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Interpretation of Urine Drug Screens
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-07 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.10910
Geeta Nagpal 1 , Heather Heiman 2 , Shannon Haymond 3

A 50-year-old woman with chronic pain and recurrent infections from common variable immunodeficiency presented to a new primary care physician for management of her pain medications. Her pain was related to multiple vertebral fractures due to chronic steroid use for an inflammatory polyarthritis that was not responsive to hydroxychloriquine and methotrexate. Her pain medication regimen (methadone, 20 mg [3×/d]; immediaterelease morphine, 30 mg [5×/d]; gabapentin, 1200 mg [2×/d]; duloxetine, 60 mg/d; and celecoxib, 200 mg [2×/d]) helped her independently complete instrumental activities of daily living. She reported no adverse effects (eg, somnolence or constipation). A comprehensive urine drug screen using immunoassay and mass spectrometry was ordered (Table 1).



一名 50 岁女性患有慢性疼痛和常见变异免疫缺陷引起的反复感染,就诊于一位新的初级保健医生,以管理她的止痛药。由于慢性使用类固醇治疗对羟氯喹和甲氨蝶呤无反应的炎性多关节炎,她的疼痛与多处椎骨骨折有关。她的止痛药方案(美沙酮,20 mg [3×/d];速释吗啡,30 mg [5×/d];加巴喷丁,1200 mg [2×/d];度洛西汀,60 mg/d;塞来昔布,200 mg [2×/d]) 帮助她独立完成日常生活的工具性活动。她报告没有不良反应(例如,嗜睡或便秘)。订购了使用免疫分析和质谱的综合尿液药物筛查(表 1)。