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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter November 20, 2021

Maximum principle for higher order operators in general domains

  • Daniele Cassani EMAIL logo and Antonio Tarsia


We first prove De Giorgi type level estimates for functions in W1,t(Ω), ΩRN , with t>N2 . This augmented integrability enables us to establish a new Harnack type inequality for functions which do not necessarily belong to De Giorgi’s classes as obtained in Di Benedetto–Trudinger [10] for functions in W1,2(Ω). As a consequence, we prove the validity of the strong maximum principle for uniformly elliptic operators of any even order, in fairly general domains in dimension two and three, provided second order derivatives are taken into account.

MSC 2010: 35J30; 35J48; 35B50

1 Introduction

One of the most powerful tools in the study of partial differential equations and nonlinear analysis is without any doubts the Maximum Principle (MP in the sequel). It turns out to be fundamental in obtaining existence, uniqueness and regularity results in the theory of linear elliptic equations, as well as to establish qualitative properties of solutions to nonlinear equations. We mainly refer to [22] for classical results and historical development, where suitable applications also to the parabolic and hyperbolic cases are discussed. Let us merely mention that the roots of MP date back two centuries in the work of Gauss on harmonic functions, up to the ultimate version of Hopf [16], and then further extended in the seminal work of Nirenberg [20], Alexandrov [2] and Serrin [24], within the foundations of modern theory of PDEs.

The underlying idea is simple: positivity of a suitable set of derivatives of a function induces positivity of the function itself. This is elementary true for real functions of one variable which vanish at the endpoints of an interval where −u″(x)=0 and the validity can be extended to second order uniformly elliptic operators for which a prototype is the Laplace operator:

(1.1) Δu=f, in ΩRN,N2u=0, on Ω

for which we have

f0u0 in Ω.

Surprisingly, this is no longer true when considering higher order elliptic operators such as the biharmonic operator Δ2:

(1.2) Δ2u=f, in Ωu=uν=0, on Ω.

Indeed, in this case in general one has

f 0 u 0  in  Ω .

This is a well known fact as long as the domain Ω is not a ball, for which the positive Green function was computed by Boggio [6] and which keeps on being positive for slight deformations of the ball [25]. As deeply investigated in [11] and references therein, the lack of the positivity preserving property is due to the appearance of sets carrying small Hausdorff measure (see [15]) where u<0 and apparently without robust physical motivations. Recently the loss of the MP has been established in [1] also in the case of higher order fractional Laplacians. This paper is a step forward a better understanding of this phenomena and at the same time gives some general principle in order to recover the validity of the MP in the higher order setting.

Let us briefly recall some physical interpretation of (1.1)–(1.2). Indeed, (1.1) is modeling, among many other things, a membrane whose profile is u which deflects under the charge load f and clamped along the boundary ∂Ω. This is the case in which tension forces prevale on bending forces which can be neglected because of the ‘‘thin’' membrane. However, the model does not suite the case of a ‘‘thick’' plate in which bending forces have to be taken into account. Here higher order derivatives come into play which yield (1.2). As one expects for (1.1), and there this is true by the MP, upwards pushing of a plate, clamped along the boundary, should yield upwards bending: this is false for (1.2) in contrast to some heuristic evidences in applications (see e.g. [17] and references therein).

Our point of view here, roughly speaking, is that approaching the boundary, where the bending energy carries some minor effect because of the clamping condition, tensional forces can not be neglected for which the contribute of lower order derivatives may restore the validity of the MP. As a reference example, consider the following simple model:

(1.3) Δ2uγΔu=f, in ΩRN,γ0u=uν=0, on Ω.

Clearly for γ=0 one has (1.2) whence formally as γ → ∞, in a sense one may expect that (1.3) inherits some properties of (1.1).

As we are going to see, this is the case and for the more accurate model (1.3) surprisingly the MP holds true, for fairly general domains, provided γγ0>0 , which is essentially given in terms of Sobolev and Poincaré best constants. Let us state our main result in the case of (1.3) though it extends to cover the general case of uniformly elliptic operators of any even order, see Corollary 5.1.

