Then (2.4) holds for 0 ⩽ t<∞. Multiplying (2.4) by any d(t) ∈ [0, ∞), we get



(4.19) ut,w+u,wW0+ut,wW0=|u|q2u,w.

Setting w=u, (4.19) leads to

(4.20) 12ddtuX0+I(u)=0,0t<.

From Lemma 4.1 along with 0 < J(u0)<d and I(u0)>0, we get u(t) ∈ Wδ for δ ∈ (δ1, δ2) and t ∈ [0, ∞). Hence, it follows that Iδ(u)=0 and Iδ1(u)0 for δ ∈ (δ1, δ2) and t ∈ [0, ∞). Then from (4.20) and the definition of d(δ), we have

(4.21) 12ddtuX02+1δ1uX02λ+Iδ1(u)=0,0t<.

From (4.21) we also have

(4.22) 12ddtuX02+1δ1uX02λ0,0t<.

When λ=1, by the Gronwall inequality, we have


Therefore, there exists a constant β=2(1−δ1)>0 such that


When λ>1, from (4.22) we have


So we get


The proof is completed. □

4.3 Lower bound estimate of the blowup time

Luo [19] considered the semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation (1.5), obtained a lower bound for blow-up time at low initial energy. Inspiring by Luo’s work. In this section, by the similar argument, we derive the lower bound estimate for blowup time of solution to problem (1.1) with J(u0)<d.

Theorem 4.4

(Lower bound of the blowup time when J(u0)<d). Suppose q > 2λ, u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)<d, I(u0)<0, then the solution u(x, t) of problem blows up in finite time T in X0-norm. Moreover,


Proof. First, from Theorem 4.2, we know that the solution u of problem (1.1) blows up in finite time T. Now, we estimate the lower bound for the blow-up time T. Let

(4.23) φ(t):=uX02,

multiplying u on two sides of equation (1.1), we have

(4.24) ut,u+(Δ)sut,u=[u]S2(λ1)(Δ)Su,u+|u|q2u,u,

then by direct computation and (4.24), it follows that

(4.25) φ(t)=2uW02λ+2uqq.

Then by (4.25) and the embedding inequality uquX0 , it implies


So we see the following inequality

(4.26) φ(t)(φ(t))q22Cq

Integrating the inequality (4.27) from 0 to t, we have

(4.27) (φ(0))q22(φ(t))q22(q2)Cqt.

So letting t → T in (4.27), we can conclude that


The proof is completed. □

4.4 Upper bound estimate of the blowup time

Sun et al. [33] obtained the finite time blowup results for (1.5) provided that the initial energy satisfies J(u0)<d (∞), where d (∞) is a nonnegative constant, and also derive the estimates of the lower bound and upper bound for the blowup time. Similarly, we turn to the upper bound estimate for blowup time at sub-critical initial energy case of problem (1.1).

Theorem 4.5

(Upper bound of the blowup time when 0 < J(u0)<d). For all q > 2λ, Assume that u0 ∈ X0, 0 < J(u0)<d, I(u0)<0, then the solution of problem (1.1) blows up in finite time. Furthermore, the maximum existence time T of u(t) satisfies


Proof. Since I(u0)<0 and 0 < J(u0)<d, by Lemma 4.1 (ii) we can get I(u (t))<0, further

(4.28) 12ddtuX02=uqquW02λ=I(u(t))>0,t[0,T].

For T˜(0,T) , we define

(4.29) F(t):=0tuX02dτ+(T˜t)u0X02+β(t+σ)2,

where β and σ will be give in the following prooof. Then we can write

(4.30) F(t)=uX02u0X02+2β(t+σ)=0tddτuX02dτ+2β(t+σ)=20tu,uτX0dτ+2β(t+σ)>0.

So F(t)=F (0)>0 and F(t) is strictly increasing on [0,T˜] . Furthermore, by (2.7) we can deduce

(4.31) F(t)=2u,utX0+2β=2I(u(t))+2β=2qJ(u(t))+q2λλuW02λ+2β=2qJu0+2q0tuτX02dτ+q2λλuW02λ+2β.

By Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and Hölder’s inequality we can get

(4.32) 0tu,uτX0dτ+β(t+σ)20tuX02dτ+β(t+σ)20tuτX02dτ+β.

