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Audio Signal Processing in the 21st Century: The important outcomes of the past 25 years
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1109/msp.2023.3276171
Gaël Richard 1 , Paris Smaragdis 2 , Sharon Gannot 3 , Patrick A. Naylor 4 , Shoji Makino 5 , Walter Kellermann 6 , Akihiko Sugiyama 7

Audio signal processing has passed many landmarks in its development as a research topic. Many are well known, such as the development of the phonograph in the second half of the 19th century and technology associated with digital telephony that burgeoned in the late 20th century and is still a hot topic in multiple guises. Interestingly, the development of audio technology has been fueled not only by advancements in the capabilities of technology but also by high consumer expectations and customer engagement. From surround sound movie theaters to the latest in-ear devices, people love sound and soon build new audio technology into their daily lives as an essential and expected feature.



音频信号处理作为一个研究课题的发展已经经历了许多里程碑。其中许多是众所周知的,例如 19 世纪下半叶留声机的发展以及 20 世纪末蓬勃发展的数字电话相关技术,并且仍然以多种形式成为热门话题。有趣的是,音频技术的发展不仅受到技术能力进步的推动,还受到消费者的高期望和客户参与度的推动。从环绕声电影院到最新的入耳式设备,人们热爱声音,并很快将新的音频技术作为一项基本且令人期待的功能融入到他们的日常生活中。