Theorem 1.1

Let ΩRN,N=2,3 , be an open connected and bounded set, with sufficiently smooth boundary and which satisfies the interior sphere condition. Let uH02(Ω) be a weak solution to (1.3), where f ∈ L2(Ω), f=0 in Ω and |{x:f(x)>0}|>0 . Then, there exists γ0>0 (which depends on the diameter of Ω, Sobolev and Poincaré best constants but does not depend on f), such that for γ>γ0 one has u>0 in Ω.

As a consequence of Theorem 1.1, the operator Δ2γΔ, which in addition to (1.2) contains the contribute of lower order derivatives, turns out to be a more natural extension of (1.1) to the higher order setting.

Overview. In Section 2 we prove some preliminary estimates which will be the key ingredient to prove in Section 3 a new Harnack type inequality. Indeed, in the higher order case, it is well known how truncation methods fail [11]. Our approach here is to demand some extra integrability on the function entering the Harnack inequality in place of being solution to a PDE, which usually yields Caccioppoli’s inequality and the solution belongs to the corresponding De Giorgi class. In [10] the authors prove a Harnack type inequality just for functions with membership in some De Giorgi classes. Here we drop this assumption though we assume more regularity in terms of integrability which however enables us to prove De Giorgi type pointwise level estimates. In Section 5 we apply the results obtained to prove the strong maximum principle for polyharmonic operators of any order, which contain lower order derivatives, in sufficiently smooth bounded domains which enjoy the interior sphere condition. This is done by a limiting procedure starting from compactly supported functions and then extending the results and estimates to the solutions of higher order PDEs subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions. Those boundary conditions are in a sense the natural ones as the higher order operator in this case does not decouple into powers of a second order operator. In one hand the result we obtain is a first step towards the investigation of qualitative properties of higher order nonlinear PDEs, such as uniqueness, optimal regularity, symmetries and concentration phenomena [5, 7, 13, 18, 19 ,21 ,23 ,26]. On the other hand, we are confident the tools introduced here may reveal useful also in different higher order contexts, such as parabolic problems, in the study of the sign of solutions to quasilinear equations and in the higher order fractional Laplacian setting [4, 8, 14].

This research started in 2010 when Theorem 1.1 was settled by the first named author in the form of conjecture in a conference in Pisa. New advances towards the results in this paper have been made in 2014 during the first visit of Louis Nirenberg in Varese, then in New York 2015, Pisa 2016 and Varese again in 2017 (his last trip), occasions in which Louis has further stimulated this research during long discussions of which we keep nostalgic memories. Goodbye Louis!

Notation. In the sequel we will use the following basic definitions:

  1. B(x0, r) denotes the ball in RN of center at x0 and radius r;

  2. ωN is the volume of the unit ball in ℝN;

  3. dΩ denotes the diameter of the bounded set Ω in RN ;

  4. ∣ · ∣ applied to sets denotes the Lebesgue measure in RN otherwise it is the Euclidean norm in RN with scalar product (· , ·);

  5. A+(x0,k,r):={x:xB(x0,r),u(x)>k} ;

  6. (u − k)+ ≔ max{u − k, 0};

  7. {f>0} denotes the set {xΩ:f(x)>0} ;

  8. Ω satisfies the interior sphere condition if for all x ∈ ∂Ω there exists y ∈ Ω and r0>0 such that B(y, r0)⊂Ω and x ∈ ∂B(y, r0);

  9. c and C denote positive constants which may change from line to line and which do not depend on the other quantities involved unless explicitly emphasized;

  10. Wm, p(Ω) is the standard Sobolev space endowed with the norm m,pp=0|α|mDαupp ;

  11. W0m,p(Ω) is the completion of smooth compactly supported functions with respect to the norm ∣·∣m, p;

  12. the critical Sobolev exponent p:=NpNmp , 1<p<N/m .

2 Preliminaries

Let ΩRN , N=2, be an open bounded set with sufficiently smooth boundary. The following holds true

Lemma 2.1

Let u ∈ W1,t(Ω), t>N and 1<s<N . Then there exists c(s,t)>0 such that for all kR , x0 ∈ Ω and ρ ∈ (0, r) where 0<r<dist(x0,Ω) the following holds

(2.1) A+(x0,k,ρ)(uk)sdxc(s,t,N)(rρ)s|A+(x0,k,r)|(1st)ssA+(x0,k,r)(uk)tdx+rtA+(x0,k,r)|u|tdxst.

