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Impact of dietary inflammatory index on gingival health
Journal of Periodontology ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1002/jper.23-0292
Roberta Andrade Reis 1 , Camila Schmidt Stolf 1 , Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio 2 , Bruna Yhang da Costa Silva 2 , Tuğçe Özlü 3 , Emre Batuhan Kenger 4 , Manuela Maria Vianal Miguel 5 , Mauro Pedrine Santamaria 5, 6 , Mabelle de Freitas Monteiro 1 , Marcio Zaffalon Casati 1 , Renato Corrêa Viana Casarin 1

Periodontal disease is a biofilm-dependent chronic inflammatory condition triggered by a host response. Several factors impact systemic inflammation and could lead to changes in disease pathogenesis. Recently, studies have assessed the influence of nutritional patterns on the development of periodontitis. In the present cross-sectional study, we evaluated the dietary inflammatory profile on periodontal conditions, focusing on clinical, subgingival microbial, and cytokine assessment of individuals with periodontal health or gingivitis.


