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Fourier and the Early Days of Sound Analysis [DSP History]
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-08 , DOI: 10.1109/msp.2023.3297313
Patrick Flandrin 1

Joseph Fourier’s methods (and their variants) are omnipresent in audio signal processing. However, it turns out that the underlying ideas took some time to penetrate the field of sound analysis and that different paths were first followed in the period immediately following Fourier’s pioneering work, with or without reference to him. This illustrates the interplay between mathematics and physics as well as the key role played by instrumentation, with notable inventions by outsiders to academia, such as Rudolph Koenig and Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.


傅立叶和声音分析的早期 [DSP 历史]

约瑟夫·傅里叶的方法(及其变体)在音频信号处理中无处不在。然而,事实证明,基本思想需要一些时间才能渗透到声音分析领域,并且在傅里叶开创性工作之后的时期首先遵循了不同的路径,无论是否参考了他。这说明了数学和物理之间的相互作用以及仪器仪表所发挥的关键作用,其中包括鲁道夫·科尼格 (Rudolph Koenig) 和爱德华·莱昂·斯科特·德·马丁维尔 (Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville) 等学术界局外人的著名发明。