Proof. Consider a standard cut-off function ΘC0(RN) given by

(2.2) Θ(x)=1,xB(x0,ρ)0,xB(x0,r),

such that 0 ⩽ Θ(x) ⩽ 1 and |Θ(x)|crρ .

As W1,t(Ω)↪ W1,s(Ω), one has from Sobolev’s emedding and Hölder’s inequality


Remark 2.1

The condition 0<r<dist(x0,Ω) , namely that x0 lies in the interior of Ω, is crucial to extend to the whole RN the function (u − k)Θ. Therefore when x0 approaches ∂Ω, necessarily r=r(x0) tends to zero.

Lemma 2.2

Let u ∈ W1,t(Ω), t>N2 and 1<s<N . Let l, kR such that l>k , x0 ∈ Ω and r<dist(x0,Ω) . Then for all ρ ∈ (0, r) one has

(2.3) A+(x0,l,ρ)(ul)2dxc(t)|A+(x0,k,r)|β(rρ)2(p1)pA+(x0,k,r)(uk)2dx1pA+(x0,k,r)(uk)tdx+rtA+(x0,k,r)|u|tdx2(p1)pt,

where β=12q+1stss2pqpq , s=2qN(p1)N(2pq)+2q(p1) and 2<q<2p , p>1 .

Proof. Let x0 ∈ Ω, r<dist(x0,Ω) and for simplicity let us write A+(k, r) in place of A+(x0, k, r).

For l,kR and ρ ∈ (0, r), since A+(l, ρ)⊂ A+(k, ρ) we have

(2.4) A+(l,ρ)(ul)2dxA+(k,ρ)(uk)2dx.

Let q > 2 for which one has

(2.5) A+(k,ρ)(uk)2dx|A+(k,ρ)|12qA+(k,ρ)(uk)qdx2q.

Let now p > 1 and 2 < q < 2p and estimate by Hölder’s inequality

(2.6) A+(k,ρ)(uk)qdxA+(k,ρ)(uk)2dxq2pA+(k,ρ)(uk)2q(p1)(2pq)dx2pq2pc(p,q,t)(rρ)q(p1)p|A+(k,r)|(1st)q(p1)spA+(k,ρ)(uk)2dxq2pA+(k,r)(uk)tdx+rtA+(k,r)|u|tdxq(p1)tp,

where in the last inequality we have used Lemma 2.1 with s=2q(p1)2pq . Combine (2.5) and (2.6) to get

(2.7) A+(k,ρ)(uk)2dxc(p,q,t,N)(rρ)2p1p|A+(k,r)|(12q)+(1st)2(p1)spA+(k,ρ)(uk)2dx1pA+(k,r)(uk)tdx+rtA+(k,r)|u|tdx2(p1)tp.

In what follows we will use the following result from [3] in order to prove a version of the well known Poincaré inequality.

Theorem 2.1

(Theorem A. 28, p. 184 in [3). Let u ∈ W1,1(Br), such that u=0 and |{x:u(x)=0}||Br|2 . Then

(2.8) Bru1dx11cBr|u|dx,

where c=c(N) depends only on the dimension N.

Lemma 2.3

Let u ∈ W1,p(Br) be such that |{x:u(x)=0}||Br|2 , with pNN1 and N=2. Then, the following holds

(2.9) Br|u|pdx1pcωN1NpN1NrBr|u|pdx1p,

where c=c(N) is the constant in (2.8).

