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Quantifying the Time to Administer Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: A Missed Opportunity to Compensate for the Value of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae262
Asher J Schranz 1 , Michael Swartwood 2 , Madison Ponder 3 , Renae Boerneke 2 , Teresa Oosterwyk 2 , Angela Perhac 2 , Claire E Farel 1 , Alan C Kinlaw 4, 5

Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) relies on substantial uncompensated provider time. In this study of a large academic OPAT program, the median amount of unbilled OPAT management time was 27 minutes per week, per OPAT course. These data should inform benchmarks in pursuing novel payment approaches for OPAT.



门诊肠外抗菌治疗 (OPAT) 依赖于大量无偿的医疗服务时间。在这项针对大型学术 OPAT 项目的研究中,每门 OPAT 课程的未计费 OPAT 管理时间中位数为每周 27 分钟。这些数据应该为寻求新的 OPAT 支付方式的基准提供参考。