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Preventing hospital falls: feasibility of care workforce redesign to optimise patient falls education
Age and Ageing ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afad250
Meg E Morris 1, 2, 3 , Claire Thwaites 1, 2, 3 , Rosalie Lui 3 , Steven M McPhail 4, 5, 6 , Terry Haines 7 , Debra Kiegaldie 8, 9 , Hazel Heng 10, 11 , Louise Shaw 1, 2, 12 , Susan Hammond 3 , Jonathan P McKercher 1, 2 , Matthew Knight 3 , Leeanne M Carey 13, 14, 15 , Richard Gray 16 , Ron Shorr 17 , Anne-Marie Hill 18, 19

Objective To examine the feasibility of using allied health assistants to deliver patient falls prevention education within 48 h after hospital admission. Design and setting Feasibility study with hospital patients randomly allocated to usual care or usual care plus additional patient falls prevention education delivered by supervised allied health assistants using an evidence-based scripted conversation and educational pamphlet. Participants (i) allied health assistants and (ii) patients admitted to participating hospital wards over a 20-week period. Outcomes (i) feasibility of allied health assistant delivery of patient education; (ii) hospital falls per 1,000 bed days; (iii) injurious falls; (iv) number of falls requiring transfer to an acute medical facility. Results 541 patients participated (median age 81 years); 270 control group and 271 experimental group. Allied health assistants (n = 12) delivered scripted education sessions to 254 patients in the experimental group, 97% within 24 h after admission. There were 32 falls in the control group and 22 in the experimental group. The falls rate was 8.07 falls per 1,000 bed days in the control group and 5.69 falls per 1,000 bed days for the experimental group (incidence rate ratio = 0.66 (95% CI 0.32, 1.36; P = 0.26)). There were 2.02 injurious falls per 1,000 bed days for the control group and 1.03 for the experimental group. Nine falls (7 control, 2 experimental) required transfer to an acute facility. No adverse events were attributable to the experimental group intervention. Conclusions It is feasible and of benefit to supplement usual care with patient education delivered by allied health assistants.



目的探讨使用专职医疗助理在患者入院后 48 小时内对患者进行跌倒预防教育的可行性。设计和设置可行性研究,将医院患者随机分配到常规护理或常规护理加上额外的患者跌倒预防教育,由受监督的专职医疗助理使用基于证据的脚本对话和教育小册子提供。参与者 (i) 专职医疗助理和 (ii) 在 20 周内入住参与医院病房的患者。结果 (i) 联合医疗助理提供患者教育的可行性;(ii) 每 1,000 个床位日住院跌倒次数;(iii) 跌倒受伤;(iv) 需要转移到急症医疗机构的跌倒次数。结果 541 名患者参与(中位年龄 81 岁);270名对照组和271名实验组。联合健康助理 (n = 12) 向实验组的 254 名患者提供了照本宣科的教育课程,其中 97% 在入院后 24 小时内完成。对照组有32人跌倒,实验组有22人跌倒。对照组每 1000 个床位日跌倒 8.07 次,实验组每 1000 个床位日跌倒 5.69 次(发生率比 = 0.66(95% CI 0.32, 1.36;P = 0.26))。对照组每 1000 个床日有 2.02 次伤害性跌倒,实验组有 1.03 次。9 次跌倒(7 次为对照,2 次为实验)需要转移至急救设施。实验组干预没有导致不良事件发生。结论 通过专职医疗助理提供的患者教育来补充常规护理是可行且有益的。