Proof. Apply Theorem 2.1 to the function ∣up, taking pNN1 and N=2, to get




we have


3 A Harnack type inequality

Next we derive a De Giorgi type level estimate (see [3,12]) for functions u ∈ W1,t, t>N2 which will be the key ingredient in establishing a new Harnack type inequality. Let us emphasize that in De Giorgi’s theorem [9], level estimates hold for u ∈ W1,2 which is a solution to a uniformly elliptic second order equation with bounded and measurable coefficients. As a consequence, Caccioppoli’s inequality holds and u ∈ W1,2 belongs to the corresponding so-called De Giorgi class. Later, Di Benedetto and Trudinger relaxed the framework and in [10] they merely assume u ∈ W1,2 belonging to some De Giorgi class. Here, we further improve the setting, without requiring any of those previous assumptions, though demanding for some augmented integrability which turns out to be necessary, as it is well known, functions in W1,N(Ω), ΩRN , may not be bounded.

Theorem 3.1

Let u ∈ W1,t(Ω), t>N2 , ΩRN be open and bounded set with sufficiently smooth boundary ∂Ω. For all kR , y ∈ Ω, r>0 such that r<dist(y,Ω) , the following holds

(3.1) supB(y,r2)uk+d,



Remark 3.1

Here we write for simplicity A+(k, ρ) in place of A+(y, k, ρ) and c=c(t, p, ξ, η, θ) is a positive constant which depends on the parameters p > 1, t > N obtained in Lemma 2.2, while ξ > 0, η > ), θ > 1 are defined by suitable equations stated in the proof.

Proof of Theorem 3.1. Let us set:


where c(t) is the constant of (2.3). For all l,kR , such that l > k and for all ρ ∈ (0, r), one has

(3.2) |A+(l,ρ)|1(lk)2I(k,ρ)

and clearly ∣A+(l, ρ)∣ ⩽ ∣A+(k, ρ)∣, for l > k.


(3.3) Φ(l,ρ)=I(l,ρ)ξ|A+(l,ρ)|η,

then from (3.2) and (2.3) we have

(3.4) Φ(l,ρ)1(rρ)2ξp1p(lk)2ηΦ(k,r)θM(r,k,t,p)ξ,

where η,ξ,θ > 0 satisfy the following algebraic equations

(3.5) ξp+η=θξβξ=θη

from which we have θ2 − θ/p − β=0 and we take θ=θ1 given by

(3.6) θ1=1/p+1/p2+4β2.

As one can easily check θ1>1 , for all 2<q<2p , t>N and 1<s<N .

From (3.4) we are done provided we prove that for all kR and r<dist(y,Ω) there exists d>0 satisfying


which in turn by (3.3) yields


Next we proceed by using the iterative scheme from the proof of De Giorgi’s theorem. For mN set


where the parameter d>0 has to be chosen in the sequel and k0=k. The idea is to exploit the inequality (3.4) with r=rm and ρ=rm+1 where the sequence {rm}mN is decreasing so that B(rm+1)⊂ B(rm). On the other hand {km}mN is increasing, and we set in (3.4) l=km+1 and k=km. With this choice we obtain from (3.4) the following inequality

(3.7) Φ(km+1,rm+1)22(p1)p(m+2)ξ+2(m+1)ηr2(p1)pξd2ηΦ(km,rm)θM(rm,km,t,p)ξ.

Now multiply (3.7) by 2μ(m+1), μ>0 and set

(3.8) Ψm=2μmΦ(km,rm)

to obtain form (3.7)

(3.9) Ψm+122(p1)p(m+2)ξ+2(m+1)ηr2(p1)pξd2η2μ[1+m(1θ)]ΨmθM(rm,km,t,p)ξ.

Let us choose μ>0 to avoid the dependence on m in the first factor in the right hand side of (3.9), namely

(3.10) μ=2(p1)pξ+2ηθ1,

and thus (3.9) becomes




so that for all mN one has


At this point we choose d>0 such that

(3.11) A d 2 η Ψ 0 θ 1 = 1 ,

and by induction on mN we have

ΨmΨ0,for allmN.

Finally by (3.8) we obtain


and the proof is complete by letting m → ∞. □

Remark 3.2

It is important to note that in Lemma 2.2 as t → N one has β → (p − 1)/p so that θ1 → 1 in (3.6). As a consequence, from (3.10) one has μ → ∞ and this, as expected, prevents the result to hold.