Therefore, in view of (4.29)-(4.32) and (4.13), we derive

(4.33) F(t)F(t)q2F(t)2=F(t)F(t)2q0tu,uτX0dτ+β(t+σ)2F(t)F(t)2q0tuX02dτ+β(t+σ)20tuτX02dτ+βF(t)F(t)2qF(t)0tuτX02dτ+β=F(t)2qJu0+q2λλuW02λ+2β2qβ>2qF(t)dJu0(q1)βq,

for any t[0,T˜] and restricting β to satisfy

(4.34) 0<βqq1dJu0.

Let G(t):=F2q2(t) for t[0,T˜] , then by F(t) > 0, F′(t) > 0, q > 2 and the above inequality, we get

(4.35) G(t)=q22Fq2(t)F(t)<0,G(t)=2q2Fq+22(t)F(t)F(t)q2F(t)2<0

for all t[0,T˜] . Then it follows from G″(t) < 0 that

(4.36) G(T)G(0)=G(γ)T˜<G(0)T,γ(0,T).

By the definition of G(t), (4.29), (4.30) and (4.35), we obtain

G ( 0 ) = F 2 q 2 ( 0 ) > 0 , G ( T ~ ) = F 2 q 2 ( T ~ ) > 0 , G ( 0 ) = 2 q 2 F q 2 ( 0 ) F ( 0 ) = ( 2 q ) β σ F q 2 ( 0 ) < 0.

Combining (4.36) and the above inequalities, we can deduce


Then it follows that


Hence, letting T˜T , we get

(4.37) Tu0X02(q2)βσT+σq2.

Fix any β satisfying (4.34), let σ be large enough such that

(4.38) u 0 X 0 2 ( q 2 ) β < σ < + ,

then (4.37) leads to

(4.39) T σ q 2 1 + u 0 X 0 2 ( 2 q ) β σ 1 = β σ 2 ( q 2 ) β σ u 0 X 0 2 .

Minimizing the last term of (4.39) for σ satisfying (4.38) one has

(4.40) T 2 u 0 X 0 2 ( q 2 ) 2 β .

Minimizing the the last term of (4.39) for β satisfying (4.34) we finally get

(4.41) T 4 ( q 1 ) u 0 X 0 2 q ( q 2 ) 2 d J u 0 .

The proof is completed. □

By the way, inspired by [19], we can also derive an upper bound for blow-up time when J(u0)<0.

Theorem 4.6

(Upper bound of the blowup time when J(u0)<0). If q > 2λ⩾2, u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)<0, then the solution of problem (1.1) blows up at some finite time T and


Proof. If we replace the auxiliary functions φ(t) and ψ(t) used in the proof of [20, Theorem 3.1] with the following form




which corresponds to problem (1.1). Then by similar arguments, we can derive this conclusion. □

Remark. 4.2

The above conclusion does not give the upper bound of the blowup time when J(u0)=0. In fact, if we consider the case d(δ)=0 in Lemma 2.5 and the case e=0 in Lemma 4.1, we will find Theorem 4.5 is also valid to estimate the upper bound of blowup time when J(u0)=0. It’s just that we don't consider the non-positive situation of d(δ), even if d(δ)=0 and e=0 satisfy the characteristics of Lemma 2.5 and Lemma 4.1, respectively.

5 Critical initial energy J(u0)=d

5.1 Global existence and finite time blowup of solution

In this section, we prove a threshold result of global existence and nonexistence of solutions for problem (1.1) with the critical initial energy J(u0)=d.

Theorem 5.1

(Global existence when J(u0)=d). Assume that u0 ∈ X0, I(u0)>0 and J(u0)=d. Then the weak solution of problem (1.1) exists globally, satisfying u(t) ∈ L(0, ∞;X0) with ut(t) ∈ L2(0, ∞;X0) and u(t)Wp=WpWp for 0 ⩽ t<∞.

Proof. From J(u0)=d, it can be deduced that u0X00 . Pick a sequence θm=11m , such that 0<θm < 1, Let u0m(x)=θmu0(x), m=2, 3, ···. Consider the initial condition u(x, 0)=u0m(x) and the corresponding problem (1.1). From I(u0)⩾0 and lemma 2.3 (ii), we have


Thus, it follows that I(u0m)=I(θmu0)>0 and J(u0m)=J(θmu0)<J(u0)=d. Then by Theorem 4.1, it can be deduced that for each m problem (1.1) admits a global solution um ∈ L(0, ∞;X0) with umt ∈ L2(0, ∞;X0) and um ∈ Vp for 0 ⩽ t<∞, satisfying

(5.1) umt,v+um,vW0+umt,vW0=umq2um,v,vX0,tR0+,0tumτX02dτ+Jum=Ju0m<d,0t<.

