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Does carbon ETS affect the distribution of labor's slice of the factor income pie? From the low carbon transition perspective
Energy Economics ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2024.107569
Fan Yu , Shilin Zheng , Shuhong Zheng , Chenhao Guo

The carbon emission trading scheme (hereafter ETS) impacts firms' production decisions and promotes them to achieve low-carbon transition. This transition entails the movement of both labor and capital factors and consequently triggers re-distribution of factor income. To analyze the impacts of the carbon ETS on factor income distribution, we first theoretically incorporate carbon emission permit as a new factor into the general equilibrium model, shedding light on the potential mechanism. Utilizing city-level panel data from 2003 to 2019 and employing a staggered difference-in-differences (DID) model, we find that the carbon ETS is inclined to benefit labor at the expense of capital, exhibiting a progressively strengthening dynamic effect. Furthermore, we verify the intra-industry and inter-industry low carbon transition are valid mechanisms. Overall, these findings imply that implementing carbon ETS contributes to increasing the labor share of factor income. This study suggests that market-based climate policies have the potential to mitigate excessive reliance on capital and fossil fuels through low-carbon transition. Furthermore, it offers insights into mitigating the declining trend of labor income share.