Next we prove the following Harnack type inequality

Theorem 3.2

Let u ∈ W1,t(Ω), t>N2 , and ΩRN be an open bounded set with sufficiently smooth boundary ∂Ω. Let B(x0, r)⊂Ω, then there exists a constant c>0 , which depends only on N, such that

(3.12) supB(x0,r2)uinfB(x0,r)u+cr[(ξη+N2)(θ1)]B(x0,r)|u|tdxξηp1tpB(x0,r)|u|2dxξ(θ1)2η.

Proof. Set M=supB(x0,r)u , m=minB(x0,r)u , and let

I 1 = k : k ( m , M ) : x : x B ( x 0 , r ) , u ( x ) > k < | B ( x 0 , r ) | 2 , I 2 = k : k ( m , M ) : x : x B ( x 0 , r ) , u ( x ) k | B ( x 0 , r ) | 2 .

If I1≠∅ then we prove for all k ∈ I1 the following

(3.13) supB(x0,r2)uk+cr[(ξη+N2)(θ1)]B(x0,r)|u|tdxξηp1tpB(x0,r)|u|2dxξ(θ1)2η.

Indeed, by Theorem 3.1 we have for all k ∈ I1

(3.14) supB(x0,r2)uk+crξ(p1)ηp|A+(k,r)|θ12A+(k,r)|uk|tdx+rtA+(k,r)|u|tdxξηp1tpA+(k,r)|uk|2dxξ(θ1)2η.

Since k ∈ I1 one has


and apply Lemma 2.3 to the function (u(x) − k)+ to get


In the case I2≠∅, for all k ∈ I2 set h=−k and v(x)=−u(x). Thus h ∈ (−M, −m) and the following holds

x : x B ( x 0 , r ) : u ( x ) k = x : x B ( x 0 , r ) : u ( x ) k = x : x B ( x 0 , r ) : v ( x ) h | B ( x 0 , r ) | 2 .

Therefore, the function v enjoys (3.13), namely

(3.15) supB(x0,r2)vh+cr[(ξη+N2)(θ1)]B(x0,r)|v|tdxξηp1tpB(x0,r)|v|2dxξ(θ1)2η.



and (3.15) we have


As a consequence, for all k ∈ I2 we get

(3.16) kinfB(x0,r2)u+cr[(ξη+N2)(θ1)]B(x0,r)|u|tdxξηp1tpB(x0,r)|u|2dxξ(θ1)2η.

Next we distinguish three cases, precisely:

  1. I1≠∅ and I2=∅. In this case any k ∈ (m, M) belongs to I1, for which (3.13) which holds for all k ∈ I1, it holds for k=m as well;

  2. I1=∅ and I2≠∅. In this case any k ∈ (m, M) belongs to I2, and thus (3.16) which holds for all k ∈ I2, in particular holds for k=M;

  3. I1≠∅ and I2≠∅. In this case we consider inf I1 and sup I2 and it is standard to prove there exists a unique k0=inf I1=sup I2 which enjoys both (3.13) and (3.16) and the theorem follows.

In order to state the next result let us introduce the following

Definition 3.1

Let Ω be an open set in RN , N=2 with non-empty and sufficiently smooth boundary and which enjoys the interior sphere condition. Let x ∈ ∂Ω and consider balls of radius r, Bx(r)⊂Ω which are tangent in the interior to ∂Ω at point x and let δ(x)=sup r. We define the narrowness index of Ω as follows:

(3.17) δ=infxΩδ(x).

Theorem 3.3

Let ΩRN , N=2 be open, connected, with sufficiently smooth boundary and which enjoys the interior sphere condition. Let δ be the narrowness index of Ω as in Definition 3.17. Let xmax and xmin be respectively a local maximum and local minimum for u ∈ W1,t(Ω), t>N .

Then, there exists hN and r ∈ (0, δ), such that

(3.18) u(xmax)u(xmin)+chr(ξη+N2)(θ1)Ω|u(x)|tdxξ(p1)tpηΩ|u(x)|2dxξ(θ1)2η,

with c=c(N) provided by Thorem 3.2 and where in particular h depends only on dist (xmax, ∂Ω), dist (xmin, ∂Ω) and δ.