Then we can get

(5.2) 0tumτX02dτ+q2λ2qλumW02λ<d,0t<.

The rest of the proof is similar as that in theorem 4.1. □

Theorem 5.2

(Finite time blowup when J(u0)=d). Suppose that u0 ∈ X0, I(u0)<0 and J(u0)=d. then any nontrivial solution to problem (1.1) must blowup in finite time T satisfying


Proof. Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.2, first we assume that the critical initial energy solution exists globally. From I(u0)<0 and the continuity of I(u (t)) in t, it can be seen that there exists a sufficiently small tˉ>0 such that I(u (t))<0 for t[0,tˉ] . Moreover, by the fact that (u,ut)X0=I(u(t))>0 for t[0,tˉ] , we have ut≠0 for t[0,tˉ] . Hence, by (2.7) and the continuity of J(u (t)) in t, it follows that J(u (t))<d for t(0,tˉ] . Taking tˆ(0,tˉ] as the new initial time, obviously there holds I(u(tˉ))<0 and J(u(tˉ))<d . The remainder of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.2. □

5.2 Asymptotic behavior of solutions

In this section, we consider the asymptotic behavior of solutions for problem (1.1) with the critical initial condition J(u0)=d. By the similar way of the proof of Theorem 4.3, we can give Theorem 5.3.

Theorem 5.3

(Asymptotic behavior of solutions for J(u0)=d). Let u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)=d and I(u0)>0. Then for the global weak solution u of problem (1.1), when λ=1, there exists constants E > 0, t1 > 0 and γ>0 such that

(5.3) uX02Eeγt,t1t<.

When λ>1, then

(5.4) uX0221δ1(λ1)tt1+ut1X02(λ1)1λ1,t1t<.

Proof. First, Theorem 5.1 gives the existence of a global weak solution for problem (1.1). In addition, from Remark 4.1, Theorem 5.1 and (2.7), it follows that if u(t) is a global weak solution of problem (1.1) with J(u0)=d, I(u0)>0, we claim that J(u) < d and I(u)=0 for 0 ⩽ t<∞. Next, we consider the following two cases.

(i) Assume that I(u) > 0 for 0 ⩽ t<∞. Then from (ut,u)X0=I(u)<0 and utX0>0 , it follows that 0tutX02dτ is increasing on t ∈ [0, ∞). Picking any t1 > 0 and setting

(5.5) d1=d0t1uτX02dτ,

by noticing (2.7), we have 0 < J(u) ⩽ d1<d and u(t) ∈ Wδ for δ ∈ (δ1, δ2) and t ∈ [t1, ∞), where δ1<δ2 solve the equation d(δ)=d1. Thus, Iδ1(u)0 for t=t1, which together with (4.21), gives that


When λ=1, making use of Gronwall’s inequality, we can get


When λ>1, it follows that


(ii) Let us suppose by contradiction that t0 > 0 is the first time such that I(u (t0))=0. By (2.8), we get


Meanwhile, (2.7) gives

(5.6) Jut0d0t0uτX02dτd.

Hence we deduce J(u (t0))=d. Again from (5.6) we get 0t0uτX02dτ=0 , that is u(t) ≡ 0 for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ t1, which contradicts I(u0)>0. Hence we have I(u) > 0 and J(u) < d for 0 < t<∞.

By the continuity of the functionals J(u) and I(u) in t, we reset the initial data to a small enough t1 > 0 such that 0 < J(u (t1))<d and I(u (t1))>0. By (4.21) we get


Making use of Gronwall’s inequality, when λ=1 we can get


when λ>1, the result is same as the case (i). Therefore, when λ=1, there exist constants E > 0, t1 > 0 and γ>0 such that


The proof is completed. □

6 Blowup for arbitrary positive initial energy J(u0)>0

In this section, we establish a finite time blowup theorem for the solution of problem (1.1) with arbitrary high initial energy. At the same time, we estimate the upper bound of the blowup time. Firstly, the invariance of the set N is proved as follows.

Lemma 6.1

(The invariance of N when J(u0)>0). Assume that 2λ<q<2s , u0 ∈ X0, J(u0)>0 and the initial condition

(6.1) 2λq1+C2λq2λJu0u0W02λ

holds. Then uN for all t ∈ [0, T], where C denotes the embedding constant for W0L2(Ω), T is maximum existence time of u(t).

