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Three-dimensional piecewise cooperative guidance with smooth switching topology
Aerospace Science and Technology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2024.109181
Shiwei Chen , Wei Wang , Junfang Fan

To investigate the issue of large-scale multi-missile cooperative attacks on a same target, this paper presents a three-dimensional piecewise cooperative guidance law based on smooth switching topology, realizing time consensus and impact angle constraints. Firstly, to implement the piecewise cooperative guidance law design, we establish the attack surface of the arc profile according to the expected LOS angle and the communication switching point, and obtain the virtual impact point (VIP). Secondly, a switching function is designed to ensure the smooth transition of the communication topology, mitigating the chattering issue in existing communication topology switching, while a time consensus protocol control input is implemented to facilitate the time cooperative attack of the missile in the LOS direction. Meanwhile, a fixed-time terminal sliding mode guidance law is established to guarantee the satisfaction of the impact angle constraint at the VIP. Additionally, an adaptive three-dimensional proportional navigation guidance (PNG) law is designed to guarantee zero miss distance at the real impact point (RIP). Finally, simulations involving four missiles attacking stationary targets simultaneously validate the effectiveness and superiority of the piecewise cooperative guidance law.


