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Relationships between pre-service teachers’ self-reported physical activity and their perceptions of physical education in early childhood teacher education
European Physical Education Review ( IF 3.675 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x231225626
Anne Soini 1 , Anthony Watt 2 , Arja Sääkslahti 1

This study aimed to explore the relationships between Finnish early childhood pre-service teachers’ ( N = 274; aged 20–49; 92% female) self-reported physical activity (PA) and perceptions of their own enjoyment of schooltime physical education (PE), self-evaluation of the content of their current PE studies, perceived importance of PE, and perceived competencies in PE. The one-way analysis of variance revealed that pre-service teachers with higher self-reported levels of PA reported higher scores for perceived importance of PE in supporting a child's physical functionality ( p = 0.004), and perceived competencies to support a child's PA ( p = 0.017) and teach PE ( p = 0.023). Results of independent sample t-tests indicated that pre-service teachers meeting daily PA guidelines reported higher scores for enjoyment of schooltime PE ( p = 0.001) and perceived competence to teach PE ( p = 0.001). Findings highlighted that pre-service teachers’ self-reported PA was positively related to their perceptions of PE, supporting the recommendation within early childhood teacher education to encourage pre-service teachers to engage in PA.



本研究旨在探讨芬兰幼儿学前教师(N = 274;年龄 20-49;92% 女性)自我报告的体育活动 (PA) 与他们自己享受校内体育教育 (PE) 的看法之间的关系。 )、对当前体育学习内容的自我评价、对体育重要性的认知以及对体育能力的认知。单向方差分析显示,自报 PA 水平较高的职前教师在感知体育对支持儿童身体机能的重要性 (p = 0.004) 和感知支持儿童 PA 的能力方面得分较高 ( p = 0.017)并教授体育(p = 0.023)。独立样本 t 检验的结果表明,符合每日 PA 指南的职前教师在享受校时体育 (p = 0.001) 和感知体育教学能力 (p = 0.001) 方面得分较高。研究结果强调,职前教师自我报告的 PA 与他们对体育的看法呈正相关,支持幼儿教师教育中鼓励职前教师参与 PA 的建议。