Proof. Let u(t) be any weak solution of problem (1.1). Multiplying (1.1) by ut(t) and integrating on Ω, then we have


Further we could obtain

(6.2) ddtJ(u)=ut(t)X020.

Multiplying (1.1) by u and integrate on Ω  ×  (0, t), we have

1 2 u X 0 2 1 2 u 0 X 0 2 + 0 t ( u W 0 2 λ u q q ) d τ = 0 ,

that is

(6.3) 12ddtuX02=I(u).

Note that


which together with (6.1) indicates that I(u0)<0. Next, we prove u(t)N for all t ∈ [0, T). Arguing by contradiction, by the continuity of I(t) in t, we assume that there exists a t˜(0,T) such that u(t)N for 0t<t˜ and u(t˜)N , then by (6.3) we have

(6.4) ddtu(t)X02=2I(u)>0,t[0,t˜),

which implies that


Then, we have

(6.5) u0X02λ<u(t˜)X02λ.

From (6.2) it follows that

(6.6) J(u(t))Ju0 for all t[0,t˜].

By the definition of J(u) and u(t˜)N , we derive to


which together with (6.1) and (6.6), we can get


i.e., u(t˜)X02λ<u0X02λ , which contradicts (6.5). □

Lemma 6.2

([16,17]) Suppose that a positive, twice-differentiable function ψ(t) satisfies the inequality


where θ>0 is some constant. If ψ (0)>0 and ψ′(0)>0, then there exists 0<t1ψ(0)θψ(0) such that ψ(t) tends to ∞ as t → t1.

Now we show high energy blowup and estimate the upper bound of the blowup time of solutions for problem (1.1).

Theorem 6.1

(Finite time blowup when J(u0)>0). Let u(t) be a weak solution to problem (1.1) with u0 ∈ X0. Suppose that J(u0)>0 and (6.1) holds, then the solution u(t) blows up in finite time. In addition there exists a t1 as


such that


where α, η (0) and η′(0) will be determined in the later proof.

Proof. Arguing by contradiction, we assume the existence time of solution T=+∞. Integrating of (6.2) with respect to t, we have

(6.7) J(u)+0tuτX02dτ=Ju0.

From (6.3) we have

(6.8) ddtuX02=2I(u)=2(uW02λuqq)=4λ12λuW02λ1quqq+24λquqq=4λJ(u)+2q4λquqq.

In the rest of the proof, we consider the following two cases.

(i) J(u)=0, for all t > 0. From (6.1), we choose α satisfying

(6.9) 1<α<(q2λ)u0X022λq(1+C2)J(u0).

Substituting (6.7) into (6.8), as J(u)=0 in this case we get

(6.10) ddtuX02=4λ(α1)J(u)4λαJ(u)+2(q2λ)quqq4λαJ(u0)+4λα0tuτX02dτ+2(q2λ)quqq.

From Lemma 6.1 it follows that I(u) < 0, i.e.,


Therefore, applying the basic inequality s ⩽ sα+1 for any s=0 and α⩾1, we can obtain

(6.11) ddtuX024λαJ(u0)+4λα0tuτX02dτ+2(q2λ)quqq>4λαJ(u0)+4λα0tuτX02dτ+2(q2λ)quW02λ>4λαJ(u0)+4λα0tuτX02dτ+2(q2λ)q(uW021)4λαJ(u0)+4λα0tuτX02dτ+2(q2λ)q(1+C2)uX022(q2λ)q,

where C is the best embedding constant of inequality u2CuW0 . Then

(6.12) ddtuX022(q2λ)q(1+C2)uX02>4λαJ(u0)2(q2λ)q,

which yields

(6.13) uX02>u0X02e2(q2λ)q(1+C2)t+q(1+C2)q2λ2λαJ(u0)+q2λq1e2(q2λ)q(1+C2)t.

Next, we define


Since the solution u is global, thus the function y(t) is bounded for all t=0. Then we have




Substituting (6.13) into (6.11), we get

(6.14) y′′(t)>2(q2λ)q(1+C2)u0X024λαJ(u0)2(q2λ)qe2(q2λ)q(1+C2)t+4λα0tuτX02dτ>2λαεu0X02+4λα0tuτX02dτ:=A(t).

