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High Prevalence of Unconfirmed Positive HIV PCR Test Results among African Infants with HIV Exposure in the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Consortium
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae251
James G Carlucci 1 , Thomas Huntington 2 , Karl-Günter Technau 3 , Marcel Yotebieng 4 , Valériane Leroy 5 , Kim Anderson 6 , Madeleine Amorissani-Folquet 7 , Kara Wools-Kaloustian 8 , Andrew Edmonds 9

In a large, multi-regional cohort of African infants with HIV exposure, 44% of those with a positive HIV PCR lacked a confirmatory positive test. Efforts are needed to ensure high-fidelity implementation of HIV testing algorithms, so that all positive results are confirmed thereby reducing the risk of potentially false-positive results.


在国际艾滋病评估流行病学数据库 (IeDEA) 联盟中,暴露于 HIV 的非洲婴儿中未经证实的 HIV PCR 检测结果呈阳性的比例很高

在一个大型、多区域的 HIV 暴露非洲婴儿队列中,44% HIV PCR 呈阳性的婴儿缺乏确认性阳性检测。需要努力确保艾滋病毒检测算法的高保真实施,以便确认所有阳性结果,从而降低潜在假阳性结果的风险。