Proof. Let r>0 be such that:

  1. for all x ∈ B(xmin, r)⊂Ω one has u(x)=u(xmin);

  2. B(xmin,r)Ω ;

  3. B(xmax,r)Ω .

Consider the arc g: [0, 1] → Ω such that g (0)=xmin and g (1)=xmax. Let t0=0<th=1 be a partition of [0, 1] such that setting xi=g(ti) one has

(3.19) Bxi,r2Bxi+1,r2,i=0,,h1

and where r is such that B(xi, r)⊂Ω.

By Theorem 3.2 we have


which we rewrite in the following form

(3.20) xBx0,r2,u(x)u(xmin)+N0,

where we have set for i=0, ⋅, h


Now inequality (3.20) in particular holds for


and thus

(3.21) infBx1,r2uu(x)u(xmin)+N0.

By applying iteratively Theorem 3.2 we end up with


which completes the proof. □

Remark 3.3

One may wonder what happens if in the construction of Theorem 3.3 we consider a sequence of balls with increasing radius and center converging to a point on the boundary of Ω. For this purpose consider {xn}nNΩ converging to a point x ∈ ∂Ω. Consider balls of center xn and radius rn such that:

  1. B(xn, rn)⊂Ω;

  2. rn<dist(xn,Ω) =dist (xn, x);

  3. B(xn,rn2)B(xn+1,rn+12) .

Applying to this sequence the reasoning carried out in the proof of Theorem 3.3 where x0=xmax, we get


We would get a contradiction if the above series converge. Actually as we are going to see this is not the case. Consider B(xn,rn2) and B(xn+1,rn+12) and let CB(xn,rn2)B(xn+1,rn+12) and D its projection on the segment with endpoints A=xn and B=xn+1. Set AD=ρn, DB=ρn+1, so that considering the triangles ADC and CDB one has rn24ρn2=rn+124ρn+12 , and then


We can apply Kummer’s test to the series with general terms an=rn4+ρna and bn=rn4ρna , a>0 , from which since anan+1=bn+1bn , for all nN , and n=01bn=+ we obtain n=0an=+ . From an<rna we have n=0rna=+ .

4 Towards the Positivity Preserving Property

Next we apply the results so far obtained to prove the strong maximum principle for the biharmonic operator perturbed by the Laplacian for compactly supported data. As we are going to see, here it comes for the first time the restriction on the Euclidean dimension N<4 and the fact that we deal with the solution to a PDE. Precisely, this section is devoted to proving the following

Theorem 4.1

Let ΩRN , N=2, 3 be an open and bounded set, with sufficiently smooth boundary and which enjoys the interior sphere condition. Let uW4,2(Ω)H02(Ω) be a solution to

(4.1) Δ2u(x)γΔu(x)=f(x),xΩ,

where γ>0 , f ∈ L2(Ω), f=0 in Ω and |{x:f(x)>0}|>0 . Moreover, f(x)=0 on Ω∖Ω1, with Ω1 a bounded subset of Ω such that dist(Ω1,Ω)>0 . Then, there exists γ0>0 such that for all γ>γ0 the solution to (4.1) satisfies u(x)>0 , for all x ∈ Ω.

Assuming the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1 we have the following preliminary lemmas:

Lemma 4.1

The following holds true

(4.2) supΩ1u>0.

Proof. By multiplying (4.1) by u and integrating by parts

(4.3) Ω|Δu(x)|2dx+γΩ|u(x)|2dx=Ωf(x)u(x)dxsupΩ1uΩ1f(x)dx

In order to apply the Harnack inequality established in Section 3 we next estimate first order derivatives of the solution to (4.1). Though from one side elliptic regularity yields enough summability, on the other side we need estimates which are uniform with respect to the parameter γ, and for this reason we restrict ourself to dimensions N<4 .

Lemma 4.2

There exists a constant c=c(N)>0 which does not depend on γ in (29) such that


for any t>2 when N=2 and for t=6 when N=3.