By (6.9), we can take ε>0 small enough such that

(6.15) ε<12λαu0X022(q2λ)q(1+C2)u0X024λαJ(u0)2(q2λ)q.

Then we pick c > 0 large enough such that

(6.16) c>14ε2u0X04.

We now define the auxiliary function



(6.17) η(t)=2y(t)+ε1u0X02y(t),
(6.18) η′′(t)=2y(t)+ε1u0X02y′′(t)+2(y(t))2.

Setting ρ:=4cε2u0X04 , by (6.16) we know ρ>0. Now, from (6.17) we can write

(6.19) (η(t))2=2y(t)+ε1u0X022(y(t))2=4y2(t)+4ε1u0X02y(t)+ε2u0X04(y(t))2=4y2(t)+4ε1u0X02y(t)+4cρ(y(t))2=(4φ(t)ρ)(y(t))2.

The above equality yields

(6.20) 4η(t)(y(t))2=(η(t))2+ρ(y(t))2.

By integrating the following identity from 0 to t, it gives

(6.21) 12ddtu(t)X02=(u,ut)+(u,ut)W0,





This equality along with the Hölder and Young’s inequality gives

(6.22) (y(t))2=u(t)X04=u0X02+20t(u,uτ)X0dτ2u0X02+20tuX02dτ120tuτX02dτ122u0X04+4y(t)0tuτX02dτ+2εu0X02y(t)+2ε1u0X020tuτX02dτ=:B(t).

From (6.18) and (6.20), we can get

(6.23) 2η(t)η′′(t)=22y(t)+ε1u0X02y′′(t)+2(y(t))2η(t)=22y(t)+ε1u0X02y′′(t)η(t)+4(y(t))2η(t)=22y(t)+ε1u0X02y′′(t)η(t)+(η(t))2+ρ(y(t))2.

By (6.15) and the fact that e2(q2λ)q(1+C2)>1 and η(t) > 0, we obtain




which implies that


Since η(0)=c>14ε2u0X04>0 , η(0)=ε1u0X04>0 , by Lemma 6.2, it follows that there exists a


such that




As η(t) is a continuous function with respect to t, we can conclude that y(t) tends to ∞ at some t* which contradicts T=+∞.

(ii) There exist some t˙ such that J(u(t˙))<0 .

Since J(u0)>0, by the continuity of J(u (t)) in t, we can assume that there exists a first time t0 > 0 such that J(u (t0))=0 and J(u(t˙))<0 for some t˙>t0 . We take u(t˙) as a new initial datum, then from Lemma 6.1, we have u(t)N for t>t˙ . Then similar to the proof of Theorem 4.2, we can prove the finite time blowup of the solution.

Combining the above two cases, we conclude that u(t) blows up in finite time. □

7 Conclusions and future works

Inspired by [34], it is natural to consider the following more general problem

(7.1) ut+M([u]s2)LKu+(Δ)sut=|u|q2u,inΩ×R+,u(x,0)=u0(x),inΩ,u(x,t)=0,in(RNΩ)×R0+,

the operator LK is given by

(7.2) LKφ(x)=Rn(2φ(x)φ(x+y)+φ(xy))K(y)dy

for every x ∈ ℝn, where the kernel K:ℝN∖{0} → ℝ+ satisfies the following assumption

(H)m(x)KL1(RN),wherem(x)=min{|x|2,1};there existsK0>0,such thatK(x)K0|x|(N+2s)for a.e.xRN{0}.

A typical example for K is the singular kernel K(x)=∣∣x∣∣−(N+2s). In this case, up to some normalization constant, LKφ(x)=(Δ)sφ(x) . Using the arguments similar to Sects. 4-6 of this paper, we get the existence and finite time blow up of solutions, as well as the asymptotic behavior for problem (7.1). However, the global existence for super-critical initial energy, i.e., J(u0)>d can't be obtained because of the absence of the comparison principle. Thus, in order to prove the global well-posedness for problem (1.1) and (7.1) in the super-critical initial energy case, some new methods and strategies should be found, which will be the object of future work. At the same time, this work is helpful to analyze the observability and measurability of the control model in control system.


The authors thank the referees for their valuable remarks and comments on this paper. The first author is supported by Jiangsu key R & D plan(BE2018007).

  1. Conflict of interest:

    Authors state no conflict of interest.


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Received: 2021-06-17
Accepted: 2021-08-17
Published Online: 2021-10-04

© 2021 Xiaoqiang Dai et al., published by De Gruyter

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