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Collaborative target assignment problem for large-scale UAV swarm based on two-stage greedy auction algorithm
Aerospace Science and Technology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2024.109146
Guihao Wang , Fengmin Wang , Jiahe Wang , Mengzhen Li , Ling Gai , Dachuan Xu

This paper introduces a collaborative allocation model designed for multiple UAVs and diverse targets in maritime combat situations. The model incorporates factors such as distance, angle, interception rate, and recognition rate to comprehensively represent the UAVs' overall damage advantage against targets. Given the complexity of real-world environments and real-time demands, large-scale UAV swarm missions necessitate swift and effective responses. To address this, the paper proposes a Two-Stage Greedy Auction Algorithm, enabling the rapid and efficient completion of cooperative strike tasks within large-scale UAV swarms while preventing deadlock occurrences. In the initial allocation stage, the entropy weight method is utilized to assess task advantages, ensuring a rational allocation criterion for various metrics during the strike process. Subsequently, to enhance the overall effective strike rate within all constraints, a reassignment algorithm is designed based on effective strike benefit indices and the initial assignment result. Simulation results demonstrate the algorithm's quick and stable running time in small-scale and large-scale scenarios.