Proof. Since u=∇ u=0 on ∂Ω, one has


By Sobolev’s embedding, Poincaré inequality and from (4.3), when N=3 and t=6 we have,


Similarly when N=2 and t=1 we obtain


Proof of Theorem 4.1. Let xmax be an absolute maximum point for u in Ω1 and xmin a local minimum for u in Ω. Set


From (30) of Theorem 3.3, (36) and Lemma 4.2 we have

(4.4) u(xmax)u(xmin)+chrbdΩ[2t(3N)]cΩf(x)u(x)dxaγξ2η(θ1)

where a=ξ(θ1)2η+ξ(p1)2ηp<1 . If supΩ1u1 then we have


The thesis follows as γ is large enough. If supΩ1u<1 , let k>0 be such that ksupΩ1u1 . Set wk(x)≔ ku(x), which satisfies

(4.5) wkW4,2(Ω)H02(Ω)Δ2wk(x)γΔwk(x)=kf(x),xΩ,

Peforming the change of variable x=sy, with s>0 , vk(y)=wk(sy), g(y)=f (sy), ymin=xmins , ymax=xmaxs , we obtain

(4.6) vkW4,2(Ωs)H02(Ωs)Δ2vk(y)γs2Δvk(y)=s4kg(y),yΩs,

where Ωs={y:y=x/s,xΩ} . Next apply (4.4) to the solution of (4.6) to get

(4.7) vkymaxvkymin+chrsbdΩs2t(3N)cΩsg(x)dxavkymaxγξ2η(θ1)kas3a.

With respect to the original variables it reads as follows

(4.8) uxmaxuxmin+chrsbdΩs2t(3N)cΩf(x)dxauxmaxγξ2η(θ1)kas(N+3)a.

Let us now observe that thanks to the interior sphere condition, the number h of balls covering the path from ymax to ymin does not depend on the parameter s. The same happens for the parameter k. Thus we choose the parameter s such that

(4.9) hkasb+[2t(3N)]c+(N+2)a=1,

namely the thesis of the theorem follows for all

(4.10) γ>c2ηξ(θ1)dΩ2ηξ(θ1){[2t(3N)]c+b}Ωf(x)dxa2ηξ(θ1),

and thus γ0 is the right hand side of (4.10) with optimal constant c. When γ=γ0 we just get the weak inequality u=0. □

5 The validity of the strong maximum principle for higher order elliptic operators

In this section we first prove Theorem 1.1 for which we have to remove the restriction to compactly supported data of Theorem 4.1. Then, we will extend the result obtained to polyharmonic operators and to more general uniformly elliptic operators of any even order with constant coefficients.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Consider the following family of sets {Ωm}mN such that for all mN satisfy:

  1. ΩmΩm+1Ωm+1Ω ;

  2. m=1Ωm=Ω ;

  3. xΩ:|{f>0}|>0Ω1Ω1 ;

  4. dist (∂Ωm, ∂Ω) → 0 as m → ∞.

Let χm be the characteristic function of Ωm


and set

(5.1) gm(x):=1S(x)χm(x)m2f(x),xΩ,



converges pointwise on Ω. Moreover, notice that gm ∈ L2(Ω).

Next consider the following problems

(5.2) umW4,2H02(Ω)Δ2um(x)γΔum(x)=gm(x),xΩ,

where by construction gm(x)=0 for x ∈ Ω∖Ωm and thus by Theorem 4.1 there exists γm>0 such that for all γ>γm , one has um(x)>0 , for all x ∈ Ω, mN .

It is crucial here that by (4.9) and (4.10) the parameter γm does not depend on h, namely does not depend on the distance of the maximum point of um from the boundary (recall the proof of Theorem 3.3). Indeed, this prevents γm to blow up and actually remain bounded since from (4.10)


Therefore, for all γ>γ and for all mN one has

(5.3) um(x)>0,xΩ

Finally, we prove that the function

(5.4) v(x)=m=1um(x)

solves the following

(5.5) vW4,2H02(Ω)Δ2v(x)γΔv(x)=f(x),xΩ

and thus by (5.3) we conclude that for all γ>γ and for all x ∈ Ω one has


By uniqueness of the solution to the Dirichlet problem (4.1) the Theorem follows. Hence, it remains to show that vmvW4,2H02(Ω) which is a solution to (5.5).



By Lebesgue’s dominated convergence fm → f in L2(Ω) and notice that vm solves the following

(5.6) vmW4,2H02(Ω)Δ2vm(x)γΔvm(x)=fm(x),xΩ.

Thus for all m, lN we have

(5.7) vmvlW4,2H02(Ω)Δ2vm(x)vl(x)γΔvm(x)vl(x)=fm(x)fl(x)

and multiplying by vmvl and integrating by parts we get


which together with the equation (5.6) yields


Thus {vm} is a Cauchy sequence in W4,2 (Ω) which converges to v ∈ W4,2 (Ω), the solution to (5.5). □

Remark 5.1

Observe that in (5.5) the solution can be normalized dividing the equation by Ωfdx>0 , so that the parameter γ0 identified in (4.10) does not depend effectively on f.

What we have seen so far naturally extends to polyharmonic operators of any order and more in general to uniformly elliptic operators of any even order as established in the following

Corollary 5.1

Let uW2m,2W0m,2(Ω) , m=2 be the solution to the following equation

(5.8) (1)mA2m(D)u(x)γA2(x,D)u(x)=f(x),xΩ,

where f ∈ L2(Ω),




are uniformly elliptic operators on Ω, namely there exist νm>0 and ν1>0 such that for all ξRN and x ∈ Ω


with aαβR and aij(x) ∈ L(Ω). Then, there exists γ0>0 such that for all γ>γ0 one has u(x)>0 for all x ∈ Ω.

Proof. We have to estimate intermediate derivatives of suitable order avoiding the dependance on γ. Multiplying the equation (5.8) by u and integrating by parts we get


By the ellipticity condition and Gårding’s inequality one has


together with Poincaré's inequality


We conclude by the Sobolev embedding theorem as follows:

• If N ⩽ 2(m − 1) one has ∇ u ∈ Lt(Ω), for all t=1 and in particular for t>N and


• If N=2m − 1 one has ∇ u ∈ Lt(Ω) with t=4m − 2 and


where the constant c does not depend on γ.

It is well known from [11] that the positivity preserving property of the ball for polyharmonic operators carries over to small deformations of the ball. Actually on those domains what we have proved yields the positivity preserving property of the γ-perturbed polyharmonic operator for all γ⩾0. For simplicity let us state the result in the case of the biharmonic operator:

Corollary 5.2

Let ΩRN be an open bounded domain such that for all f ∈ L2(Ω) with f=0 and ∣{x ∈ Ω: f(x)=0}∣=0, the solution uW4,2W02,2(Ω) to

(5.9) Δ2u=f

enjoys u(x)>0 , a.e. in Ω. If there exists γ0>0 such that the solution vW4,2W02,2(Ω) to

(5.10) Δ2vγ0Δv=f

enjoys v(x)>0 , a.e. in Ω, then for all γ ∈ [0, γ0] the solution wW4,2W02,2(Ω) to Δ2 wγγ Δwγ=f enjoys wγ(x)>0 , a.e. in Ω.

Proof. Set wτ=τ v + (1−τ) u, γτ=τ γ0, hence Δ2 wτγτ Δwτ=f. For τ=0, wτ is a solution to (5.9) whence for τ=1, wτ enjoys (5.10) and then wτ>0 a.e. in Ω for all τ ∈ [0, 1]. By uniqueness of the Dirichlet problem wτ=wγ and the claim follows. □

From Corollary 5.2 we also have

Corollary 5.3

Let ΩRN be an open bounded domain such that for all f ∈ L2(Ω) with f=0 and ∣{x ∈ Ω: f(x)=0}∣=0, the solution uW4,2W02,2(Ω) to Δ2 u=f enjoys u(x)>0 , a.e. in Ω. Then, if N=2, 3, we have for all γ ∈ [0, +∞) that wγ>0 .

  1. Conflict of interest

    Author’s Statement

    Conflict of interest: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  2. Dedicated to In loving memory of Louis Nirenberg


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Received: 2021-06-06
Accepted: 2021-09-23
Published Online: 2021-11-20

© 2021 Daniele Cassani and Antonio Tarsia, published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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